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马克思的奢侈品生产理论及其现实意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,马克思的奢侈品生产理论给我们的启示是:奢侈品和必要消费资料是相对的、互相转化的。随着人们生活水平的提高,奢侈品就变成必要消费资料。在社会主义条件下奢侈品消费者是一部分先富裕起来的群体,扩大奢侈品消费群体的过程就是提高人们生活水平的过程。越来越多的奢侈品成为必要生活资料,应当成为劳动力价值的构成部分。要提高工资水平以适应部分奢侈品消费的需要。当必要消费资料基本满足后,生产奢侈品是发展生产的方向。  相似文献   

A two good, two region and three income group macro model is constructed to explore possible effects of aid on distribution of welfare. One region, the North, has two income groups characterized by different endowments and proportions of consumption of the basic and the luxury goods. We study policies that result in transfers of goods from the high income group of the North to the South. In one case, the transfer is of luxury or investment goods; under the conditions, it is shown to produce a change in relative prices that induces an increase in the welfare of the North and decreases the welfare of the South, even under conditions of (Walrasian) stability of the markets. In a second case, the high income group in the North transfers, instead, basic goods to the South. It is shown that under the conditions an increase in welfare of the South can only occur at the expense of a decrease in welfare of the low income group in the North. Therefore, in general, aid in the form of commodity transfers cannot be relied upon to equalize overall welfare: under the conditions there is necessarily a trade-off between more North-South equality and greater equality within the North. When aid is endorsed to pursue NIEO objectives, a close examination of international and domestic markets seems in order, so as to avoid the conditions studied here. The formation of (international) coalitions among the different groups is also discussed.  相似文献   

Variety of products,public capital,and endogenous growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops an extension of the endogenous growth model with variety expansion presented in Romer [Romer, P.M., 1990. Endogenous technical change, Journal of Political Economy 98, part 2, S71–S102] by considering public capital accumulation. Characterizing the transitional dynamics, the growth rate of consumption traces (and available number of intermediate goods also might trace) an S-shaped converging path to the equilibrium growth rate, similar to a logistic growth curve, if the intensity of public capital is sufficiently high. We also show that public investment enhances economic growth because it stimulates demand for intermediate goods and raises the market interest rate.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, China has made tremendous progress in market integration and infrastructure development. Demand for natural resources has increased from the booming coastal economies, causing the terms of trade to favour the resource sector, which is predominantly based in the interior regions of the country. However, the gap in economic development level between the coastal and inland regions has widened significantly. In this paper, using a panel dataset at the provincial level, we show that Chinese provinces with abundant resources perform worse than their resource‐poor counterparts in terms of per capita consumption growth. This trend that resource‐poor areas are better off than resource‐rich areas is particularly prominent in rural areas. Because of the institutional arrangements regarding property rights of natural resources, most gains from the resource boom have been captured either by the government‐ or state‐owned enterprises. Thus, the windfall of natural resources has more to do with government consumption than household consumption. Moreover, in resource‐rich areas, greater revenues accrued from natural resources bid up the price of non‐tradable goods and hurt the competitiveness of the local economy.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the impactof inequality on growth when consumers have hierarchic preferencesand technical progress is driven by innovations. With hierarchicpreferences, the poor consume predominantly basic goods, whereasthe rich consume also luxury goods. Inequality has an impacton growth because it affects the level and the dynamics of aninnovator's demand. It is shown that redistribution from veryrich to very poor consumers can be beneficial for growth. Ingeneral, the growth effect depends on the nature of redistribution.Due to a demand externality from R&D activities, multipleequilibria are possible.  相似文献   

We study the effects of trade liberalization in a Ricardian trade model with a continuum of goods and nonhomothetic preferences. Goods are ordered according to priority, and higher-ranked goods are consumed only by richer households. South (North) has a comparative advantage in the lower- (higher-) ranked goods. South's terms-of-trade unambiguously deteriorate as a result of unilaterally reducing its tariffs. North, by contrast, may experience a terms-of-trade gain when liberalizing its trade. It appears that the redistribution of tariff revenue from rich to poor households within each country increases the burden of trade liberalization for poor households.  相似文献   

A new mechanism to explain simultaneous convergence among industrialized countries and divergence between these countries and the rest of the world is presented. Specifically, the adoption of technologies, as embodied in machines, is examined in the context of a world in which capital goods are produced in a few centers and then exported. Since the local cost of introducing machines varies from region to region, technology is not adopted everywhere, and when it is adopted, its intensity varies from place to place. Technological progress diminishes the differences within the group of countries that adopt technologies but increases the gap between those countries and the rest of the world. The model is applied to cases of investment costs generated by deficient institutions and to transport costs. Its predictions are supported by recent research.  相似文献   

