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有一句,说一千句,是作家,这叫文采;有一句,说一百句,是演说家,这叫口才;有一句,说十句,是教授,这叫学问;有一句,说一句,是律师,这叫严谨;说一句,留一句。是外交家,这叫辞令;有十句,说一句,是政客,这叫韬略;有一百句,说一句,是和尚。这叫玄机;有一千句,说一句,这叫遗言。  相似文献   

这是一个新旧并存的城市,这是一个古老的民族化与现代的都市化共生的首都,这是一个广袤的草原与拥挤的城市齐在的国家,这是一个GDP以每年两位数增速快速发展的国度,这是一个多元文化杂糅互生的家园。  相似文献   

正中美关系很明显是当今世界上最重要的双边关系,这基本上没有太多异议,但是并不那么明显的则是这一关系的本质。不久之前,观察者还普遍将这对关系定性为非敌非友,这也不是没有道理。但是随着世情国情的变化,这一关系也在发生着细微的变化。尤其是随着2008年金融危机的爆发及中国的迅速崛起,这势必影响双方各自看待对方的态度及处事的行为。结果最近中美关系的紧张就不  相似文献   

这是这座城市最美丽的季节,这是这个季节最美好的时光。虽然美好都很短暂,但幸好有这些追逐美丽的镜头,让瞬间成为永恒,让美丽能够停留。这是我们城市的晨光和暮色,这些都是我们对这个城市的爱。  相似文献   

朱平 《新财经》2005,(5):116-116
作为基金从业人员,本不应该有心思阅读这类书籍,因为这两年股市不太好,基金这个行业也不好做。但我仍然认为这本书值得一读  相似文献   

刚刚闭幕的中央经济工作会议指出,面对复杂多变的国际政治经济环境和国内经济运行新情况新变化,必须继续抓住科学发展这个主题和加快转变经济发展方式这条主线,牢牢把握扩大内需这一战略基点;牢牢把握发展实体经济这一坚实基础;牢牢把握加快改革创新这一强大动力;牢牢把握保障和改善民生这一根本目的。  相似文献   

这一刻,来得那么突然,却又让人如此刻骨铭心!这一刻,山崩地裂,江河失色,人类竞变得如此脆弱!让我们记住这一刻,2008年5月12日下午2点28分……  相似文献   

这是一篇充满感情的文字,这是一次严肃的农村调研,这是一项拯救农业的工程,这是一个号召全社会行动的宣言。书中《84岁老人和8分田》的故事其实已经是老生常谈。84岁的张富贵老人,在  相似文献   

互联网从来不缺少惊喜与传奇,但过去的2014年还是送给了我们很多礼物:这一年,人人都在膜拜、追逐着互联网思维;这一年,连广场舞大妈都在谈论大数据和O2O;这一年,马云和阿里巴巴成为了全球人民眼中新的"中国名片";这一年,小伙伴儿们成群结队地去美国敲钟;这一年,我们都在找风口、讲故事、抒情怀……  相似文献   

“这是最好的时代。这是最坏的时代;这是智慧的年代,这是愚昧的年代;这是信仰的时期,这是怀疑的时期;这是光明的季节,这是黑暗的季节,这是希望的春天,这是失望的冬天……”  相似文献   

Casual empirical evidence suggests that infrastructure provision is higher in economies that are open to world trade. We develop a model of imperfect competition to show that open economies are likely to provide more infrastructure than closed economies. If infrastructure is financed by taxing a producer lobby, the open economy will overprovide while the closed economy will underinvest; an open economy approaches optimal provision when this lobby group is small in size. If financing of infrastructure is done by taxing the whole population, the closed-economy outcome may be preferred relative to that of the open economy.  相似文献   

The paper describes new approaches to the prediction of integration processes in the post-Soviet space and to the macroeconomic evaluation of the integration effect with the use of a cross-country model of structural interactions.  相似文献   

We investigate the sources of supply of several core skills,using an innovative approach to skills measurement that involvesadapting a job analysis methodology and applying it in a surveycontext. We then estimate the determinants of skills supplyusing a production function model. The main findings are: (i)prior education and work experience have generally positivebut diminishing marginal impacts on skills, consistent withthe earnings function literature; (ii) off-the-job trainingis productive of most types of skill, while on-the-job trainingis effective for the generation of problem-solving and team-workingskills. Both types of training are transferable from previousemployers; (iii) more education enhances the development ofcomputing skills at work, but with respect to other core skills,less educated workers make up for their lower education throughmore work-based learning; (iv) there is a strong associationbetween the presence of some new or flexible organisation characteristicsand both the level and growth of all types of skills. We argueoverall that the contribution of work-based learning to skillsdevelopment is more important than normally allowed for in theskills policy discourse.  相似文献   

六朝商人诗及所反映的商品经济   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
六朝商人诗含以商人为题者、商人所写者、不以商人为题而实写商人者、借叙事抒情而涉及商人者等四种类型,其传递出的信息是:1.商人社会地位的变化;2.城市商业畸形繁荣;3.封建政权不抑富商巨贾,抑商、贱商主要针对中小商人,这为研究六朝的商人和商业提供了有力的佐证。  相似文献   

ASEAN FTA,distribution of income,and globalization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the impact of Free Trade Agreements on income distribution within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and between the members and their trading partners outside ASEAN. The study uses a Computable General Equilibrium model, a modified version of the 57 sector, 87 country, Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) integrated model of national input–output tables, version-6.2 (2001 database) with its reserve matrix facility, to simulate income distribution results as an outcome of certain parameter changes that appear in intra and inter regional trade.Within ASEAN, trade liberalization will stimulate the output of each country within the region according to their comparative advantage. Since trade liberalization tends to increase output of capital-intensive goods more than labor-intensive goods, the less-developed countries within the region tend to get smaller benefits compared to other member countries. In addition, the physical means of production tend to gain more relative to the gains of labor from the FTAs. This tends to widen the income gap between high-income and low-income households within ASEAN.Comparing ASEAN and the developed non-ASEAN countries, an FTA within ASEAN tends to reduce the returns to labor of the developed non-member countries and narrow the income gap between ASEAN, as a whole, and those rich countries since capital-intensive products of developing countries are often labor-intensive goods of developed countries.  相似文献   

Safeguards, China, and the Price of Steel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The economic health of the US steel industry has fluctuated enormously over the last ten years. The implementation of steel safeguard tariffs in 2002 brought intense scrutiny by academics and industry observers, but little empirical work has focused on the factors that led to the industry’s dramatic reversal of fortune in the period that followed. We use a panel data set of product-level monthly price observations between 1997 and March 2005 to test the importance of the safeguards compared to other possible determinants. We find little evidence that the safeguards affected steel prices in the United States. Instead, results indicate that declining production capacity, improved macroeconomic conditions, and a falling dollar helped return prices to healthier levels. Finally, China’s demand for imported steel, which has not been included in previous empirical studies on the US steel industry, also appears to impact prices, but only after a lag of more than six months. JEL no. F13  相似文献   

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