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试论团队建设与团队文化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章阐述了团队建设与团队文化的内涵以及二者之间的相互关系,指出团队文化贯穿于团队建设的始终,好的团队建设能够形成好的团队文化,而好的团队文化能够提高团队绩效,促进团队目标的达成。团队建设和团队文化建设不能照搬西方模式,应当尊重本国和本地区的传统文化,并注意结合企业自身实际。  相似文献   

办公室是企业各种组织和中枢的要害部位,对办公室人员素质有较高的要求。基于多年的工作经验,应以独具特色的文化引领员工,倾心"四力"塑造精干高效服务型优秀办公室团队。  相似文献   

文章在介绍组织文化、职业化团队的基本概念与特征的基础上,从组织文化对职业化团队建设的作用角度出发,对影响职业化团队建设的组织文化因素进行了重点分析,并就这些文化因素如何对职业化团队建设产生积极作用提出了进一步的建议与措施.  相似文献   

随着高等教育改革的进一步深化,民办高等教育在我国高等教育的作用和地位日益显著.民办高校的发展正在由以扩大规模为主要特点的外延式发展,转向以提高教学质量为特点的内涵式发展.而提高教学质量的关键就是建设优秀的教学团队.本文主要从当前民办高校优秀教学团队建设的必要性、现状及存在问题方面出发,探讨民办高校优秀教学团队建设的对策建议.  相似文献   

刘遇 《江苏商论》2008,(6):138-139
建设科研创新团队成为高校提升科研实力的重要举措,不少科研创新团队存在结构松散、人际关系紧张等问题。高校管理者必须完善制度,积极引导团队成员摆脱各种消极影响,促进科研创新团队的健康发展。  相似文献   

2004年以来,《销售与市场》多次提出了人员管理、营销组织的创新之道,其关于“业务员时代的终结”与“让平凡的人做出不平凡的业绩”的说法,让业界为之一振的同时,也面临着新的课题。这里,特组织团队管理专题,试图从实操层面给出一些具体的方法。  相似文献   

随着社会分工越来越细化,个人单打独斗的时代已结束,那么如何打造一个强大的团队来完成各项工作,便越来越被企业、各事业团体等组织所重视。团队作为一种先进的组织形态,一种新的管理思想和模式有助于更充分发挥成员的才能,是组织提高运行效率的可行方式。本文将从构建团队、管理团队及团队文化三方面进行分析。  相似文献   

薛杨  刘珂睿 《商》2013,(4):41-42
企业文化在我国兴起于20世纪80年代中期,不少企业特别是一些传统的老企业对于企业文化的认识处于模糊阶段,但是随着市场经济的日益发展和企业之间竞争的日渐激励,越来越多的企业逐渐意识到,企业文化不仅是企业建立并保持长久核心竞争力的重要因素之一,同时也是一个企业成败的关键。大型企业的部门或科室也开始了特色团队文化建设的步伐,在整体的企业文化理念的引导下,把部门员工的智慧集中起来,充分发挥员工的能动性、主动性和创造性,发掘企业员工在各项工作中的真知灼见,形成激发企业蓬勃发展的不竭动力。本文从企业文化建设的重要性谈起,通过分析呼叫中心的特点,指出呼叫中心开展特色团队文化建设的重要性及其取得的成效。  相似文献   

巴基斯坦N-J项目部在项目管理过程中,把团队打造和文化建设作为推动项目发展的软实力和实现项目部核心价值的载体,在实践中形成了独特的项目团队精神和文化,推动了项目生产经营管理目标的实现.阐述了巴基斯坦NJ项目部在团队打造和文化建设方面的实践活动,论述了文化建设在项目管理中所发挥的重要作用.  相似文献   

优秀团队建设的相关问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄志良 《现代商业》2008,(18):79-80
在市场经济竞争愈来愈激烈的环境中,企业为了谋求生存及发展空间,其进行的组织重整形式多种多样。当前,全球化的市场环境条件下,企业与企业的竞争某种情况下已转变成团队与团队之间的竞争。可见,建设一支优秀的团队对于企业来说显得尤其重要。团队是依据现代组织理论中的行为学派的有关指导原则而在企业中实施应用的一种新型组织形式。那么,为何要构建团队?畅述团队的重要性,如何较好地建设一个优秀团队呢?如此诸多问题至今仍困扰着企业,也成了企业发展壮大过程中不得不重视的问题。  相似文献   

