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在省、地委的正确领导和有关部门的大力支持下,我县于去年十月全面铺开了农业区划工作。全县共抽一百七十四人,组成十五个专业组,对我县农业自然资源进行了详查,总结建国以来农业生产的经验教训,分析农业的现状,提出了农业发展的方向、途径和措施。到今年七月,这项工作已基本告一段落,编写了怀化县综合农业区划报告和十七篇专业报告,搞了五十一种主要农作物适应性的调查,总结了四十一个典型经验,并按区划的要求编制了三十一幅农业区划图和各种表格汇集。在搞县级区划的同时,我们还结合搞了各公社粗线条的类型区划。最近,进行了检查验收,达到了标准。现作汇报。  相似文献   

在你出生的时候,你爸头脑发热,拿出家里所有的积蓄,又向生产大队透支了一笔钱,托了好几层亲戚关系,在市里买来了全村的第一台电视机。还好,以后的几年实行了家庭联产承包,又搞了大包干,粮食一年比一年增产,手里慢慢宽裕了。要不,还得过上几年苦日子呢。  相似文献   

正"时间虽短,收获颇丰,学到了新知识,开阔了新视野,接受了新理念,结交了新朋友,增添了新资源,获取了新信息,找到了新目标"。这是福建省龙岩市新型职业农民的心声,也是"龙岩模式"带给农民的巨大变化。2012年开始,龙岩市在全国率先实施新型职业农民培育工程。四年来,龙岩坚持"改‘培训’为‘培育’,  相似文献   

江苏省无锡锡山区东北塘镇梓旺村农民王东明在过去的十几年中,饲养了20多头奶牛,一直是当地名声很响的养牛专业户。去年,村里为减少养殖奶牛带来的污染,启动了建设农民安置小区的工程,王东明只好处置了奶牛。但如今,他已成功办起了一家机械设备厂,完成了漂亮的“转身”,收入也更高了。  相似文献   

几千年来,中国人都在做着一个"粮食梦"。这个梦就是"吃了,吃饱了,吃好了。"几千年来,这个梦深深地印在中国人的心里,以至于人们见面打招呼不论什么时间都问"吃了吗?"几千年来,中国人为了实现"吃了,吃饱了"的"粮食梦",孜孜以求,直到21世纪初才基本实现了这个梦想,并继续为实现"吃好了"的梦想而努力着。  相似文献   

当前,县级农村经济发展规划在全国较为普遍地展开,并取得了丰富的经验。进行较早的县已取得了较显著的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。规划的方法,除传统的方法之外,还采用了系统工程的方法,有的地区还应用模糊数学、灰色理论等进行了探索,并取得了可喜的成果。这些都使自然资源调查和农业区划工作向纵深、向生产社会经济系统迈进了一大步,进入了一个新的更高的层次。  相似文献   

本文论述了五普在1986年队伍面临生存危机的情况下,积极开拓地质市场,先后在决策指挥、经营管理、劳动制度、队伍激励等方面进行了改革,逐步建立起了一个与地质市场相适应的内部经营机制。尽管很不完善,还遇到了许多实际困难。但是,内部经营机制变革,提高了队伍整体素质,赢得了信誉,扩大了地质市场领域,促进了生产发展,提高了经济效益。使五普在改革中崛起,在竞争中生存和发展。  相似文献   

当前农地流转中的主要问题及对策--以成都平原为例   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
农地流转优化了农村土地资源配置,增加了农民收入,巩固和完善了土地家庭承包经营制度,产生了积极有效的社会效益和经济效益。但是,当前农用地流转还存在着许多问题,有待进一步规范与完善。本文以成都平原为例,分析了当前农用地流转中存在的问题,提出了相应的对策措施。  相似文献   

中国农业六十年的发展和三十年的巨变见证了改革的成就和政策的影响。改革前的三十年,农业发展走过了许多弯路。1978年以来的三十年,土地制度改革极大地提高了农民生产积极性,提高了土地和劳动生产率;农业技术进步显著促进了农产品单产的提高,使农业综合生产能力稳步增长;市场化改革和对外开放为农产品市场化建立了坚实的基础,提高了资源配置效率,促进了农业生产结构调整和优化。  相似文献   

