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研究目的:基于人与以土地为基础的自然资源和社会经济系统的协调和可持续发展目标,研究提出推进中国自然资源科学研究和深化自然资源利用管理改革的基本思路与主要任务的建议。研究方法:借助时空锥理论,构建人地关系演变与以土地为基础的自然资源科学演进和利用管理改革发展的关系模型,分析自然资源相关科学及其范式和利用管理改革发展的内在逻辑;采用集合理论,分析人地关系权籍时空系统与人地关系地域系统的差异;根据人地关系权籍时空系统理论,分析以土地为基础的有关自然资源科学研究和利用管理改革的主要矛盾方面。研究结果:(1)自然资源相关科学及其范式的演进揭示出一个内在逻辑,即人地关系的演变催生了自然资源相关科学及其范式的"科学革命";(2)人地关系权籍时空系统4人地关系地域系统;(3)以土地科学及其范式推动中国自然资源科学研究和深化自然资源利用管理改革,是中国自然资源科学研究和利用管理改革的主要矛盾。研究结论:(1)以土地科学及其人地关系权籍时空系统理论范式为基础,整体统一开展并整合以土地为基础的自然资源空间内各种自然资源权籍信息、资源和资产信息的调查、测量、分类、评估、确权、登记等各种基础数据;(2)以统一整合的以土地为基础的自然资源权籍、资源和资产数据为基础,整体开展以土地为基础的自然资源空间的统一规划,以一个整体规划取代多个行业规划;(3)在此基础上,以土地权籍管理为核心,统一其他自然资源权籍管理,以土地资源和资产管理为核心,统一其他自然资源和资产管理,以服务、支撑并促进中国社会经济可持续发展为目标,构建符合中国国情的以土地为基础的自然资源资产统一市场的机制体制,整体优化利用和统筹治理以土地为基础的自然资源时空,实现人与自然资源生命共同体的协调和可持续发展。  相似文献   

研究目的:改变土地科学学科没有反映学科特征的"土地"概念定义的状况,提出土地科学学科视角下的"土地"概念定义。研究方法:针对土地科学学科长期没有形成能够反映学科特征的"土地"概念的状况,搜集土地科学界和相关学科有关"土地"概念定义的研究文献,研究分析土地科学界有关"土地"概念定义存在的问题,指出土地科学学科缺失反映学科特征的"土地"概念的严重性,根据土地科学学科的本质特征和内涵,提出土地科学学科视角下的"土地"概念定义。研究结果:(1)土地科学学科现有"土地"概念的定义主要体现了地理学等自然学科的特征,不能反映土地科学学科的本质特征和内涵;(2)由于没有学科视角的"土地"概念的定义,导致土地科学学科在研究对象、研究角度、研究范围等重要方面难以反映土地科学学科的本质特征和内涵,引致土地科学学科体系构建困难。研究结论:(1)土地科学学科视角下的"土地"概念具有以土地权籍理论为核心和基础、权籍可及性、人力可达性及土地一般属性的重要特征;(2)土地科学学科视角下的"土地"是"一个人类可以设置并行使土地权籍的地球陆地表层(包含内陆水域、海岛和沿海滩涂)的时空系统",简称为人地关系权籍时空系统;(3)由本文提出的"土地"概念定义,推出"土地科学学科的研究对象是地球表层土地人地关系权籍时空系统中出现的一切土地现象";(4)作者提出的土地科学学科视角下的"土地"概念定义体现了学科的本质特征和内涵,反映了人类开展土地利用活动不可或缺的视角,构成了土地科学学科发生和发展的前提和基础。  相似文献   

