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Land Prices and Land Assembly in the CBD   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
There is substantial empirical evidence of price concavity in the parcel-size dimension across land-use types and across urban regions. This article examines the degree to which concavity varies between the Central Business District (CBD) and the rest of the urban area. The article provides strong empirical support that the degree of concavity within the CBD is lower than in the rest of the county. Although concavity may be the dominant pricing relationship throughout most urban areas, there is some evidence of the presence of a convex price structure within the urban center.  相似文献   

本文按应国瑞(Robert K. Yin)著作《案例研究:设计与方法》和艾森哈特(Eisenhardt,1989)提出的案例研究的规范程序,从组织管理和人的行为视角,对KZ担保集团及其下属7个子公司的两个层面的内部控制机制进行了嵌入式的单案例研究。通过案例分析验证或修正了本文所提出的理论框架,并对其给予了合理的解释。本文认为,KZ担保集团内部控制机制是对内部控制理论有益的拓展,既扬弃了现有企业内部控制和公司治理理论,也为担保企业集团内部控制的实践提供了启示。  相似文献   

本文在深入调研国际大型银行集团法律风险管理经验的基础上,归纳出中国商业银行集团面临的主要法律风险:多法域司法管辖和跨行业监管规制增加法律风险暴露的广度与深度;复杂的集团架构加大公司治理机制与股东意志传导路径的构建难度;集团风险的内部传导效应对法律风险分散管理模式提出挑战;监管改革最新导向及集团统一品牌策略使金融消费者权...  相似文献   

我国科研经费管理中的热点问题之一是对人力资本补偿机制建立的分歧。本文基于凡勃仑、韦伯的制度经济学理论阐述了科研人员行动的一般逻辑,提出人文社会科学研究一定程度上属于“有闲阶级”彰显财富与教养的活动的观点。通过效用函数和信息不对称理论对人文社科类课题是否应列支人员费进行分析,得出越高水平的研究人员因为社会地位学术水平和课题研究获的效用增量是递减的的结论。最后对不同行业不同地区科研人员薪酬水平的文献总结,指出经济因素固然重要,但“学术精神”等同样不可或缺,共同培育良好的学术生态环境,提高科研人员的基本工资是更好的人力资本补偿方式。  相似文献   

本文认为租金是推动土地产权制度变迁的根本动力,正是由于各种租金的存在,使地方政府成为了初级行动团体。本文在对传统的土地产权特征作初步分析的基础上,指出传统土地产权就蕴含了改革自身的矛盾。在改革的过程中,租金又分化为试点租金、双轨租金和漏洞租金,分别给不同的相关主体以不同强度的激励,导致多种合力共同促使土地产权制度的演化。  相似文献   

集团公司作为一种多法人、多层次、多纽带、多功能、多元化的高级经济组织,随着集团成员企业的增加,资产规模越来越大,经济关系也变得越来越复杂.在这样一个经济关系复杂的环境中,如何实施一套行之有效的治理机制,提高集团公司运行效率,降低经营管理风险,实现集团公司的经济价值与社会价值,已成为不容忽视的问题.  相似文献   

产业金控集团是当前我国产业资本借力资本市场发展实体经济的重要方式,但在 实际运行中存在协同机制不健全、协同效应发挥不足、产融结合的深度和广度不足等问题。本 文对国内外产业金融理论进行了文献综述,深入分析了产业金控集团产生的动因,指出了目前 产业金控集团在发挥协同效应中存在的不足。结合产业金控集团的优势和特点,从构建横向协 同机制和纵向协同机制的角度,探讨了完善产业金控集团协同机制的举措。  相似文献   

集体经营性建设用地入市对构建城乡统一建设用地市场,实现农村居民增收增效,实施乡村振兴战略具有重要意义。与国有土地入市不同,集体经营性建设用地入市具有参与主体多元、利益分配复杂、融资渠道不畅等特点,当前研究对入市实施机制、金融支持模式仍缺乏深入理解。在分析集体经营性建设用地入市改革进展和存在问题的基础上,选择D区进行深入调研,总结提出了区级统筹推进机制、入市收益分配机制、镇级公司联营机制、项目整体谋划机制等四大机制创新。研究发现,以"整体授信分批实施+打造合规还款来源+提供区级增信支持"为特征的新型融资模式,可有效解决集体经营建设用地入市融资困境。  相似文献   

