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旅行社作为旅游业的三大支柱之一,在旅游业的发展中占有重要地位。近年来,济南市旅行社发展迅速,同时也面临着很大挑战,对此旅行社只有不断地开拓创新,才能提高自身的竞争能力,实现可持续发展。文章分析了济南市旅行社发展面临的问题,从发展观念、人力资源管理、产品和营销四个方面提出了对策,以期为旅行社的发展提供参考,促进旅游业的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

The Sproles Consumer Interest and Priorities questionnaire was administered to 3,036 American home economists, who were pursuing careers in business, in order to develop a profile of the clothing attitudes and activities of that segment of the consumer market who (1) have been enrolled in home economics programmes at the college level, and (2) have been employed in businesses created for profit or associations supported by profit-making companies. Sixty-four per cent (1,950) of the survey forms were returned. A majority of the respondents evidenced a consciousness of clothing styles worn by others, an understanding of the importance of fashionability within social situations, an awareness of personal clothing expenditures and an appreciation for the economic value of home sewing. Application of these principles, however, was individualized, as evidenced by contrasting methods of clothing acquisition, varied willingness to purchase clothing at sales or used clothing establishments, and diverse tendencies toward buying clothing on impulse. Only 22% of the sample perceived themselves to be fashion leaders.  相似文献   

黑龙江省红色旅游整合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁亚利 《北方经贸》2006,(10):110-112
红色旅游是中国特色的旅游产品,在政府的积极引导下迅速发展。文章运用SWOT方法,对黑龙江省发展红色旅游的优势和劣势、机会和威胁进行分析,并在此基础上提出相应的开发和整合策略,旨在为黑龙江红色旅游的发展提出前瞻性的指导。  相似文献   

This paper reports the development and evaluation of a consumer education intervention model for elderly consumers. Data on the consumer decision making patterns of married elderly were analysed to ascertain the correlates of a specialized or syncratic decision pattern. No differences were found relative to the type or intensity of consumer problems. Additionally, no support was observed for a resource theory of consumer decision-making power. T-test and analysis of covariance suggested that the educational model was effective. Suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

江苏对外贸易高速发展中存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、江苏省对外贸易进入高速发展阶段江苏省作为一个经济大省,自从改革开放以来,对外贸易一直保持持续、稳定的高速增长。经过20多年的快速发展,尤其是近五年来的努力,江苏省进一步加强与巩固了贸易大省的地位。从表1的数据来看,江苏省对外贸易发展的历程可以分为三个阶段,目前  相似文献   

刘秀丽 《北方经贸》2004,(9):117-118
民营科技企业的发展 ,不仅需要有良好的外部环境 ,更需要强化企业的内部管理 ,尤其是企业经过了初期的创业成长阶段后 ,企业如何才能持续发展 ,做大做强 ,如何提高自身的竞争力 ,形成自己的核心能力 ,这对企业来说尤为重要。文章探讨了如何从企业内部来提高企业的竞争力 ,以实现企业持续发展的目标。  相似文献   

The relationship between the process of cultural assimilation reflected in the clothing practices of Korean female immigrants and their pre-immigration and post-immigration factors were investigated. This was done by examining the relationships between frequency of wearing western dress over Korean traditional dress, the rate of transition from Korean made dress to American dress, and Korean female immigrants’ pre-immigration and post-immigration factors. The data were collected from 219 Korean female immigrants in Chicago during the summer of 1978. The regression analysis revealed that the frequency of usage of western dress over Korean traditional dress was more significantly related to the pre-immigration factors than the post-immigration factors. The transition from Korean made dress to American dress was found to be more significantly related to the post-immigration factors than the pre-immigration factors. This finding suggests that the sudden change of cultural environment has a definite impact on the abandonment of Korean traditional dress and transition from Korean made western dress to American dress. The finding also leads to the conclusion that the usage of traditional dress is more affected by the nature of occasions, special versus non-special, than the difference of social contacts between Korean and American.  相似文献   

