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我国全国银行间债券市场于2004年5月20日推出了债券买断式回购业务,但人民银行或财政部都还没有明确规定对该金融创新产品的会计核算办法,为此证监会召集基金托管行和基金管理公司的有关人员召开了关于债券买断式回购会计处理的会议,并通过了该业务的会计处理原则。  相似文献   

2003年上半年银行间债券市场成员间私下的债券买断式回购业务逐渐增多,债券融资效率显著提高,现券市场日趋活跃。本文通过对债券买断式回购交易的举例说明,分析该种交易对损益、税收的影响,并对所面临的风险进行了相应的总结。  相似文献   

买断式回购的推出.对银行来说既是机遇又是挑战。该文主要分析了买断式回购推出引发的新的交易模式、盈利模式及其风险管理问题,并对买断式回购短期内的发展前景作出了预测。  相似文献   

关于买断式债券回购有关问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了买断式回购的功能和法律内涵,并在此基础上对我国银行间债券市场买断式回购的保证金/券的管理、收益率计算、会计处理和税收政策进行了详细分析.买断式回购近一年来的市场表现并不活跃,本文认为主要原因在于会计处理方式不明确,功能不够完善,影响市场成员的参与积极性.本文最后提出了买断式回购下一步的发展建议.  相似文献   

4月17日,中国人民银行颁布了2004年一号令,宣布自5月20日起《全国银行间债券市场债券买断式回购业务管理规定》(以下简称《规定》)正式施行。买断式回购业务在银行间市场正式启动。  相似文献   

本文主要讨论了两种买断式回购——经典回购和卖出/买回的定价原理,因为买断式回购中标的债券所有权的完全转移给交易双方都可能带来便利,为此本文在定价模型中引入了债券便利的概念。在讨论回购价格——利率和标的债券价格确定模式的同时,文章也给出了其它主要交易要素的计算公式。  相似文献   

该文就中国债券市场的创新品种——买断式回购业务进行了相关的研究分析。文章在分析2004年我国推出的债券买断式回购业务的重要意义,以及银行间买断式回购业务与交易所买断式回购业务区别的基础上,对目前买断式回购业务发展的现状进行了介绍,并进一步研究了目前买断式回购业务交易清淡的原因,最后提出了当前活跃买断式回购业务的相关建议。  相似文献   

任彩利 《新金融》1994,(10):45-45
所谓“回购”,就是交易双方先以一定的价格由一方买入,另一方卖出某一特定交易物,然后再按双方约定的价格和时间由原来的买方卖出、卖方买回这一特定交易物的过程。由于售出和购回之间存在时间差异,相应的价格也不同,其中价差就是回购的收益。 债券回购就是将债券作为特定交易物的回购。对于持有大量债券的机构,因价格原因不愿出售其所持债券,又急需大量资金,那么债券回购就是一条很好的途径。  相似文献   

时值管理层酝酿出台买断式回购业务之际,笔者同广大市场成员一样,抱着盼其闪亮登场的期待积极献计献策。本文认为买断式回购业务规则的设定应以该项业务所承载的主要职能为出发点(即控制市场风险前提下活跃市场流动性),而笔者所提的一系列政策建议也正建立在此基础之上。  相似文献   

Sizing Up Repo     
To understand which short‐term debt markets experienced “runs” during the financial crisis, we analyze a novel data set of repurchase agreements (repo), that is, loans between nonbank cash lenders and dealer banks collateralized with securities. Consistent with a run, repo volume backed by private asset‐backed securities falls to near zero in the crisis. However, the reduction is only $182 billion, which is small relative to the stock of private asset‐backed securities as well as the contraction in asset‐backed commercial paper. While the repo contraction is small in aggregate, it disproportionately affected a few dealer banks.  相似文献   

