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土地开发整理的发展趋势 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
土地开发整理过程,也是对土地利用方式的再组织和再优化过程,是一项涉及自然、生态、技术、经济、社会等因素构成的复杂系统,是经济社会发展的内在要求,也是建设新农村,实现城镇化、工业化的一项基础工作. 相似文献
土地开发整理需要新思维 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
总结近年来土地开发整理实践,我们发现基层土地开发整理项目实施和管理中存在一些突出问题,应采取切实可行的办法加以解决。——对开发整理重要性认识不足,“等”“、靠”思想严重,仅满足于从上至下被动申报和实施。与水利、农业、交通等部门项目相比,土地开发整理项目起步较晚 相似文献
江苏省大丰市国土资源局以全面质量管理为重点,坚持严格程序、精细管理、强化监督的基本原则,不断提升土地开发整理水平,取得显著成效.今年以来,大丰市实施土地整理项目30个,总面积8858.02公顷,新增耕地1590.15公顷. 相似文献
山东省临沂市以科学规划为龙头,以投入机制为保障,以制度创新为动力,政府管理与市场运作相结合,田、水、路、林、村综合治理,土地开发整理工作取得了显著成效。自2002年以来,全市实施国家和省、市、县四级土地整理项目1000余个,开发整理复垦土地120余万亩,新增耕地30余万亩,确保了全市耕地总量动态平衡和耕地占补平衡。新华社于2004年12月14日在“国内动态清样”(第3761期)以“临沂通过土地开发整理增加耕地促农民增收”为题报道了该市的土地开发整理工作情况。针对地貌进行科学规划临沂市土地总面积1.72万平方公里,地形地貌类型多样,既有层… 相似文献
土地开发整理应以基本农田整理为重点 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
当前,我国土地开发整理战略重点定位不准确,影响了土地开发整理项目实施的实际效果。各地在申报和实施土地开发整理项目时,对完成项目新增耕地数量这个硬任务都很重视,但对质量问题重视不够,认为是个软指标,需要进行科学分析研究和评价,这项工作很费劲。也有的地方因为耕地后备 相似文献
土地开发整理规划编制探讨 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
我国人口众多而可利用的国土面积相对有限,随着国民经济迅速发展,人地矛盾日益突出,开展土地开发整理工作成为时代的必然要求。总结国内外土地管理的先进经验,土地开发整理尤其是土地整理工作,是促进土地资源利用方式由粗放型向集约型转变的重要手段,对实现土地资源的合理、高效利用意义重大。为引导土地开发整理工作有秩序、有步骤地合理开展,国土资源部颁布了《土地开发整理规划编制规程》以规范土地开发整理规划编制,避免土地开发整理工作的盲目性与随意性。本文结合现阶段土地开发整理规划编制工作实践,尝试就土地开发整理专项… 相似文献
全国及兵团土地开发整理工作的基本态势。土地开发整理工作是我国国地资源管理工作的一个重要组成部分,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步完善,党的十六大提出了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,确立了实施可持续发展战略,走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路,实现经济和人口、资源、环境的协调发展。党的十六届三中全会明确提出要实行最严格的耕地保持制度,保证国家粮食安全。这些都为我们从事土地开发整理工作的部门和同志提出 相似文献
广东土地开发整理产业化调研 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目前,人们对土地开发整理产业化还没有一个统一的认识和明确的概念。近日,笔者就此问题在广东省进行调研。结合调研情况,我们认为,土地开发整理产业化大体可概括为:通过加大投入,提高土地资源的综合整治和优化配置的力度,实现土地资源开发整理专业化、市场化和社会化,促进土地资源产业从投入、规划设计、项目实施到后期项目建设的监督管理全过程的一体化,形成投入、产出的良性循环机制,提高土地资源的集约利用程度,充分发挥社会、经济、生态三大综合效益。土地开发整理产业化是提高土地利用水平的有效途径我国土地资源利用粗放,… 相似文献
从近几年国土资源部公布的土地统计数据来看,不少省(区、市)都实现了耕地的占补平衡。然而笔者认为,从实际情况来看,一些地方的土地统计数据并不能全面真实地反映当地耕地的变化情况,在这些地方统计数据的背后,都不同程度地存在着耕地隐性流失问题。耕地隐性流失具体表现在两个方面:数量方面的隐性流失。一部分减少的耕地未能按土地变更调查的要求及时地进行变更、统计,而是被漏报、瞒报了,导致这部分耕地减少的事实被掩盖,造成耕地统计面积与现状面积不符。漏报情况在农民建房、开挖塘坝、退耕还林等方面表现得较为突出,具有点多、面广、数… 相似文献
以河南省为研究区,对不同年份的土地利用数据进行分类系统整合,在此基础上,对河南省1996~2009年土地利用类型进行了对比分析,分析得出耕地、城镇村及工矿用地、林地、交通运输用地面积在增加,园地、草地、水域及水利设施用地、其它土地面积在减少,在各类土地类型转换中,林地是变化最为激烈的土地利用类型,其次是其它土地,变化最稳定的地类是交通运输用地,其次是耕地。 相似文献
土地征用、农地直接入市与土地资源优化配置 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
比较利益是土地资源在农用和非农用之间配置的根本。作为资源配置手段,市场机制和政府决定土地边际净收益,进而决定土地资源配置,同时,作为一种不合意的选择,市场和政府都有可能出现失灵,从而引发土地资源的低效配置。我国土地征用垄断非农建设用地市场导致严重的政府失灵,是我国土地资源配置效率低下的首要原因。农地直接入市调整了市场主体行为,使农地和非农建设用地边际净收益的实现得到改善。但是,与农地直接入市如影相随的市场失灵以及我国目前青黄不接的集体非农建设用地制度体系,都使这种制度改善与社会决策的最优状态仍然存在差距。要切实实现土地资源社会最优配置,就必须在理顺国家经济关系的同时,采取诸如深化集体经济组织改革、完善农地直接入市配套法律法规、改变政府参与方式等措施。 相似文献
蔡平 《国土与自然资源研究》2005,(4):42-43
经济发展与生态环境的协调发展已成为当今世界各国共同关注的话题,因而有必要对经济与生态环境协调发展进行研究;试图以此为切点分析经济与生态环境协调发展失衡的原因,进而提出经济与生态环境协调发展的对策。 相似文献
Data on land use change in the UK and its constituent nations is variable in scope and quality, but has improved in recent years. It shows that the popular image of cities spreading across the countryside is a false one. In fact most new housing is built within existing settlements or in small rural developments, whilst more crop and grazing land has been turned over to woodland in the past 25 years than into housing. It also shows that market forces, taxes and subsidies have a rapid effect on land use decisions by developers, farmers and others, for example on what type of housing to build, what crops to grow and whether to turn farmland into woodland. 相似文献
《Land use policy》1987,4(2):96-101
