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通过实证调查的资料对三峡外迁移民的社会适应状况作了描述,对影响其社会适应性的因素进行了分析。就总的社会适应性而言,一半以上的移民已基本适应了迁入地的生活。与三峡外迁移民的社会适应状况密切相关的因素主要有搬迁前后经济收入的差异、当地居民的态度、语言适应性、政府关心状况、迁入地治安状况、住房条件的差异。  相似文献   

三峡工程农村外迁移民安置效果区域差异及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以距离衰减理论为基础,在提出影响区域外迁移民安置效果因子公式假设的基础上,以涵盖三峡工程外迁安置的11个省市的问卷调查为基础,结合对部分典型安置点的入户访谈,运用地理学、心理学、社会学、跨文化交际等理论,实证研究分析了三峡工程农村外迁移民环境适应状况在不同省市的区域差异,侧重探讨了距离及地理环境因素对三峡工程农村外迁移民安置效果的影响规律。并从研究中获得了五点启示。  相似文献   

人是文化的载体,人的流动、迁移意味着文化的流动、迁移.从这种意义上讲,丹江口水库移民就是一种从原居住地到安置地的文化迁移、融合的过程.这种文化迁移能否成功,事关移民在安置地是否"稳得住",而只有在移民"稳得住"的基础上,才能实现"能致富",并最终达到完全融入安置地,幸福生活的目的. 一、水库移民的安置方式与移民文化的存在形态 丹江口水库移民的安置方式按安置地与移民原居住地的距离,可分为外迁安置与就地后靠安置;按安置移民的聚散程度,可分为集中安置和分散安置.移民安置方式对移民文化有着重大的影响. 外迁安置的农村移民远离原居住地,不再经营原有的土地、山林等,其赖以生存的自然环境、社会环境都发生了明显的变化.分散型安置的移民由于分散插组、插村安置,原有的文化组合被彻底打乱.这两类移民在安置地面临新的文化环境和新的社会群体组合,外界压力冲击比较大,他们不得不尽快调整自身,以适应新的社会环境.这类移民文化的发展要经历一个从完全陌生到逐步被同化的过程.  相似文献   

本文分析了影响移民就业选择的内外因素,采用Logistic回归模型研究了南水北调中线工程外迁移民非农就业选择与人口学变量的关系,并从移民就业增收发展规划、移民就业培训、就业资金支持、建立移民社会保障机制四个方面提出了促进移民就业的对策建议.  相似文献   

三峡大坝是举世瞩目的大工程,移民百万更是世界级的难题,是三峡工程成败的关键所在。根据目前的形势,要全面实现"搬得出、稳得住、逐步能致富"的整体目标,还面临很大的压力和风险。文章通过考察外迁移民的生活现状,深入了解移民的生产、就业、教育等情况,为政府制定完善相关政策法规建言献计,促进社会的和谐、稳定和发展。  相似文献   

2004年8月27日早晨7时许,三峡库区最后一批外迁移民到达安徽省芜湖港。外迁移民牺牲了很多自己的利益。  相似文献   

全球化时代跨国移民流动呈现出多样化趋势,既涌现了从不发达国家向发达国家的移民浪潮,也出现了不同发展中国家之间的迁移潮流.不同流向下跨国移民的社会适应,不能简单地用“同化论”、“多元文化论”等指涉从不发达国家向发达国家的移民群体的社会适应理论加以解释.中国移居南非之新移民在南非社会中建构起了具有“桥与墙”双重功能的民族聚集区经济:一方面促使中国新移民出于工具性目的去主动了解移居国的相关状况,同时也强化了中国新移民自身的族群认同,使得他们普遍缺乏主动融入当地社会的明确动机.因此,在民族聚集区经济的影响下,南非的中国新移民的社会适应呈现出“非零和型适应”和“多元适应”的二元化倾向.这种社会适应上的差异性体现在居留心态、社会空间及跨文化交际能力三个方面.  相似文献   

