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Quantile regression for dynamic panel data with fixed effects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper studies a quantile regression dynamic panel model with fixed effects. Panel data fixed effects estimators are typically biased in the presence of lagged dependent variables as regressors. To reduce the dynamic bias, we suggest the use of the instrumental variables quantile regression method of Chernozhukov and Hansen (2006) along with lagged regressors as instruments. In addition, we describe how to employ the estimated models for prediction. Monte Carlo simulations show evidence that the instrumental variables approach sharply reduces the dynamic bias, and the empirical levels for prediction intervals are very close to nominal levels. Finally, we illustrate the procedures with an application to forecasting output growth rates for 18 OECD countries.  相似文献   

This paper investigates identification and estimation of a class of nonlinear panel data, single-index models. The model allows for unknown time-specific link functions, and semiparametric specification of the individual-specific effects. We develop an estimator for the parameters of interest, and propose a powerful new kernel-based modified backfitting algorithm to compute the estimator. We derive uniform rates of convergence results for the estimators of the link functions, and show the estimators of the finite-dimensional parameters are root-NN consistent with a Gaussian limiting distribution. We study the small sample properties of the estimator via Monte Carlo techniques.  相似文献   

The finite sample behavior is analyzed of particular least squares (LS) and a range of (generalized) method of moments (MM) estimators in panel data models with individual effects and both a lagged dependent variable regressor and another explanatory variable. The latter may be affected by lagged feedbacks from the dependent variable too. Asymptotic expansions indicate how the order of magnitude of bias of MM estimators tends to increase with the number of moment conditions exploited. They also provide analytic evidence on how the bias of the various estimators depends on the feedbacks and on other model characteristics such as prominence of individual effects and correlation between observed and unobserved heterogeneity. Simulation results corroborate the theoretical findings and reveal that in small samples of models with dynamic feedbacks none of the techniques examined dominates regarding bias and mean squared error over all parametrizations examined.  相似文献   

This paper derives an approximation of the mean square error (MSE) of the GMM estimator in dynamic panel data models. The approximation is based on higher-order asymptotic theory under double asymptotics. While first-order theory under double asymptotics provides information about the bias, it does not provide enough information about the variance of the estimator. Higher-order theory enables us to obtain information about the variance. From this result, a procedure for choosing the number of instruments is proposed. The simulations confirm that the proposed procedure improves the precision of the estimator.  相似文献   

GMM estimators have poor finite sample properties in highly overidentified models. With many moment conditions the optimal weighting matrix is poorly estimated. We suggest using principal components of the weighting matrix. This effectively drops some of the moment conditions. Our simulations, done in the context of the dynamic panel data model, show that the resulting GMM estimator has better finite sample properties than the usual two-step GMM estimator, in the sense of smaller bias and more reliable standard errors.  相似文献   

This paper studies robust inference for linear panel models with fixed effects in the presence of heteroskedasticity and spatiotemporal dependence of unknown forms. We propose a bivariate kernel covariance estimator that nests existing estimators as special cases. Our estimator improves upon existing estimators in terms of robustness, efficiency, and adaptiveness. For distributional approximations, we considered two types of asymptotics: the increasing-smoothing asymptotics and the fixed-smoothing asymptotics. Under the former asymptotics, the Wald statistic based on our covariance estimator converges to a chi-square distribution. Under the latter asymptotics, the Wald statistic is asymptotically equivalent to a distribution that can be well approximated by an F distribution. Simulation results show that our proposed testing procedure works well in finite samples.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effect of mean-nonstationarity on the first-difference generalized method of moments (FD-GMM) estimator in dynamic panel data models. We find that when data is mean-nonstationary and the variance of individual effects is significantly larger than that of disturbances, the FD-GMM estimator performs quite well. We demonstrate that this is because the correlation between the lagged dependent variable and instruments gets larger owing to the unremoved individual effects, i.e., instruments become strong. This implies that, under mean-nonstationarity, the FD-GMM estimator does not always suffer from the weak instruments problem even when data is persistent.  相似文献   

