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Recent reservoir construction on Savery Creek provided an opportunity to examine the downstream effects of a dam on a small, meandering channel. The new dam, completed in 2005, modified the flow regime by reducing the magnitude of spring peaks and increasing baseflows, including a second period of high discharge in the fall. A time series of remotely sensed data spanning 1980–2011 was used to measure lateral migration rates, quantify areas of erosion and deposition, and map spatial patterns of channel change. Both migration rates, and gross erosion and deposition increased during the post‐dam era, although 2 years of exceptionally large snowmelt runoff also occurred during this time. Net sediment flux inferred from the image time series was negative for both the upper and lower reaches for the first photo pair after the dam's completion but became positive for the most recent photos. Detailed topographic surveys of five individual meander bends were used to produce digital elevation models of difference and infer bed material transport rates. For three sites located in the upper reach, downstream increases in transport rate implied a sediment deficit satisfied through channel incision and/or bank erosion. For two sites in the lower reach where sediment supply was greater, larger values of gross erosion were balanced by enhanced deposition and transport rates stabilized or increased along each bend. Together, these results suggest that Savery Creek has entered a period of adjustment as the channel adapts to altered, dam‐regulated supplies of water and sediment. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

长江口九段沙近期演变及其对北槽航道回淤的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用现场水文、泥沙以及水下地形观测资料,分析了近期九段沙的冲淤演变过程、机理及其对北槽航道回淤的影响。结果表明,近10年来九段沙总体呈现“长高不长大”的变化特点,即0m以上高滩淤涨明显,而2m和5m中低滩面变化不大。九段沙的淤高使得南导堤的挡沙功能减弱,一定的风浪条件下九段沙滩面相对较高浓度的含沙水体涨潮越堤进入北槽中段,增加了近期北槽航道回淤的泥沙来源。  相似文献   

The foundations of river restoration science rest comfortably in the fields of geology, hydrology, and engineering, and yet, the impetus for many, if not most, stream restoration projects is biological recovery. Although Lane's stream balance equation from the mid‐1950s captured the dynamic equilibrium between the amount of stream flow, the slope of the channel, and the amount and calibre of sediment, it completely ignored biology. Similarly, most of the stream classification systems used in river restoration design today do not explicitly include biology as a primary driver of stream form and process. To address this omission, we cast biology as an equal partner with geology and hydrology, forming a triumvirate that governs stream morphology and evolution. To represent this, we have created the stream evolution triangle, a conceptual model that explicitly accounts for the influences of geology, hydrology, and biology. Recognition of biology as a driver leads to improved understanding of reach‐scale morphology and the dynamic response mechanisms responsible for stream evolution and adjustment following natural or anthropogenic disturbance, including stream restoration. Our aim in creating the stream evolution triangle is not to exclude or supersede existing stream classifications and evolutionary models but to provide a broader “thinking space” within which they can be framed and reconsidered, thus facilitating thought outside of the alluvial box.  相似文献   

The effects of river damming on geomorphic processes and riparian vegetation were evaluated through field studies along the regulated Green River and the free‐flowing Yampa River in northwestern Colorado, USA. GIS analysis of historical photographs, hydrologic and sediment records, and measurement of channel planform indicate that fluvial processes and riparian vegetation of the two meandering stream reaches examined were similar prior to regulation which began in 1962. Riparian plant species composition and canopy coverage were measured during 1994 in 36, 0.01 ha plots along each the Green River in Browns Park and the Yampa River in Deerlodge Park. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of the vegetation data indicates distinctive vegetation differences between Browns Park and Deerlodge Park. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicates that plant community composition is controlled largely by fluvial processes at Deerlodge Park, but that soil chemical rather than flow related factors play a more important role in structuring plant communities in Browns Park. Vegetation patterns reflect a dichotomy in moisture conditions across the floodplain on the Green River in Browns Park: marshes with anaerobic soils supporting wetland species (Salix exigua, Eleocharis palustris, Schoenoplectus pungens, and Juncus nodosus) and terraces having xeric soil conditions and supporting communities dominated by desert species (Seriphidium tridentatum, Sarcobatus vermiculatus, and Sporobolus airoides). In contrast, vegetation along the Yampa River is characterized by a continuum of species distributed along a gradual environmental gradient from the active channel (ruderal species such as Xanthium struminarium and early successional species such as S. exigua, Populus deltoides subsp. wislizenii, and Tamarix ramossissima) to high floodplain surfaces characterized by Populus forests and meadow communities. GIS analyses indicate that the channel form at Browns Park has undergone a complex series of morphologic changes since regulation began, while the channel at Deerlodge Park has remained in a state of relative quasi‐equilibrium with discharge and sediment regimes. The Green River has undergone three stages of channel change which have involved the transformation of the historically deep, meandering Green River to a shallow, braided channel over the 37 years since construction of Flaming Gorge Dam. The probable long‐term effects of channel and hydrologic changes at Browns Park include the eventual replacement of Populus‐dominated riparian forest by drought tolerant desert shrublands, and the enlargement of in‐channel fluvial marshes. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experimental floods, generated downstream of dams, are used to recover specific bio‐geomorphic functions in regulated rivers. Studies of the effects of experimental floods vary in their objective, location, and the hydrological and bio‐geomorphic variables used to quantify recovery. Measurements of geomorphic change are required to guide future release strategies. The focus of this study was to determine if a large experimental flood in the Snowy River Australia, could promote geomorphic recovery of the river channel downstream of Jindabyne Dam following 35 years of flow regulation. The objectives of the release were to deepen, widen, and increase channel capacity and coarsen the riverbed substratum in the Jindabyne Gorge and Dalgety Uplands sections of the Snowy River. Data from the release were compared with that of a natural flood event that occurred after the experimental flow event. Both events showed channel adjustments and a degree of geomorphic recovery, but this varied between the two river sections. Marked channel adjustments occurred in the Dalgety Uplands reach following both the experimental and natural flood event and in the Jindabyne Gorge section following the natural flood event. Geomorphic changes were related to the hydrological character of each flood event. The number of flood peaks, the sequence of peaks, the flood duration, and the total energy expenditure differed markedly between the two events, and these four flood hydrological characteristics explained the greater geomorphic recovery associated with the natural flood event in the Jindabyne Gorge. No clear hydro‐geomorphic relationship was derived for channel change in the Dalgety Uplands where existing morphological constraints limit flood effectiveness.  相似文献   

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