我国是一个人口众多的国家,国以民为本,民以食为天。粮食生产和粮食安全是非常重要的。在耕地面积有限,粮食单产短期内难以大幅提高的情况下,稳定和提高粮食生产的最重要因素是种粮的积极性问题。1983年我国97%的农村实行了“联产承包责任制”,有力的促进了粮食生产,基本解决了一个人口大国的吃饭问题。近几年来,国家出台了一系列惠农政策,减免了农民的土地使用税,增加了农业的各项直补,促进了农业生产和农村经济的发展,保证了国家粮食的安全。  相似文献   

内部控制是企业为保证各项业务活动的有效进行,确保资产的安全完整,防止欺诈和舞弊行为,实现经营管理目标等而制定和实施的一系列具有控制职能的方法,措施和程序。阐述现阶段大兴安岭地区林业企业内部控制中存在的内部控制内容不够完善、内部控制的方法落后、内部控制制度的执行不力等方面的问题。提出通过提高大兴安岭地区林业企业工作人员的素质,完善林业企业内部控制制度的内容、更新和丰富内部控制的方法及加强内部控制执行力度等措施,促进大兴安岭地区林业经济的发展。  相似文献   

In Turkey, 99.9 % of the forest land belongs to the state, and according to the Turkish Constitution, the ownership of the state forests cannot be transferred to private parties or other non-state organizations. However, some permits have been granted to use and benefit from the state forests without transferring the ownership. One such is the private afforestation permit. Private afforestation aims to increase forest lands and the growing stock, to re-establish the deteriorating balance between soil, water, and plants, to improve the environmental value, and to provide income to natural entities. This study aims to identify the legal and administrative regulation dimensions of the land use policy on private afforestation in Turkey and to compare them with other successful international afforestation policies.The second part of this paper is a case study on the impact of the legal changes over time in private afforestation in the sample area. Interviews were conducted with participants in the program using questions addressing the socio-economic and cultural benefits of private afforestation along with their afforestation practices and problems. The overall conclusion of this survey was that private afforestation practice had contributed to the income level of the participants. Further, to increase the participation in the program, more public awareness was necessary and incentives to participate must be increased.  相似文献   

实现土地利用方式由粗放型向集约型的转变,是转型期山东省土地利用战略的关键。主要措施包括:以市场为导向调整用地结构,发展高效生态农业,实现土地的多元化利用;加强土地整理复垦,改造中低产田,提高农业生产的抗灾害能力和粮食保障水平;积极推进城镇化,优化城镇空间结构,提高城镇土地产出率;制定科学可行的土地利用规划、城镇及城镇体系规划;建立与市场经济体制相适应的土地资源管理体系。  相似文献   

该文以内蒙古自治区阿荣旗为研究对象,应用生态农业理论与工业发展理念相结合,对研究区农业发展历程、现状及存在的问题进行剖析,并提出了研究区未来农业发展的模式是充分利用现有丰富的农牧业资源,推进农业综合开发,通过山上建绿色银行,川地建优质粮仓,草地秸秆养牛羊,培育壮大乳、肉、豆、薯、玉米五大主导产业,做优做强制种、白瓜籽、柞蚕、林果、大鹅五大特色产业,全力实施富民兴旗工程建设,转变农业生产经营方式,推进农牧业产业化经营,构建农业持续发展和农民持续增收的长效机制。  相似文献   

通过对巴伐利亚州园林协会的系统调研,可以看出:协会是全州范围内从事苗圃、墓地园艺、灌木园艺、观赏植物等生产经营活动的、多种不同类型的园林企业自愿加入的具有经济协会和雇主协会双重功能的协会组织;协会承担对外沟通交流与对内业务培训、咨询、研讨等多样性职责;协会设有常务理事会、理事会、会员代表大会和会员大会健全的机关;协会和其他相关机构密切合作,既可互为会员又可相互代表;协会将近1000名分散的会员组织起来,代表其政治经济利益,形成聚集优势,享受优惠服务,降低企业成本,创造新的优势,获得协同效应,提高行业知名度,促进行业发展。这对中国农民专业合作经济组织和农业协会的发展具有重要参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