研究目的:从土地利用学的产生、定义以及土地利用和土地科学的关系入手,依据独立学科成立的标准,判断土地利用学是否具有独立学科属性,并重点对土地利用学及其各研究域进行进展梳理与展望。研究方法:文献研究,综合分析。研究结果:(1)土地利用学是围绕土地开发、利用、整治与保护展开的;(2)土地利用学已具备一些基础理论,但尚未形成其所独有的核心理论,理论体系缺乏核心理论的引导与支撑;(3)近30年以来,土地利用学已形成具有中国特色的围绕土地利用分类、调查、评价以及借鉴并发展土地利用/覆被变化等方面共同构成的研究域。研究结论:(1)土地利用学研究是贯穿土地科学发展的一条主线,土地利用学涉及土地科学方方面面的研究域及其相应理论和方法,换言之,土地科学的本质相当于土地利用学;(2)按照严格的独立学科内涵和外延判断,现阶段土地利用学的核心理论、独特研究方法体系以及研究域都不甚清晰,不太符合一个独立的二级学科存在条件;(3)从中国土地利用问题研究角度看,不少和土地利用学相关的问题领域具有极强的原创性,值得高度关注。  相似文献   

研究目的:追踪法律地籍领域模型(Legal Cadastral Domain Model, LCDM)的发展演化,掌握地籍概念模型研究的国际前沿,为建构中国地籍概念模型提供理论参考。研究方法:文献调查法和文献分析法。研究结果:LCDM的发展经历了初创期、发展期和成熟期三个历史阶段,已经从平面模型发展成立体模型。核心组件包括私权和公权两大部分,私权包括共用权、物对物权、人对物权、潜用权和资金担保权5个组件,公权包括通用和专用两个组件。研究结论:LCDM形成了较为完善的理论体系,并在世界主要法系的典型性国家进行了实证检验,证明了模型的通用性和有效性。中国地籍概念模型的研究可以从LCDM中汲取理论营养,从而一方面提高地籍系统建模的规范性,另一方面增强地籍系统与其它系统的互操作性。  相似文献   

研究目的:从土地科学学科体系的范畴研究土地管理学的学科内涵、内容体系及研究范式。研究方法:理论归纳法,文献统计法。研究结果:土地管理学是研究土地管理过程及其客观规律的学科,是土地科学学科体系的重要分支,在土地科学学科体系中侧重土地公共属性、社会属性问题研究。研究结论:目前,土地管理学研究框架已基本形成,围绕土地管理实践形成了一套知识体系和政策法律框架;在土地权籍理论方面基本形成雏形;未来研究在围绕实践需求基础上,土地管理基本理论研究应得到加强,并探索回归保障土地资源公共属性本质。  相似文献   

研究目的:以土地权籍理论下的人地关系为核心构建土地管理数据模型,为基于统一数据模型的土地管理数据共享集成提供基础。研究方法:综合分析现有的土地数据模型和土地行业标准规范,总结归纳土地管理中的人地关系内涵和结构,在此基础上构建土地管理数据模型。研究结果:分析了土地管理中的人地关系语义,初步建立了基于人地关系的土地管理数据模型。研究结论:土地管理是人地关系的综合体,基于人地关系的土地管理数据模型,能够集成土地管理中的人地关系,并完整地表达土地管理的要素、关系和过程。  相似文献   

第二次全国土地调查实现了城乡一体化的土地利用现状分类,规范了城乡土地调查的数学基础和数据库建设标准,形成了城镇地籍数据库与农村地籍数据库.在此基础上,分析城乡一体化地籍管理系统实现的技术基础,提出系统建设的技术路线,论述工作流程和方法,研究系统建设的关键技术,最后得出通过设置城镇范围内数据的打开和关闭功能建立城乡一体化地籍管理系统的方法是当前形势下比较理想的一种方法.  相似文献   

