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黄金周假日旅游存在的问题及对策研究综述   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
李幼常 《旅游学刊》2006,21(11):12-18
近年来,黄金周假日旅游蓬勃发展,满足了国民日益增长的旅游需求,促进了旅游业及社会经济的发展;但同时,黄金周假日旅游中也暴露出来很多问题,引起了各方面的强烈关注,引发了各界特别是旅游学界对黄金周假日旅游及黄金周制度的研究和探讨.本文试图对近年来有关黄金周假日旅游中存在的问题、成因及解决问题的对策的研究做一回顾和总结.  相似文献   

毫无疑问,假日制度是"余钱+余闲"的旅游消费行为产生模式的重要保障之一,是假日制度催生了假日旅游.假日制度和旅游的关系本质上是一种政府市场管制方式和市场供需行为之间的博弈关系,涉及到政府、游客和市场供给三方.  相似文献   

三亚“价格调控”假日旅游供需矛盾的利弊及对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
赵全鹏 《旅游学刊》2000,15(4):9-13
三亚今年运用“价格杠杆”调控假日旅游市场供需矛盾,尝试经营假日旅游市场,但它是从局部利益出发的,对海南整体假日旅游经济有不良影响。鉴于三亚旅游对海南整体旅游业发展的重要性,应当处理好局部利益与整体利益的关系,本文立足于海南全省旅游经济发展,分析这一措施的利弊,并提出一些可供选择的方案。  相似文献   

众所周知,近几年我国国民经济的增长推动旅游业的需求日益提升,促进了我国旅游经济的提升。在我国旅游业蒸蒸日上的发展之中,一些管理上或者是建设上的根本性问题逐渐显露,因此,当前我国假日旅游在发展中要正视其中所存有的问题,积极的提出解决方案,去推动我国旅游业健康、合理的发展。本文笔者就我国假日旅游中存在的问题进行分析,并提出相应的解决方案,以此来推动我国假日旅游的不断进步。  相似文献   

本研究以在杭休闲旅游者问卷调查为基础,通过频率频次、因子、信度、单因素方差等分析方法,探究新假日制度下人们的旅游选择、旅游偏好、旅游意愿、消费方式等的变化态势以及不同人口学和社会学特征变化显著程度,并从中获得对假日旅游产品与市场开发的启示。  相似文献   

籍振芳   《山西旅游》2006,(3):6-8
今年的“五一”黄金周,是我们组织开展黄金周假日旅游以来的第17个黄金周。经过七年的发展,黄金周假日旅游经济已经成为我省旅游经济的重要组成部分,做好黄金周各项旅游工作,对于完成“十一五”开局之年旅游业发展任务,乃至推动全省经济社会的发展,具有十分重要的意义。日前,全国假日旅游部际协调会议印发了《关于做好2006年“五一”黄金周旅游工作的通知》,为确保“五一”黄金周旅游工作实现“健康、安全、秩序、质量”四统一的目标。  相似文献   

2005年“五一”旅游黄金周落下了帷幕,我市假日旅游的总体情况是:安全健康、平稳有序,假日旅游持续升温。7天时间共接待国内旅游75.55万人次,同比增长14.99%;旅游收入25406万元,同比增长15.12%。较好的实现了“健康、安全、秩序、质量”四统一的目标。  相似文献   

沪渝两地市民假日出游市场状况实证对比研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
张建 《旅游学刊》2002,17(5):40-44
本文通过实证研究手段 ,对沪渝两地的假日出游市场进行了问卷调查 ,通过统计分析 ,得出了两地假日出游市场的共性特征、差异性特征和个性特征。由此提出从区域经济、区域文化的视野用实证方法来深入研究假日旅游市场的开发问题。  相似文献   

随着以发展国内旅游为主旨的假日旅游蓬勃发展,人们利用假日闲暇,到就近旅游区观光、度假、修学、经贸考察等旅游活动已成为时尚,这对于我们北方各省区币进一步加大区域协作提供了更加广阔的市场基础,也对我们在开辟旅游线路、加强市场促销、开展执法检查、进行形象塑造等方面加强联合,提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

按照惯例,每年4月至10月是旅游的高峰季节。可走访百姓,却听到了这样的顺口溜,老百姓把假日经济说成:“购物排队,旅游受罪,到处涨价,花钱遭罪。”话虽尖刻了点,可还真耐人回味。  相似文献   

新休假制度对国内旅游流时空结构及旅游开发的影响分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
郭晓东  肖星  房亮 《旅游学刊》2008,23(5):38-41
时间因素对旅游流时空结构和旅游开发具有重要的影响.本文基于我国新出台的休假调整方案,对国内旅游流时空结构的演变趋势和对旅游开发的影响进行了系统分析,认为休假调整方案对优化旅游流时空结构和旅游产业空间布局,缓解我国国内旅游的诸多矛盾与问题将产生积极的影响,并对引导旅游开发方式转变,促进区域旅游协调与可持续发展具有极为重要的意义.  相似文献   


Family decision making not only has been an interesting subject to consumer behavior researchers but also has served as a valuable source in shaping marketing strategies adopted by the tourism and hospitality industry. However, little research has been devoted to understanding the roles of family members in the decision-making process during vacation planning. This paper attempts to provide further understanding on the nature and the importance of family roles played in making travel purchase decisions. The authors conceptually reviewed past studies to explore different roles played by the core family members in the decision-making process and developed research propositions along with a conceptual model regarding family vacation planning. Relevant marketing implications were discussed and unique research methods were also recommended for further study.  相似文献   

