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Arbitrage-tree pricing of American options on bonds in one-factor dynamic term structure models is investigated. We re-derive a general decomposition result which states that the American bond option premium can be split into the value of an otherwise equivalent European option and anearly exercise premium. This extends earlier work on American equity options by e.g. Kim (1990), Jamshidian (1992) and Carr, Jarrow, and Myneni (1992) and parallels recent work by Jamshidian (1991, 1992, 1993) and Chesney, Elliott, and Gibson (1993). We examine a Gaussian class of special cases in some detail and provide a variety of numerical valuation results.An earlier version of the paper was entitled American Bond Option Pricing in One-Factor Spot Interest Rate Models.I am grateful for many helpful comments from two anonymous referees, the participants of the Second Nordic Symposium on Contingent Claims Analysis in Finance held in Bergen, Norway in May of 1994 and from the participants of the EIASM Doctoral Tutorial held in connection with the 1994 EFA annual meeting in Bruxelles. I am particularly indebted to Krishna Ramaswamy for his help and advice during my stay as visiting doctoral fellow at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Financial support from the Aarhus University Research Foundation (Grants # E-1994-SAM-1-1-72 & E-1995-SAM-1-59), the Danish Social Science Research Council, and the Danish Research Academy is gratefully acknowledged. All errors and omissions are my own.  相似文献   

This paper derives analytical solutions for arbitrage-free bond yields when the short-term interest rate follows an autoregressive process with the intercept switching endogenously. This process from the SETAR family is especially suited to capture the near-unit-root behaviour typically observed in the evolution of short-term interest rates. The derived yield functions, mapping the one-month rate into n-period yields, exhibit a convex/concave shape to the left and right of the threshold value, respectively, a pattern which is also found in US bond yield data. The longer the time to maturity, the more distinct the nonlinearity of the yield function becomes.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a one-factor model of financial markets using a class of Gaussian process that can be decomposed into a Brownian motion and an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process. It is shown that this “hybrid” process is obtained as a continuous-time scaling limit of the differenced first-order autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA(1,1,1)) process. Parameter estimations using an ARIMA(1,1,1) framework and its variance ratio test show the accuracy of the proposed model. Construction of the one-factor commodity futures price model is presented as an application. A multidimensional extension of the hybrid process is also presented in the Appendix.  相似文献   

We propose a general one-factor model for the term structure of interest rates which based upon a model for the short rate. The dynamics of the short rate is described by an appropriate function of a time-changed Wiener process. The model allows for perfect fitting of given term structure of interest rates and volatilities, as well as for mean reversion. Moreover, every type of distribution of the short rate can be achieved, in particular, the distribution can be concentrated on an interval. The model includes several popular models such as the generalized Vasicek (or Hull-White) model, the Black-Derman-Toy, Black-Karasinski model, and others. There is a unified numerical approach to the general model based on a simple lattice approximation which, in particular, can be chosen as a binomial or -nomial lattice with branching probabilities .  相似文献   

Abstract. We consider a diffusion type model for the short rate, where the drift and diffusion parameters are modulated by an underlying Markov process. The underlying Markov process is assumed to have a stochastic differential driven by Wiener processes and a marked point process. The model for the short rate thus falls within the category of hidden Markov models.  相似文献   

Using a dynamic semiparametric factor model (DSFM) we investigate the term structure of interest rates. The proposed methodology is applied to monthly interest rates for four southern European countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain from the introduction of the Euro to the recent European sovereign-debt crisis. Analyzing this extraordinary period, we compare our approach with the standard market method – dynamic Nelson–Siegel model. Our findings show that two nonparametric factors capture the spatial structure of the yield curve for each of the bond markets separately. We attributed both factors to the slope of the yield curve. For panel term structure data, three nonparametric factors are necessary to explain 95% variation. The estimated factor loadings are unit root processes and reveal high persistency. In comparison with the benchmark model, the DSFM technique shows superior short-term forecasting in times of financial distress.  相似文献   

