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This article presents the first application in finance of recently developed methods for the Gaussian estimation of continuous time dynamic models. A range of one factor continuous time models of the short-term interest rate are estimated using a discrete time model and compared to a recent discrete approximation used by Chan, Karolyi, Longstaff, and Sanders (1992a, hereafter CKLS). Whereas the volatility of short-term rates is highly sensitive to the level of rates in the United States, it is not in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

This article presents a technique for nonparametrically estimating continuous-time diffusion processes that are observed at discrete intervals. We illustrate the methodology by using daily three and six month Treasury Bill data, from January 1965 to July 1995, to estimate the drift and diffusion of the short rate, and the market price of interest rate risk. While the estimated diffusion is similar to that estimated by Chan, Karolyi, Longstaff, and Sanders (1992) , there is evidence of substantial nonlinearity in the drift. This is close to zero for low and medium interest rates, but mean reversion increases sharply at higher interest rates.  相似文献   

In this paper alternative interest rate processes are estimated for Denmark, Germany, Sweden, and the UK, using the generalized method of moments (GMM). In line with the study by Chan, Karolyi, Longstaff, and Sanders (1992) on US data, there seems to be a positive relation between interest rate level and volatility for some countries. In contrast to their study, it is found that mean-reversion plays an important role for the specification of the interest rate dynamics. The results seem to be robust to the use of different moment conditions, and simulations of the estimated models reveal that they are fairly able to capture non-fitted moments as well. In addition, there is evidence of a structural change in the Danish interest rate process in August 1985, which may be due to a change in monetary policy. The small sample properties of the GMM estimators are also studied through simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare the forecasting performance of different models of interest rates using parametric and nonparametric estimation methods. In particular, we use three popular nonparametric methods, namely, artificial neural networks (ANN), k-nearest neighbour (k-NN), and local linear regression (LL). These are compared with forecasts obtained from two-factor continuous time interest rate models, namely, Chan, Karolyi, Longstaff, and Sanders [CKLS, J. Finance 47 (1992) 1209]; Cos, Ingersoll, and Ross [CIR, Econometrica 53 (1985) 385]; Brennan and Schwartz [BR-SC, J. Financ. Quant. Anal. 15 (1980) 907]; and Vasicek [J. Financ. Econ. 5 (1977) 177]. We find that while the parametric continuous time method, specifically Vasicek, produces the most successful forecasts, the nonparametric k-NN performed well.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2006,30(11):3131-3146
Subsequent to the influential paper of [Chan, K.C., Karolyi, G.A., Longstaff, F.A., Sanders, A.B., 1992. An empirical comparison of alternative models of the short-term interest rate. Journal of Finance 47, 1209–1227], the generalised method of moments (GMM) has been a popular technique for estimation and inference relating to continuous-time models of the short-term interest rate. GMM has been widely employed to estimate model parameters and to assess the goodness-of-fit of competing short-rate specifications. The current paper conducts a series of simulation experiments to document the bias and precision of GMM estimates of short-rate parameters, as well as the size and power of [Hansen, L.P., 1982. Large sample properties of generalised method of moments estimators. Econometrica 50, 1029–1054], J-test of over-identifying restrictions. While the J-test appears to have appropriate size and good power in sample sizes commonly encountered in the short-rate literature, GMM estimates of the speed of mean reversion are shown to be severely biased. Consequently, it is dangerous to draw strong conclusions about the strength of mean reversion using GMM. In contrast, the parameter capturing the levels effect, which is important in differentiating between competing short-rate specifications, is estimated with little bias.  相似文献   


This paper tests for asymmetric mean reversion in European short-term interest rates using a combination of the interest rate models introduced by Longstaff and Schwartz (Longstaff, F.A., Schwarts, E.S. (1992) Interest rate volatility and the ferm structure: A two factor general equilibrium model, Journal of Finance, 48, pp. 1259–1282.) and Bali (Bali, T. (2000) Testing the empirical performance of stochastic volatility models of the short-term interest rates, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 35, pp. 191–215.). Using weekly rates for France, Germany and the United Kingdom, it is found that short-term rates follow in all instances asymmetric mean reverting processes. Specifically, interest rates exhibit non-stationary behavior following rate increases, but they are strongly mean reverting following rate decreases. The mean reverting component is statistically and economically stronger thus offsetting non-stationarity. Volatility depends on past innovations past volatility and the level of interest rates. With respect to past innovations volatility is asymmetric rising more in response to positive innovations. This is exactly opposite to the asymmetry found in stock returns.  相似文献   

