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This study empirically tests transaction cost hypotheses with the use of data on publicly-owned franchised firms. We employ measures of the proportion of company-owned outlets for the degree of integration and brand name capital for the degree of asset specificity. The results suggest that for the sampled firms the degree of asset specificity is positively related to the degree of vertical integration. Additionly, increases in the real interest rate and firm growth rates are found to be positively related with vertical integration, while increases in unanticipated growth and firm experience are negatively related with vertical integration.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical investigation of the importance of specialized assets and other unique characteristics of a firm in explaining the variance in capital structure across firms. The results show that firm-specific effects contribute most to the variance in leverage, suggesting a strong link between strategy and capital structure.  相似文献   

This study integrates transaction cost economics and institutional theory to propose a contingency model of multinational enterprises' design of ownership control. We posit that asset specificity and complementarity influence the design of ownership control, which is further affected by the institutional environment. Furthermore, we argue that regulatory distance and normative distance display differentiating moderations on the main effects. Regulatory distance strengthens the positive effect of asset specificity on ownership control while normative distance enhances the negative effect of asset complementarity on ownership control.  相似文献   

油气资产定义的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油气资产对于石油开采企业意义重大,但是国内外尚没有对这一关键概念的完整定义,文章从理论界和实务界对油气资产的界定入手,经过对比分析,得出油气资产的定义,并将油气资产划分为油气储量资产和非储量油气资产,阐述了这两类油气资产之间的联系与区别。  相似文献   

资产专用性、模块化技术与企业边界   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
交易成本经济学家认为资产专用性决定企业边界,是基于它的独有性。他们否定技术对资产专用性的决定性作用.没有认识到它的技术特征——协同专用性.也就忽视了它的历史局限性。计算机发展的事实说明.呆用模块化技术改变了专用性资产的独有性。模块具有功能的独立性和连接的可分解性;模块化设计使用了分权原则;模块化产品的技术特征是协同非专用性.它适应了消费个性化;因而批量生产转向批量定制。提高产品模块化程度.使协同专用性转向协同非专用性,削弱了资产专用性程度,改变了“资产专用性决定企业边界”的命题.对大型企业重组和改革具有实践意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the Capital Asset Pricing Model with respect to its implications for real estate investment analysis and appraisal. The derivation of the CAPM, and theoretical problems with it, are discussed, along with its empirical validation. The similarities and differences between real estate and securities markets are evaluated. Alternative models to the CAPM are presented, followed by the conclusions.  相似文献   

渐逝资产定价问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对需求有时大于、有时又小于生产能力的一类渐逝资产,从控制资产流逝价值的目标出发,以列车卧铺为例,提出使需求接近生产能力的基本原则,引入二级差别定价方法。将该定价措施的实施效果与常规的固定价格法进行比较,分析运营收益、消费者剩余、社会福利、资产流逝价值的变化,证明新方法能够将渐逝资产的价值转换为企业收益和消费者剩余,提高了资产利用率,优于常规的固定价格法。  相似文献   

论文以建设项目业主和总承包商之间的交易为研究对象,就建设项目交易资产专用性的界定、存在的误解、测度3个问题进行了探讨。从建设生产特征对其交易资产专用性界定的影响入手,论证了建设项目交易资产专用性主要来源于业主与总承包商间的依赖关系。在逐一分析现有建设项目交易资产专用性界定局限性的基础上,论证了过程专用性的适用性。特别地,对建设项目交易资产专用性界定上的一些错误观念进行了驳斥。通过模型化的建设项目交易准租,提出用区间[CQR-BQR,CQR]来测度建设项目交易资产专用性的大小。  相似文献   

As a result of declining real estate values and the receivership of numerous financial institutions, government regulators like the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) have large inventories of distressed assets. This paper develops a model of the principal/agent issues associated with management and disposition of problem assets. In the model, optimal contracts balance risk sharing with incentives for effort. We argue that the RTC will minimize the ultimate cost of the thrift crisis by placing managerial control of distressed assets in the private sector, while retaining full or partial ownership of the assets for risk-sharing purposes. Recoveries are maximized, however, only when an asset manager is incented to expend a first-best level of effort by indexing asset management and disposition contracts to market movements.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the impact of asset growth rates on the future stock performance of 308 publicly traded real estate investment trusts (REITs). We observe that fast‐growing REITs tend to underperform slow growing REITs. However, we find evidence that the growth effect is significantly less negative for REITs selling at a premium to net asset value. In addition, we observe the asset growth effect only in the subsample of REITs that engages in equity issuance over the next 12 months. The combined evidence suggests contemporaneous equity dilution, which has not been considered in previous studies, may provide an explanation for the underperformance of fast‐growing firms.  相似文献   

