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With the introduction of the exchange-traded German wind power futures, opportunities for German wind power producers to hedge their volumetric risk are present. We propose two continuous-time multivariate models for wind power utilization at different wind sites, and discuss the properties and estimation procedures for the models. Applying the models to wind index data for wind sites in Germany and the underlying wind index of exchange-traded wind power futures contracts, the estimation results of both models suggest that they capture key statistical features of the data. We show how these models can be used to find optimal hedging strategies using exchange-traded wind power futures for the owner of a portfolio of so-called tailor-made wind power futures. Both in-sample and out-of-sample hedging scenarios are considered, and, in both cases, significant variance reductions are achieved. Additionally, the risk premium of the German wind power futures is analysed, leading to an indication of the risk premium of tailor-made wind power futures.  相似文献   

This study investigates the risk and returns on one of the newest digital asset classes instruments, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), by accounting for tail dependence of higher-order moments and portfolio characteristics. We used a wide range of asset classes, encompassing equites, fixed income securities, and commodities, and document the desirable hedging and portfolio attributes of NFTs by employing Conditional Value-at-Risk (CoVaR) and ∆CoVaRs with various copula functions. We found that NFTs exhibit beneficial investment and hedging attributes under all market conditions, including the Covid-19 pandemic. Our findings have important implications for investors, risk managers, and regulators.  相似文献   

We propose a non-symmetric copula to model the evolution of electricity and gas prices by a bivariate non-Gaussian autoregressive process. We identify the marginal dynamics as driven by normal inverse Gaussian processes, estimating them from a series of observed UK electricity and gas spot data. We estimate the copula by modeling the difference between the empirical copula and the independent copula. We then simulate the joint process and price options written on the spark spread. We find that option prices are significantly influenced by the copula and the marginal distributions, along with the seasonality of the underlying prices.  相似文献   

Industrial companies typically face a multitude of risks that could cause significant fluctuations in their cash flow. This is a case study of the hedging strategy adopted by an international air carrier to manage its jet‐fuel price exposure. The airline's hedging approach uses “strips” of monthly collars constructed with Asian options whose payoffs are based on average of “within‐prompt‐month” oil prices. Using the carrier's own implicit objective function based on an annual granularity, the authors show how the air carrier could fine‐tune its current hedge portfolio by adding tailored exotic options. The article describes annual average‐price options, provides an explicit valuation of them, and considers how such instruments may affect corporate liquidity. Consistent with its annual objective function, the airline made this exotic derivative the central tool to hedge across all potential realized values of annual jet‐fuel spot prices. The authors believe this modified portfolio is better suited to address the firm's hedging cost and its overall exposure to jet‐fuel price fluctuations.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of accurately modelling the distribution of the market risk of a multivariate financial portfolio. We employ a multivariate GARCH model in which the dependence structure between the assets is modelled via a vine copula. We address the problem of how the parametric pair-copulas in a vine copula should be chosen by proposing to use nonparametric Bernstein copulas as bivariate pair-copulas. An extensive simulation study illustrates that our smooth nonparametric vine copula model is able to match the results of a competing parametric vine model calibrated via Akaike’s Information Criterion while at the same time significantly reducing model risk. Our empirical analysis of financial market data demonstrates that our proposed model yields Value-at-Risk forecasts that are significantly more accurate than those of a benchmark parametric model.  相似文献   

Pricing and hedging structured credit products poses major challenges to financial institutions. This paper puts several valuation approaches through a crucial test: How did these models perform in one of the worst periods of economic history, September 2008, when Lehman Brothers went under? Did they produce reasonable hedging strategies? We study several bottom-up and top-down credit portfolio models and compute the resulting delta hedging strategies using either index contracts or a portfolio of single-name CDS contracts as hedging instruments. We compute the profit-and-loss profiles and assess the performances of these hedging strategies. Among all 10 pricing models that we consider the Student-t copula model performs best. The dynamical generalized-Poisson loss model is the best top-down model, but this model class has in general problems to hedge equity tranches. Our major finding is however that single-name and index CDS contracts are not appropriate instruments to hedge CDO tranches.  相似文献   

This paper uses a model similar to the Boyle-Vorst and Ritchken-Kuo arbitrage-free models for the valuation of options with transactions costs to determine the maximum price to be charged by the financial intermediary writing an option in a non-auction market. Earlier models are extended by recognizing that, in the presence of transactions costs, the price-taking intermediary devising a hedging portfolio faces a tradeoff: to choose a short trading interval with small hedging errors and high transactions costs, or a long trading interval with large hedging errors and low transactions costs. The model presented here also recognizes that when transactions costs induce less frequent portfolio adjustments, investors are faced with a multinomial distribution of asset returns rather than a binomial one. The price upper bound is determined by selecting the trading frequency that will equalize the marginal gain from decreasing hedging errors and the marginal cost of transactions.  相似文献   