This paper employs a semiparametric procedure to estimate the diffusion process of short-term interest rates. The Monte Carlo study shows that the semiparametric approach produces more accurate volatility estimates than models that accommodate asymmetry, level effect and serial dependence in the conditional variance. Moreover, the semiparametric approach yields robust volatility estimates even if the short rate drift function and the underlying innovation distribution are misspecified. Empirical investigation with the U.S. three-month Treasury bill rates suggests that the semiparametric procedure produces superior in-sample and out-of-sample forecast of short rate changes volatility compared with the widely used single-factor diffusion models. This forecast improvement has implications for pricing interest rate derivatives.  相似文献   

This paper considers a class of term structure models that is a parameterisation of the Shirakawa (1991) extension of the Heath et al. (1992) model to the case of jump-diffusions. We consider specific forward rate volatility structures that incorporate state dependent Wiener volatility functions and time dependent Poisson volatility functions. Within this framework, we discuss the Markovianisation issue, and obtain the corresponding affine term structure of interest rates. As a result we are able to obtain a broad tractable class of jump-diffusion term structure models. We relate our approach to the existing class of jump-diffusion term structure models whose starting point is a jump-diffusion process for the spot rate. In particular we obtain natural jump-diffusion versions of the Hull and White (1990, 1994) one-factor and two-factor models and the Ritchken and Sankarasubramanian (1995) model within the HJM framework. We also give some numerical simulations to gauge the effect of the jump-component on yield curves and the implications of various volatility specifications for the spot rate distribution.  相似文献   

We estimate and compare a variety of continuous-time models of the short-term riskless rate using the Generalized Method of Moments. We find that the most successful models in capturing the dynamics of the short-term interest rate are those that allow the volatility of interest rate changes to be highly sensitive to the level of the riskless rate. A number of well-known models perform poorly in the comparisons because of their implicit restrictions on term structure volatility. We show that these results have important implications for the use of different term structure models in valuing interest rate contingent claims and in hedging interest rate risk.  相似文献   

A Complete Markovian Stochastic Volatility Model in the HJM Framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers a stochastic volatility version of the Heath, Jarrow and and Morton (1992) term structure model. Market completeness is obtained by adapting the Hobson and Rogers (1998) complete stochastic volatility stock market model to the interest rate setting. Numerical simulation for a special case is used to compare the stochastic volatility model against the traditional Vasicek (1977) model.  相似文献   

This paper examines a model of short-term interest rates that incorporates stochastic volatility as an independent latent factor into the popular continuous-time mean-reverting model of Chan et al. (J Financ 47:1209–1227, 1992). I demonstrate that this two-factor specification can be efficiently estimated within a generalized method of moments (GMM) framework using a judicious choice of moment conditions. The GMM procedure is compared to a Kalman filter estimation approach. Empirical estimation is implemented on US Treasury bill yields using both techniques. A Monte Carlo study of the finite sample performance of the estimators shows that GMM produces more heavily biased estimates than does the Kalman filter, and with generally larger mean squared errors.  相似文献   

The term structure of interest rates is often summarized using a handful of yield factors that capture shifts in the shape of the yield curve. In this paper, we develop a comprehensive model for volatility dynamics in the level, slope, and curvature of the yield curve that simultaneously includes level and GARCH effects along with regime shifts. We show that the level of the short rate is useful in modeling the volatility of the three yield factors and that there are significant GARCH effects present even after including a level effect. Further, we find that allowing for regime shifts in the factor volatilities dramatically improves the model’s fit and strengthens the level effect. We also show that a regime-switching model with level and GARCH effects provides the best out-of-sample forecasting performance of yield volatility. We argue that the auxiliary models often used to estimate term structure models with simulation-based estimation techniques should be consistent with the main features of the yield curve that are identified by our model.  相似文献   