Within the growing body of Chinese entrepreneurship literature, guanxi is increasingly recognized as an important indigenous Chinese business practice with important implications for firm performance and success. Guanxi is defined as relationship or connection. China’s continued economic growth and forecasts of it becoming one of the world’s largest consumer markets present multinational corporations and foreign entrepreneurs alike with unprecedented economic opportunities. Thus, greater insight is required into how foreign entrepreneurs, as outsiders, establish and develop close guanxi relationships. Conceptualizing guanxi as a dynamic process, this paper explores the underlying interactions and processes foreign entrepreneurs engage in to establish and build a strong emotional connection and trust with their closest guanxi partner. Using an exploratory single case study approach, data from 15 foreign entrepreneurs operating legally registered small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in Shanghai was collected and analyzed. In addition, self-administered structured questionnaires that utilize the McAllister trust scale were used to measure 20 foreign entrepreneurs’ levels of cognitive and affective trust toward their closest guanxi partner. Overall, the findings of the study provide an in-depth understanding of the complex interplay and functioning of third-party and anticipatory bases. In so doing, the study’s outsider perspective addresses a critical gap in the literature that yields initial yet important insights that contribute to a better understanding and appreciation of the inherent nuances and differences in relationship-building processes in cross-cultural settings. Furthermore, these findings bring to the fore the need to consider the ways in which this indigenous Chinese business practice may be evolving in the face of increasing internationalization.  相似文献   

This research examined the extent to which different promotional frames increased perceptions of deal value. Price discounts dominate the sales promotions employed by marketers. The framing literature suggests discounts have robust positive effects on consumer perceptions of deal value. However, the current research showed that negative quality inferences moderated discount framing effects and undermined deal value, particularly when no assurance of product quality was provided. Every-day-low-price offers were also vulnerable to negative quality inferences, while free gift frames maintained quality perceptions and increased deal value. Product trial acted to further magnify promotional framing effects, according to a confirmation bias. These findings were consistent with an attribute framing mechanism.  相似文献   

19世纪,在蒸汽机火车的带动下,人类实现了一场交通和工业的革命;20世纪,石油和内燃机汽车则促成了许多国家的经济腾飞,使他们一跃成为工业强国;21世纪,以氢能汽车为代表的氢能经济有望成为人类解决能源和环境危机,实现可持续发展的理想途径。但是这个理想究竟离我们有多远……  相似文献   

The study aims to examine the effects of message sequencing on attitudinal responses, namely on the effects of rational to emotional and emotional to rational message sequences on consumer attitudes toward the corporate and product brand. A between-subjects experiment was conducted using a stratified random sample. Participants were exposed to advertisements that communicate marketing messages either in a rational to emotional sequence or in an emotional to rational sequence for a product advertised by an organization. All attitudinal responses to the corporate and product brand were collected through a questionnaire that was given at the end of the experiment. The findings suggest advertisements that communicate marketing messages in an emotional to rational sequence produced more favorable attitudes toward the product brand among consumers as compared to advertisements that communicate in a rational to emotional sequence. However, no significant differences were found on consumer attitudes toward the corporate brand. These results remain true regardless of gender.  相似文献   

We compare the effectiveness of three visual types of cause-related marketing ads (product-oriented vs. cause-focused with an image of the beneficiary's face- vs. cause-focused with an image of the social cause), along with two moderators: product type and gender differences. In Study 1, the results of an eye-tracking experiment show that a product-oriented ad leads to a longer fixation duration than does a cause-focused ad. Females process the ads faster than do males, regardless of visual type. A cause-focused ad for a hedonic product results in a shorter fixation duration when an image of the beneficiary's face is used than when an image of the social cause is used. The opposite results are observed for a utilitarian product. Gender differences enhance such differences in ad processing. Study 2 is conducted to validate the arguments for the hypotheses proposed in Study 1. We find that using a cause-focused image vs. a product-oriented image impacts the effectiveness of the ad since consumers process these different visual types of ads differently.  相似文献   

胡海卿  黎静 《大经贸》2002,(5):50-53
何芳文(肇庆):与时俱进的台商 初见到何芳文先生时,他正很客气地在为参加此次交流会的肇庆团部分代表送行,几天来,这些新来乍到的受邀台商已成为了何的好朋友,这从他们道别时留恋之情中看得出来.  相似文献   

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