研究目的:研究探讨并确定土地科学学科是否具有独立学科的本质属性,在此基础上提出土地科学学科体系研究思路与框架。研究方法:根据《中华人民共和国学科分类与代码国家标准(GB/T 13745-2009)》的定义,依据科学学方法,从讨论土地科学学科有无不可替代的核心理论和不可替代的研究域入手,研究土地科学学科的独立学科属性。研究结果:土地科学学科是一门具有不可替代的土地权籍核心理论,并与土地租价、土地可持续利用理论共同构成有机联系不可分割的核心理论轴,同时具有不可替代的3维3层3环耦合空间研究域的独立学科。研究结论:(1)借助逻辑和空间分析方法,提出的土地科学学科3维3层3环耦合空间研究域,揭示了土地科学学科的本质属性,从而解开了有关土地科学学科的多个重大难题。(2)通过有关土地科学学科发生、演进和发展趋势的研究分析,揭示了:1土地科学学科与相关学科交叉的本质,是由于人类不断提高土地生产力的内生要求牵引,引致土地科学学科研究域内生性扩张导致的交叉;2土地科学学科研究域是一个随着人类提高土地生产力而对应扩张的3维3层3环耦合空间域,且仍会伴随人类不断提高土地生产力的要求持续扩张。(3)通过有关不可替代核心理论及核心理论轴,3维3层3环耦合空间研究域及其形成,学科发生、演进和发展趋势的研究分析,提出了有关土地科学学科的完整系统学说。  相似文献   

研究目的:重新审视中国土地利用规划的思路和实践,引入动态规划理念,使动态规划理论成为土地利用规划理论的有机组成部分。研究方法:借助时空锥理论、人地权籍时空系统理论,探讨动态规划的机理问题。研究结果:(1)土地利用时空系统的综合性、过程性和多元性带来了纵向时间上和横向空间上的不确定性;(2)在保持土地利用规划原则性和框架性不动的前提下,应增加规划实施过程中的灵活性和弹性;(3)土地利用规划的本质是一种过程性和发展性规划,然而当前中国土地利用规划并没有反映土地利用规划的这种本质。研究结论:(1)时空锥理论论证了土地利用系统是一个动态的时空系统,人们对其演进和发展的认知和利用存在着渐进性、困难性和不确定性,因而土地利用规划也必然存在确定性和不确定性、刚性和弹性之间的矛盾。人地权籍时空系统理论指出地籍限定了土地利用的空间位置、权能边界和土地利用发展权,人们为了克服可利用土地数量的制约,不得不采用土地利用深度开发、提高土地节约集约利用程度的方式,从而实现人与地及其之上的人与人开展土地利用活动关系的平衡。(2)土地利用动态规划认为在规划期内特定地块的类型、用途及规模是可变的,即在固定数量空间资源的情况下,通过发掘规划区的各种内在空间潜力,增加可支配空间资源,为其他用地提供释放和回旋的余地。动态规划的"动"是有原则、有约束的动,这个原则就是通过土地利用效益的提升作为补偿和保证。(3)土地利用动态规划的实现路径从时间尺度来看,规划时序采用逐渐缩口的指标分配办法;规划期限采用区域层级的差别化管理;规划期内采用滚动调整的规划方法。从空间尺度来看,坚持底线思维的前提下,从数量指标分配和土地空间分配两方面着手,促进土地集约节约利用,发挥土地利用规划实施的激励机制作用。(4)在明确土地利用动态规划的原则后,下一步重点需要研究土地利用动态规划的具体技术方法和实践应用。  相似文献   

土地立体利用与三维地籍   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人口和产业在城市的集聚导致城市人地矛盾日趋紧张,为了集约和节约用地,土地利用的立体化趋势越来越明显.这使得人们对土地的理解也从二维变为三维,土地三维权利和建筑物区分所有制度也逐步确立.不同的产权单元在空间上叠加,抽象的产权束在空间上的表现形态为复杂的产权簇或产权层.但传统的地籍是以地表权利为核心的,不能满足实际需求,有必要建立三维地籍.从各国的实践经验看,三维地籍的主要问题是现行法律对三维产权规定的缺位以及一些技术问题.随着我国不动产空间权利设定的进程,三维地籍的建设要从法律和技术两方面人手,逐步过渡到完全的三维形式,以满足国家(政府)层面和普通层面的需求.  相似文献   

三维地籍形态分析与数据表达   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究目的:建立三维地籍模型,描述三维地籍产权体并兼容二维地籍宗地,实现不同维度土地权属的统一管理和登记。研究方法:结合中国城市发展的实例和地籍管理需求,分析三维地籍基本形态,比较各类三维空间数据模型。研究结果:提出适应三维地籍管理功能需求的三维地籍空间数据模型及其相应的数据自动组织方法和思路。研究结论:三维地籍通过地理空间坐标这个“基因”来管理不动产,为土地和房产的统一登记提供了统一的技术框架,是对现行不动产管理技术的升级和超越。  相似文献   

