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Summary. The paper shows that, with any rationing mechanism between the efficient and proportional extremes, the Kreps-Scheinkman two-stage quantity-price game reduces to the Cournot model if demand is uniformly elastic and if all costs are sunk at the first stage, thus providing positive results to set against existing negative statements. Received: May 24, 1995; revised version: March 6, 1997  相似文献   

We develop a Bayes–Nash analysis of the generalized second-price (GSP) auction, the multi-unit auction used by search engines to sell sponsored advertising positions. Our main result characterizes the efficient Bayes–Nash equilibrium of the GSP and provides a necessary and sufficient condition that guarantees existence of such an equilibrium. With only two positions, this condition requires that the click–through rate of the second position is sufficiently smaller than that of the first. When an efficient equilibrium exists, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for the auction revenue to decrease as click–through rates increase. Interestingly, under optimal reserve prices, revenue increases with the click–through rates of all positions. Further, we prove that no inefficient equilibrium of the GSP can be symmetric. Our results are in sharp contrast with the previous literature that studied the GSP under complete information.  相似文献   

A supply and demand model of industrial invention is presented paying particular attention to the impact of past advances on present advances in knowledge. The model is estimated using a recent span of UK data: a good fitting specification is found, which passes a battery of diagnostic tests, and possesses sensible long-run properties and an interpretable lag structure. The specific results found should be of potential interest to governments wishing to encourage the flow of inventions by fiscal means.  相似文献   

This study attempts to estimate the economic costs and benefits of the addictive digital game industry. Addiction to digital games induces economic costs such as increase in crime, facilities investments for curbing addiction, increase in counselling costs and other welfare losses. As a case study, we investigate the digital game industry in South Korea which is known to have one of the highest rates of game addiction. According to our calculations, the annual cost of game addiction is estimated to be approximately $3.5B while the annual benefit is approximately $24.3B ($3.7B for addicted user market). The proportion of the total costs to total benefits from the game industry is an alarming 14% (95% for addicted user market). We offer some policy recommendations.  相似文献   

Sarah O'Hara 《Geopolitics》2013,18(1):138-160
In this article I examine the way in which resource conflict in the Caspian Sea Basin has become entwined in the development of geopolitical thought and ideas since the late nineteenth century. I argue that Mackinder's inclusion of the Caspian in his original pivot was significant and that because of its considerable strategic importance control of the region was seen as crucial to all sides in both the First World War and the Second World War. The struggle for control of the Caspian bolstered Mackinder's ideas which were influential in the development of Cold War geopolitics. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union the desire to control the ‘heartland’ has been played out via the control of the region's energy resources.  相似文献   

This article singles out the determinants of changes in US firms’ systematic risk and idiosyncratic return induced by the 2007–2009 financial crisis. After establishing that systematic risk changes during the crisis, the results show that higher operational and financial leverage coincide with an increase in systematic risk, while high cash availability is associated with a decrease in systematic risk. The crisis-induced idiosyncratic return worsens with increasing financial leverage, higher sensitivity to aggregate demand shocks and banking sector problems, and lower operational leverage. Additional results show that the aforementioned variables have economically large effects on firm performance during the crisis.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to evaluate determinants of demand for light fuels in Brazil between 2003 and 2013. Through a vector autoregression analysis, an effort was made to identify and quantify the impact of different economic variables and public policy measures adopted during this period on the surprising increase in energy consumption by Brazil’s light-vehicle fleet. The results suggest that demand for energy by the light-vehicle fleet was influenced by an increase in income, by a decrease in fuel prices associated with a policy designed to prevent increases in the price of gasoline from pushing the inflation rate up, by a higher availability of credit for buying vehicles, and by a drop in the real price of those goods, with emphasis on countercyclical measures to waive the tax on industrialized products levied on new vehicles during economic downturns in the automotive industry.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate how heterogeneity in grading standards across university degree courses is related to supply and demand factors. Using a sample of almost 26,000 students enrolled at an Italian University, we document how grades vary significantly across degrees. After controlling for student characteristics, class-size, classmate quality and degree fixed effects, it emerges that students obtain better grades and are less likely to drop-out when their degree course experiences an excess of supply. We adopt an instrumental variable strategy to account for endogeneity problems and instrument the excess of supply using the total number of universities offering each degree course. Our two-stage least squares (TSLS) estimates confirm that the teaching staff on degree courses facing low demand tend to set lower academic standards with the result that their students obtain better grades and have a lower probability of dropping out than they might otherwise. Similar results are obtained using a control function approach.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a hybrid monetary model of the dollar–yen exchange rate that takes into account factors affecting the conventional monetary model's building blocks. In particular, the hybrid monetary model is based on the incorporation of real stock prices to enhance money demand stability and also, productivity differential, relative government spending, and real oil price to explain real exchange rate persistence. By using quarterly data over a period of high international capital mobility and volatility (1980:01–2009:04), the results show that the proposed hybrid model provides a coherent long-run relation to explain the dollar–yen exchange rate as opposed to the conventional monetary model.  相似文献   

