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通过橡胶杂质检测整个过程进行不确定度评定分析,找出不确定度的来源,给出此次测定的不确定度评定结果。  相似文献   

通过对出口无铅汽油中MTBE含量测定结果不确定度分量的分析和量化,得出被测量结果的标准不确定度和扩展不确定度;在95%置信水平下(包含因子k=2),MTBE含量的扩展不确定度U=2×0.018%=0.036%,MTBE含量的测定结果为(3.69土0.036)%.  相似文献   

蒋楠 《粮食流通技术》2017,(13):111-114
本文通过分析酱中食盐的测量过程,分析实验中不确定的来源,确定不确定度分量并评定,从而确认影响酱中食盐含量测量过程中的最大不确定度分量。  相似文献   

医院临床中血压计在测量时受到多种因素的影响,会引起测量过程中的不确定度。本文主要介绍血压计测量相关的概念、测量过程,并通过建立数学模型来对其不确定度进行评定。  相似文献   

通过对15件市售速冻水饺为样本进行菌落总数检验,采用合并样本标准差的统计方法评定样本的菌落总数检验不确定度。本次实验的扩展不确定度为0.08410通过对实验结果进行了表述,表明菌落总数检测结果分散性较大时宜采用对数平均值作为测试结果进行评定。  相似文献   

运用X荧光光谱分析法测定锰矿石中锰含量,更快速、准确,高效.本文通过对实验过程中使用的标准物质、实验设备以及生成校正曲线等方面的研究,建立不确定度计算模型,对实验中涉及到的各方面因素进行不确定度的评估,用以讨论该实验方法存在的优点和问题,并对实验步骤的改进提出建议,以期实验结果的准确性.  相似文献   

采用a类和b类相结合的评定方法,从概述、数学模型、标准不确定度分量评定、合成标准不确定度计算、扩展不确定度确定、测量结果与不确定度表示等六个方面评定心电监护仪电压测量不确定度.  相似文献   

[目的]全面评定分光光度法不正确定度来源.[方法]采用分光光度法测定水中微量铁,并对测量结果进行不确定度的评定和说明.[结果]测量结果:0.606mg/L;测量扩展不确定度:0.036mg/L(K=2).[结论]标准曲线拟合引入的不确定度分量是不确定度分量中最大的,因此降低该分量对降低该方法测量不确定度效果最明显.  相似文献   

按照GB/T 23383-2009利用反相高效液相色谱法对肉制品中双乙酸钠含量进行分析,建立数学模型,对测量结果的不确定度来源如标准物质、校准工作曲线、样品处理、回收率等各不确定度分量进行分析评定及量化。按数学模型计算得肉制品中双乙酸钠含量为0.460g/kg时,本方法的标准不确定度为0.022g/kg,扩展不确定度为0.044g/kg,最终结果的不确定度主要由样品溶液中双乙酸钠含量和样品处理过程产生。  相似文献   

依据GB/T 5009.6-2003《食品中脂肪的测定》建立了数学模型,对面包中脂肪含量进行不确定度评定,建立了不确定度评定程序和方法。通过评定找出了影响面包中脂肪含量测定的主要因素,并对结果进行了讨论,评定程序和方法适用于同类型试验的不确定度评定。  相似文献   

The authors explore situations where consumers supplement their judgments with a measurement of uncertainty about their own preferences, either implicitly or explicitly, and develop two sets of hierarchical Bayesian conjoint models incorporating such measurements. The first set of models uses the relative location of a rating to determine the importance or weight given to the rating, in a regression setting. The second set uses interval judgment as a dependent variable in a regression setting. After specifying the models, the authors perform a theoretical comparison with a basic Bayesian regression model. They show that, under different conditions, the proposed models will yield more precise individual-level partworth estimates. Two simulated data examples and data from a conjoint study are used to illustrate the gains that could be obtained from modeling uncertainty. In the empirical application, the authors show that model fit improves when ratings for items that respondents do not like are given more weight compared to ratings for items that they do like. Electronic Supplementary Material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
John C. LiechtyEmail:

针对卫星发射入轨段遥外测多种不等精度、不同类型的测轨数据放在一起定轨时的合理加权问题,采用基于微分轨道改进基本原理,推导得到适用于不同类测轨数据联合定轨的动力学条件方程,提出了依据不同测量数据均方差确定该测量元素对应的动力学条件方程权重的方法。仿真验算和实战数据检验表明,该方法充分发挥了分布于各种测轨数据中的高精度测元的作用,融合后的定轨精度得到显著提高。  相似文献   

