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We consider within-group estimation of higher-order autoregressive panel models with exogenous regressors and fixed effects, where the lag order is possibly misspecified. Even when disregarding the misspecification bias, the fixed-effect bias formula is quite different from the correctly specified case though its asymptotic order remains the same under the stationarity. We suggest bias reduction methods under the possible time series misspecification.  相似文献   

To verify whether data are missing at random (MAR) we need to observe the missing data. There are only two exceptions: when the relationship between the probability of responding and the missing variables is either imposed by introducing untestable assumptions or recovered using additional data sources. In this paper, we briefly review the estimation and test procedures for selectivity in panel data. Furthermore, by extending the MAR definition from a static setting to the case of dynamic panel data models, we prove that some tests for selectivity are not verifying the MAR condition.  相似文献   

Motivated by the first-differencing method for linear panel data models, we propose a class of iterative local polynomial estimators for nonparametric dynamic panel data models with or without exogenous regressors. The estimators utilize the additive structure of the first-differenced model—the fact that the two additive components have the same functional form, and the unknown function of interest is implicitly defined as a solution of a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. We establish the uniform consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators. We also propose a consistent test for the correct specification of linearity in typical dynamic panel data models based on the L2L2 distance of our nonparametric estimates and the parametric estimates under the linear restriction. We derive the asymptotic distributions of the test statistic under the null hypothesis and a sequence of Pitman local alternatives, and prove its consistency against global alternatives. Simulations suggest that the proposed estimators and tests perform well for finite samples. We apply our new method to study the relationships among economic growth, the initial economic condition and capital accumulation, and find a significant nonlinear relation between economic growth and the initial economic condition.  相似文献   

The finite sample behavior is analyzed of particular least squares (LS) and a range of (generalized) method of moments (MM) estimators in panel data models with individual effects and both a lagged dependent variable regressor and another explanatory variable. The latter may be affected by lagged feedbacks from the dependent variable too. Asymptotic expansions indicate how the order of magnitude of bias of MM estimators tends to increase with the number of moment conditions exploited. They also provide analytic evidence on how the bias of the various estimators depends on the feedbacks and on other model characteristics such as prominence of individual effects and correlation between observed and unobserved heterogeneity. Simulation results corroborate the theoretical findings and reveal that in small samples of models with dynamic feedbacks none of the techniques examined dominates regarding bias and mean squared error over all parametrizations examined.  相似文献   

We provide a set of conditions sufficient for consistency of a general class of fixed effects instrumental variables (FE-IV) estimators in the context of a correlated random coefficient panel data model, where one ignores the presence of individual-specific slopes. We discuss cases where the assumptions are met and violated. Monte Carlo simulations verify that the FE-IV estimator of the population averaged effect performs notably better than other standard estimators, provided a full set of period dummies is included. We also propose a simple test of selection bias in unbalanced panels when we suspect the slopes may vary by individual.  相似文献   

Common breaks in means and variances for panel data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper establishes the consistency of the estimated common break point in panel data. Consistency is obtainable even when a regime contains a single observation, making it possible to quickly identify the onset of a new regime. We also propose a new framework for developing the limiting distribution for the estimated break point, and show how to construct confidence intervals. The least squares method is used for estimating breaks in means and the quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) method is used to estimate breaks in means and in variances. QML is shown to be more efficient than the least squares even if there is no change in the variances.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effect of mean-nonstationarity on the first-difference generalized method of moments (FD-GMM) estimator in dynamic panel data models. We find that when data is mean-nonstationary and the variance of individual effects is significantly larger than that of disturbances, the FD-GMM estimator performs quite well. We demonstrate that this is because the correlation between the lagged dependent variable and instruments gets larger owing to the unremoved individual effects, i.e., instruments become strong. This implies that, under mean-nonstationarity, the FD-GMM estimator does not always suffer from the weak instruments problem even when data is persistent.  相似文献   

Most panel unit root tests are designed to test the joint null hypothesis of a unit root for each individual series in a panel. After a rejection, it will often be of interest to identify which series can be deemed to be stationary and which series can be deemed nonstationary. Researchers will sometimes carry out this classification on the basis of nn individual (univariate) unit root tests based on some ad hoc significance level. In this paper, we suggest and demonstrate how to use the false discovery rate (FDR)(FDR) in evaluating I(1)/I(0)I(1)/I(0) classifications.  相似文献   