This article examines the impacts of UN Security Council sanctions on North Korea's banned luxury goods imports from 2004 to 2017 by investigating the bilateral trade flows between North Korea and its 71 trading partner countries. This analysis provides some evidence that the sanctions were effective only for those countries that implemented the sanctions. Overall, it is difficult to conclude that United Nations Resolution 1718, which was mainly targeted to ban luxury goods exports to North Korea, was effective in curtailing North Korea's import of luxury goods for the time period from 2006 to 2007. The article argues that the lack of a clearly defined list of luxury goods and the lack of enforcement are important reasons for the ineffectiveness of the sanctions.  相似文献   

Distribution differences in human capital matter for a country's growth and trade. While the existing literature considers only the diversity difference in talent distribution, we argue that the kurtosis difference is also an important factor. In a two‐sector equilibrium growth model, where the production function is supermodular for the consumption‐good sector and submodular for the R&D sector, we prove that the diversity effect and kurtosis effect are opposite to each other. A country endowed with more diverse but leptokurtic talent distribution may have lower growth rate and import submodular goods, opposite to the conventional result from considering only the diversity difference.  相似文献   

We formally analyze the pattern and volume of trade by embedding quasilinear preferences in the standard perfectly competitive, two‐factor, two‐good, two‐country trade model. Quasilinear preferences deliver a natural partition of the two goods into a luxury and a necessity, and preserve the validity of the Heckscher–Ohlin and Heckscher–Ohlin–Vanek theorems. In addition, the predicted factor content of trade under quasilinear preferences is smaller (larger) than the predicted factor content of trade under homothetic preferences if and only if the luxury good is capital (labor) intensive. This result offers a novel explanation for the “missing‐trade” mystery.  相似文献   

This paper presents an extension of a static model of public goods provision with redistributional taxation, as described by Uler [Journal of Public Economics 93 (3–4), pp. 440–453], as a dynamic model of wealth accumulation. Intertemporal consumption and saving behavior strongly affect the relation between redistributive taxation and charitable contribution. Indeed, the analyses presented herein reveal that more patience (i.e. higher saving) engenders a lower redistributional tax rate. However, the optimal redistributive tax rate is not zero because redistributive taxation improves the efficiency of providing public goods that are not improved by balanced growth. This paper fills the gap separating static analysis and dynamic analysis, and generalizes the results presented by static analysis.  相似文献   

I develop a dynamic theory of luxury consumption, particularly emphasizing the causal effect that pursuit of luxury goods has on wealth accumulation. A quasi‐luxury is defined as a good whose marginal rate of substitution is increasing in a utility index. Under certain conditions, it is indeed a luxury good. When current wealth holding falls short of (exceeds) long‐run needs, luxury consumption is postponed more (less) easily than necessity consumption, due to a lower (higher) time preference for luxury and/or a higher intertemporal elasticity of substitution thereof. Preferences for quasi‐luxuries lead to a higher steady‐state value of wealth or capital.

This paper analyzes the World Trade Organization's (WTO's) national treatment (NT) clause in a two‐country model where quality of goods and/or market size are heterogenous across countries. When market size is symmetric across countries, a reciprocal NT agreement (i) benefits the high‐quality country, (ii) hurts the low‐quality country, and (iii) delivers higher aggregate world welfare. However, such an agreement can arise in equilibrium if the high‐quality country's market is relatively bigger and the quality gap between goods is small (i.e., goods are sufficiently alike). The qualitative nature of these results does not change when quality is endogenously determined.  相似文献   

近年来,奢侈品消费在中国增长迅速,中国市场已成为奢侈品消费的重要市场。品牌延伸是奢侈品牌拓展市场的重要战略,但这方面的学术研究却相对单薄。本文以奢侈品牌为研究对象,通过实证研究探讨了在不同广告类型下,延伸契合度对消费者延伸评价的影响。研究发现,对于奢侈品牌,延伸契合度与广告宣传类别对消费者的延伸评价都存在显著影响,且两者之间存在交互作用。具体而言,奢侈品进行品牌延伸时,与母品牌契合度高的延伸产品更能获得消费者较高的评价;与宣传延伸品的产品特征相比,宣传延伸品的品牌形象更能提高延伸吸引力与购买欲望。此外,在低延伸契合度下,宣传延伸品的品牌形象产生的这种积极影响更为显著。  相似文献   

