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城市居民最低生活保障制度是政府为保障城市贫困人群的基本生活设立的一项重要社会救助制度,历经二十年的发展,已经硕果累累,在保障城市贫困群体基本生活,维护社会稳定方面作出了突出贡献。但目前我国城市低保制度还是存在许多问题,包括:对象识别不够准确,保障标准偏低且缺乏弹性,财政投入不合理,低保管理中退出机制不完善、管理队伍不专业、管理部门权力受限,等等。为此,必须规范低保申请人资格审核制度、科学设计城市低保标准、完善低保资金筹集机制、积极推进有劳动能力的低保人群就业、完善低保管理工作能力建设。  相似文献   

对进一步构建和完善农村低保制度的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立农村低保制度是我们党改善民生政策的具体体现.目前,全国31个省区市都已建立了农村低保制度.但各地在农村低保制度构建中还存在着认识不到位、保障面窄、救助标准低,保障对象和保障类别界定欠科学,低保资金投入不足等问题.必须切实保障低保资金,科学规范救助标准并逐步扩大保障面,采用基层组织摸底调查、群众评议、收入核实相结合的方法确定低保对象,尽快完善农村低保制度的法规体系.  相似文献   

1998-2009年我国36个城市“低保”标准变化及保障力度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文利用我国36个城市1998-2009年的面板数据,分析影响城市居民最低生活保障标准动态变迁的经济、政治和社会因素及其影响效应,结果显示:城市居民最低生活保障制度是最低生活保障而非基本生活保障;"低保"标准并未有效地缩小贫富差距;"低保"标准对贫困者就业意愿具有较弱的负效应。文中提出应采取以下措施完善"低保制度":对应经济社会的发展动态提高标准;以收支衡量贫困,保障标准全面化;设置量化指标,评估过程客观化;考虑家庭情况,"低保"标准梯度化;设置不同救助,救助方式套餐化。  相似文献   

近年来,随着农村低保政策的不断完善,救助标准的不断提高,新型农村养老保险、新型农村合作医疗政策、农村大病救助等政策与农村低保政策的有效衔接,使群众对享受农村低保待遇的愿望日趋强烈,受个别不愿自食其力人的“赖保”、隐瞒家庭情况的“骗保”、因学因病因祸返贫的“争保”、工作程序不到位的“乱保”、名不符实的“人情保”等因素的制约,农村低保  相似文献   

城市低保对象救助与就业问题博弈分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何平衡救助与就业之间的关系,是各国社会救助政策需要攻克的难题之一.我国城市低保制度经过10余年的发展,"应保尽保"目标早已实现.但是,随着城市低保制度的发展完善,有劳动能力低保对象却逐渐成为低保对象的主体.低保群体的制度依赖倾向越来越明显.本文通过分析政府与低保对象在不同模式下救助、就业问的博弈问题,旨在寻找城市低保制度中救助与就业的最佳平衡点,建立促进有劳动能力低保对象积极就业的利益导向机制,以期为我国低保制度的制定与完善提供依据和参考.  相似文献   

我国城市居民最低生活保障制度是我国实施比较成功的一项社会救助制度。目前,长沙的低保制度在制度设计和运行方面仍存在消极的救助取向、平均式的救助标准、配套政策的负激励效应以及管理监督体系不健全等一些问题。为此,有必要对其进行探索改革,通过采取积极的福利政策、制定科学的保障标准,推行分类施助和差异救助、建立健全低保制度的管理监督体系等积极措施解决其存在的问题,更好地发挥最低生活保障制度的有效功能。  相似文献   

随着我国社会保障制度的不断发展和完善,近年来,农村最低生活保障制度在缩小城乡差距、缓解农村贫困、保障和改善民生、实现社会公平等方面发挥了重要的作用。然而,当前农村低保制度依然存在着诸如制度设计不合理、覆盖面有限、救助经费不足、保障标准过低、立法滞后等问题。这些问题严重影响到我国农村低保制度的有效运行,使得社会救助制度所倡导的保障弱势群体的权益没有达到预期的目标。因此,进一步完善农村低保制度,加快农村救助制度建设的步伐,对于缓解贫困、稳定社会、构建和谐社会具有重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   