This paper derives an approximation of the mean square error (MSE) of the GMM estimator in dynamic panel data models. The approximation is based on higher-order asymptotic theory under double asymptotics. While first-order theory under double asymptotics provides information about the bias, it does not provide enough information about the variance of the estimator. Higher-order theory enables us to obtain information about the variance. From this result, a procedure for choosing the number of instruments is proposed. The simulations confirm that the proposed procedure improves the precision of the estimator.  相似文献   

First difference maximum likelihood (FDML) seems an attractive estimation methodology in dynamic panel data modeling because differencing eliminates fixed effects and, in the case of a unit root, differencing transforms the data to stationarity, thereby addressing both incidental parameter problems and the possible effects of nonstationarity. This paper draws attention to certain pathologies that arise in the use of FDML that have gone unnoticed in the literature and that affect both finite sample performance and asymptotics. FDML uses the Gaussian likelihood function for first differenced data and parameter estimation is based on the whole domain over which the log-likelihood is defined. However, extending the domain of the likelihood beyond the stationary region has certain consequences that have a major effect on finite sample and asymptotic performance. First, the extended likelihood is not the true likelihood even in the Gaussian case and it has a finite upper bound of definition. Second, it is often bimodal, and one of its peaks can be so peculiar that numerical maximization of the extended likelihood frequently fails to locate the global maximum. As a result of these pathologies, the FDML estimator is a restricted estimator, numerical implementation is not straightforward and asymptotics are hard to derive in cases where the peculiarity occurs with non-negligible probabilities. The peculiarities in the likelihood are found to be particularly marked in time series with a unit root. In this case, the asymptotic distribution of the FDMLE has bounded support and its density is infinite at the upper bound when the time series sample size T→∞T. As the panel width n→∞n the pathology is removed and the limit theory is normal. This result applies even for TT fixed and we present an expression for the asymptotic distribution which does not depend on the time dimension. We also show how this limit theory depends on the form of the extended likelihood.  相似文献   

Testing for structural breaks in dynamic factor models   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper we investigate the consequences of structural breaks in the factor loadings for the specification and estimation of factor models based on principal components and suggest procedures for testing for structural breaks. It is shown that structural breaks severely inflate the number of factors identified by the usual information criteria. The hypothesis of a structural break is tested by using LR, LM and Wald statistics. The LM test (which performs best in our Monte Carlo simulations) is generalized to test for structural breaks in factor models where the break date is unknown and the common factors and idiosyncratic components are serially correlated. The proposed test procedures are applied to datasets from the US and the euro area.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of the coefficients of a linear structural equation in a simultaneous equation system when there are many instrumental variables. We derive some asymptotic properties of the limited information maximum likelihood (LIML) estimator when the number of instruments is large; some of these results are new as well as old, and we relate them to results in some recent studies. We have found that the variance of the limiting distribution of the LIML estimator and its modifications often attain the asymptotic lower bound when the number of instruments is large and the disturbance terms are not necessarily normally distributed, that is, for the micro-econometric models of some cases recently called many instruments and many weak instruments.  相似文献   

Quantile regression for dynamic panel data with fixed effects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper studies a quantile regression dynamic panel model with fixed effects. Panel data fixed effects estimators are typically biased in the presence of lagged dependent variables as regressors. To reduce the dynamic bias, we suggest the use of the instrumental variables quantile regression method of Chernozhukov and Hansen (2006) along with lagged regressors as instruments. In addition, we describe how to employ the estimated models for prediction. Monte Carlo simulations show evidence that the instrumental variables approach sharply reduces the dynamic bias, and the empirical levels for prediction intervals are very close to nominal levels. Finally, we illustrate the procedures with an application to forecasting output growth rates for 18 OECD countries.  相似文献   