This article provides the causes and symptoms of special repo rates in a competitive market for repurchase agreements. A repo rate is, in effect, an interest rate on loans collateralized by a specific instrument. A “special” is a repo rate significantly below prevailing market riskless interest rates. This article shows that specials can occur when those owning the collateral are inhibited, whether from legal or institutional requirements or from frictional costs, from supplying collateral into repurchase agreements. Specialness increases the equilibrium price for the underlying instrument by the present value of savings in borrowing costs associated with the repo specials.  相似文献   

The repo market has been viewed as a potential source of financial instability since the 2007 to 2009 financial crisis, based in part on findings that margins increased sharply in a segment of this market. This paper provides evidence suggesting that there was no system‐wide run on repo. Using confidential data on tri‐party repo, a major segment of this market, we show that, the level of margins and the amount of funding were surprisingly stable for most borrowers during the crisis. However, we also document a sharp decline in the tri‐party repo funding of Lehman in September 2008.  相似文献   

What is the nature of imperfections in the market for liquidity? Studying bidder level data from European Central Bank (ECB) repo auctions, we find that this market appears to be informationally efficient in the sense that participants do not have private information about future short‐term rates. However, auction allocations affect banks' subsequent behavior in a way that is consistent with a degree of allocational and operational inefficiency. Also, large bidders appear to have better access to the interbank market than small ones. Finally, the evidence suggests that the ECB uses collateral haircuts that do not equilibrate opportunity costs.  相似文献   

Duffie (1996) examines the theoretical impact of repo “specials” on the prices of Treasury securities and concludes that, all else the same, an issue on special will carry a higher price than an otherwise identical issue. We examine this hypothesis and find strong evidence in support of it. We also examine whether the liquidity premium associated with “on-the-run” issues is due to repo specialness and find evidence of a distinct effect. Finally, we investigate whether auction tightness and percentage awarded to dealers are related to subsequent specialness and find that both variables àre generally significant.  相似文献   

选取2015年1月至2017年6月余额宝收益率、银行间7天回购利率及其日内波动、长短期利差,以及沪深300指数和中证全债指数的所有日度数据,采用VAR模型和脉冲响应分析方法研究了余额宝收益率、回购利率及资本市场之间的关系。结果发现:对于余额宝收益率来说,其自身滞后项、回购利率、日内波动及长短期利差的滞后项均对其当期值有显著影响;余额宝收益率的提升会给股市带来正向影响,但是在短期导致了中证全债指数的上涨后,长期却会导致债市下跌。  相似文献   

基于我国国债回购市场的利率预期理论检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在给出利率期限结构预期假说的定义及其推论的基础上,利用单位根和协整检验方法对上交所国债回购市场的利率数据进行了检验,结果表明国债回购利率序列均为一阶单整,由各个国债回购利率所构成的利率系统仅由一个共同的随机趋势驱动,因此得出利率预期假说在我国国债回购市场是有效的结论。本文利用向量误差修正模型对各个国债回购利率的估计结果进一步验证了这一点。  相似文献   

构建顺畅可控的境外人民币回流机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
跨境贸易人民币结算试点以来,境外人民币使用量增长迅猛。从推动人民币国际化、促进人民币境外使用的角度考虑,不仅应鼓励人民币走出去,也应逐步构建顺畅可控的境外人民币回流机制,从而使离岸和在岸人民币市场协调发展。本文通过考察国际主要货币发行国近40年资本账户的资本流入情况,发现开放境内债券市场以及外商直接投资对于境外资本回流具有重大意义。  相似文献   

李彪 《证券市场导报》2007,101(1):61-65
本文在给出利率预期假说理论模型和相关推论的基础上,在误差修正模型框架下采用因子分解技术,将两个利率序列分解成长期记忆成分和短暂成分,并通过将短暂成分对利率价差进行回归,以此来检验回购市场长短期利率价差的预测能力。结果表明,利率价差对去除长期记忆成分后未来利率变化的短暂成分的预测能力显著增强,而对于短期利率序列的纯长期记忆成分的预测能力则很差。  相似文献   

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