Within an affine model of the term structure of interest rates, where bond yields get driven by observable and unobservable macroeconomic factors, parameter restrictions help identify the effects of monetary policy and other structural disturbances on output, inflation, and interest rates and decompose movements in long-term rates into terms attributable to changing expected future short rates versus risk premia. When estimated, the model highlights a broad range of channels through which monetary policy affects risk premia and the economy, risk premia affect monetary policy and the economy, and the economy affects monetary policy and risk premia.  相似文献   

This paper applies a new identification approach to estimate the contemporaneous relation between the term structure and monetary policy within a VAR framework. To achieve identification, we combine high-frequency Treasury futures and fed funds futures data with the VAR methodology. Results indicate that policy actions have a slope effect in the yield curve. We also find that the Fed responds to Treasury yields and that this response is stronger for the short and intermediate rates and less aggressive for long-yields. All estimated parameters are significant and robust to various model specifications.  相似文献   

We propose a Nelson–Siegel type interest rate term structure model where the underlying yield factors follow autoregressive processes with stochastic volatility. The factor volatilities parsimoniously capture risk inherent to the term structure and are associated with the time-varying uncertainty of the yield curve’s level, slope and curvature. Estimating the model based on US government bond yields applying Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques we find that the factor volatilities follow highly persistent processes. We show that yield factors and factor volatilities are closely related to macroeconomic state variables as well as the conditional variances thereof.  相似文献   

We consider the Merton problem of optimal portfolio choice when the traded instruments are the set of zero-coupon bonds. Working within a Markovian Heath–Jarrow–Morton model of the interest rate term structure driven by an infinite-dimensional Wiener process, we give sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of an optimal trading strategy. When there is uniqueness, we provide a characterization of the optimal portfolio as a sum of mutual funds. Furthermore, we show that a Gauss–Markov random field model proposed by Kennedy [Math. Financ. 4, 247–258(1994)] can be treated in this framework, and explicitly calculate the optimal portfolio. We show that the optimal portfolio in this case can be identified with the discontinuities of a certain function of the market parameters.  相似文献   

One-factor Markov models are widely used by practitioners for pricing financial options. Their simplicity facilitates their calibration to the intial conditions and permits fast computer Implementations. Nevertheless, the danger remains that such models behave unrealistically, if the calibration of the volatility is not properly done. Here, we study a lognormal process and investigate how to specify the volatility constraints in such a way that the term structure of volatility at future times, as implied by the short rate process, has a realistic and stable shape. However, the drifting down of the volatility term structure is unavoidable. As a result, there is a tendency to underestimate option prices.  相似文献   

Interest rate futures are basic securities and at the same time highly liquid traded objects. Despite this observation, most models of the term structure of interest rate assume forward rates as primary elements. The processes of futures prices are therefore endogenously determined in these models. In addition, in these models hedging strategies are based on forward and/or spot contracts and only to a limited extent on futures contracts. Inspired by the market model approach of forward rates by Miltersen, Sandmann, and Sondermann (J Finance 52(1); 409–430, 1997), the starting point of this paper is a model of futures prices. Using, as the input to the model, the prices of futures on interest related assets new no-arbitrage restrictions on the volatility structure are derived. Moreover, these restrictions turn out to prevent an application of a market model based on futures prices.  相似文献   

We investigate here the sensitivity of the equity values of a large sample of German financial institutions to movements in the term structure of interest rates. While similar approaches rely on a single interest rate factor only, we quantify the exposure to changes in level, slope, and curvature, which are the driving factors of term structure changes. Our main findings are: (i) banks and insurances are exposed to level and curvature changes but only marginally to slope movements; (ii) the interest rate risk exposure depends on the banking sector investigated; (iii) level and curvature changes are priced in the cross-section of stock returns.
Marco WilkensEmail:

We develop an unobserved component model in which the short‐term interest rate is composed of a stochastic trend and a stationary cycle. Using the Nelson–Siegel model of the yield curve as inspiration, we estimate an extremely parsimonious state‐space model of interest rates across time and maturity. The time‐series process suggests a specific functional form for the yield curve. We use the Kalman filter to estimate the time‐series process jointly with observed yield curves, greatly improving empirical identification. Our stochastic process generates a three‐factor model for the term structure. At the estimated parameters, trend and slope factors matter while the third factor is empirically unimportant. Our baseline model fits the yield curve well. Model generated estimates of uncertainty are positively correlated with estimated term premia. An extension of the model with regime switching identifies a high‐variance regime and a low‐variance regime, where the high‐variance regime occurs rarely after the mid‐1980s. The term premium is higher, and more so for yields of short maturities, in the high‐variance regime than in the low‐variance regime. The estimation results support our model as a simple and yet reliable framework for modeling the term structure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an arbitrage-free international macro-finance model that links the exchange rate dynamics to macroeconomic fundamentals. Jointly using data on exchange rates, yields of zero-coupon bonds, and macroeconomic variables of the US and the Euro area, we find a close link between macroeconomic fundamentals and the exchange rate dynamics. The model-implied monthly exchange rate changes can explain about 57% variation of the observed data. The macroeconomic innovations can help capture large variation of exchange rate changes. Robustness checks show that the results also hold for other major exchange rates.  相似文献   

This article investigates the dynamic linkages between the estimated parameters of a zero coupon yield curve and macroeconomic variables like inflation, gross domestic product growth in the presence of a monetary policy indicator in India for the period July 1997 to February 2004. The study finds that there exists strong causality from financial factors, defined by three parameters of the yield curves (‘Level’, ‘Slope’, ‘Curvature’) to macroeconomic factors; growth, inflation and monetary policy indicators (changes in the call money rate). However, the causality in the opposite direction is found to be weaker. It is found that theyield and macro factors do not cause each other before the launch of a liquidity adjustment facility, so the evidence of causality from financial to macroeconomic factors can be attributed to the introduction of a liquidity adjustment facility in June 2000. The causality from yield factors to macro factors is primarily driven by the fact that the ‘changes in level’ of yield curve brings an impact on inflation through the changes in monetary policy. This finding suggests that monetary policy plays a key role in driving the causality. This also implies that the indirect instrument of monetary policy mechanism is becoming increasingly important to influence the aggregate demand in the economy.  相似文献   

According to Harvey (1988) , the forecasting ability of the term spread on economic growth is due to the fact that interest rates reflect investors' expectations about the future economic situation when deciding their plans for consumption and investment. Past literature has used ex post data on output or consumption growth as proxies for their expected value. In this paper, we employ a direct measure of economic agents' expectations, the Economic Sentiment Indicator elaborated by the European Commission, to test this hypothesis. Our results indicate that a linear combination of European yield spreads explains a surprising 93.7\% of the variability of the Economic Sentiment Indicator. This ability of yield spreads to capture economic agent expectations may be the actual reason for the predictive power of yield spreads about future business cycle.  相似文献   

Generalizing Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1979), this paper defines the stochastic duration of a bond in a general multi-factor diffusion model as the time to maturity of the zero-coupon bond with the same relative volatility as the bond. Important general properties of the stochastic duration measure are derived analytically, and the stochastic duration is studied in detail in various well-known models. It is also demonstrated by analytical arguments and numerical examples that the price of a European option on a coupon bond (and, hence, of a European swaption) can be approximated very accurately by a multiple of the price of a European option on a zero-coupon bond with a time to maturity equal to the stochastic duration of the coupon bond. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a methodology for simultaneously computing a smooth estimator of the term structure of interest rates and economically justified bounds for it. It unifies existing estimation procedures that apply regression, smoothing and linear programming methods. Our methodology adjusts for possibly asymmetric transaction costs. Various regression and smoothing techniques have been suggested for estimating the term structure. They focus on what functional form to choose or which measure of smoothness to maximize, mostly neglecting the discussion of the appropriate measure of fit. Arbitrage theory provides insight into how small the pricing error will be and in which sense, depending on the structure of transaction costs. We prove a general result relating the minimal pricing error one incurs in pricing all bonds with one term structure to the maximal arbitrage profit one can achieve with restricted portfolios.  相似文献   

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