The increasing complexity and flexibility of modern land use requires that cadastres need an improved capacity to manage the third dimension. As the world is per definition not static, there also will be needs in relation to the representation of the temporal (fourth) dimension either integrated with the spatial dimensions or as separate attribute(s). In this paper, registration of utility networks in cadastre are considered in this 3D + time (=4D) context. A number of countries in the world have developed methods to register utility networks complying with their legal, organizational, and technical structure. We researched the different approaches of three specific countries: Turkey, The Netherlands and Queensland, Australia. These are analysed to evaluate a solution that matches legal, organizational, and technical cadastral requirements in the most optimal way.  相似文献   

Much of 3D cadastre research and development targets high valued urban land, including condominiums, apartment buildings, and office complexes. The value of the land and the economic activity generated from transactions in this urban space potentially support the cost and time spent on establishing and maintaining a 3D cadastre. Methods for data acquisition and for construction and maintenance of the 3D cadastre are also simpler in the regular and formally planned and surveyed structures of the high value urban environment. Low-income, urban areas of informal tenure and informal development, however, also need and can benefit from a land administration system supported by a 3D cadastre but are neglected in the 3D cadastre research. Mechanisms are required for quick and cost effective construction of a 3D cadastre in this type of area to support land management and regularisation procedures, and to provide security of tenure. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is one technology that may be examined to differentiate structures in densely occupied environments where limited information and limited resources must be able to be used for managing the land and also protecting informal rights.This paper initially posits the need for 3D cadastres in low-income but densely structured urban settlements. It then tests the ability of an existing LiDAR dataset together with orthoimagery, derived to be low cost so therefore having limited specifications, for capturing sufficient definition of 3D occupation in the low-income, densely structured case study area of Laventille in Trinidad and Tobago.The difficulties of manually or automatically discriminating between close and overlapping structures and boundaries are highlighted and it is found that there is still a need for adjudication and verification of boundaries on the ground, even when physical features can be discerned from the software.  相似文献   

Urbanisation, the development of high-rise apartments and the advent of complex building structures creates unique challenges that cannot be met by 2D land and property information. These include inter-related titles and complex plans relating to (i) the land parcel and (ii) the building, both internal (indoor plans) and external attributes (roof and façade). Incorporating the third dimension into the land development cycle can potentially address such challenges by providing data that describes both the land parcel and building in 3D. This move towards 3D data administration requires the development of new 3D data processes, including 3D data sourcing, which forms the focus of this research. Following an examination of current 2D methods in land and property information registration, a framework of the requirements for sourcing 3D land and property information is suggested and potential methods are discussed. Focussing on the geometric and semantic components an evaluation of the methods is developed and applied. The results highlight methods based on photogrammetry, laser scanning, mobile mapping, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) to source integrated 3D information for both the internal and external attributes of a building and corresponding land parcel.  相似文献   

Urbanization and the trend towards complex infrastructure development challenges the traditional two-dimensional (2D) cadastral representations used in conventional land administration. Three-dimensional (3D) representations are argued to serve as the future basis upon which to spatially define rights, restrictions and responsibilities (RRRs) in these environments. In Delhi, the capital city of India, where horizontal expansion via new settlements in peri-urban areas, and vertical expansion by densification of city infrastructure, are both prevalent, the need to manage this increasingly complex 3D infrastructure environment presents a great challenge for land administration and management agencies. This paper explores both the current and potential future application of 3D representation in Delhi, with respect to land use planning, development and management. A cross-cutting thematic case study analysis is undertaken: policy drivers, legal frameworks, organizational aspects, and technical standards are considered. For each aspect a separate analytical approach is used. Based on the results, it is concluded that current practices related to 3D representation are somewhat immature and not adequate for capturing the future vertical growth of Delhi. This could lead to legal and physical boundary inconsistencies and irregularities, and dispute cases. However, by learning from international developments and standards-based approaches, agencies have the potential to enhance and support processes in their respective land administration systems. To realize this potential, internal and external policies, institutional settings and, technical and financial arrangements need to be reformed. In the short term it is recommended to focus on raising awareness for the widespread adoption of 3D representations in relevant agencies in Delhi.  相似文献   