郭静 《经贸实践》2016,(6):38-40
本文从分析我国农村低保资金收支现状出发,提出财政投入不足,资金筹集渠道单一,受保对象难确定,保障标准低等是我国农村低保资金在收支中存在的问题,并提出农村低保制度应由制度化救助转向法制化救助并提高救助水平,施行动态调整的救助金发放模式等以提高农村贫困人群的生活水平,推动社会健康稳定发展.  相似文献   

城市居民最低生活保障制度实施以来,在保障贫困市民基本生活和维护社会稳定方面发挥了重要作用。然而,随着社会经济的发展,城市低保制度的就业负激励问题日益凸显。实证研究表明,利用就业补贴政策,并对当前就业补贴政策中的比例系数进行适当调整,可有效提高低保对象的就业积极性,激励其提高收入水平、摆脱贫困状态。因此,应加快改革差额补贴救助制度,调整就业补贴政策,构建综合救助体系,完善最低保障退出机制,多渠道提升受助者就业能力及意愿。  相似文献   

胡琦  刘辉 《经济研究导刊》2014,(16):41-43,52
通过对国家级贫困县桑植县的农村低保制度进行调查研究,发现了贫困地区农村低保对象低保标准偏低、低保覆盖面窄、低保对象确认难、融低保管理制度不完善等问题。进而提出政府可进一步扩大低保的救助规模、增加低保户收入、鼓励他们就业脱贫、重视低保户及其子女的教育、完善各项相关配套保障措施和加大对低保户精神层面的支持力度等调整政策建议。  相似文献   

从开放宏观的视角看环境污染问题:一个综述   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
陆旸 《经济研究》2012,(2):146-158
在全球化背景下,伴随着国际间的要素流动,环境问题越来越多地被赋予了全球化的内容。本文将环境与增长、环境与贸易、环境与就业、环境与人口迁移等研究文献纳入到一个开放宏观分析框架中,通过文献研究发现,国际分工使"南—北"之间存在了多纬度的"环境不平等":首先,环境与经济增长问题先后经历了三个发展阶段,即罗马俱乐部提出的"增长极限说"、环境库兹涅茨曲线假说、贸易与环境库兹涅茨曲线假说相关性的争论。随着研究的推进,环境与增长问题越来越类似于一枚硬币的两面,难以同时兼得,但是,由于国际分工模式的差异,发展中国家却为发达国家提供了"污染储藏地"。其次,虽然环境规制使企业损失了部分"棕色"就业,但是环境保护同样能够创造"绿色"就业,然而,在国际分工背景下,环境保护是否有利于发展中国家的整体就业还存在着争议。最后,环境恶化已经导致一些国家出现了"环境难民"以及随之而来的人口迁移。到2050年,全世界由气候变化引起的人口迁移很可能达到5千万至7亿。然而,穷国和富国的环境压力和迁移能力却不尽相同,从某种程度上,这也是国际分工产生的间接影响,但是,关于这一问题的研究还十分有限。  相似文献   

This paper shows that outsourcing of parts of the workforce in unionized firms leads to wage moderation both in the case of strategic and flexible outsourcing. As long as the share of the outsourced workforce is not too large, this wage‐moderation effect on domestic employment outweighs the direct substitution effect so that domestic employment increases in unionized firms as outsourcing costs fall. With respect to the impact of labor tax reform changes in the wage tax rate, the tax exemption and the unemployment benefit payments affect domestic wage setting in the same way as in the absence of outsourcing. Furthermore, increasing the degree of tax progression by keeping the relative tax burden per worker constant continues to be good for employment. However, except for low outsourcing activities, the impact of these policy measures will become smaller as outsourcing costs fall.  相似文献   

开设就业指导课,是帮助学生掌握就业方面的知识、信息、技能、经验的有效途径,目前已成为学校推动就业工作、提升就业率的一个重要手段。要加强就业指导课程建设,就必须把就业指导课列入必修课或必选课,积极开发就业创业指导教材,促进就业指导学科建设,促进就业指导教师队伍建设,实现就业指导教师队伍的专业化和职业化。  相似文献   

Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) beginning in 1994, the maquiladora sector was the dynamic manufacturing sector in Mexico, and its apparel subsector was especially so, more than quadrupling in employment from December 1993 to July 2000. Yet NAFTA’s influence on apparel employment is hard to find in a careful time series econometric analysis. Instead, much of employment growth is explained for 1980 to the present by changes in US demand as measured by real US gross domestic product or by real US apparel spending, by US/Mexico relative labor cost as proxied by the real peso‐dollar exchange rate, and by the relaxation of quotas on US apparel imports from Mexico in 1988–1990. In equations including these variables, tests for a structural break at the time of NAFTA find an effect which is either insignificant or else quite small and in some models negative. Possible explanations for this surprising result are discussed, along with the implications for cost–benefit analysis of free trade agreements.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of coalition formation in the empirically observed negative correlation between employment protection and unemployment benefit. We study an economy composed of four groups of agents (capitalists, unemployed people, low- and high-skilled workers), each one represented by a politician. Politicians first form political parties and then compete in a winner-takes-all election by simultaneously proposing policy bundles composed of an employment protection level and an unemployment benefit. We first show that, in the absence of parties (i.e., in a citizen-candidate model), low-skilled workers are decisive and support a maximum employment protection level together with some unemployment benefit. We then obtain that, under some conditions, allowing for party formation results in all policy equilibria belonging to the Pareto set of the coalition formed by high-skilled workers together with unemployed people. Policies in this Pareto set exhibit a negative correlation between employment protection and unemployment benefit.  相似文献   

我国统计制度中几个需要改进的问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国的统计制度发生了极大的变化,但仍然存在着一些亟待改进的问题。城乡统一的劳动就业统计制度没有建立起来,农村劳动力的就业状况没有予以足够的关注;由于城镇人口的统计存在不真实问题,因而城镇化率有高估的可能;由于"城镇职工"这个统计总体界定不严格,据此计算的城镇职工平均工资的可靠性也颇遭质疑。为此,需要在统筹城乡发展的总体框架下,按照科学发展的要求,进一步改进和完善现行统计制度。  相似文献   

This note shows that a public pension system with a fairly general individual tax–benefit linkage is (computationally) equivalent to a system without linkages. The "equivalent" pension system without linkages not only facilitates simulations of policy experiments but also offers some insight into the implied tax structure of the tax–benefit linkage. It is shown that implicit tax rates may differ considerably across age groups even if the statutory tax rate is constant over the life-cycle.  相似文献   

美德日三国大学生就业服务体系比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生就业已成为中国当前日益突出的社会问题。为不断完善中国大学生就业服务体系,促进大学生顺利就业,通过比较分析美国、德国、日本三国大学生就业服务体系,借鉴三国构建大学生就业服务体系的先进经验。指出中国应从法律法规、就业政策、就业指导、培训等方面入手,优化大学生就业服务体系,为大学生提供系统的就业服务。  相似文献   

We start from the hypothesis that Goodwin’s (1967) distributive cycle does not represent a process of social reproduction that can be considered as adequate and sustainable in the long-run, due to the degradation of a part of the workforce it implies during periods of mass unemployment. Against this background, the paper then formulates an unemployment benefit system and a minimum (and maximum) wage rule for the employed where this form of economic reproduction of capitalism is overcome, at least to a certain extent. There is perfect mobility on the labor market (concerning ‘hiring’ and ‘firing’), with fluctuations of the employment rate made socially acceptable by guaranteeing minimum levels of income to all members of the workforce. We can show in this framework that minimum (and maximum) real wages provide increased stability to the economy by reducing the amount of overshooting in income distribution as well as the employment rate.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a new way of linking microsimulation models with dynamic general equilibrium frameworks to obtain an evaluation of the impact of detailed tax and benefit measures on the aggregate economy. In the approach presented in this paper, income heterogeneity interacts with the macro-economy via aggregated individual labour supply decisions which influence, and are influenced by, the dynamic evolution of the real wage rate. The method involves a reduced-form representation of the information flow between the macroeconomic and microeconomic blocks. The practical usefulness of the approach is demonstrated by evaluating actual and hypothetical tax reforms that involve abandoning the flat tax system in Slovakia. A hypothetical move to a highly progressive tax structure is shown to generate some employment gains but is associated with a drop in aggregate income and tax revenue.  相似文献   

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