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Effective monitoring by equity blockholders is important for good corporate governance. A prominent theoretical literature argues that the threat of block sale (“exit”) can be an effective governance mechanism. Many blockholders are money managers. We show that, when money managers compete for investor capital, the threat of exit loses credibility, weakening its governance role. Money managers with more skin in the game will govern more successfully using exit. Allowing funds to engage in activist measures (“voice”) does not alter our qualitative results. Our results link widely prevalent incentives in the ever‐expanding money management industry to the nature of corporate governance.  相似文献   

翟金林 《银行家》2003,(2):78-79
QFII制度的实施是我国扩大对外开放、积极吸引外资的又一重大举措,但是我国理论界和实务界对QFII进入中国国内证券市场的投资理念、QFII的投资行为对中国证券市场有什么样的影响等等问题还存在着不同的认识,因此有必要对这些问题进行探讨.  相似文献   

美国是否也迫切需要一场颜色革命,否则华尔街金融寡头控制金融和经济命脉的现象永远不会发生变化  相似文献   

朱伟一 《国际融资》2007,77(3):36-37
"肥猫"(fat cat)是英文的专有名词,特指有钱有势的人,而华尔街是肥猫成堆的地方.  相似文献   

乔忠 《银行家》2003,(3):138-141
在这样一个华尔街上的证券分析师信誉扫地的时代,萨莉·克劳夫切克(Sallie Krawcheck)代表着美国金融界的良心 前不久,美国<时代>周刊和有线新闻网举行了一次联合评选活动,派遣世界各地的记者"搜罗"在2002年度获得骄人业绩的商界人士,最终从100名候选者中挑选了15人作为"2002年度全球最具影响力的商界精英"--萨莉·克劳夫切克名列其中.  相似文献   

自2000年2季度以来,由于对上市公司业绩的普遍担心及居高不下的石油价格等因素的影响,华尔街的上空一直笼罩在阴云之中.进入8月后,原本沉闷的股票市场更是演出了3场不大不小的"闹剧".  相似文献   

王尚 《国际融资》2002,(8):65-65
近日,步美林证券的后尘,又有6家华尔街最大的最知名的证券公司收到了美国纽约州司法部的传票.此前一直有投资者反映,华尔街分析师发布虚假证券分析,误导投资者.因此,美国政府扩大了对华尔街证券交易黑幕的调查.  相似文献   

Using a nonparametric variance ratio (VR) test, we revisit the empirical validity of the random walk hypothesis in eight emerging markets in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). After correcting for measurement biases caused by thin and infrequent trading prevalent in nascent and small stock markets, we cannot reject the random walk hypothesis for the MENA markets. We conclude that a nonparametric VR test is appropriate for emerging stock markets, and argue that our findings can reconcile previously contradictory results regarding the efficiency of MENA markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the random walk hypothesis in the emerging Indian stock market using daily data on individual stocks. The statistical evidence in this paper rejects the random walk hypothesis. The results suggest that daily returns earned by individual stocks and by an equally weighted portfolio show significant non–linear dependence and persistent volatility effects. The non–linear dependence takes the form of ARCH–type conditional heteroskedasticity and does not appear to be caused by nonstationarity of underlying economic variables. Though conditional volatility is time varying, it does not explain expected returns.  相似文献   

程实 《国际融资》2008,97(11):26-27
中秋以来国际金融市场风云变幻,人人如惊弓之鸟般不知所措,哀鸿遍野的华尔街迫不及待地向市场传递着一个信息:“我们要完蛋了”,慨然以慷的政策要人们则摆出一副天将降大任于斯人也的英雄姿态,用前所未有的拯救计划昭告天下:“至少还有我”。一切看上去那么顺其自然,但其中有些许难以名状的怪状  相似文献   

泡沫破灭后的证券研究:华尔街的实践及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新经济泡沫破灭及其触发的"华尔街丑闻"使美国的监管当局对证券研究加强监管,而行情低迷所导致的经费紧缩以及XBRL的推进也对华尔街的证券研究产生重大影响,迫使后者进行业务流程和经营模式的整改和创新.华尔街证券研究在泡沫破灭后的实践和探索为我国熊市行情下的券商证券研究的监管、发展和创新提供了有益的启示和借鉴.  相似文献   

