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There are many environments where knowledge of a structural relationship is required to answer questions of interest. Also, nonseparability of a structural disturbance is a key feature of many models. Here, we consider nonparametric identification and estimation of a model that is monotonic in a nonseparable scalar disturbance, which disturbance is independent of instruments. This model leads to conditional quantile restrictions. We give local identification conditions for the structural equations from those quantile restrictions. We find that a modified completeness condition is sufficient for local identification. We also consider estimation via a nonparametric minimum distance estimator. The estimator minimizes the sum of squares of predicted values from a nonparametric regression of the quantile residual on the instruments. We show consistency of this estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore partial identification and inference for the quantile of treatment effects for randomized experiments. First, we propose nonparametric estimators of sharp bounds on the quantile of treatment effects and establish their asymptotic properties under general conditions. Second, we construct confidence intervals for the bounds and the true quantile by using the approach in Chernozhukov et al. (2009). Third, under additional conditions, we develop a new approach to construct confidence intervals for the bounds and the true quantile and refer to it as the order statistic approach. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the finite sample performance of both approaches.  相似文献   

Under a quantile restriction, randomly censored regression models can be written in terms of conditional moment inequalities. We study the identified features of these moment inequalities with respect to the regression parameters where we allow for covariate dependent censoring, endogenous censoring and endogenous regressors. These inequalities restrict the parameters to a set. We show regular point identification can be achieved under a set of interpretable sufficient conditions. We then provide a simple way to convert conditional moment inequalities into unconditional ones while preserving the informational content. Our method obviates the need for nonparametric estimation, which would require the selection of smoothing parameters and trimming procedures. Without the point identification conditions, our objective function can be used to do inference on the partially identified parameter. Maintaining the point identification conditions, we propose a quantile minimum distance estimator which converges at the parametric rate to the parameter vector of interest, and has an asymptotically normal distribution. A small scale simulation study and an application using drug relapse data demonstrate satisfactory finite sample performance.  相似文献   

This paper considers a linear triangular simultaneous equations model with conditional quantile restrictions. The paper adjusts for endogeneity by adopting a control function approach and presents a simple two-step estimator that exploits the partially linear structure of the model. The first step consists of estimation of the residuals of the reduced-form equation for the endogenous explanatory variable. The second step is series estimation of the primary equation with the reduced-form residual included nonparametrically as an additional explanatory variable. This paper imposes no functional form restrictions on the stochastic relationship between the reduced-form residual and the disturbance term in the primary equation conditional on observable explanatory variables. The paper presents regularity conditions for consistency and asymptotic normality of the two-step estimator. In addition, the paper provides some discussions on related estimation methods in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper explores the inferential question in semiparametric binary response models when the continuous support condition is not satisfied and all regressors have discrete support. I focus mainly on the models under the conditional median restriction, as in Manski (1985). I find sharp bounds on the components of the parameter of interest and outline several applications. The formulas for bounds obtained using a recursive procedure help analyze cases where one regressor’s support becomes increasingly dense. Furthermore, I investigate asymptotic properties of estimators of the identification set. I describe a relation between the maximum score estimation and support vector machines and propose several approaches to address the problem of empty identification sets when the model is misspecified.  相似文献   

This paper studies conditional moment restrictions that contain unknown nonparametric functions, and proposes a general method of obtaining asymptotically distribution-free tests via martingale transforms. Examples of such conditional moment restrictions are single index restrictions, partially parametric regressions, and partially parametric quantile regressions. This paper introduces a conditional martingale transform that is conditioned on the variable in the nonparametric function, and shows that we can generate distribution-free tests of various semiparametric conditional moment restrictions using this martingale transform. The paper proposes feasible martingale transforms using series estimation and establishes their asymptotic validity. Some results from a Monte Carlo simulation study are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Censored regression quantiles with endogenous regressors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops a semiparametric method for estimation of the censored regression model when some of the regressors are endogenous (and continuously distributed) and instrumental variables are available for them. A “distributional exclusion” restriction is imposed on the unobservable errors, whose conditional distribution is assumed to depend on the regressors and instruments only through a lower-dimensional “control variable,” here assumed to be the difference between the endogenous regressors and their conditional expectations given the instruments. This assumption, which implies a similar exclusion restriction for the conditional quantiles of the censored dependent variable, is used to motivate a two-stage estimator of the censored regression coefficients. In the first stage, the conditional quantile of the dependent variable given the instruments and the regressors is nonparametrically estimated, as are the first-stage reduced-form residuals to be used as control variables. The second-stage estimator is a weighted least squares regression of pairwise differences in the estimated quantiles on the corresponding differences in regressors, using only pairs of observations for which both estimated quantiles are positive (i.e., in the uncensored region) and the corresponding difference in estimated control variables is small. The paper gives the form of the asymptotic distribution for the proposed estimator, and discusses how it compares to similar estimators for alternative models.  相似文献   