生态移民工程的实施,推动了国内生态移民的研究。针对不同地区移民的社会适应性,众多学者从生产、生活及文化适应角度进行了较为全面的分析,并提出了提高移民适应性的措施。但牧区生态移民有着自身的特殊性,从发展的角度考虑,今后还需要加强对牧区生态移民的跟踪研究、比较研究和拓展研究。对现有牧民适应性的研究进行比较总结,既能较好了解不同地区移民的适应情况,也能为下一步深入研究指明方向。  相似文献   

生态移民中的文化适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态移民工程是将原来生活在生态环境恶化地区的人口迁移到相对适宜生存的地方,首要目的就在于降低迁出地生态环境的人口压力,缓解人与自然之间的矛盾,也是当一方水土养育不了一方人时被迫实行的扶贫迁移策略,环境的改变会引起人们在生产方式、生活习俗、宗教信仰、价值观等方面的改变,产生文化变迁.只有适应文化变迁的文化才能生存下来,文化的变迁导致了文化的适应.文化适应的结果是文化变迁.生态移民对民族原有的文化产生了很大的冲击,新旧文化因为环境的改变不断地冲撞、重组、融合形成一种适应新环境的新的文化体系.文化在变迁适应中不断地创新发展.粗略的探讨一下因为生态移民环境改变后文化的变迁与适应.  相似文献   

大型工程建设加速了我国的工业化与城镇化进程,工程移民的生活质量的波动受到社会的关注.本文以工程移民社区为考察对象,以家庭生活满意度测度生活质量,运用主成分分析法,研究移民家庭生活质量的影响因素.研究发现,影响工程移民家庭生活质量的因素有:居住状况及基础设施因素,社区服务因素与生产安置因素.为此,本文建议完善移民扶持政策,增加公共服务的财政投入,提供职业教育与培训服务,以改善移民社区基础设施建设为着力点提升移民家庭的生活质量.  相似文献   

As their environment changes, migrants constitute an interesting group to study the effect of relative income on subjective well-being. This paper focuses on the huge population of rural-to-urban migrants in China. Using a novel dataset, we find that the well-being of migrants depends on several reference groups: it is negatively affected by the income of other migrants and workers of home regions; in contrast, we identify a positive, ‘signal’ effect vis-à-vis urban workers: larger urban incomes indicate higher income prospects for the migrants. These effects are particularly strong for migrants who wish to settle permanently, decline with years since migrations and change with other characteristics including work conditions and community ties.  相似文献   

Public broadcasting of all games of high school baseball tournaments attests to their popularity in Japan. The present study uses individual‐level data to test the hypothesis that nostalgia influences the level of happiness of Japanese people. Its key findings were: (i) the number of wins by a prefecture team increased the happiness level of its residents; (ii) this effect applied only to residents of large cities; and (iii) for urban migrants, originally from rural areas, the effect of their home team wins exceeded that of the wins of their host area team. This effect was significant in cases where the host area cultural climate differed from that of the migrant home area. These findings suggest that a scarcity of ‘identity’ goods related to the residential community increases high school baseball influence on happiness. Furthermore, the influence of nostalgia for home on migrants’ happiness is greater than their attachment to their current residential community.  相似文献   

采用RUMIC2009实地调查数据,对农民工社会网的教育溢出和教育回报进行代际比较的研究发现:以关系最亲密的三个关系人为代表的农民工社会网存在显著的教育溢出效应。进一步研究发现,农民工社会网的教育溢出效应和其自身的教育回报存在显著的代际差异:第一代农民工社会网络的教育溢出和自身的教育回报都显著高于新生代农民工。在进行了内生性和稳健性检验后,上述结论仍然成立。这一研究对于新型城镇化背景下新老两代农民工的替代对产业转型升级和城市社区建设的推进政策制定具有参考意义。  相似文献   

The idea that migrants' performance in the labor market might be contingent upon the nature of the externalities generated by other migrants has escaped attention. When migrants from a given country of origin first arrive at a given country of destination, the capacity of employers to decipher and interpret such home information as the migrants' level of education and skill achievements is limited. But what applies to the initial wave of migrants differs from what applies to the second and higher order waves. Higher order waves of migrants arrive when employers in the receiving country already have certain experience with first-wave migrants. This paper develops a model which shows that, after migration, the probability of a later wave of migrants being mobile in a labor market is lower than that of a former wave migrant, i.e., from the migrants' point of view—the later the better.  相似文献   

