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陈湘鹏 《新前程》2009,(1):24-30
采访的这天,刚好赶上感思节,海岩收到了一些演艺明星发来的短信,他们向这位作家表示谢意。  相似文献   

<正> 面对韩国国内市场需求不旺的态势,韩国服装业界目前正在积极拓展进军中国市场。 韩国纺织品和服装咨询公司MPI认为,韩国服装品牌无法持续很长时间主要是因为国内时装企业缺乏品牌管理专业知识。在时装业发达的国家,品牌价值管理项目已经非常普及。  相似文献   

春晚把杨丽萍和彩旗转上了公众讨论的焦点。  相似文献   

本文通过分析比较中韩两国的显性比较优势指数和贸易竞争指数,说明中韩之间经济互补性大于竞争性,为两国建立自由贸易区提供了决策依据.  相似文献   

艾芳 《企业天地》2003,(4):24-24
今年4月将在上海举办的韩国纺织品服装展是韩国政府支持的首次在中国举办的大型展会,为中韩两国纺织服装企业的合作交流搭建一个舞台。中国在劳动力及棉纺、丝绸等原料方面的优势和韩国在化纤新技术及市场开发优势,将为两国的纤维产业创造一个“双赢”时代。近年来,特别是中国加入世贸组织后,我国纺织业创造了举世瞩目的骄人业绩,引起了韩国纺织界的关注。据韩国纤维产业联合会的资料显示,纤维产业在韩国的国民经济中约占10%以上的重要地位。韩国纤维产业出口居世界第五位,化纤出口居世界第四位。2002年韩国在全球纤维类海外投资企…  相似文献   

韩国信息技术标准战略及对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国作为新兴工业化国家,近年来经济技术得到了较快发展,但是技术标准的国际化进程需要大量的时间、成本和人力,韩国与发达国家之间仍然存在短期无法跨越的技术鸿沟。因此在标准竞争的初期阶段,韩国制定了以政府为主导的标准战略。从1962年组建韩国标准协会(KSA)以来,韩国政府投入了大量经费支持技术标准工作,积极参与举办国际标准化活动,并成功地将多项韩国标准推广成为国际标准。  相似文献   

2000年初,韩国《中央日报》进行的一项舆论调查表明,韩国国民认为从经济方面韩国最应优先投资的国家是美国、日本等西方发达国家。而2002年的同一调查中表明,最应优先投资的国家是中国,其次才是美国、日本,"韩国经济的未来在中国"已经成为韩国整个社会的广泛共识。仅一年时间内变化如此迅速,追溯韩国投资中国的历史不难发现其中的原因。  相似文献   

Non-traditional expatriates, those expatriates whose assignments tend to be shorter, involve specialist work and often do not involve families relocating, have not been the subject of sustained research. What we do know about this group of expatriates has been mainly derived from research on Western multinational enterprises (MNEs). The current study explores the trend towards, and the management of, these non-traditional expatriates in South Korean MNEs operating in China. Using a qualitative case study approach involving in-depth, semi-structured interviews with expatriates and local managers, this study reveals that the use of non-traditional expatriates has been on rise in the sample MNEs and that they undertake similar roles to the long-term expatriates including control, problem-solving, management development and knowledge transfer. This shift towards non-traditional expatriation has been brought about by the decreased need for long-term assignments and the desire to gain more organizational flexibility. We conclude that such changes represent a strategic response to the longer term issues surrounding traditional expatriates such as family, career and expatriate failure. Such a shift is not without problems as the research found that there was a lack of formal recruitment and selection processes and that training for non-traditional expatriates was limited.  相似文献   

South Korean multinational enterprises (MNEs) have developed rapidly since the late 1950s. However, there is little research on, and hence little is known about, how South Korean MNEs manage human resources in overseas operations. To fill this gap, in the literature the current study investigates South Korean MNEs' international recruitment and selection policies and practices in their Chinese operations. It reveals that South Korean MNEs tend to adopt the polycentric approach or a mixed approach of being polycentric and ethnocentric to international staffing, with the number of expatriates dropping gradually over time. South Korean MNEs adopt ‘one-way selection’ in recruiting and selecting expatriates, and localise recruitment procedures and selection criteria for host-country nationals. South Korean MNEs have paid inadequate attention to: first, expatriates' career development; and second, personal and family issues emerging from expatriation and repatriation.  相似文献   

朝冈 《中外企业家》2003,(12):22-27
赵强,39岁,现任婷美集团总裁。毕业于北京广播学院新闻系,现就读长江商学院EMBA,1997年首届中国十大策划人,2001年获第二届营销人最高荣誉“金鼎奖”特别案例奖。 赵强的经历庞杂、名衔繁多,他首先  相似文献   

International performance appraisal of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in foreign subsidiaries has received inadequate research attention. The current study investigates the international performance appraisal practices, including procedures and methods, criteria and feedback, of South Korean MNEs in China and the extent to which these practices are localized or/and ethnocentric. Results of analyzing the in-depth interviews with local and expatriate managers show South Korean MNEs tend to adopt an ethnocentric approach to managing performance appraisals for expatriates and an integrative approach for host country-nationals by transferring their home appraisal practices to their Chinese subsidiaries. These approaches can be attributed to relative strength effects, i.e. the relative economic strengths and contextual differences between China and South Korea. This study adds to the knowledge base of how MNEs manage performance appraisals in their foreign subsidiaries.  相似文献   

It is pointed out that in concentrating on the discrimination and low labor participation rates of highly educated married women, the social opportunity costs related to family stability and youth crime rates are not considered.  相似文献   

We studied what types of motives South Korean consumers and corporate giving officers attributed to corporate philanthropy (CP). Results showed gaps between consumers and corporate giving officers in that consumers more firmly believed corporations conducted CP for profit‐driven motives than did corporate giving officers, whereas the corporate giving officers more strongly perceived that corporations engaged in CP for altruistic motives. Based on these findings, we discuss managerial implications for practitioners. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

“起床了,老板…起床了,老板……”手机闹钟的铃声准时地在李索的枕边响起。窗外刚露鱼肚白,满眼惺忪的李索极不情愿地撑起上身,“唉,睡的比狗晚,起的比鸡早,造孽!”  相似文献   

South Korean Labor Market Discrimination Against Women: Estimating Its Cost   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A bstract . South Korean chaebols (large family owned firms) have extensive government ties which provide them with favorable treatment. In turn, the government obtains support from the chaebols. The chaebols have gained economic or excess profits through exploiting monopolistic power in the domestic South Korean product market and through exploiting monopsonistic power in the domestic factor market.
How a monopsonistic firm obtains excess profits is illustrated and related to the behavior of the chaebols as a whole. Major focus is on the labor market. The chaebols have discretionary power over how to exploit their monopsonistic position. The status of women in the South Korean work force in light of this discretionary power is considered. An estimate of the income loss involved is made.  相似文献   

论文通过对韩国釜山情报大学等大学职业教育的了解,分析了韩国专门大学培养职业人才的特点,在此基础上,通过对比分析,总结了两国高职院校校企合作培养人才的可取之处和不足之处,提出了对我国高职院校校企合作培养人才的思考,进而对我国的职业教育人才培养具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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