Most studies in the structural change literature focus solely on the conditional mean, while under various circumstances, structural change in the conditional distribution or in conditional quantiles is of key importance. This paper proposes several tests for structural change in regression quantiles. Two types of statistics are considered, namely, a fluctuation type statistic based on the subgradient and a Wald type statistic, based on comparing parameter estimates obtained from different subsamples. The former requires estimating the model under the null hypothesis, and the latter involves estimation under the alternative hypothesis. The tests proposed can be used to test for structural change occurring in a pre-specified quantile, or across quantiles, which can be viewed as testing for change in the conditional distribution with a linear specification of the conditional quantile function. Both single and multiple structural changes are considered. We derive the limiting distributions under the null hypothesis, and show they are nuisance parameter free and can be easily simulated. A simulation study is conducted to assess the size and power in finite samples.  相似文献   

This paper concerns identification and estimation of a finite-dimensional parameter in a panel data-model under nonignorable sample attrition. Attrition can depend on second period variables which are unobserved for the attritors but an independent refreshment sample from the marginal distribution of the second period values is available. This paper shows that under a quasi-separability assumption, the model implies a set of conditional moment restrictions where the moments contain the attrition function as an unknown parameter. This formulation leads to (i) a simple proof of identification under strictly weaker conditions than those in the existing literature and, more importantly, (ii) a sieve-based root-nn consistent estimate of the finite-dimensional parameter of interest. These methods are applicable to both linear and nonlinear panel data models with endogenous attrition and analogous methods are applicable to situations of endogenously missing data in a single cross-section. The theory is illustrated with a simulation exercise, using Current Population Survey data where a panel structure is introduced by the rotation group feature of the sampling process.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》1987,34(3):305-334
In this paper, bounds on asymptotic efficiency are derived for a class of non-parametric models. The data are independent and identically distributed according to some unknown distribution F. There is a given function of the data and a parameter. The restrictions are that a conditional expectation of this function is zero at some point in the parameter space; this point is to be estimated. If F is assumed to be a multinomial distribution with known (finite) support, then the problem becomes parametric and the bound can be obtained from the information matrix. This bound turns out to depend only upon certain conditional moments, and not upon the support of the distribution. Since a general F can be approximated by a multinomial distribution, the multinomial bound applies to the general case.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2002,109(1):67-105
Censored regression models have received a great deal of attention in both the theoretical and applied econometric literature. Most of the existing estimation procedures for either cross-sectional or panel data models are designed only for models with fixed censoring. In this paper, a new procedure for adapting these estimators designed for fixed censoring to models with random censoring is proposed. This procedure is then applied to the CLAD and quantile estimators of Powell (J. Econom. 25 (1984) 303, 32 (1986a) 143) to obtain an estimator of the coefficients under a mild conditional quantile restriction on the error term that is applicable to samples exhibiting fixed or random censoring. The resulting estimator is shown to have desirable asymptotic properties, and performs well in a small-scale simulation study.  相似文献   

This paper presents estimation methods and asymptotic theory for the analysis of a nonparametrically specified conditional quantile process. Two estimators based on local linear regressions are proposed. The first estimator applies simple inequality constraints while the second uses rearrangement to maintain quantile monotonicity. The bandwidth parameter is allowed to vary across quantiles to adapt to data sparsity. For inference, the paper first establishes a uniform Bahadur representation and then shows that the two estimators converge weakly to the same limiting Gaussian process. As an empirical illustration, the paper considers a dataset from Project STAR and delivers two new findings.  相似文献   