We develop methods for inference in nonparametric time-varying fixed effects panel data models that allow for locally stationary regressors and for the time series length T and cross-section size N both being large. We first develop a pooled nonparametric profile least squares dummy variable approach to estimate the nonparametric function, and establish the optimal convergence rate and asymptotic normality of the resultant estimator. We then propose a test statistic to check whether the bivariate nonparametric function is time-varying or the time effect is separable, and derive the asymptotic distribution of the proposed test statistic. We present several simulated examples and two real data analyses to illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

This paper introduces large-T bias-corrected estimators for nonlinear panel data models with both time invariant and time varying heterogeneity. These models include systems of equations with limited dependent variables and unobserved individual effects, and sample selection models with unobserved individual effects. Our two-step approach first estimates the reduced form by fixed effects procedures to obtain estimates of the time varying heterogeneity underlying the endogeneity/selection bias. We then estimate the primary equation by fixed effects including an appropriately constructed control variable from the reduced form estimates as an additional explanatory variable. The fixed effects approach in this second step captures the time invariant heterogeneity while the control variable accounts for the time varying heterogeneity. Since either or both steps might employ nonlinear fixed effects procedures it is necessary to bias adjust the estimates due to the incidental parameters problem. This problem is exacerbated by the two-step nature of the procedure. As these two-step approaches are not covered in the existing literature we derive the appropriate correction thereby extending the use of large-T bias adjustments to an important class of models. Simulation evidence indicates our approach works well in finite samples and an empirical example illustrates the applicability of our estimator.  相似文献   

We show how the dynamic logit model for binary panel data may be approximated by a quadratic exponential model. Under the approximating model, simple sufficient statistics exist for the subject-specific parameters introduced to capture the unobserved heterogeneity between subjects. The latter must be distinguished from the state dependence which is accounted for by including the lagged response variable among the regressors. By conditioning on the sufficient statistics, we derive a pseudo conditional likelihood estimator of the structural parameters of the dynamic logit model, which is simple to compute. Asymptotic properties of this estimator are studied in detail. Simulation results show that the estimator is competitive in terms of efficiency with estimators recently proposed in the econometric literature.  相似文献   

Estimation of spatial autoregressive panel data models with fixed effects   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This paper establishes asymptotic properties of quasi-maximum likelihood estimators for SAR panel data models with fixed effects and SAR disturbances. A direct approach is to estimate all the parameters including the fixed effects. Because of the incidental parameter problem, some parameter estimators may be inconsistent or their distributions are not properly centered. We propose an alternative estimation method based on transformation which yields consistent estimators with properly centered distributions. For the model with individual effects only, the direct approach does not yield a consistent estimator of the variance parameter unless T is large, but the estimators for other common parameters are the same as those of the transformation approach. We also consider the estimation of the model with both individual and time effects.  相似文献   

This paper extends the semiparametric efficient treatment of panel data models pursued by Park and Simar [Park, B.U., Simar, L., 1994. Efficient semiparametric estimation in stochastic frontier models. Journal of the American Statistical Association 89, 929–936] and Park et al. [Park, B.U., Sickles, R.C., Simar, L., 1998. Stochastic frontiers: a semiparametric approach. Journal of Econometrics 84, 273–301; Park, B.U., Sickles, R.C., Simar, L., 2003. Semiparametric efficient estimation of AR(1) panel data models. Journal of Econometrics 117, 279–309] to a dynamic panel setting. We develop a semiparametric efficient estimator under minimal assumptions when the panel model contains a lagged dependent variable. We apply this new estimator to analyze the structure of demand between city pairs for selected U.S. airlines during the period 1979 I–1992 IV.  相似文献   

This paper considers identification and estimation of structural interaction effects in a social interaction model. The model allows unobservables in the group structure, which may be correlated with included regressors. We show that both the endogenous and exogenous interaction effects can be identified if there are sufficient variations in group sizes. We consider the estimation of the model by the conditional maximum likelihood and instrumental variables methods. For the case with large group sizes, the possible identification can be weak in the sense that the estimates converge in distribution at low rates.  相似文献   

Asymptotics for panel quantile regression models with individual effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies panel quantile regression models with individual fixed effects. We formally establish sufficient conditions for consistency and asymptotic normality of the quantile regression estimator when the number of individuals, nn, and the number of time periods, TT, jointly go to infinity. The estimator is shown to be consistent under similar conditions to those found in the nonlinear panel data literature. Nevertheless, due to the non-smoothness of the objective function, we had to impose a more restrictive condition on TT to prove asymptotic normality than that usually found in the literature. The finite sample performance of the estimator is evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

