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2012年3月29日起,李先生在家里上网时就出现了故障,开始认为是家中电脑中病毒所致,后经杀毒和检查线路都没有发现问题。4月7日,李先生打电话与中国联通客服热线10010联系,请求帮助。在电话里话务员并没有说是哪里出现了问题,只说24小时内会派人员维修。但截至4月8日9点,中国联通都没解决问题,只说会催促维修人员。等到下午14点左右,李先生又打电话方知,原来是中国  相似文献   

出生于水乡小城的我,高中毕业后只身来到城市。当时的我没有可倚靠的关系,对于前程忧心忡忡,自己一无文凭、二无特长、三无家庭背景,如何在社会上为自己争得一席之地,开创自己的事业呢?我想首先得做个完善的计划,提高自己的文化修养、自身素质后再求发展,这也是毫无背景的我唯一可行的途径。来到省城,落脚在亲戚家里(省城有远房亲戚)。第一件事,我没有急于找工作,而是报名参加了电脑培训班。无疑,现代都市对于电脑的需求越来越大,掌握了电脑就等于为自己向上铺了一个台阶。空余时间我就泡在图书馆里如饥似渴地阅读。晚上,我报名参加了成人高考补习班,争取拿个本科文凭增加自己的“含金量”。电脑培训一结束,正赶上中国电信114查号台招聘话务员,其中便有熟练操作电脑的要求。我去参加了面试,招聘40位员工,却来了200人报名,真可  相似文献   

刘涌涛 《价值工程》2011,30(5):188-189
随着时代的发展,科技的进步,电脑的普及,设计领域也迎来了一个新的时代。电脑为艺术设计带来了全新的视觉体验,同时也为艺术设计注入了新鲜的血液。电脑技术需要服从于艺术形式,艺术表现形式需要电脑的技术支持和帮助,两方面互补统一才能充分表现出这一全新的艺术形式的特点和优势。  相似文献   

电脑音乐制作技术是科学技术与音乐艺术发展相结合的产物,实施电脑音乐制作教学无论从社会需求和时代要求的角度来看,都是十分紧迫和艰巨的任务。文章基于此对电脑音乐制作的软件及音乐制作系统在专业音乐教育领域的优势进行了分析。  相似文献   

郭颖 《中外企业家》2012,(8):147+166
随着社会经济的不断发展,在21世纪的今天,电脑、网络技术的广泛应用改变了人们的生活方式、工作方式和学习方式,也改变了教学方式。使用电脑的多媒体技术改变了传统的以黑板和粉笔为主的教学方式,视听形声结合的现代化高效率的教学方式,已经成为时代和社会的迫切要求。  相似文献   

电脑平面设计就是用一些特殊的操作来处理一些已经数字化的图像的过程,是集电脑技术、数字技术和艺术创意于一体的综合内容。新手入门需要掌握一定的知识与技巧。本文主要探讨初学者如何学习电脑平面设计。  相似文献   

徐敏 《价值工程》2011,30(2):281-281
随着世界的发展,社会的需求,电脑音乐制作技术是科学技术与音乐艺术发展相结合的产物,实施电脑音乐制作教学无论从社会需求和时代要求的角度来看,都是十分紧迫和艰巨的任务。本文对于电脑音乐制作的软件及教学课程改革都简单的进行了分析。  相似文献   

电脑的信息录入目前主要靠键盘,如果你的手指或手腕受伤了怎么办,是否就会因此被方兴未艾的信息技术革命给遗忘?答案是否定的。美国惠普公司将推出的一种无键键盘电脑,使你能继续使用电脑,充分享受信息技术革命给你带来的一切好处。 专家们预测,语音输入技术可能需要10年至20年才能完全成熟。因此在语音输入技术成熟前,需要一种替代技术,使不能用手打字的人也能充分利用电脑。 作为世界最大电脑制造商之一的惠普公司和发明无键键盘的奥比塔奇公司  相似文献   

自去年以来,江苏省姜堰市消协多次接到消费者对城区部分热线电话声讯台的投诉,投诉内容大致为:一些热线电话台利用假招工、假中奖、假交友等手段,诱惑消费者拨打热线电话,从中骗取高额话费。骗术一:假招工。今年3月,家住姜堰城区的孙某看到一则广告,内容是:“急聘话务员3名,男女不限”,广告上还留下了联系电话。孙某想,自己虽是一名下岗职工,但下岗前曾从事过话务员工作,不妨试试看。于是,孙某拨通了热线电话,当孙某询问对方需要什么条件时,那位小姐不是要孙某读文章,就是要孙某提供详细家庭情况……经过长时间的交谈,孙…  相似文献   

重庆航天电脑传感技术公司是重庆市高新技术开发区所属的高新技术企业,主要从事电脑与传感技术,电子称重与测力技术、办公与管理自动化技术、检测与电脑自控技术及非电量电测技术等的研究及其相应智能化仪表、机电一体化新产品的开发。  相似文献   

随着近几十年中国的经济发展和电子科技水平的进步,传统的秤砣称和普通电子计量称已经无法满足人们对特殊物体称重的需求。为了满足人们对特殊物体的精准称量,我们对传统电子秤进行改良,设计出一款便携式的语音计量勺,该设计最终可实现准确称重、语音播报、便于携带等功能。  相似文献   

早期有线通信技术传递信号的强度较弱且信息安全指数较低,导致用户重要信息被窃取,造成了重大的经济损失。随着通信行业的技术进步,无线通信模式得到广泛运用,语音信息隐藏技术作为无线通信的新技术,不仅实现了数据信息的安全、高效传输,也促进了智能电网的有序构建。文章分析了无线通信技术的优点,重点阐述了信息隐藏技术的运用状况。  相似文献   

