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按照营销理论的2/8法则,核心客户是指为数不多(一般不超过20%)、能够为企业带来80%的经营规模和经济利润的客户群体。对于专业化工程公司而言,核心客户应该具备三个条件:一是有持续、可控的市场需求。持续指客户一般投资活动持续时间长,工程公司可以获得后续任务的可能性大。可控是指工程公司通过在建工程的良好表现,可以实现进入一点、带动一片的示范和轰动效果。二是有丰厚的利润预期和经济回报。工程公司可以通过增强对客户的资源投入,获得较为丰厚的经济收入和利润。三是专业领域、项目地域应该相对集中。工程公司的核心客户一般是一个行业、地区的客户群体,而不仅仅是一个或两个投资者。对核心客户的经营策略可以通过以下几个方面来进行:  相似文献   

2012年四季度证监会、保监会针对资产管理市场密集地出台了一系列旨在“放松管制”的“新政”,标志着“泛资产管理时代”的正式到来。“泛资产管理时代”赋予了其他资产管理机构更多开展与信托公司“同质化”业务的机会,给信托公司带来了空前的压力与挑战。文章试图采用管理学中的SWOT方法来分析我国信托公司面临的内外部环境,进而提出适合我国信托公司的战略定位。  相似文献   

<正>据《中国信托业发展报告(2008)》显示,截至2008年9月30日,53家信托公司管理的信托财产余额共13526.52亿元,信托财产运用方面,运用于贷款8801.74亿元(包括购买信贷资产、票据资产),占信托财产的  相似文献   

刘亚 《企业经济》2007,(1):146-149
互联网的日益普及,为网络营销带来了良好的机遇,网络营销也因此成为新世纪最具发展潜力的领域。在网络环境下,客户处于倾向建立一种学习型关系的强势地位。因此,树立客户资产观、重组业务流程、导入并实施客户关系管理、营造“客户至上”的企业网络文化、有效锁定客户及增强网络形象和信誉是网络营销获取竞争优势的关键所在。  相似文献   

我们营销员与客户面谈时,难免要恭维一番:逢人减岁,遇货加价,说对方好就行,有什么难的?  相似文献   

随着市场环境的加剧变化,传统的管理模式已经很难创造和传递高的客户价值。为此,需要构建一个有效的客户让渡价值形成和转移系统,以保证长期和全面地为客户创造高价值。本文将战略管理理论、客户让渡价值理论和价值链管理理论结合起来,研究在企业选取某一既定战略来谋取竞争优势的背景下,如何将企业的技术开发、人力资源、采购、物流、生产运营、市场营销与销售、服务等各个环节有机地整合起来,做好计划、组织、协调、监督和控制等各个环节的工作,使其形成相互关联的整体,真正按照"链"的特征实施企业的业务流程,以达到更好地为顾客创造价值的目的。  相似文献   

民营企业在我国经济建设中占据了极为重要的地位,但民营企业往往在经历一段短期的快速成长后会陷入发展的困境。民营企业如何获得持续的竞争优势?这一直是理论界和企业家们不断探索和实践的问题。分析了现阶段民营企业要持续发展必须选择专业化发展战略,论述了如何实施专业化发展战略。  相似文献   

企业发展以“多元化”战略为好,还是“专业化”战略为重?作简单地“肯定一个,否定一个”式的评判显然是不科学的,也是无济于事的。上世纪90年代中期以前,多元化的名声非常响亮,随着1997年金融危机中韩国大型多元化企业集团的纷纷衰落,多元化开始成为千夫所指的罪魁祸首。而恰恰在此时,我国的不少企业也因多元化发展陷入困境甚至破产了: 巨人集团总裁史玉柱反省其失败的四大失误之一就是盲目追求多元化经营。巨人公司涉足的电脑业、房地产  相似文献   

我国加入世贸组织之后,银行业必须加强关系管理,尤其是以高端客户为重心的忠诚度管理,以提升其整体竞争力。本文从客户忠诚及其价值分析入手,指出了培养高端客户忠诚感的重要性,并着重论述了如何加强对高端客户的管理。  相似文献   

文章针对工业品大客户营销的特点,在综合营销理论和多年的工业品营销实践基础之上,提出了广开渠道,捕捉信息;注重细节,创新营销;搭建网络,利用团队;抓住机遇,促成交易的4大制胜法宝,具有较强的可操作性,对于从事工业品营销的一线人员具有较好的借鉴和启发意义。  相似文献   

现代企业客户关系管理是改善客户关系、降低交易成本、扩大市场份额、提高经济效益的一项非常重要的管理内容。它致力于最大化客户的价值和提高公司的利润。文章先对客户关系管理对企业的重要性进行了分析,指出其对企业的价值所在;接着以星巴克公司为例,分析说明了在企业客户关系管理过程中运用价值创新战略对企业价值创造的帮助。  相似文献   