Longstaff [Longstaff, F., 2000. The term structure of very short-term rates: new evidence for the expectations hypothesis. Journal of Financial Economics 58, 397–415] finds support for the expectations hypothesis at the very short end of the repurchase agreement (repo) term structure while other studies find calendar-time-based regularities cause rejection of the expectations hypothesis. Using Longstaff’s methods on a sample of repo rates that pre-dates Longstaff’s sample, we reject the expectations hypothesis for every maturity. The pre-Longstaff-sample repo data comes from a time period where the behavior of short-term interest rates is similar to the long-run average behavior of short-term interest rates. Our results imply that expectations hold when rates are less volatile and/or that we may be entering a period of lower volatility.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2005,29(11):2723-2749
We propose a parsimonious ‘unspanned stochastic volatility’ model of the term structure and study its implications for fixed-income option prices. The drift and quadratic variation of the short rate are affine in three state variables (the short rate, its long-term mean and variance) which follow a joint Markov (vector) process. Yet, bond prices are exponential affine functions of only two state variables, independent of the current interest rate volatility level. Because this result holds for an arbitrary volatility process, such a process can be calibrated to match fixed income derivative prices. Furthermore, this model can be ‘extended’ (by relaxing the time-homogeneity) to fit any arbitrary term structure. In its ‘HJM’ form, this model nests the analogous stochastic equity volatility model of Heston (1993) [Heston, S.L., 1993. A closed form solution for options with stochastic volatility. Review of Financial Studies 6, 327–343]. In particular, if the volatility process is specified to be affine, closed-form solutions for interest rate options obtain. We propose an efficient algorithm to compute these prices. An application using data on caps and floors shows that the model can capture very well the implied Black spot volatility surface, while simultaneously fitting the observed term structure.  相似文献   

We propose using a Realized GARCH (RGARCH) model to estimate the daily volatility of the short-term interest rate in the euro–yen market. The model better fits the data and provides more accurate volatility forecasts by extracting additional information from realized measures. In addition, we propose using the ARMA–Realized GARCH (ARMA–RGARCH) model to capture the volatility clustering and the mean reversion effects of interest rate behavior. We find the ARMA–RGARCH model fits the data better than the simple RGARCH model does, but it does not provide superior volatility forecasts.  相似文献   

We study the information content of implied volatility fromseveral volatility specifications of the Heath-Jarrow-Morton(1992) (HJM) models relative to popular historical volatilitymodels in the Eurodollar options market. The implied volatilityfrom the HJM models explains much of the variation of realizedinterest rate volatility over both daily and monthly horizons.The implied volatility dominates the GARCH terms, the Glostenet al. (1993) type asymmetric volatility terms, and the interestrate level. However, it cannot explain that the impact of interestrate shocks on the volatility is lower when interest rates arelow than when they are high.  相似文献   

In this article I provide new evidence on the role of nonlinear drift and stochastic volatility in interest rate modeling. I compare various model specifications for the short‐term interest rate using the data from five countries. I find that modeling the stochastic volatility in the short rate is far more important than specifying the shape of the drift function. The empirical support for nonlinear drift is weak with or without the stochastic volatility factor. Although a linear drift stochastic volatility model fits the international data well, I find that the level effect differs across countries.  相似文献   

The standard view of the monetary transmission mechanism rests on the central bank's ability to manipulate the overnight interest rate by controlling reserve supply. In the 1990s, there was a significant decline in the level of reserve balances in the US accompanied at first by an increase in federal funds rate volatility. However, following this initial rise, volatility declined. In this paper, we find evidence of structural breaks in volatility. We estimate a Tobit model of temporary open market operations and conclude that there have been changes in the Desk's reaction function that played a major role in controlling volatility.  相似文献   

This paper extends the Heath, Jarrow and Morton model (1992) to atwo country setup. In the presence of common shocks and country specificshocks, we retrieve each country's pricing kernel implied by itsterm structure dynamics and show that the pricing kernels impose a constrainton the exchange rate to be the ratio of the pricing kernels. Under therisk neutral measure, the drift of the exchange rate is the interest ratedifferential, and the volatility reflects the forward rate risk-premiumdifferential of the two countries. The result implies that the risk premiumwill enter the currency option pricing model through the volatility term.Under the assumption of non-stochastic forward rate drift and volatility,we are able to derive closed-form solutions for currency options.  相似文献   

A two-factor no-arbitrage model is used to provide a theoretical link between stock and bond market volatility. While this model suggests that short-term interest rate volatility may, at least in part, drive both stock and bond market volatility, the empirical evidence suggests that past bond market volatility affects both markets and feeds back into short-term yield volatility. The empirical modelling goes on to examine the (time-varying) correlation structure between volatility in the stock and bond markets and finds that the sign of this correlation has reversed over the last 20 years. This has important implications far portfolio selection in financial markets.  相似文献   

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