金欣 《价值工程》2010,29(24):201-201
主动语态和被动语态具有不同的句式结构,在语篇中选择主动语态还是选择被动语态必然会带来不同的结果。本文简要比较和分析一下英语主动语态与被动语态语篇功能。  相似文献   

Employees' voice is conceptualized as a necessary condition for organizational success. A model of employee voice is proposed that encompasses employee predispositions, receptivity to employee voice in the microstructure, and affirmative norms for voice in the societal macrostructure. The model was examined by testing the hypothesis that subordinates' satisfaction will be greater when corporate conditions are receptive to employee voice and when the organization is perceived to be committed both to quality in product and quality of employees' work life. a study with 150 employees from a variety of organizations is reported. The results produced rather strong support for the research hypothesis.  相似文献   

Foreign-owned firms help to disseminate management practices across UK companies; this includes the ability of indigenous firms to learn improved human resource management (HRM) practices from leading foreign companies. Analysing the transfer of HRM policies forms an important strand of the international HRM and comparative capitalisms literatures; however, large-scale, comparative studies of voice patterns in German, US and, in particular, French subsidiaries in the UK are limited. This paper draws on a major survey that includes the, to date, largest sample of French MNC subsidiaries. It does not simply identify the existence of different kinds of voice mechanisms, but examines how these different practices come together in the implementation of subsidiaries' voice policies. This enables the detection of subtle, but important, differences in the subsidiaries' voice practices. French subsidiaries are significantly less likely to pursue a partnership approach to voice than their German and US counterparts. French and US establishments are significantly more likely to adopt a ‘bleak house’ approach than German ones. Importantly, these key differences only emerge at a fine-grained level of analysis that examines how subsidiaries implement voice practices.  相似文献   

Employer‐sponsored voice practices (ESVPs) are a tool used by human resource management to increase voice behavior and fulfill legal requirements for employee participation and consultation. Conceptual papers question the usefulness of ESVPs, arguing that they may promote selective expression at work in the way that employees who use ESVPs suggest work‐related process improvements (i.e., promotive voice) but still remain silent about issues that disturb smooth cooperation (i.e., cooperative silence). Prior research that treated voice and silence as being mutually exclusive cannot clarify how using ESVPs relates to voice and silence and under which conditions these links are particularly strong. Drawing from an employee survey in a UK branch of a multinational technology company, we apply a differentiated approach that treats voice and silence as separate behaviors and considers their specific motivators. Results from structural equation modeling show that even though employees use ESVPs and engage in voice, silence may still linger as a potential threat to performance and well‐being. Moreover, moderator analyses revealed that affective attachment to the organization increased and job engagement decreased the occurrence of this potentially dangerous coincidence. Our findings provide evidence for the usefulness of more differentiated approaches to employee voice and silence and indicate that factors that facilitate voice, be they formal procedures or pro‐organizational attitudes, might not suffice to overcome silence at work. We close with a discussion on ways to facilitate voice while reducing silence at the same time. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

吴关杰 《价值工程》2014,(7):216-217
文章通过对移动语音网IP化改造背景和移动网网络现状的分析,提出移动语音网IP化改造最终目标、总体原则,并探讨具体的改造步骤,旨在丰富现代移动通信网络架构,提高通信质量,使移动网络科技发展成果惠及广大民众。  相似文献   


Little is known about the role of gender in employee voice which is a particular research gap in feminised industries such as residential aged care. This article employs a multiple case study method to examine employee voice in residential aged care in New Zealand. It investigates the role of ‘embedded’ voice mechanisms, with a focus on informal voice and managerial agency as well as the impact of the external environment on organisational voice. This article questions the role of voice in maintaining low wages in residential aged care; and what role gender has in the embeddedness of voice. It finds that managerial agency is important at an organisational level, but that gender regimes influence institutional forces that have a greater influence on employee voice.  相似文献   

Industrial relations research that has examined the effects of collective voice on employee absenteeism through traditional exit-voice analyses suffers from a number of important theoretical and empirical limitations. The research is limited theoretically in that the framework used cannot discretely classify absenteeism as a form of either exit or voice. This inability reflects a larger problem with the exit-voice framework’s lack of adequate attention to the conditions under which collective voice mechanisms fail and the consequences of such failure for the behavior of industrial relations actors. Exit-voice studies of absenteeism have important methodological problems, particularly in the way absenteeism and voice criteria have been operationalized. These defects in the literature can be addressed through the integration of behavioral theory and research on such topics as absenteeism, exit, voice, loyalty and neglect, and the literature on organizational justice.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the secular decline in union voice in the UK cannot be fully explained without understanding the role of employers in choosing and modifying voice regimes. The paper presents a model of employee voice; the model assumes regimes are chosen by firms on the basis of positive net benefits, and that once adopted there are switching costs associated with changing regimes. The paper presents data from WERS, which is then analysed in terms of the model. We find a rise in voice regimes that do not include unions (i.e. the growth of so-called non-union voice) and a clear decline in voice regimes involving unions, particularly union-only voice. Ecological factors (i.e. new entrants and the demise of older workplaces) are primary in explaining the rise in non-union voice, whereas the shift to dual forms of voice (made up of union and non-union regimes side by side) was primarily the result of switches undertaken by union only workplaces as early as the 1950s.  相似文献   

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