How did the collapse of the asset‐backed securities (ABS) market during the 2007 to 2009 financial crisis affect the supply of credit to the broader economy? Using new data on the U.S. credit union industry, we find that ABS‐related losses are associated with a large contraction in the supply of credit to consumers, especially among those credit unions that began the crisis with weaker capitalization. We also find that this credit supply shock restricted the availability of mortgage and automobile credit. These results show how movements in the prices of financial assets can affect the real economy.  相似文献   

In this paper we test the random walk hypothesis in the Spanish stock market using disaggregated daily data base spanning the period January 1980 to December 1992. We find that daily returns are strongly correlated and nonlinear dependent. Furthermore, using the variance-ratio test, that is robust to heteroscedasticity, the results suggest that the rejection of the random walk hypothesis cannot be attributed completely to the effects of time varying volatilities. In this sense, the price changes can be potentially predictable over, at least, short time spans.  相似文献   

遇到中、美经济谈判或对话,如果荚方出场的是则政部长,那么中方会派副总理。是不是有些不对等?没有。美国没有副总理,财政部长直接向总统负责。美国的经济活动中,财长发挥着举足轻重的作用。可以说,金融危机的救市措施是财政部长当家,但华尔街又要当财政部长的家。  相似文献   

成功战略的形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对长虹案例的研究,分析了成功战略形成的真实过程,说明了战略管理理论"过程"观点的合理性.在与战略管理理论"古典"观点进行比较的基础上,指出成功的战略是在经营过程中产生的,其形成过程是渐进的、长期的;已经形成的战略可能只具有短期的适用性,需要在企业发展中保持其活力;成功战略的制定并不总是依赖于企业家的先知先觉,普通的企业和企业家同样可以在实践过程中逐步制定出合理的战略.  相似文献   

We show that the annual excess return of the S&P 500 is almost 10 percent higher during the last two years of the presidential cycle than during the first two years. This pattern cannot be explained by business-cycle variables capturing time-varying risk premia, differences in risk levels, or by consumer and investor sentiment. We formally test the presidential election cycle (PEC) hypothesis as an alternative to explain the presidential cycle anomaly. The PEC states that incumbent parties and presidents have an incentive to manipulate the economy (via budget expansions and taxes) to remain in power. We formulate eight testable propositions relating to the fiscal, monetary, tax, unexpected inflation and political implications of the PEC hypothesis. We do not find statistically significant evidence confirming the PEC hypothesis as a plausible explanation for the presidential cycle effect. The presidential cycle effect in U.S. financial markets thus remains a puzzle that cannot be easily explained by politicians employing their economic influence to remain in power, as is often believed.  相似文献   

韩强 《国际融资》2002,(8):67-67
自从去年安然事件曝光后,美国股市遇到了信任危机.原以为安达信可能成为安然事件的牺牲品,却没想到许多华尔街大鳄也都送上了被告席,民事诉讼以及美国证券交易委员会和各州司法部的行政诉讼都在进行或者酝酿之中.  相似文献   

This is a history and technical overview of one of the major AI successes in securities trading. It incorporates only as much AI as the financial user community could deal with, integrating tightly with their electronic environment. Computational resources are used to make a simple, highly application-specific user interface, a small firm has succeeded in developing a system used by many of the largest institutional investors and money managers in the USA. The system is directly linked to the NYSE and other electronic equity-execution systems. This is not a prototype or a proposal. This is real and in wide use today, often generating transaction volumes exceeding 5 million shares per day. Traders use a special-purpose rule-based language to describe a wide variety of market conditions. The system keeps up with high-speed incoming market data in real-time and tells the traders when, and how strongly, their specified conditions match the current state of the market. It can also formulate trading recommendations based on those conditions. Finally, and most importantly, it provides direct access to electronic execution channels for quick action on these recommendations. The combination of tight integration with both market data and electronic executions, an appropriate, accessible user interface, and a high level of support have contributed to a major AI success story. The transactions flowing through these systems produce more revenue on a good day than many other AI applications will generate over their entire operational lifetimes.  相似文献   

The study examines if tradings on stocks based on the inside information about the “Heard on the Street” column of the Wall Street Journal could generate abnormal returns. We found significant abnormal returns on days t =?1 and t= 0 (publication date) for the stocks related to insider trading. For a comparable control group of noninsider traded stocks, the abnormal returns were not significant on day t=?1 but were significant on day t= 0. The abnormal returns for the insider trade group on days t=?1 and t= 0 were greater than the returns for the control group. The results indicate that the inside information was the cause for the differences.  相似文献   

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