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Are trust development processes in settings of blurred organizational boundaries different from those in conventional organizational settings, and if so, how? Taking the crowdfunding campaigns of the Fin-Tech Monzo as examples of settings of blurred organizational boundaries, we analyze how the three main trust forms (individual, organizational, and institutional trust) emerge and interact in the campaigns’ online discourse and develop a process model that captures distinct trust development dynamics. We contribute to the trust literature by highlighting increased dynamics and co-existence of trust forms, and by showing that the validation of extra-organizational boundary spanners is crucial to compensate for a missing personal interaction in settings of blurred organizational boundaries. We also contribute to the crowdfunding literature and derive managerial implications.  相似文献   

Family supportive supervision has emerged as an important prerequisite for effective work-family integration and employees' well-being. Scholars are addressing the need to develop family supportive managers and have introduced a new construct and measure, ‘family supportive supervisor behavior’. So far, little attention has been focused on the underlying behavioral process and managerial characteristics that triggers family supportive supervisor behavior. In response, a multilevel conceptual framework is developed that identifies individual-level and contextual-level factors that would predict managers' overall tendency to engage in family supportive supervisor behavior. The consequences of family supportive supervisor behavior on organizational outcomes such as the subordinate and the team level and its practical implications are outlined. In presenting a multilevel conceptual framework for family supportive supervisor behavior, a research agenda is proposed that can guide future researchers in the field of family supportive supervision.  相似文献   

Over the last half century there has been a great deal of interest in the role of personality in teams. In this article we review the theoretical and empirical research on this topic to summarize what we have learned and also to provide a foundation for future research necessary for application of this knowledge to human resource management decisions. We describe research that emphasizes both team- and individual-levels of analysis and theory, and we discuss recent efforts that attempt to bridge these two levels. We conclude by identifying several issues that should take precedence in research in order to advance our understanding of the role of personality in teams.  相似文献   

This study develops and tests a model that evaluates eight antecedents of charity trust and its influence on volunteering and donating. Secondary data from a national Australian survey (N = 1,377) was collected and data was analyzed using partial least square path analysis. Key findings include identifying individual and organizational antecedents of charity trust and its influence on charity supportive behavior. Results show that organizational transparency is a very strong antecedent, followed by the individual awareness level of an individual towards the organization. We also examined the effect of gender as a moderating influence but did not find a significant effect. We conclude with managerial implications and areas for future research.  相似文献   

本文以城市居民出行目的地选择为研究对象,建立条件固定效应回归(C—Logit)目的地选择模型。结合我国某城市交通小区城市居民日出行数据对模型进行标定求解,并描述目的地选择预测流程,解释了影响居民出行目的地选择的诸多因素。对预测结果进行分析,得到较高的目的地选择预测精度,为从非集计层面研究城市居民出行目的地选择提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Six papers drawing on Hirschman's (1970) Exit, Voice, and Loyalty model are discussed with regard to two themes: (a) relationship to the original work (specifically focusing on variations in the definition and operationalization of the loyalty component), and (b) the development of the loyalty construct itself. A concerted effort is called for to pursue a better understanding of loyalty, including an improved appreciation of the depth and breadth of the construct, its antecedents and outcomes, and its operationalizations in organizational settings.  相似文献   

Human resource flexibility as a construct, how it develops, and its effect on firm performance have not received adequate attention in strategic HRM literature in spite of their obvious importance in today's dynamic competitive environment. Based on a study of 98 manufacturing and 103 service firms in India, this paper addresses these issues by developing and testing a multi-level model that attempts to explore the ‘black box’ of the interlinkages between the various components of HR flexibility and firm-level human, operational, and financial outcomes. The results suggest that a certain set of ambidextrous HR practices constitute a distinct dimension of HR flexibility, beyond the dimensions of flexibilities of skill, behaviour and HR practices as already identified in the existing literature. Evidences from both manufacturing and service sectors support the notion of HR value chain that suggests that HR system has a direct impact on firm-level HR outcomes which are most proximal, and its effects on increasingly more distal operational and financial outcomes are mediated by HR outcomes that it produces. Another important finding is that HR practices as a system have both direct and indirect (mediated by behavioural flexibility) effects on firm-level HR outcomes. Existence of significant direct effects highlights the important role that HR practices play as a structural mechanism in achieving superior firm performance.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) are crucial in the social behavior of rats. We aim to relate USV rates of pairs of rats to individual activity in an automated home cage (PhenoTyper®) where USVs are recorded per pair and not per individual. We propose a composite link model approach to parametrize a mechanistic “sum‐of‐rates” model in which the pair's USV rate is the sum of the USV rates of individuals depending on their own behavior. In generalized linear models (GLMs), the individual's USV rates are multiplied. We verified through simulation that composite link model gave lower Poisson deviance than GLM. We analyzed the data from an experiment in which half of the cages did allow the pairs to interact (Pair Housing) and the other half did not (Individual Housing). The “sum‐of‐rates” model fits best for Individual Housing and GLM for Pair Housing. An additional simulation study strongly suggests that interaction between rats changes the underlying mechanism for vocalization behavior.  相似文献   