A duality for robust hedging with proportional transaction costs of path-dependent European options is obtained in a discrete-time financial market with one risky asset. The investor’s portfolio consists of a dynamically traded stock and a static position in vanilla options, which can be exercised at maturity. Trading of both options and stock is subject to proportional transaction costs. The main theorem is a duality between hedging and a Monge–Kantorovich-type optimization problem. In this dual transport problem, the optimization is over all probability measures that satisfy an approximate martingale condition related to consistent price systems, in addition to an approximate marginal constraint.  相似文献   

This paper derives the pricing bounds of a currency cross-rate option using the option prices of two related dollar rates via a copula theory and presents the analytical properties of the bounds under the Gaussian framework. Our option pricing bounds are useful, because (1) they are general in the sense that they do not rely on the distribution assumptions of the state variables or on the selection of the copula function; (2) they are portfolios of the dollar-rate options and hence are potential hedging instruments for cross-rate options; and (3) they can be applied to generate bounds on deltas. The empirical tests suggest that there are persistent and stable relationships between the market prices and the estimated bounds of the cross-rate options and that our option pricing bounds (obtained from the market prices of options on two dollar rates) and the historical correlation of two dollar rates are highly informative for explaining the prices of the cross-rate options. Moreover, the empirical results are consistent with the predictions of the analytical properties under the Gaussian framework and are robust in various aspects.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a theoretical model in which a firm hedges a spot position using options in the presence of both quantity (production) and basis risks. Our optimal hedge ratio is fairly general, in that the dependence structure is modeled through a copula function representing the quantiles of the hedged position, and hence any quantile risk measure can be employed. We study the sensitivity of the exercise price which minimizes the risk of the hedged portfolio to the relevant parameters, and we find that the subjective risk aversion of the firm does not play any role. The only trade-off is between the effectiveness and cost of the hedging strategy.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of hedging an arithmetic Asian option with discrete monitoring in an exponential Lévy model by deriving backward recursive integrals for the price sensitivities of the option. The procedure is applied to the analysis of the performance of the delta and delta–gamma hedges in an incomplete market; particular attention is paid to the hedging error and the impact of model error on the quality of the chosen hedging strategy. The numerical analysis shows the impact of jump risk on the hedging error of the option position, and the importance of including traded options in the hedging portfolio for the reduction of this risk.  相似文献   

We discuss the pricing and risk management problems of standard European-style options in a Markovian regime-switching binomial model. Due to the presence of an additional source of uncertainty described by a Markov chain, the market is incomplete, so the no-arbitrage condition is not sufficient to fix a unique pricing kernel, hence, a unique option price. Using the minimal entropy martingale measure, we determine a pricing kernel. We examine numerically the performance of a simple hedging strategy by investigating the terminal distribution of hedging errors and the associated risk measures such as Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall. The impacts of the frequency of re-balancing the hedging portfolio and the transition probabilities of the modulating Markov chain on the quality of hedging are also discussed.  相似文献   

Recent variable annuities offer participation in the equity market and attractive protection against downside movements. Accurately quantifying this additional equity market risk and robustly hedging options embedded in the guarantees of variable annuities are new challenges for insurance companies. Due to sensitivities of the benefits to tails of the account value distribution, a simple Black–Scholes model is inadequate in preventing excessive liabilities. A model which realistically describes the real world price dynamics over a long time horizon is essential for the risk management of the variable annuities. In this article, both jump risk and volatility risk are considered for risk management of lookback options embedded in guarantees with a ratchet feature. We evaluate relative performances of delta hedging and dynamic discrete risk minimization hedging strategies. Using the underlying as the hedging instrument, we show that, under a Black–Scholes model, local risk minimization hedging can be significantly better than delta hedging. In addition, we compare risk minimization hedging using the underlying with that of using standard options. We demonstrate that, under a Merton's jump diffusion model, hedging using standard options is superior to hedging using the underlying in terms of the risk reduction. Finally, we consider a market model for volatility risks in which the at‐the‐money implied volatility is a state variable. We compute risk minimization hedging by modeling at‐the‐money Black–Scholes implied volatility explicitly; the hedging effectiveness is evaluated, however, under a joint model for the underlying price and implied volatility. Our computational results suggest that, when implied volatility risk is suitably modeled, risk minimization hedging using standard options, compared to hedging using the underlying, can potentially be more effective in risk reduction under both jump and volatility risks.  相似文献   

