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Photography has been an indispensable component of tourism in Western cultures. Whether taken by tourists or by commercial photographers, pictures constitute an important window through which tourist ideology can be analyzed. Drawing on a sample of over 600 post cards issued between 1900 and 1970, this study traces the emergence and widespread adoption of Plains Indian imagery in pictures of Great Lakes Indians. The analysis focuses on some of the ways in which photography and tourism have articulated in reinforcing as well as advancing a stereotyped image of the Indian in the western Great Lakes.  相似文献   

It has always been difficult to model the travel industry because tourism involves such a diverse set of activities. However, various regional decision makers have become increasingly interested in predicting the flows of visitors through their market. Accurate forecasts of the number of tourists' arrivals, their length of stay, and their expenditures improve planning and inventory control. Stochastic time-series models have compared favorably with econometric models at the aggregate level while some naive automatic forecasting tools have fared well in comparison when predicting industry-level behavior. Several approaches have been developed to improve forecast accuracy. This paper presents parsimonious methods of improving accuracy by combining various forecasting techniques. The Box-Jenkins stochastic time-series method is combined with a traditional econometric technique to forecast airline visitors to the State of Florida.  相似文献   

Sunday, Alexander A., “Foreign Travel and Tourism Prices and Demand,” Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. V, No. 2, April/June 1978, pp. 268–273. Using regression analysis and panel data this study estimates the parameter effect of prices on American demand for foreign travel and tourism. Findings suggest that higher air fares generate fewer tourists but greater expenditure per tourist visit.  相似文献   

This study estimated demand functions for tourism by U.S. residents in Mexico border areas, the Mexican interior, and overseas. There was no evidence that U.S. tourists substitute Mexico for more distant destinations as transportation costs rise. Border tourism is income elastic when the share of U.S. income of the border states is held fixed. Tourism in the Mexican interior is also income elastic. Tourism along the border is price elastic, while tourism in the interior is elastic with respect to U.S. and overseas prices but inelastic with respect to Mexican prices. The rise in the share of the Mexican interior in U.S. overseas tourism is not related to price factors. Recent devaluations of the Mexican peso are unlikely to provide benefits to the Mexican tourism industry.  相似文献   

The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe adopted principles which have both direct and indirect impact on travel and tourism. The data for the paper include documentary material, a survey sent to the national travel and tourism bureaus of the participating states, and personal interviews. It is evident that most of the problems encountered in implementing the final act are political, not technical. A separate section is devoted to the discussion of the impact on travel for professional reasons. The overall result of this study points to the fact that progress has been slow and tangible results have been limited.  相似文献   

中国旅游地理学发展历程与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1978年以来,中国旅游地理学研究呈现“理论框架逐渐完善、应用研究不断加强、研究方法更加成熟、新技术应用广泛、多学科综合研究、国际学术交流扩大”等发展特征。基于旅游地理学的最新研究成果与发展态势,结合国家和社会需求,本文探讨了新时期中国旅游地理学需要重点关注的科学议题,包括旅游地域系统时空格局及其演变、差异化自然人文环境下的旅游业发展机制、旅游业生态文明建设与旅游资源保护利用、旅游客流和行为地域规律与新发展格局、旅游业与区域发展的时空关系和制衡机制、中国旅游业高质量发展的地理因素、旅游地域多源信息融合与决策支持系统构建。  相似文献   

Ethnic tourism,the state,and cultural change in Southeast Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
International tourism in Southeast Asia increasingly involves a restructuring of the relationship between the state and local cultures. A typology identifies the roles that culture and ethnicity play in Southeast Asian tourism. Tourism involves the state in new relationships with local cultures—as planner of tourist development, as marketer of cultural meanings, as arbiter of cultural practices displayed to tourists, and as an arena for new forms of politics. The state's role is contradictory and complex, as tourism leads to increased state intervention in local cultures and, at the same time, provides cultural groups with new means of pressing claims against the state.  相似文献   