Tajikistan has relied on remittances by international migrants that have exceeded a quarter of annual GDP to date, despite a series of exogenous adverse events in the mid-2010s. We use a nationally representative panel dataset collected in 2013 and 2018 to explore the socio-economic characteristics of households with international migrants and migrants themselves. We provide several new findings. First, the prevalence of households with international migrants is 40%, with a substantial transition in migrant status during the research period. Second, households with international migrants are not poor, have Russian-speaking members, and are supported by an intense migration network. Third, younger, single, and more educated males comprise most of Tajikistan's international migrants. Fourth, households without Russian-speaking members or migration networks in 2013 had begun to send international migrants by 2018, while households in the richest group had exited from migration, suggesting s transition of the socio-economic composition of migrant-sending households during the mid-2010s.  相似文献   

制度分割下的农村劳动力流动过程的宏观效应分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在不同的制度环境下,农村劳动力迁移流动的过程显示不同的阶段性特征。以中国经济体制转轨和社会转型为背景,对农村劳动力向城市流动的阶段性过程进行划分;并对由户籍制度与土地制度所产生劳动力流动过程的阶段性特征的原因进行阐述,提出相关的制度变革建议,以期为实现平稳和持续的城市化、非农化创造所需要的制度环境。  相似文献   

Although the economic performance of migrants in the receiving country undoubtedly depends on qualifications, it is also affected by inclinations. Given the probability of return migration, a behavioural link is established between the incentive of migrants to save in their country of destination and the prevailing wage rate in their home country. It is shown that migrants coming from a low‐wage country optimally save more than migrants from a high‐wage country. Policy and research implications suggested by this savings behaviour are alluded to.  相似文献   

对社会网络理论的发展和应用进行了回顾,重点评述国内外关于流动人口的社会网络研究。国外利用社会网络视角系统研究流动人口的成果相对较少,而国内的流动人口研究主要集中于农村流动人口的网络结构分析和求职网络研究。多数研究只是对个体网络的基本特性作描述性分析,将社会网络作为研究对象而不是研究方法。对未来利用社会网络分析方法进行农村流动人口的研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

This study of migration from Paraguay to Argentina focuses on urban to urban migration and uses about 1300 interviews collected during September 1983 to May 1984 for constructing a profile of the migrants. Paraguayan migration to Argentina has historical roots. The first flows were in 1936 and 1947 and were due to war. Migrants tended to settle in Formosa and Misiones provinces in the northern region. The second waves that occurred during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s were to Buenos Aires. Most migration during the more recent years was motivated by economics. It is likely that the key factors were push factors in Paraguay. Migration policies in sending and receiving countries are lax. Half of the interviews were conducted among families in Gran Buenos Aires, and half were conducted among families in Asuncion, Paraguay. 33% of migrants in Argentina reported Asuncion as their last residence. Many migrants were from departments bordering on Argentina. Only 222 of the 543 heads of household who had been employed prior to departure reported that farm work had been their employment. Migration is precipitated by both economic and noneconomic factors. Logistic model findings indicate that urban migrant heads of households tended to be younger and less educated than nonmigrants. Migrants tended to be single heads of households with relatively few children. Rural migrants were less likely to be female and were more likely to have a larger family size than urban migrants. Heads of household with fewer continuous years of employment were more likely to migrate. Findings from data at the time of the interview suggest that higher relative wages were a pull force, when age, sex, education, marital status, size of business, and job seniority were controlled for. The recent democratization in Paraquay is like to attract return migrants, if urban employment opportunities are available.  相似文献   

International migration is costly and initially only the middle class of the wealth distribution may have both the means and incentives to migrate, which can increase inequality in the sending community. However, the migration networks formed lower the costs for future migrants, which can in turn lower inequality. This paper shows both theoretically and empirically that wealth has a nonlinear effect on migration, and then examines the empirical evidence for an inverse U-shaped relationship between emigration and inequality in rural sending communities in Mexico. After instrumenting, we find that the overall impact of migration is to reduce inequality across communities with relatively high levels of past migration. We also find some suggestive evidence for an inverse U-shaped relationship among communities with a wider range of migration experiences.  相似文献   

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