In the mid-1950s a team of research workers from Durham University's geography department carried out a detailed agricultural land use survey of the Maltese Islands. Since then Malta has gained political independence, although the economic distortions associated with the colonial period have not yet come to an end. This article looks at Maltese agricultural land use and reassesses it against the background of changes which have occurred in Malta 's political and economic status. 相似文献
David Sneath 《Oxford Development Studies》2013,41(4):441-459
This paper describes the economic policies that have transformed the pastoral sector in post-socialist Mongolia, and their impact on pastoral land use. These policies reflect the influence of development economists from the Asian Development Bank who have been advising the Mongolian government, and their conviction that exclusive private rights to land are a necessary precondition of an efficient rural market economy. These assumptions stand in marked contrast to indigenous Mongolian conceptions of rights over land, and the policy debate reflects the contested nature of knowledge of the Mongolian environment. However, far from preventing damage to the resource base, evidence suggests that these policies of land allocations may actually be exacerbating problems of pasture degradation. This paper argues that policies of this kind reveal a misunderstanding of the nature of Mongolian pastoralism and the conditions that have made it viable in the past. Although international development agencies lionize a romanticized notion of Mongolian “traditions” as reflecting a “respect for nature”, there is little appreciation of the actual institutions that successfully conducted pastoralism until recently, the concrete embodiment of Mongolian pastoral knowledge. Environmentalist agendas reflect a familiar western interest in promoting western conservationist ideology and establishing and expanding protected areas to harbour wildlife and biodiversity. Mongolian practices tend to be cast as “traditions” to be utilized for the greater goal of conservation as conceived of in western terms, rather than seen as part of wider social and political institutions of land use. 相似文献
This paper reviews the relationships between land use and climate change. It explores how land use decisions will be affected by future changes in the climate, but also the feedbacks from land use change to the global climate system through greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes. Past changes in land use were characterised by decreasing areas of agricultural use and increasing areas of forested and urbanised land. This has led to UK land use being a net sink for GHGs, mostly due to forestation. However, existing forests have on average passed their age for maximum net removals of carbon from the atmosphere. In the next decade at least, net removals from UK forests are likely to decrease significantly.Longer term scenarios of future land use change are consistent in their expectation of further declines in the agricultural area used for food production – offset to some extent by increased bioenergy cropping – along with increases in forested and urban areas. These trends are broadly consistent with the observed past land use change, but are calculated from various assumptions about future changes in drivers rather than by extrapolation from the past. Socio-economic and technological changes are likely to be the most important drivers for land use, with climate change having a smaller influence. The land use changes represented in these scenarios would likely reduce GHG emissions and enhance carbon sinks. These trends would be reinforced by small future changes in the climate, but large climatic changes are likely to cause net GHG fluxes to switch from being a sink to a source. Land use change will also be moderated by potential policy goals that seek to reduce GHG emissions from land and/or increase the size of land-based sinks. This includes strategies to reduce carbon and nitrogen emissions through increased efficiency, afforestation and biofuel production. 相似文献