Factor and reliability analyses were employed in this exploratory attempt to investigate and refine the structure and dimensions of Chinese cultural values (CCVs) in relation to service provision. Based on the results of factor analysis, CCVs could best be conceptualized as a five-component construct that influences the attitude or behavior of employees in providing service. These five factors were identified as follows: Integration 1 (attitude towards work); Integration 2 (attitude towards people); moral discipline; status and relationships; and moderation. The identification of these dimensions has two major implications to human resource development and service management practice in the hospitality and tourism industry. First, Chinese cultural values play a critical role in determining specific interventions, challenges and barriers in service organizational management. Second, given the profound influence of Chinese cultural values on service provision, international tourism and hotel managers, particularly in human resource development, should realize the importance of ensuring that Western management practices are adopted critically in Chinese organizations. Given the limited amount of research on this topic, the findings generated from this study are very important in guiding future research and providing insights into an area that deserves more academic attention.  相似文献   

For many less-developed regions in China, cultural and natural attractions are often used by local governments as regional economic drivers. However, the expectation is that income generated from the direct use of culture and nature will only provide the initial round of working capital to facilitate development of other industrial sectors. One strategy in recent years is to separate government from business operations in these attractions to improve the economic performance of businesses and better conserve cultural and natural resources. This paper examines the impact of these policies on resource-dependent tourism companies (RDTCs) for the period 2003–2012. Data on economic performance are derived from listed companies. It is shown that RDTCs have better performance than other tourism sectors because of their monopoly status on high-quality natural and cultural resources. Yet local governments still have a role in tourism operation. Their involvement tends to lead to the reduction of the economic effects of RDTCs and results in discernible overcrowding at sites, thus resulting in negative ecological consequences. The implications for policy and companies are discussed.  相似文献   

海洋旅游是重要的海洋经济类型,加强海洋旅游相关研究是服务中国海洋强国战略的基础性任务。本研究选取中国学术期刊网络出版总库收录的619篇中文文献为样本,系统分析中国海洋旅游研究脉络。研究发现,1992—2021年中国海洋旅游相关研究成果数量呈“起步探索、陡状攀升、波动回落”的变化特征,经历了以海洋旅游环境要素和资源价值评估为主的资源导向与孕育探索阶段(1992—2002年),以多元议题拓展和集成方法创新并重的产业导向与全面推进阶段(2003—2010年),以及同国家发展需求联系紧密、实践应用不断丰富的战略导向与深化拓展阶段(2011—2021年);研究热点集中在海洋旅游理论内涵与研究范畴、资源开发与评价、社会与经济影响、资源环境与可持续发展、目的地开发与管理等5个方面。立足新时期中国海洋旅游理论发展与实践需求,未来应重视学科交互融合、技术手段集成和数据平台建设,提升理论研究同国家战略驱动、地方现实需求和行业实践发展的适配性,为推动中国海洋旅游高质量发展提供理论与决策指导。  相似文献   

This paper relates global discussions of tourism as a means of development to the history of cultural contacts in the Pacific. The paper reviews the relevance of the existing literature on social and cultural impacts of tourism to the Pacific and suggests implications for policy makers and community leaders. The existing literature is found to be methodologically suspect and does not provide helpful knowledge to policy-makers.  相似文献   

German tourism research is an integral part of landuse and economic planning. This has led to the development and implementation of site attractivity and economic efficiency measures. Attractivity models incorporating a site's natural and artificial features are used to provide a comparative ranking of present and proposed tourist developments. Both cross-sectional and time studies indicate that the development of the tourist sector is not an efficient method whereby regional socio-economic disparties can be reduced.  相似文献   

The nature of market orientation and its impact on business performance and other related outcomes have been extensively researched in a range of service contexts including tourism. In contrast, our understanding of the factors that influence market orientation is still limited. This paper reports on a study that contributes to our understanding of the determinants of market orientation within the tourism sector by focusing specifically on the role played by two strategically important variables, namely government regulation and ownership structure. The study analyses two national samples of hotels and travel services in the rapidly growing tourism industry in China. The hotel sector has been open to foreign investment for two decades and has a diversified ownership structure, whereas the travel services sector has been dominated by government owned firms and relatively closed to foreign investment. The results of the survey suggest that of the two new antecedents, only government regulation has a significant role to play in driving market orientation. Internally, access to appropriate managerial and marketing capabilities was identified as a significant predictor of the development of market orientation.  相似文献   