This paper considers a spatial panel data regression model with serial correlation on each spatial unit over time as well as spatial dependence between the spatial units at each point in time. In addition, the model allows for heterogeneity across the spatial units using random effects. The paper then derives several Lagrange multiplier tests for this panel data regression model including a joint test for serial correlation, spatial autocorrelation and random effects. These tests draw upon two strands of earlier work. The first is the LM tests for the spatial error correlation model discussed in Anselin and Bera [1998. Spatial dependence in linear regression models with an introduction to spatial econometrics. In: Ullah, A., Giles, D.E.A. (Eds.), Handbook of Applied Economic Statistics. Marcel Dekker, New York] and in the panel data context by Baltagi et al. [2003. Testing panel data regression models with spatial error correlation. Journal of Econometrics 117, 123–150]. The second is the LM tests for the error component panel data model with serial correlation derived by Baltagi and Li [1995. Testing AR(1) against MA(1) disturbances in an error component model. Journal of Econometrics 68, 133–151]. Hence, the joint LM test derived in this paper encompasses those derived in both strands of earlier works. In fact, in the context of our general model, the earlier LM tests become marginal LM tests that ignore either serial correlation over time or spatial error correlation. The paper then derives conditional LM and LR tests that do not ignore these correlations and contrast them with their marginal LM and LR counterparts. The small sample performance of these tests is investigated using Monte Carlo experiments. As expected, ignoring any correlation when it is significant can lead to misleading inference.  相似文献   

It is well known that the standard Breusch and Pagan (1980) LM test for cross-equation correlation in a SUR model is not appropriate for testing cross-sectional dependence in panel data models when the number of cross-sectional units (n)(n) is large and the number of time periods (T)(T) is small. In fact, a scaled version of this LM test was proposed by Pesaran (2004) and its finite sample bias was corrected by Pesaran et al. (2008). This was done in the context of a heterogeneous panel data model. This paper derives the asymptotic bias of this scaled version of the LM test in the context of a fixed effects homogeneous panel data model. This asymptotic bias is found to be a constant related to nn and TT, which suggests a simple bias corrected LM test for the null hypothesis. Additionally, the paper carries out some Monte Carlo experiments to compare the finite sample properties of this proposed test with existing tests for cross-sectional dependence.  相似文献   

To verify whether data are missing at random (MAR) we need to observe the missing data. There are only two exceptions: when the relationship between the probability of responding and the missing variables is either imposed by introducing untestable assumptions or recovered using additional data sources. In this paper, we briefly review the estimation and test procedures for selectivity in panel data. Furthermore, by extending the MAR definition from a static setting to the case of dynamic panel data models, we prove that some tests for selectivity are not verifying the MAR condition.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new testing procedure for detecting error cross section dependence after estimating a linear dynamic panel data model with regressors using the generalised method of moments (GMM). The test is valid when the cross-sectional dimension of the panel is large relative to the time series dimension. Importantly, our approach allows one to examine whether any error cross section dependence remains after including time dummies (or after transforming the data in terms of deviations from time-specific averages), which will be the case under heterogeneous error cross section dependence. Finite sample simulation-based results suggest that our tests perform well, particularly the version based on the [Blundell, R., Bond, S., 1998. Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel data models. Journal of Econometrics 87, 115–143] system GMM estimator. In addition, it is shown that the system GMM estimator, based only on partial instruments consisting of the regressors, can be a reliable alternative to the standard GMM estimators under heterogeneous error cross section dependence. The proposed tests are applied to employment equations using UK firm data and the results show little evidence of heterogeneous error cross section dependence.  相似文献   

Firms often have imperfect information about demand for their products. We develop an integrated econometric and theoretical framework to model firm demand assessment and subsequent pricing decisions with limited information. We introduce a panel data discrete choice model whose realistic assumptions about consumer behavior deliver partially identified preferences and thus generate ambiguity in the firm pricing problem. We use the minimax-regret criterion as a decision-making rule for firms facing this ambiguity. We illustrate the framework’s benefits relative to the most common discrete choice analysis approach through simulations and empirical examples with field data.  相似文献   

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