Modeling the joint distribution of spot and futures returns is crucial for establishing optimal hedging strategies. This paper proposes a new class of dynamic copula-GARCH models that exploits information from high-frequency data for hedge ratio estimation. The copula theory facilitates constructing a flexible distribution; the inclusion of realized volatility measures constructed from high-frequency data enables copula forecasts to swiftly adapt to changing markets. By using data concerning equity index returns, the estimation results show that the inclusion of realized measures of volatility and correlation greatly enhances the explanatory power in the modeling. Moreover, the out-of-sample forecasting results show that the hedged portfolios constructed from the proposed model are superior to those constructed from the prevailing models in reducing the (estimated) conditional hedged portfolio variance. Finally, the economic gains from exploiting high-frequency data for estimating the hedge ratios are examined. It is found that hedgers obtain additional benefits by including high-frequency data in their hedging decisions; more risk-averse hedgers generate greater benefits.  相似文献   

We propose to model the joint distribution of bid-ask spreads and log returns of a stock portfolio by using Autoregressive Conditional Double Poisson and GARCH processes for the marginals and vine copulas for the dependence structure. By estimating the joint multivariate distribution of both returns and bid-ask spreads from intraday data, we incorporate the measurement of commonalities in liquidity and comovements of stocks and bid-ask spreads into the forecasting of three types of liquidity-adjusted intraday Value-at-Risk (L-IVaR). In a preliminary analysis, we document strong extreme comovements in liquidity and strong tail dependence between bid-ask spreads and log returns across the firms in our sample thus motivating our use of a vine copula model. Furthermore, the backtesting results for the L-IVaR of a portfolio consisting of five stocks listed on the NASDAQ show that the proposed models perform well in forecasting liquidity-adjusted intraday portfolio profits and losses.  相似文献   

This paper extends the static hedging portfolio (SHP) approach of  and  to price and hedge American knock-in put options under the Black–Scholes model and the constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model. We use standard European calls (puts) to construct the SHPs for American up-and-in (down-and-in) puts. We also use theta-matching condition to improve the performance of the SHP approach. Numerical results indicate that the hedging effectiveness of a bi-monthly SHP is far less risky than that of a delta-hedging portfolio with daily rebalance. The numerical accuracy of the proposed method is comparable to the trinomial tree methods of  and . Furthermore, the recalculation time (the term is explained in Section 1) of the option prices is much easier and quicker than the tree method when the stock price and/or time to maturity are changed.  相似文献   

There is evidence to suggest that gold acts as both a hedge and a safe haven for equity markets over recent years, and particularly during crises periods. Our work extends the recent literature on hedging and diversification roles of gold by analyzing its interaction with the stock markets of the leading emerging economies, the BRICS. While they generally exhibit a high growth rate, these economies still experience a pronounced vulnerability to external shocks, particularly to commodity price fluctuations. Using a multi-scale wavelet approach and a GARCH-based copula methodology, we mainly show evidence of: (i) the time-scale co-evolvement patterns between BRICS stock markets and gold market, with some profound regions of concentrated extreme variations; and (ii) a strong time-varying asymmetric dependence structure between those markets. These findings are essential for risk diversification and portfolio hedging strategies among the investigated markets.  相似文献   

The interest rate policies of Finnish firms appear risk aversive, but hedging decisions are influenced by market view. Managers find they can forecast trends in interest rate development, and employ the forecasts in the choice of debt and hedging instruments. The use of risk assessment methods and hedging instruments are related to firm size but not to leverage. Most frequently employed hedging instruments are interest rate swaps and forward rate agreements. The respondents find their firms' interest rate risk management is successful, but performance is seldom measured against an explicitly defined benchmark.  相似文献   

When the price process for a long-lived asset is of a mixedjump-diffusion type, pricing of options on that asset by arbitrageis not possible if trading is allowed only in the underlyingasset and a risk-less bond. Using a general equilibrium framework,we derive and analyse option prices when the underlying assetis the market portfolio with discontinuous returns. The premiumfor the risk of jumps and the diffusions risk forms a significantpart of the prices of the options. In this economy, an attemptedreplication of call and put options by the Black-Scholes typeof trading strategies may require substantial infusion of fundswhen jumps occur. We study the cost and risk implications ofsuch dynamic hedging plans.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes returns to trading strategies in options markets that exploit information given by a theoretical asset pricing model. We examine trading strategies in which a positive portfolio weight is assigned to assets which market prices exceed the price of a theoretical asset pricing model. We investigate portfolio rules which mimic standard mean-variance analysis is used to construct optimal model based portfolio weights. In essence, these portfolio rules allow estimation risk, as well as price risk to be approximately hedged. An empirical exercise shows that the portfolio rules give out-of-sample Sharpe ratios exceeding unity for S&P 500 options. Portfolio returns have no discernible correlation with systematic risk factors, which is troubling for traditional risk based asset pricing explanations.  相似文献   

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