Input-output techniques are used to assess the role of tourism in the economic diversification in Hong Kong. It is found that, in comparison with domestic manufacturing, the value-added content and labor productivity of tourism are relatively high, and tourism requires very little energy, not many laborers, moderate amounts of capital and appreciable amounts of skills, all of which are ideal in an environment of rocketing energy costs, rising wages, and fast growth with rapid accumulation of capital and skills. Moreover, the shares of tourism in GDP and total employment have been increasing due to decreasing leakage. On the demand side, the growth of tourist exports is more stable than many major commodity exports partly because tourism is less subject to import protectionism. Tourism is thus considered a prime choice in the current economic diversification of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Although tourism has stimulated employment opportunities in many Pacific island nations, some scholars argue that it has been at the expense of individual pride, cultural values and traditional occupations. Few scholars, however, have investigated whether such traditional occupations are actually available to all segments of contemporary Pacific island populations. Detailed examination of the economic options and activities of itinerant handicraft sellers in Tonga suggests that overpopulation and land shortages severely restrict participation in traditional occupations. Handicraft selling is consequently viewed by many Tongans as an immediate source of much needed cash, having low costs for the producer and providing freedom to participate in other socioeconomic and village activities.  相似文献   

The tourism industry in China has undergone rapid development since 1978 and is foreseen as being the world's largest tourism market by 2020. However, no comprehensive review of literature in this context has been completed, and international academics have little understanding of China tourism research. This paper aims to provide an overview of 119 articles selected from six leading English language academic journals published from 1978 to 2008. Content analysis points to the evolving trend in Asian universities in terms of journal contributions. Consumer behavior has gained popularity as a research topic, and will likely remain as a prevalent research theme in the near future. A tendency toward multiple-authorship, rather than single authorship, and more sophisticated methodological procedures has also been found. Future analysis may focus on including other forms of publications and Chinese language journals to capture the full picture of China tourism.  相似文献   

Wine tourism in China is an emerging market. This study addresses two research questions: the product offering and the tourist experience in this market. Findings of an exploratory study using netnography were examined by combining product levels theory and the experience economy model. The resulting proposed theoretical framework identified the status of China's wine tourism market as situated in the infancy stage. Results revealed the core product needed more customers’ involvement, and enrichment of the augmented product, to best position the wine destinations. While, enhancing educational, entertainment, and escapist experiences would benefit the whole experiences and increase future loyalty.  相似文献   

To explain the significant disparity of tourism development across Chinese provinces, this paper conducts a dynamic panel data analysis of tourism development in China using statistical data of Chinese provincial tourism industry for the 2000–2009 periods. The estimated results provide empirical evidence on the relationship between the agglomeration and development of Chinese provincial tourism in firm level. The econometric analysis shows that the tourism density in agglomeration has a positive influence on local tourism development. It appears that the variance of tourism development across Chinese provinces can be explained by the differences in the density of tourism economic activities.  相似文献   

Government interventions can be important for determining priorities between heritage protection and tourism-related development at heritage sites. This paper uses a political economy approach to examine the government’s role in determining these priorities in China, for two heritage schemes at West Lake in the city of Hangzhou. The study considers policy making for heritage protection and tourism development in the context of broad economic and political circumstances, the power and influence of different actors in the schemes’ governance, strategic selectivity in the policy choices, and whether views about the policies exhibited a uniform hegemony among powerful and less influential groups. Consideration is given to how the relative priority for heritage protection and tourism development in policies reflected the state’s regulation of the economy and maintenance of its political legitimacy. A powerful policy community was found that was beginning to consider other actors’ views, but tourism development remained a prominent driver.  相似文献   

建立以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系,是贯彻习近平生态文明思想的重大举措,是党的十九大提出的重大改革任务。有效协调自然保护地保护与开发的功能定位是实现“生态保护、绿色发展、改善民生”三效合一目标的难点与重点。本文围绕如何有效发挥自然保护地生态系统服务功能这一问题框架,系统分析中国自然保护地在生态保护红线划定、旅游发展与文化要素表征3个方面存在的问题与障碍因素,通过政策梳理、学理辨析、国内外对比等研究方法提出以上三方面问题的破题策略。本文认为要建设与国际接轨、具有中国特色的自然保护地体系,需要运用“可接受的改变极限”思想开展红线划定与管控,因地制策、因时制宜、持续监测;需要加大游憩机会谱的研究及应用实践,实现生态保护与旅游发展相得益彰;需要重视自然保护地内文化景观的提炼识别及其表征、传播,重视国家公园文化认同意义表达。  相似文献   

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