资产价格波动与实体经济稳定研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资产价格波动影响实体经济的程度与机制,一直备受关注。与国内其他相关研究相比,本文在样本选择上突出了资产价格波动影响消费和投资的针对性。通过构建引入资产价格的局部均衡分析模型和IS-LM扩展模型,本文采用现代时间序列分析的ADF检验、Granger因果检验、Johansen协整检验、VECM检验、脉冲响应函数和预测方差分解等多种方法进行研究,揭示了我国资产价格波动与实体经济稳定之间的相关性、因果关系、影响程度、影响过程和影响机制。  相似文献   

Theoretical discussions of internal organization stress the importance of organization for firm success and profitability. The Williamsonian hypothesis that firms organized using M-form should be more profitable than firms organized using U-form or other organizational structures is the focus of empirical testing in this paper. Pairs of firms are observed over two periods of time. In the first period, the principal firm adopts M-form while the control firm is organized with a non-M-form structure. In the second period, the control firm adopts the M-form structure. Using this matched firm technique across a number of industries, we find the adoption of M-form leads to statistically significant increases in return on asset and return on equity measures.  相似文献   

This study provides novel evidence that the outcome from REIT sales of office and apartment property is signaled in the transaction price managers accept relative to the fundamental value. The identification strategy recognizes opportunistic sales as sold at prices above fundamental value. Opportunistic sales are followed by positive abnormal returns, measured relative to the market and associated benchmark indices. Assets sold below fundamental value are liquidated by firms with low profitability, low cash and low investment opportunities. Discounted transactions experience zero abnormal returns. Returns following asset sales are influenced by accounting measures, the flow of funds and financial constraints.  相似文献   

Market researchers concerned with the growth of markets for industrial goods often require a “back-cloth” scenario that includes a statistical picture against which they can project market trends. One favoured indicator of the propensity to purchase an industrial good is the level of energy consumption per head of market population. A high standard of living, with a concomitant thriving market, and a high level of energy consumption go together. This is inescapable. The high level of output per head necessary for a high standard of living can only be achieved if each worker has access to the right industrial machinery and a lot of power at his elbow.  相似文献   

Classic asset pricing is problematic as a method to assess privately held asset investment performance. We propose an alternative approach that involves adjusting the characteristics of assets constituting an index or portfolio to match the asset characteristics of a reference index or portfolio. This approach is applied to commercial real estate, where we create an index of REIT returns to compare to the NCREIF index. To enhance comparability, return indices are adjusted for partial-year financial data, leverage, asset mix and fees. Adjusted results over a 1980–1998 sample period show general convergence between the indices, although an annual return difference of over three percentage points remains in favor of public market asset ownership. Possible causes of the investment performance gap include liquidity and geography as missing risk factor adjustments, an unrepresentative sample period, and the form in which commercial real estate assets are held.  相似文献   

纵向一体化与联合所有权--通用-费希尔公司收购案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纵向一体化可以很好地解决物质资本的专用性问题,然而对人力资本专用性造成的"套牢"无能为力.通过降低交易双方对一般性投资的激励,从而提高专用性投资的激励,联合所有权使得"套牢"的收益最小而成本最高.因此,联合所有权不仅可以解决物质资本专用性问题,也是解决人力资本套牢问题的有效途经.  相似文献   

We examine the performance of real estate mutual funds during January 1991–December 1997. As a group, the sampled funds outperformed the Wilshire Real Estate Securities Index on a risk-adjusted basis by more than 5 percentage points annually. We attempt to explain these surprising findings by examining the fund's asset allocations across stocks, bonds and real estate property types using Sharpe's (1992) effective-mix test. We find that all of the superior performance is attributable to fund managers' decisions to overweight outperforming property types (apartments and health care) relative to the Wilshire Real Estate Securities Index weights. Performance of the funds matches a multiple-property-type benchmark that takes account of the fund's exposure to each property type. Therefore, real estate funds demonstrated superior allocation across property types, but neither superior nor inferior selection within property type, during 1991–1997. Our findings emphasize the importance of asset allocation for real estate mutual-fund performance.  相似文献   

本文论述了知识经济的概念、特点、本质,知识经济对我国无形资产概念、无形资产成本、确认条件、信息披露的影响及改进建议.  相似文献   

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