Explicit asymptotic bias formulae are given for dynamic panel regression estimators as the cross section sample size N→∞N. The results extend earlier work by Nickell [1981. Biases in dynamic models with fixed effects. Econometrica 49, 1417–1426] and later authors in several directions that are relevant for practical work, including models with unit roots, deterministic trends, predetermined and exogenous regressors, and errors that may be cross sectionally dependent. The asymptotic bias is found to be so large when incidental linear trends are fitted and the time series sample size is small that it changes the sign of the autoregressive coefficient. Another finding of interest is that, when there is cross section error dependence, the probability limit of the dynamic panel regression estimator is a random variable rather than a constant, which helps to explain the substantial variability observed in dynamic panel estimates when there is cross section dependence even in situations where N is very large. Some proposals for bias correction are suggested and finite sample performance is analyzed in simulations.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new testing procedure for detecting error cross section dependence after estimating a linear dynamic panel data model with regressors using the generalised method of moments (GMM). The test is valid when the cross-sectional dimension of the panel is large relative to the time series dimension. Importantly, our approach allows one to examine whether any error cross section dependence remains after including time dummies (or after transforming the data in terms of deviations from time-specific averages), which will be the case under heterogeneous error cross section dependence. Finite sample simulation-based results suggest that our tests perform well, particularly the version based on the [Blundell, R., Bond, S., 1998. Initial conditions and moment restrictions in dynamic panel data models. Journal of Econometrics 87, 115–143] system GMM estimator. In addition, it is shown that the system GMM estimator, based only on partial instruments consisting of the regressors, can be a reliable alternative to the standard GMM estimators under heterogeneous error cross section dependence. The proposed tests are applied to employment equations using UK firm data and the results show little evidence of heterogeneous error cross section dependence.  相似文献   

This paper shows consistency of a two-step estimation of the factors in a dynamic approximate factor model when the panel of time series is large (n large). In the first step, the parameters of the model are estimated from an OLS on principal components. In the second step, the factors are estimated via the Kalman smoother. The analysis develops the theory for the estimator considered in Giannone et al. (2004) and Giannone et al. (2008) and for the many empirical papers using this framework for nowcasting.  相似文献   

GMM estimators have poor finite sample properties in highly overidentified models. With many moment conditions the optimal weighting matrix is poorly estimated. We suggest using principal components of the weighting matrix. This effectively drops some of the moment conditions. Our simulations, done in the context of the dynamic panel data model, show that the resulting GMM estimator has better finite sample properties than the usual two-step GMM estimator, in the sense of smaller bias and more reliable standard errors.  相似文献   

We show how the dynamic logit model for binary panel data may be approximated by a quadratic exponential model. Under the approximating model, simple sufficient statistics exist for the subject-specific parameters introduced to capture the unobserved heterogeneity between subjects. The latter must be distinguished from the state dependence which is accounted for by including the lagged response variable among the regressors. By conditioning on the sufficient statistics, we derive a pseudo conditional likelihood estimator of the structural parameters of the dynamic logit model, which is simple to compute. Asymptotic properties of this estimator are studied in detail. Simulation results show that the estimator is competitive in terms of efficiency with estimators recently proposed in the econometric literature.  相似文献   

This paper extends the semiparametric efficient treatment of panel data models pursued by Park and Simar [Park, B.U., Simar, L., 1994. Efficient semiparametric estimation in stochastic frontier models. Journal of the American Statistical Association 89, 929–936] and Park et al. [Park, B.U., Sickles, R.C., Simar, L., 1998. Stochastic frontiers: a semiparametric approach. Journal of Econometrics 84, 273–301; Park, B.U., Sickles, R.C., Simar, L., 2003. Semiparametric efficient estimation of AR(1) panel data models. Journal of Econometrics 117, 279–309] to a dynamic panel setting. We develop a semiparametric efficient estimator under minimal assumptions when the panel model contains a lagged dependent variable. We apply this new estimator to analyze the structure of demand between city pairs for selected U.S. airlines during the period 1979 I–1992 IV.  相似文献   

Fixed effects estimators of nonlinear panel models can be severely biased due to the incidental parameters problem. In this paper, I characterize the leading term of a large-T expansion of the bias of the MLE and estimators of average marginal effects in parametric fixed effects panel binary choice models. For probit index coefficients, the former term is proportional to the true value of the coefficients being estimated. This result allows me to derive a lower bound for the bias of the MLE. I then show that the resulting fixed effects estimates of ratios of coefficients and average marginal effects exhibit no bias in the absence of heterogeneity and negligible bias for a wide variety of distributions of regressors and individual effects in the presence of heterogeneity. I subsequently propose new bias-corrected estimators of index coefficients and marginal effects with improved finite sample properties for linear and nonlinear models with predetermined regressors.  相似文献   

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