With open innovation (OI) playing an important role in many organizations' innovation strategy, there is growing interest in the human aspects of OI. An important challenge for managing OI remains the motivation of individuals for knowledge sharing and sourcing (KSS). To address this issue, we argue that managers responsible for OI need to use collaborative human resource management (collaborative HRM) practices to create the conditions to develop relational leadership and an open innovation mindset (OI mindset) among employees. Since OI research is largely focused on the organizational level, the micro-foundations of OI, as well as the interdependencies across team and individual levels are not yet fully understood. There is no systematic approach for understanding the role of collaborative HRM and the process through which employees' KSS and use OI within their organizations. We build on social exchange theory to develop a multi-level model of collaborative HRM practices used through relational leadership and OI mindset to enable employees to KSS and improve OI performance.  相似文献   

Extending social learning theory to a multi-level perspective, this study proposes a theoretical model that investigates both individual and team-level mechanisms that mediate the effect of ethical leadership on employee voice. Specifically, in terms of an individual-level social learning perspective, we suggest that an ethical leader acts as a prototype of a moral person (i.e. an ethical role model). From a team-level social learning perspective, we propose that, as a moral manager, team ethical leadership will foster an ethical climate within the team which will create a moral context that impacts employees’ behaviors. In both instances, employee voice behaviors will be enhanced through these mechanisms. Evidencing the importance of the interaction between leader behaviors and context for leader effectiveness, we also show that employees are more likely to regard their ethical leaders as ethical role models in a team that highly values ethical conduct (i.e. high in ethical climate). Results obtained from 47 managers and 211 subordinates in China support our theoretical model. The theoretical and practical implications of our findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper studies a multilevel factor model with global and country factors. The global factors affect all individuals, whereas the country factors affect only those within each specific country. A sequential procedure to identify the global and country factors separately is proposed. In the initial step, the global factors are estimated by canonical correlation analysis. Using this initial estimator, the principal component estimators (PCEs) of the global and country factors are constructed. It is shown that the PCEs estimate the spaces of the global and country factors consistently and are normally distributed in the limit. Several information criteria that can estimate the number of country factors are proposed. The number of global factors is assumed to be known. Extensive simulation results demonstrate that the sequential procedure and information criteria work well in finite samples. The method of this paper is applied to 25 OECD countries to identify an international business cycle. It is reported that the method extracts a global factor reasonably well.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine a game-theoretical generalization of the landscape theory introduced by Axelrod and Bennett (1993). In their two-bloc setting each player ranks the blocs on the basis of the sum of her individual evaluations of members of the group. We extend the Axelrod–Bennett setting by allowing an arbitrary number of blocs and expanding the set of possible deviations to include multi-country gradual deviations. We show that a Pareto optimal landscape equilibrium which is immune to profitable gradual deviations always exists. We also indicate that while a landscape equilibrium is a stronger concept than Nash equilibrium in pure strategies, it is weaker than strong Nash equilibrium.  相似文献   

Despite certain advances for non‐randomized response (NRR) techniques in the past 6 years, the existing non‐randomized crosswise and triangular models have several limitations in practice. In this paper, I propose a new NRR model, called the parallel model with a wider application range. Asymptotical properties of the maximum likelihood estimator (and its modified version) for the proportion of interest are explored. Theoretical comparisons with the crosswise and triangular models show that the parallel model is always more efficient than the two existing NRR models for most of the possible parameter ranges. Bayesian methods for analyzing survey data from the parallel model are developed. A case study on college students' premarital sexual behavior at Wuhan and a case study on plagiarism at the University of Hong Kong are conducted and are used to illustrate the proposed methods. © 2014 The Authors. Statistica Neerlandica © 2014 VVS.  相似文献   

We investigate how recent advances in information technology and telecommunications have led to real-time monitoring of processes at the site of the provider by a buyer located across the globe. We construct a game-theoretic model of the dynamics of the buyer–supplier interaction in the presence of moral hazard and incomplete contracting. We derive the Minimum Quality Threshold (MQT) below which the provider's output will certainly be inspected. Our findings show that the buyer can pick a level of monitoring and thereby force the provider to exceed the quality level of the MQT in output quality and avoid costly and wasteful inspection. Finally, our model explains why the production of processes that are complex and more prone to errors are actually monitored less by the buyers. We furnish the results of a comprehensive, multi-year, multi-country survey of the efficacy of monitoring in off-shore outsourcing projects and demonstrate strong empirical support for the findings of the model.  相似文献   