辛华 《济南金融》2011,(12):67-70
集团化是现代银行最突出的特征之一。银行的集团化发展,可达到协同经营的目标,打破传统金融机构的竞争格局,使集团获得经营一体化带来的好处。但另一方面,复杂的股权关系、组织结构、内部往来、业务合作,也使得银行集团暴露于特殊的法律风险当中。在金融危机后,金融监管的严格化和法律环境的快速变化,使得银行集团面临的法律风险更为严峻。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the applicability of the convex duality method for utility maximization, in the presence of random endowment. When the underlying price process is a locally bounded semimartingale, we show that the fundamental duality relation holds true, for a wide class of utility functions and unbounded random endowments. We show this duality by exploiting Rockafellar’s theorem on integral functionals, to a random utility function.  相似文献   

While the topics of risk aversion and utility theory have been discussed extensively in the academic literature on risk and insurance, this literature does not include a pedagogical discussion that is widely accessible for classroom use. This article provides a practical introduction to risk aversion that is designed for readers with little prerequisite course work in economics or statistics. We describe a simple model of insurance demand that can be applied to the property, liability, life, and health insurance markets. We also demonstrate how risk aversion affects a variety of real-life insurance decisions made under conditions of uncertainty, including how much the market will bear to pay for insurance administrative expenses and how demand varies for different types of auto insurance coverage. Exercises and practice problems are provided so that readers can test their mastery of the concepts presented in the article. An instructional note on using this article to teach risk aversion in the classroom is also provided.  相似文献   

We use purely statistical methods to determine if the pricingkernel is the intertemporal marginal rate of substitution underrecursive utility. We introduce a nonparametric Bayesian methodthat treats the pricing kernel as a latent variable and extractsit and its transition density from payoffs on 24 Fama-Frenchportfolios, on bonds, and on payoffs that use conditioning informationavailable when portfolios are formed. Our priors are formedfrom an examination of a Bansal-Yaron economy. Using both monthlydata and annual data, we find that the data support recursiveutility.  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的纵深发展,城市用地引入了经营机制.本文探讨了市场经济体制下城市用地结构的演变规律,提出了城市土地的经营原则,运行模式和经营对策.  相似文献   

This case relates to current accounting for the costs that utility companies will incur in the future to decommission their nuclear plants and how the accounting would change under a new Exposure Draft. There is currently considerable diversity in the methods used to account for costs incurred to decommission nuclear power plants. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued an initial Exposure Draft concerning these costs in 1996 and issued a revised version in February 2000. The Exposure Drafts propose more uniform accounting practices in this area. The proposed standard would, however, have significant effects on the balance sheets of utility companies that own nuclear power plants. This case investigates the consequences that the proposed standard would have on financial analysts’ perceptions of the financial soundness of utility companies affected by the standard. The case also explores some recent developments regarding deregulation of the electric utility industry and their ramifications for accounting.  相似文献   

信息和心理偏差的非完全同质性导致投资者形成异质的主观预期,因而市场中的投资者可细分为持有不同主观预期的群体。当原群体成员主观预期发生调整时,该群体成员可能就会转移到与其新预期相似的群体中,或者与其他投资者组成一个新的群体,从而引发群体间规模的此消彼长或新预期类型群体的产生,最终实现群体间的演化。据此,文章提出"个体—群体—群体"的演化路径,系统阐述了资产价格波动的形成机制:现实市场中的群体演化必然引起不同资金流的合并或分化,从而导致市场资金流分布格局发生演变,进而推动资产价格波动。这一结论从社会互动这一独特视角进一步揭示了资产价格波动及资产价格泡沫形成机制。  相似文献   

由于历史原因,我国土地面积的计量单位在不少场合仍沿用"亩"这个单位.基准地价也往往用"万元/亩"作单位.但我国土地面积的法定计量单位是"平方米".土地面积单位在"亩"与"平方米"之间以及地价在"万元/亩"与"元/平方米"之间的换算,还是土地价值评估中经常要遇到的事情.  相似文献   

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