The sub-Saharan Africa challenge programme is designed to address the problems of failures of agricultural markets, inappropriate policies and natural resource degradation, that contribute to the continuing deterioration of livelihoods and food security in the region. It is seeking to do this by redefining the roles of scientists and farmers through collaborative learning processes, addressing questions about the level, timing, type and formof participation, as well as themost effective approaches andmethods to foster them. The research domains of the programme deal with sustainable intensification of smallholder agriculture, the sustainable management of natural resources, the development of efficient markets, and the promotion of enabling policies. One question that was addressed in designing the initiative was deciding where to work so as to maximize the chances of successful testing of this new approach, so that it would lead to significant reductions of rural poverty. A participatory process was put in place to design a framework to accomplish this site selection, and then to apply it in west, east and southern Africa. A mixture of spatial data analysis and expert knowledge on spatial and non-spatial factors was used, and one primary site in each region was identified to form the basis for the next phase of the challenge programme. Several lessons were learnt from the process, including the importance of adapting themethods to actual conditions, the increased utility of targetting when the quantitative and the qualitative are freely combined, and the continued need for baseline spatial and non-spatial data to improve the targeting of research in the future that is designed to alleviate poverty in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

在当代中国社会政治经济发展中,保证政府权力在法律范围内行政,以保障公民之正当权益,加强人权保障和救济,具有重要意义。鉴于当前行政执法在人权保障问题方面还存在不少问题,行政法制建设应当把保障和促进公民权利作为核心内容。一是要加强行政法制建设,提高人权保障法制化水平;二是要严格依法行政,提高人权保障意识;三是重视侵权责任追究,落实侵权法律救济。  相似文献   

The current challenge for world agriculture is to provide food for a growing population, within a context of environmental degradation and economic inequality. The challenge is how to produce accessible, healthy, diverse, nutritious, safe and abundant food in a way that is sustainable, allowing farmers to exert food sovereignty while at the same time addressing ecosystem conservation. The aim of this study is to explore the potential contribution of traditional agriculture to food sovereignty and also to understand the challenges that indigenous communities are facing today. Our case studies are from six Latin-American countries: Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico, where we carried out semi-structured, guided visits and field observations. Our results shed light on how traditional agricultural knowledge, techniques and practices can contribute to these issues, but also to the need of protecting and recovering the cultural and ecological heritage. There is a need to resolve public management issues, related to development investment, technological packages, cultural loss and gender. If these are not addressed, the potential contribution of ancient agricultural knowledge will fail to contribute to strengthen food sovereignty and maintain the local markets, which are also places for seed exchange, knowledge sharing and social networking.  相似文献   

Cotton, both a source of livelihood for millions of poor rural households and a major source of export revenues, is a vital commodity for the economic and social development of Mali. Inefficiencies in the Malian cotton system at the ginnery and producers’ cooperative levels (e.g., late payment to farmers and poorly functioning credit schemes) have recently led to an important decline in supply, threatening the sustainability of the sector. Using regional data from 1998/1999 to 2008/2009, this study aims to quantitatively assess the contribution of key determinants, such as cotton prices and timely payment, toward the downward trend in cotton area. A dynamic supply model, based on adaptive expectations and partial adjustment, is employed to estimate the effects of prices and institutional factors, such as credit recovery rates and date of payment to farmers, on the Malian cotton supply. Results show that supply responds significantly to cotton prices relative to cereal and fertilizer prices. Date of payment varies across agricultural cycles and late payment negatively influences land devoted to cotton. Low credit repayment rates create disincentives to grow cotton. Therefore, the revitalization of the Malian cotton sector depends upon getting both prices and institutions right.  相似文献   

[目的]在城镇化的背景下,为了促进重庆市城镇化的发展,对乡村空间结构进行整体研究具有十分重要的意义。[方法]文章利用数据统计法和文献查阅法对各区县数据进行统计分析,利用Arc GIS软件分析乡村空间分布的最邻近距离指数,采用地理探测器模型对重庆市乡村空间结构的驱动因素进行分析。[结果]重庆市山地类型的居民点面积占到56. 4%,丘陵面积占37. 5%,平坝所占比例为6. 1%;大渡口区和南岸区村庄密度最大,分别为0. 31个/km2和0. 39个/km2,分布密度从内而外逐渐减小;重庆市乡村空间分布的驱动因素包括地形因素、交通条件、城镇化水平和耕地因素等。[结论]重庆市乡村空间分布呈聚集分布,其分布特征与城乡距离有关。为了推动城镇化的进程,建议强化中心城市对周边乡村的模范带头作用,对乡村空间布局进行优化重组,为我国乡村空间结构的规划提供参考。  相似文献   

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