Family is an important unit of individuals seeking experiences together during vacation. This consumptive unit deserves explicit attention not only because of its market size but also because of ramifications of family vacation on family functioning. This study explores the interplay of vacation activity patterns and family cohesion. It reveals a taxonomy of four types of family travelers with respect to their patterns of activities and needs for cohesion. They are “bonded and nature seeking”; “attached and enthusiastic”; “self-directed and recreation oriented”; and “sociable but static” family travelers. This research provides empirical evidences for the proposition that vacation activities are valuable contributors to family cohesion. Implications are provided pertaining to the development of quality family vacation programs and enhancement of family life satisfaction.  相似文献   

Family has been identified as the most important consumption unit. This research builds on related theories of family system and vacation functions and empirically examines the dimensionality of family vacation functions. Through focus group interviews and survey techniques, a typology of family vacation functions was identified. Stressing both “home environment” and “destination environment,” “we” and “individual,” the functions are “Bonding and Sharing,” “Communication,” “Escape and Relaxation,” “Children’s Learning,” and “Novelty Seeking.” Fathers, mothers, and children showed significant differences in their perception of these five dimensions. Parents, especially mothers, appeared to be much more group well-being oriented, and their aspirations for vacation performing various functions were much more pronounced. Children did not demonstrate the equal amount of enthusiasm towards family vacation. Implications were discussed from both academic and applied perspectives.  相似文献   


Analysis of answers to a question on ownership of vacation homes asked during Census Canada 1971 confirms findings from earlier analyses that were based on data drawn from drastically different sources and may be summarized thus: although social and economic status is a powerful determinant in ownership of vacation homes everywhere, in Canada the best single predictor is location. Citizens in urban places of Eastern Canada, irrespective of the size of urban place, which has no effect one way or another, have a much higher propensity to own vacation homes than those in the West. In the Province of Ontario, for which the most detailed historical record exists, census data confirm the continued existence of distributional patterns established in earlier studies: the people with the greatest likelihood of owning vacation homes have their primary residences on the Pre‐Cambrian Shield in the midst of Ontario's most highly valued recreational landscape, whereas those living on the frontier with the United States at either end of Lake Erie are least likely to own vacation homes. The reason for the very narrow range within which a great complex of towns and cities in southwestern Ontario distribute themselves, with four to six percent of the population in each owning vacation homes, remains a mystery.  相似文献   

The characteristics and travel behavior of 2,436 respondents are analyzed with respect to their use of planning assistance for vacation travel. Differences were detected between the three planning segments: self-planners, motor club users and travel agent users, e.g., travel agent users traveled more often by air and for multiple purposes. Substantial similarities were found between self-planners and motor club users. In general, the use of professional planning assistance increased as the distance to be traveled increased. The findings support the development of specific marketing programs developed for the motor clubs and travel agent users by destination managers.  相似文献   

This study assesses the effectiveness of guilt-decreasing appeals in reducing anticipated guilt regarding a luxury vacation and the maintenance of the happiness associated with a guilty pleasure. An experiment involving two independent groups was conducted on a sample of Chinese tourists. The results show that guilt can be reduced without compromising the benefits of a guilty pleasure. The more successful an advertisement is in depressing anticipated guilt, the more successful it is in enhancing the attitude toward the advertisement and toward the promoted vacation. Implications for destination advertising are suggested.  相似文献   

新休假制度对北京居民旅游活动影响的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新休假制度实施已经将近一年时间,对比2006年和2008年两次调查的结果发现,新休假制度没有对北京居民的短途旅游产生明显的促进作用。本文认为,产生这一现象的原因可以用"渗透效应"来加以解释,对于日常工作压力较大的人群来说,工作日对于休息日具有一定的渗透影响,从而削弱了小长假的价值。  相似文献   

This paper investigates vacation behaviour under high travel cost conditions. We estimate discrete portfolio vacation choice models on data obtained in a novel free format Stated Preference of Revealed Preference (SP-off-RP) choice experiment. The substantive contribution of this paper is that we develop new insights into vacation behaviour under high travel cost conditions. We find that vacationers exhibit considerable diminishing marginal disutility of vacation travel costs. Furthermore, we have identified significant interactions effects across the following vacation choice dimensions: destination, length of stay, accommodation type and mode of transport. Therefore, a substantial increase in travel costs is likely to have marked consequences for the tourism industry – reaching beyond the transportation side of tourism. Methodological contributions of this paper are twofold: 1) it proposes a choice experiment in which SP alternatives are constructed by pivoting of late consideration set alternatives, rather than only of a chosen alternative, and 2) it proposes, and illustrates the use of, a generalization of a recently proposed SP-off-RP estimation procedure.  相似文献   

Despite being recognised as a lucrative segment by the industry, multigenerational family vacation remains an under-researched area. This study explores Korean multigenerational family vacation decision making (FVDM). Using a neo-Confucian epistemology, this study contributes to the existing family tourism literature, which has mainly researched Western nuclear family holidays, by investigating how Korean multigenerational families resolve conflicts during the FVDM process. Data were collected from 14 Korean multigenerational families using focus groups, interviews and visual methods. The study reveals the influence of neo-Confucianism on FVDM communication and the conflict resolution strategies. The vertical communication across generations was guided by filial piety while the horizontal communication within the second generation demonstrates seniority- and male- oriented values. Given the communication patterns, each generation adopted conflict resolution strategies to maintain family harmony, which is a core value of neo-Confucianism. Recommendations are provided to tourism practitioners to develop tourism products and marketing strategies.  相似文献   

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