员工越轨创新行为作为非正式创新的重要形式之一受到学界关注。基于扎根理论,厘清了越轨创新影响因素体系,它包括领导风格、员工特质、心理感知、组织情境4个主范畴,以及对应的28个子范畴;在此基础上,进一步构建了“组织事件→驱动因素→行为动机”的越轨创新行为形成机制模型,并基于此模型提出相关命题。研究结论丰富了越轨创新行为理论体系,也为创新管理实践提出了建议。  相似文献   

In this progress report, we first indicate the origins and early development of the Marshallian macroeconomic model (MMM) and briefly review some of our past empirical forecasting experiments with the model. Then we present recently developed one-sector, two-sector and n-sector models of an economy that can be employed to explain past experience, predict future outcomes and analyze policy problems. The results of simulation experiments with various versions of the model are provided to illustrate some of its dynamic properties that include “chaotic” features. Last, we present comments on planned future work with the model.  相似文献   

While strategic HRM scholars have conceptualized HR flexibility as an important source of sustainable superior firm performance in dynamic environments, the process through which HR flexibility creates value for the firm has not been empirically investigated. Based on a study of 98 manufacturing and 103 service firms from a wide array of industries in India, this paper attempts to illuminate the black box of causal linkages between environmental dynamism, flexibility of human assets, and firm level human-, operational-, and financial-outcomes by developing and testing a multi-level causal model. Evidence indicates that HR flexibility mediates the influence of environmental dynamism on firm performance and that irrespective of the nature of the industry and the degree of environmental turbulence, superior firm performance ensues when HR flexibility as actually possessed by the firm matches the environmental demands for such flexibility as perceived by the firm managers. The results also support the notion of HR value chain that postulates that HR system has direct impact on firm-level HR outcomes which are most proximal, and its effects on increasingly more distal operational- and financial-outcomes are mediated by HR outcomes. The findings of the study suggest that HR practices as a system have both direct and indirect (mediated by behavioral flexibility) effects on firm-level HR outcomes. Existence of significant direct effects signifies that HR practices play an important role as a structural mechanism in achieving superior firm performance.  相似文献   

Fostering customer green purchase behavior is a fundamental constituent of an eco‐friendly hospitality firms' success. The present study developed a theory of green purchase behavior (TGPB) that clearly and sufficiently explains customer environmentally responsible buying behavior for green hospitality products, such as green hotels and green restaurants. Mixed methods based on a psychometric approach were used for the development of the theory. Within the theory, attitude, ascribed responsibility, and social norm directly activate the personal norm. These types of activators form based on awareness of consequences, image, ecological worldview, and environmental value. In addition, past behavior increases behavior. This theorization is fully supported and demonstrated through both qualitative and quantitative processes. Green purchase behavior was satisfactorily accounted for by the proposed theory. The TGPB included a stronger prediction power than the existing pro‐social theories, and it is applicable to diverse hospitality/tourism/consumer behavior contexts.  相似文献   

Why do individuals differ in their feedback-seeking behavior, and how do these differences impact their task performance? The current article addresses these questions by developing a theoretical model using the individual difference of goal orientation (an orientation toward developing or demonstrating one's ability) as a central influence in the feedback-seeking process. Goal orientation is proposed to influence how individuals cognitively process the cost and value of feedback-seeking opportunities. These cognitions are then proposed to influence the choices made for six dimensions of feedback-seeking behavior—the frequency, type, source, method, timing, and sign preference. The argument is then made that assessment of multiple dimensions of feedback seeking, compared to the customary frequency assessment, should enhance our ability to explain the relationship of feedback-seeking behavior with outcomes such as task performance. Finally, the theoretical model is discussed as a platform for future research and as a source of guidance for the management of feedback-seeking behavior.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to provide an integrative multi-level framework that could help scholars study the impact of work–family policies on individual employees as well as assist practitioners in making informed decisions regarding the adoption, design, implementation, and allowance of these policies. This multi-level model illustrates the various macro- and mesolevel factors that may influence individual perceptions (i.e., equity perceptions, negotiation power, sense of entitlement) regarding work–family policies. By providing such a model, a common language may be developed for researchers from various disciplines studying this issue and better insight into the various linkages that are involved. Additionally, the framework can provide HR practitioners with a deeper understanding of the contextual factors that may influence the effectiveness of work–family policies in their organizations.  相似文献   

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