This paper studies how the intertemporal allocation determines the transitional dynamics to a given steady state and the long-term growth of an economy. Our main contribution consists in determining the solutions path for all the variables of the model, under fairly general conditions on σ and β.  相似文献   

We assess how demand and supply shocks (identified via the Blanchard and Quah (1989) structural vector autoregression approach) in 14 OECD countries affect markups. We find that individual responses of markups to demand shocks push down the markup for most countries (confirmed in the panel analysis). On the other hand, a supply shock has a more mixed effect.  相似文献   

Contemporary production activity is crucially determined by the performance of complex tasks with the characteristics of corporate trust games. In this paper, we outline a productivity paradox showing that, under reasonable conditions, the noncooperative solution, which yields a suboptimal firm output, is the equilibrium of corporate trust games when relational preferences are not sufficiently high. We show that tournaments and steeper pay for performance schemes may crowd out cooperation in the presence of players preferences for relational goods. These findings help to explain firm investment in workers’ relationships and the puzzle on the less than expected use of such schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper the exploration of the interaction mechanisms between the evolution of demand and the overall process of differentiation of the economic system is pursued in a twofold way: (i) the question is asked whether demand indeed saturates and whether such saturation is required for an ongoing economic development; (ii) the impact of the income distribution on the evolution of demand and thus on economic development is investigated. To study the existence and impact of demand saturation, Engel curves are calculated under different conditions. To study the impact of income distribution, TEVECON distinguishes within the population of the economic system two social classes, which differ in their level and quality of education, and thus for their human capital and wages.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to analyse the relationship between the functional distribution of income, aggregate demand and growth in the Chinese reform economy. For this purpose, the Bhaduri-Marglin Model is used to indicate the theoretical possibility of both profit-led and wage-led growth regimes. Previously, the principal literature on the evolution of factor shares in China was reviewed. The statistical series for the period 1978–2007 are reconstructed to carry out our analysis of the relations between capital share and investment, on one hand, and labour share and consumption, on the other. Supported by empirical analysis and the model estimations, it is argued that Chinese growth has been profit-driven. Finally, the implications are presented concerning Chinese economic prospects.  相似文献   

Bucci et al. (J Econ 103:83–99, 2011) argue that under two parametric restrictions, there exists a closed-form solution path to the two-sector endogenous growth model of Lucas–Uzawa. However, they assume that the value function is a function of both the current and the initial values of the state variables. As Wälde (J Econ Dyn Control 35:616–622, 2011a) argues, the value function should depend only on the current state variables when the technology follows a geometric Brownian motion. I follow Wälde (J Econ Dyn Control 35:616–622, 2011a) and obtain, under some inequality constraints, a different value function.  相似文献   

The paper examines the issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR) from the perspective of constitutional economics, focusing on the distinction between a political community’s constitutional choice of the rules of the “market game,” and the market players’ sub-constitutional choice of strategies within these rules. Three versions of CSR-demands are identified and discussed, a “soft,” a “hard”, and a “radical” version. The soft version is concerned with the issue of how “socially responsible” corporations ought to play the market game within existing rules. The hard version is about how the rules of the market ought to be changed in order to induce “socially responsible” corporate behavior. And the radical version questions the compatibility of CSR and the logic of the market game, calling in effect for adopting some alternative economic regime.
Viktor J. VanbergEmail:

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