This paper develops methods of inference for nonparametric and semiparametric parameters defined by conditional moment inequalities and/or equalities. The parameters need not be identified. Confidence sets and tests are introduced. The correct uniform asymptotic size of these procedures is established. The false coverage probabilities and power of the CS’s and tests are established for fixed alternatives and some local alternatives. Finite-sample simulation results are given for a nonparametric conditional quantile model with censoring and a nonparametric conditional treatment effect model. The recommended CS/test uses a Cramér–von-Mises-type test statistic and employs a generalized moment selection critical value.  相似文献   

The generalised method of moments estimator may be substantially biased in finite samples, especially so when there are large numbers of unconditional moment conditions. This paper develops a class of first-order equivalent semi-parametric efficient estimators and tests for conditional moment restrictions models based on a local or kernel-weighted version of the Cressie–Read power divergence family of discrepancies. This approach is similar in spirit to the empirical likelihood methods of Kitamura et al. [2004. Empirical likelihood-based inference in conditional moment restrictions models. Econometrica 72, 1667–1714] and Tripathi and Kitamura [2003. Testing conditional moment restrictions. Annals of Statistics 31, 2059–2095]. These efficient local methods avoid the necessity of explicit estimation of the conditional Jacobian and variance matrices of the conditional moment restrictions and provide empirical conditional probabilities for the observations.  相似文献   

Quantile regression for dynamic panel data with fixed effects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper studies a quantile regression dynamic panel model with fixed effects. Panel data fixed effects estimators are typically biased in the presence of lagged dependent variables as regressors. To reduce the dynamic bias, we suggest the use of the instrumental variables quantile regression method of Chernozhukov and Hansen (2006) along with lagged regressors as instruments. In addition, we describe how to employ the estimated models for prediction. Monte Carlo simulations show evidence that the instrumental variables approach sharply reduces the dynamic bias, and the empirical levels for prediction intervals are very close to nominal levels. Finally, we illustrate the procedures with an application to forecasting output growth rates for 18 OECD countries.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new quantile regression model to characterize the heterogeneity for distributional effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy on infant birth weight across different the mother's age. By imposing a parametric restriction on the quantile functions of the potential outcome distributions conditional on the mother's age, we estimate the quantile treatment effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy on her baby's birth weight across different age groups of mothers. The results show strongly that the quantile effects of maternal smoking on low infant birth weight are negative and substantially heterogenous across different ages.  相似文献   

The influence of peer behavior on an individual's choices has received renewed interest in recent years. However, accurate measures of this influence are difficult to obtain. Standard reduced-form methods lead to upwardly biased estimates due to simultaneity, common shocks, and nonrandom peer group selection. This paper describes a structural econometric model of peer effects in binary choice, as well as a simulated maximum likelihood estimator for its parameters. The model is nonparametrically identified under plausible restrictions, and can place informative bounds on parameter values under much weaker restrictions. Monte Carlo results indicate that this estimator performs better than a reduced form approach in a wide variety of settings. A brief application to youth smoking demonstrates the method and suggests that previous studies dramatically overstate peer influence.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new method for dealing with endogenous selection. The usual instrumental strategy based on the independence between the outcome and the instrument is likely to fail when selection is directly driven by the dependent variable. Instead, we suggest to rely on the independence between the instrument and the selection variable, conditional on the outcome. This approach may be particularly suitable for nonignorable nonresponse, binary models with missing covariates or Roy models with an unobserved sector. The nonparametric identification of the joint distribution of the variables is obtained under a completeness assumption, which has been used recently in several nonparametric instrumental problems. Even if the conditional independence between the instrument and the selection variable fails to hold, the approach provides sharp bounds on parameters of interest under weaker monotonicity conditions. Apart from identification, nonparametric and parametric estimations are also considered. Finally, the method is applied to estimate the effect of grade retention in French primary schools.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new estimator for the impulse response functions in structural factor models with a fixed number of over-identifying restrictions. The proposed identification scheme nests the conventional just-identified recursive scheme as a special case. We establish the asymptotic distributions of the new estimator and develop test statistics for the over-identifying restrictions. Simulation results show that adding a few more over-identifying restrictions can lead to a substantial improvement in estimation accuracy for impulse response functions at both zero and nonzero horizons. We estimate the effects of a monetary policy shock using a U.S. data set. The results show that our over-identified scheme can help to detect incorrect specifications that lead to spurious impulse responses.  相似文献   

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