李田香  张辉 《北方经贸》2002,(10):53-55
作者从风险投资机构 (风险投资者 )的角度 ,阐述了风险资本在其循环过程的四个环节中存在的问题 ,并提出相应的对策 ,旨在促进风险投资业的健康发展 ,在中国建立一个繁荣且规范的风险投资业。  相似文献   

A Clothing and Textile course is described which provided a transition from classroom education to the world of work, improved students’ interpersonal skills and assisted in helping women students establish identities as professional people. In addition, the experience described demonstrates how concepts and skills from a large number of other courses are integrated when a specific real-life clothing problem must be solved. Through an on-campus experience, twenty-eight jackets for the Washington State University Men's Ski Team were designed and produced. Students were organized into a design team and a management team. The design team designed the jacket to meet the requirements of the ski team, made the the patterns, fitted the basic shells, reworked the pattern, wrote the assembly instructions and determined the most efficient layout. The management team investigated and purchased the materials and equipment needed, including a Babylock serger, determined jacket cost, organized and conducted meetings with the clients, and wrote the contract. All students participated in the construction of the jackets, a process organized as a factory assembly line. Students were enthusiastic about this practical opportunity to apply design and management principles and the chance to work with others towards a common goal. The approach used with this class is applicable to numerous functional clothing design problems.  相似文献   

随着加入WTO ,我国面临的竞争将更加激烈 ,因此 ,必须加快产业结构调整的步伐。实现产业结构调整、升级的关键就是通过技术创新 ,用高科技改造传统产业 ,实现高科技产业化和产业结构的高加工度化和高技术化。从我国产业结构中存在的主要问题分析阻碍我国产业结构调整的因素 ,并针对以上因素 ,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

结合工商市场管理业务信息流的研究 ,提出并开发实现了一种适用于工商市场管理的计算机网络应用系统 ,实现了利用计算机网络及数据库技术对文件、数据和报表等信息的存储、查询、传递以及计算等处理功能 ,为“金管”工程信息自动化管理提供了一种有效的途径。  相似文献   

上海各类开发区及国家级经济技术开发区现状上海现有41个开发区,开发区规划总面积527平方公里,已开发面积362平方公里。其中国家级开发区16个,包括国家级经济技术开发区4个、海关监管开发区8个、高新产业区2个、金融贸易区1个、旅游度假区1个。还有市级开发区25个。  相似文献   

我国工程建设监理工作是自20世纪80年代开始,在总结历史经验教训的基础上,建筑市场借鉴国外先进管理模式的产物,它改变了过去那种自行设计、自行施工、自行管理的模式,而代之以业主,设计,监理,施工相对独立、相对专业的  相似文献   

鲁蓓丽 《国际市场》2011,(10):68-72
电子商务是网络化的新型经济活动,是现代服务业的重要形式之一,是上海创新商贸业发展方式、提升贸易功能能级、拓展国际国内两个市场、推动内外贸融合的有效手段,加快国际贸易中心建设的重要抓手。电子商务已逐步成为全球新经济的重要组成部分,提高国际竞争力的必然选择。上海市在电子商务发展上,为全国领先。作为国际金融贸易中心的上海,以将电子商务的发展纳入了上海  相似文献   

伴随电子商务飞速发展,个人网店越来越多,但成功开展网络营销的却很少。本文在对个人网店界定的基础上,分析了个人网店网络营销存在的问题,提出了个人网店网络营销发展对策。  相似文献   

本文论述了市场经济条件下企业市场营销策略的主要内容,并在此基础上着重分析了现代企业营销离不开市场信息的开发利用。  相似文献   

本文分析了天津商贸流通领域电子商务发展现状,包括现实基础和面临的问题,借鉴国内外电子商务发展经验,结合天津商贸流通领域电子商务建设,提出了若干发展建议。“十二五”期间,商贸流通领域电子商务的快速发展,必将在创新商务模式、降低商务成本、整合商务资源、开拓市场、健全产业链、带动创业就业等方面发挥作用,促进发展方式转变,从而实现经济社会又好又快发展。  相似文献   

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