Uncertainty is central to entrepreneurship; however robust and generalizable findings that explain the conditions in which uncertainty may impede [or promote] entrepreneurial action remain elusive. We operationalize uncertainty as a multi-dimensional construct composed of state, effect, and response types of uncertainty (Milliken, 1987) to investigate the relationship between uncertainty and entrepreneurial action. We decompose more than 2800 exploitation decision policies nested within a sample of new product decision-makers working in entrepreneurial software firms. We focus on the primary decision-maker's willingness to exploit a given opportunity in the face of varying combinations and manifestations of uncertainty and find that the type of uncertainty experienced influences the willingness to engage in entrepreneurial action differently. Further, we find that differences in how each type of uncertainty is manifested in the environment, the scale of exploitation (i.e. large vs. small), and the entrepreneur's expertise serve to moderate the relationship between uncertainty and action in counter-intuitive ways. We discuss the implications for both theory and practice.  相似文献   

Positive uncertainty refers to uncertainty surrounding an anticipated positive outcome. It provides consumers with the opportunity to imagine and speculate on a product's or experience's potentially positive characteristics. Research has shown that when uncertainty is associated with something positive, consumers may prefer uncertainty to certainty. In a between-subjects experimental design with a large US (n = 446) and Japanese sample (n = 453), the present study demonstrates that positive uncertainty increases consumers’ positive feelings when they evaluate a product, particularly for high-involvement products that allow consumers to imagine and speculate about potentially positive product benefits. Unexpectedly, the study findings are consistent across the two different markets, which vary substantially in terms of consumers’ level of uncertainty avoidance. Specifically, results show that future-framed advertisements are effective in generating positive uncertainty and that positive uncertainty generates positive attitudes, both in countries scoring high (Japan) and low (USA) on uncertainty avoidance.  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of home country uncertainty on the internationalization-performance relationship of emerging market firms. Building on organizational learning theory and the institutional approach, we argue that internationalization has a positive impact on the performance of emerging market firms, and that this relationship is strengthened for firms based in emerging countries with higher corruption and political risk. The reason is that by being exposed to high levels of home country uncertainty in the form of political risk and corruption, firms develop an uncertainty management capability at home that helps them face the challenges of internationalization better. We also propose that this uncertainty management capability helps emerging market firms perform better outside of their home region. We test our arguments on a sample of 536 firms from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Peru.  相似文献   

[目的]建立纺织品甲醛含量试剂盒检验方法。[方法]采用纳米TiO2显色络合技术,制作不同甲醛含量显色比对图谱,通过比较颜色深浅可快速确定所检验纺织品是否含有甲醛及是否符合标准限量要求。[结果]该项目研制的便携式快速测试复合试剂盒及配套仪器,灵敏度高,检出限较低。[结论]该方法操作便捷,适用于纺织品生产经营企业、质检部门对纺织品甲醛项目的现场快速检测。  相似文献   

Ethics in the face of uncertainty: judgement not rules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Studies in marketing often involve application of multi-item scales to measure latent constructs. Once the psychometric properties of a scale have been assessed, responses to individual scale items are often summed to form a composite score, which then is compared across groups by performing statistical tests such as a t test. In this note, we draw researchers?? attention to an often overlooked fact that the t test is attenuated by imperfect measures. As a solution, we propose the disattenuated t statistic and discuss how it would increase accuracy of estimates and affect decisions in the marketing discipline.  相似文献   

2008年对中国来说是多事之秋。在持续多年的高速上涨之后,中国经济面临正常的调整,其标志就是楼市与股市的调整。而中国经济所处的环境也在发生深刻的变化,一些不利因素接踵而来。国内,雪灾、地震突然而至,对经济造成一定冲击;国际上,由于美元贬值直接导致了石油、铁矿石、大米等资源性产品价格飙升,次级债危机引发了世界范围内的金融动荡。这一切直接导致了中国CPI的大幅上升,促使中国几度加息,收紧银根,前几年较为宽松的经济环境趋紧,企业感到了压力。此外,在北京奥运对经济的大幅推动之后,如何在2008年下半年实现平稳过渡也是一个考验。  相似文献   

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