Recent work by Schor revives concerns raised by Veblen and Hirsch over the destructive consequences of competitive consumption. In contrast, Twitchell argues that increased access to commodities as symbols of luxury signals a democratization of class and social status. Rather than playing the role of dupes, consumers are active co-conspirators in the creation and maintenance of luxury goods markets. While flawed, each of these perspectives has something important to offer to social economists interested in understanding consumption. A key question for social economists is whether material pleasure and the symbolic expression of identity through consumer goods is compatible with a more politicized, socially conscious consumption ethos. Food consumption offers a fruitful starting point for pursuing this issue. I begin by examining food and its symbolic role in identity formation. I then consider the Slow Food movement and explore the ways in which it maintains a central role for material pleasure while promoting a socially and environmentally conscious stance toward consumption.  相似文献   

Two countries strategically invest in productive infrastructure within a general equilibrium model with endogenous growth. These public investments generate externalities. Dynamic analysis reveals that: (1) under constant returns, the two countries’ growth rates differ during the transition but are identical on the balanced growth path, (2) a country with decreasing returns can experience sustained growth provided that the other country grows at a positive constant rate, (3) cooperation does not necessarily lead to higher growth for each country, and it can increase or decrease the gap between countries’ growth rates depending on the countries’ consumption preferences regarding domestic and foreign goods.  相似文献   

如何以较少的能源消耗实现现代化战略目标,是我国必须解决的问题。为了有效提高能源效率,我们有必要弄清楚我国能源效率现状及其影响因素之间的关系。本文首先把环境因素加入到考量能源效率的指标体系当中,对能源效率重新定义,接着通过构建结构方程模型,分析了经济结构、技术进步、制度(能源市场化)、交通运输、工业能源投资等方面对能源效率的影响程度,测算出能源效率与其影响因素之间的关系。通过实证研究发现:从各因素对能源效率的贡献比重来看,市场化程度和对外开放影响系数最大;其次是交通运输,技术进步;而经济结构对能源效率的影响系数呈反向关系,其中第二产业比重在经济结构中影响较大。说明市场化程度、对外开放程度、技术水平的提高和交通运输的提升都会促进我国能源效率的提高。技术进步因素对我国能源效率的正向作用有待于进一步加强。  相似文献   

We develop a model of optimal pattern of economic development that is first rooted in physical capital accumulation and then in technical progress. We study an economy where capital accumulation and innovative activity take place within a two sector model. The first sector produces a consumption good using physical capital and non skilled labor. Technological progress in the consumption sector is driven by the research activity that takes place in the second sector. Research activity which produces new technologies requires technological capital and skilled labor. New technologies induce an endogenous increase of the total factor productivity of the consumption sector. Physical and technological capital are not substitutable while skilled and non skilled labor may be substitutable. We show that under conditions about the adoption process of new technologies, the optimal strategy for a developing country consists in accumulating physical capital first; postponing the importation of technological capital to the second stage of development. This result is due to a threshold effect from which new technologies begin to have an impact on the productivity of the consumption sector. However, we show that once a certain level of wealth is reached, it becomes optimal for the economy to import technological capital to produce new technologies. The authors would like to thank the participants to the seminar of GREDEG, especially Richard Arena, Flora Bellone, Jean-Luc Gaffard and Jacques Ravix, and also the participants to a seminar at European University Institute. We are also grateful to the referees for their very thoughtful remarks and criticisms. Cuong Le Van started writing this joint paper with Olivier Bruno and Benoit Masquin in 2005, in GREDEG.  相似文献   

在垄断竞争的差异化产品模型假设下,在成本结构中引入技术进步的两种类型即资本节约型技术进步和劳动节约型技术进步。本国劳动节约型的技术进步使得本国同类产品的产出数量增多,贸易条件下降;但资本节约型的技术进步可使本国差异化产品种类增多,贸易条件上升。通过中国工业品行业的资本劳动比和贸易条件变化的关系,初步验证了该理论模型。  相似文献   

We construct a bilateral trade model incorporating two physical goods and a financial asset (inside money) to discuss the optimal trade policy that countries would choose to maximize their respective utilities. In this Nash tariff game, the trade of physical commodities only occurs geographically across countries, and the trade of inside money allows for intertemporal allocation of consumptions. When the preferences, present and future endowments for each country are given, according to our numerical analysis, trade surplus or deficit (inside money) and optimal tariff rates are endogenously determined when general equilibrium conditions hold. One country may purchase inside money to shift current consumption to the future, and the other may be willing to issue inside money for smoothing its consumptions in two periods. This imbalance trade contradicts traditional trade models which imply a balanced trade policy. We further find that the price of inside money as an implied interest rate also is determined by the trade intervention policies.  相似文献   

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