Over the last 15 years, there has been great interest and commensurate momentum in the land administration industry on realising the notion of ‘3D cadastres’. This leverages 3D digital technologies for producing, managing, registering and communicating information about complex, volumetrically defined land and property rights, restrictions and responsibilities (RRRs) that are commonly found in cities and urban areas around the world. There has been significant technical progress but implementation remains uncertain. This paper draws on research conducted on the implementation of 3D Building Information Models (BIM) for regulatory processes in the land development industry in Singapore to illustrate the range of strategies used to induce change in an instance of 3D digital innovation. The adoption of institutional theory as an analytical framework provides insight into the cultural and behavioural underpinnings of these strategies and what makes them particularly effective in producing a positive response to change. Given the similarity in the institutional characteristics of the land development and land administration industries, the case study findings are used to develop a framework of strategic principles that could conceivably be used to support ongoing international efforts to realise 3D cadastres.  相似文献   

As a result of landslides and soil erosion, a substantial amount of soil has been lost in Turkey. Particularly, fertile lands have long been faced with the threat of erosion, largely as a result of traditional (unplanned) land use practices. This threat is more evident in the Black Sea Region with its rough topography and rainy climate. The basic reason for this threat is the lack of organization in land use planning and control. Although proposals, in the context of this requirement, are included in national development plans, they have not been implemented. Accordingly, in this study research based on spatial data evaluation was carried out for Sera Lake located in Akcaabat, Trabzon, Turkey. For this purpose, temporal area, depth and volume changes of the lake were determined by utilizing topographic maps, aerial photographs and hydrographical measurements. To evaluate determined changes in the size of the lake and to produce suggestions to legislators for required sustainable land management activities, information on land use/cover types, land ownership and climate in the vicinity of the lake was utilized. As a result, it was determined that the area, depth and volume of the lake were significantly decreased during the last decades, as a consequence of erosion mainly caused by traditional land use practices; thus, the lake is threatened with the danger of extinction due to erosion. Precautions required for the alleviation of erosion and other adverse environmental effects which largely seem to be caused by harsh physical properties (caused basically by topography) of the region were discussed. In support of the information inherent to the region, traditional arable land use was logically determined as the basic non-natural factor (which is directly prone to erosion) to be rearranged in the context of sustainable land management. In this context, beyond nationwide actions (national agricultural policy and Soil Protection and Land Use Law), which may provide the required land management tools in the long term, it is proposed that planning and accordingly land management activities specific to the study area (Sera Valley) should immediately be commenced in close collaboration with the related public (owners or farmers). However, behaviours of different types of land users (engaged in commercial, subsistence and semi-subsistence farming) and also high number of owners and/or farmers (caused by small pieces of land parcels owned/used in shares) make the desired collaboration almost impossible. This socio-economical problem may be solved by further developing the current land registry and cadastre system in terms of customary land use rights, land use/cover changes and updating procedures.  相似文献   

基于工作流的地籍管理信息系统的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析了传统地籍管理信息系统中存在问题的基础上,引入了工作流的概念,据此,提出了基于工作流的地籍管理信息系统的建设,并对该系统的设计进行了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

三维地籍的建立分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
三维地籍是土地利用和社会、经济发展的必然结果,它将会在土地管理和社会经济发展规划中发挥重要的作用,但是在现有的技术、经济和法律条件下将土地空间信息进行登记、利用还存在着一定困难.通过阐述我国土地利用发展对三维地籍的需求,从经济、法律和技术方面讨论了目前三维地籍在建立过程中存在的障碍.  相似文献   

地籍效益的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在阐述了地籍效益研究的意义,给出地籍、地籍信息、成本和效益等基本慨念的定义后.结合实例以定性和定量相结合的方法对地籍的效益做出了初步探讨。  相似文献   

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