近年来,按照现代企业制度的要求,我国中央企业国有资产管理取得了巨大的成效,但在中央企业的角色定位与功能发挥上仍存在较大的问题。在中央企业国有资产管理和企业发展中,应当建构起既面向市场机制又服务国家战略的中央企业角色定位,对竞争性行业的中央企业和垄断性行业的中央企业区别对待,分别采取不同的管理方式和考核标准,以实现中央企业资源优势和社会责任的统一,进而达到中央企业的发展和社会发展同步。  相似文献   

The resource-based view and the knowledge-based view are important developments in strategic management theory, and ‘knowledge management’ has exploded in the popular management literature. There is, however, little empirical literature that explores the connections between firms' attempts at knowledge management and their HR strategies. In this paper, we focus particularly on links between knowledge management and staffing practices. High-technology manufacturing was selected as the site of our research, as high-technology firms rely on highly skilled employees to innovate and develop new products and are therefore an ideal environment for exploring the strategies employed for both managing knowledge, and recruiting and retaining employees. Drawing particularly on the work of Hansen et al. (1999 Hansen, M.T., Nohria, N. and Tierney, T. 1999. What's Your Strategy for Managing Knowledge?. Harvard Business Review, March–April:, : 10616. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), this paper identifies and explores two fits between knowledge management and HR strategy or what we call KM-HR configurations: ‘personalization-retention’ and ‘codification-recruitment’. We argue that there is no one way to manage knowledge and its links to HRM and build a simple framework of potential KM-HR configurations with propositions for future research.  相似文献   

张叶 《价值工程》2009,28(12):75-78
全球金融危机,经济趋于减缓,企业进行价值创新显得更加紧迫。企业突破现有市场份额的争夺,发现并满足顾客需求,寻找新市场,从顾客视角下设立价值创新路径。但是,仅仅找到价值创新的路径是不够的,企业内部的配套管理策略的建立和完善,对企业价值创新的实现具有不可或缺的支撑作用。在企业内部,从战略规划到生产经营过程再到企业文化的建设,都围绕顾客,建立以顾客为中心的管理策略,通过满足顾客价值来实现企业价值增长。  相似文献   

In this study, we proposed and tested a dual process model in which cognition-based trust and affect-based trust mediate the relationships between transformational leadership and followers' task performance and job satisfaction. Data were collected from 175 sales and service employees and their supervisors in two private companies located in Southeast China. The results show that cognition-based trust mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and followers' task performance, while affect-based trust mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and followers' job satisfaction. Implications for the theory and practice of leadership are then discussed.  相似文献   

Companies are engaging in collaborative innovation with their customers (CIC), but there has been no comprehensive discussion of the role of human resources (HR) in such initiatives or the challenges involved. We begin with a brief overview of CIC and the challenges for HR and then draw on different streams of research to develop a conceptual framework for the alignment of HR with CIC strategies. Theoretical foundations for the components of the framework are integrated with the discussions of its various components. We begin with a review of staffing and development practices focused on collaboration and relationship skills, as well as creativity, and collaborative- and commitment-oriented HR systems. We then discuss how HR deployment, performance management, control practices and contextual factors potentially affect the relationship between antecedent HR practices and the collaborative and innovative behaviors needed for CIC. Several challenges in aligning HR practices with CIC are explored, such as the limited supply of research talent inclined toward CIC, skills for collecting tacit knowledge, performance assessment and risk-related career implications. Other broader challenges are discussed, such as deployment, preserving internal innovation capabilities and controlling confidential information. Suggestions for overcoming challenges for HR in CIC are discussed and ideas for future research are provided.  相似文献   

This study develops and tests a model that evaluates eight antecedents of charity trust and its influence on volunteering and donating. Secondary data from a national Australian survey (N = 1,377) was collected and data was analyzed using partial least square path analysis. Key findings include identifying individual and organizational antecedents of charity trust and its influence on charity supportive behavior. Results show that organizational transparency is a very strong antecedent, followed by the individual awareness level of an individual towards the organization. We also examined the effect of gender as a moderating influence but did not find a significant effect. We conclude with managerial implications and areas for future research.  相似文献   


This study examined how employee-orientated human resource management (EOHRM) is related to Chinese employees’ voice. Drawing on the trust literature, we developed and tested an integrative model that involves the mediating role of trust in management in the effect of EOHRM on voice behavior and the moderating role of employees’ moral identity in the EOHRM effects. Data were collected from 251 employees from a variety of occupations in China. Bootstrap-based regression analyses were used to test the research model. Results showed that trust in management partially mediated the relationship between EOHRM and voice behavior. The effect of EOHRM on trust in management and the indirect effect of EOHRM on voice behavior via trust were stronger in employees with higher rather than lower levels of moral identity. These findings suggest that organizations may promote employee voice by implementing HR policies and practices that focus on employees’ personal and family needs and consider employees’ moral identity.  相似文献   

做好营销管理,提供高品质的服务永远是营销人员的追求。营业厅是供电局对外的窗口,营业厅的服务品质如何直接影响到企业在客户心目中的形象以及客户满意度。  相似文献   

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