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The financial collapse in Russia in the summer of 1998 was a profound shock to the efforts to reform the Russian economy. It was also thought that it would seriously worsen the short- and medium-term outlook for growth and inflation. In this article, Brian Henry and Evgeny Gavrilenkov argue that the most recent data show that the more pessimistic of these views were probably misplaced; modest but significant growth has been evident since the collapse without substantial increases in inflation. The real improvements, in so far as they are simply the results of devaluation and the beneficial effects of the increase in the world oil price, could prove to be temporary, although there are more hopeful indicators with the recent increases in investment. But to ensure sustainable recovery, fundamental improvements in the structure of the economy, especially in the areas of industrial and financial restructuring, are needed. Meanwhile, they argue that it would be very beneficial for medium-term prospects if progress is made on the twin problems of external debt reduction and tax reform.  相似文献   

秦姗兰  季灵运  周琳 《价值工程》2013,(26):190-191
雷达差分干涉测量(D-InSAR)技术一种新兴的地表形变监测技术,具有精度高、监测范围广等特点。本文以甘肃平凉华亭煤矿为例研究该技术在矿区的应用,首先采用两轨法D-InSAR技术获取了矿区在2007-2010年的地表形变场,然后分析了InSAR地表形变场的特点。结果表明D-InSAR技术监测到的沉陷信息可以较为准确的反映矿区实际沉陷状况,可以作为一种获取大范围煤矿区的地表沉陷的有效方法。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new model for capturing discontinuities in the underlying financial environment that can lead to abrupt falls, but not necessarily sustained monotonic falls, in asset prices. This notion of price dynamics is consistent with existing understanding of market crashes, which allows for a mix of market responses that are not universally negative. The model may be interpreted as a martingale composed with a randomized drift process that is designed to capture various asymmetric drivers of market sentiment. In particular, the model is capable of generating realistic patterns of price meltdowns and bond yield inflations that constitute major market reversals while not necessarily being always monotonic in form. The recursive and moving window methods developed in Phillips, Shi and Yu (2015a,b; PSY), which were designed to detect exuberance in financial and economic data, are shown to have detective capacity for such meltdowns and expansions. This characteristic of the PSY tests has been noted in earlier empirical studies by the present authors and other researchers but no analytic reasoning has yet been given to explain why methods intended to capture the expansionary phase of a bubble may also detect abrupt and broadly sustained collapses. The model and asymptotic theory developed in the present paper together explain this property of the PSY procedures. The methods are applied to analyse S&P 500 stock prices and sovereign risk in European Union countries over 2001–16 using government bond yields and credit default swap (CDS) premia. A pseudo real‐time empirical analysis of these data shows the effectiveness of the monitoring strategy in capturing key events and turning points in market risk assessment.  相似文献   

目前,建筑物的基坑开挖深度越来越深,对于基坑的支护也提出了更高的要求。基坑工程一直是建筑施工的重点,也是安全事故多发环节。本文以某工程基坑事故为例进行详细分析,对其发生事故后的支护加固措施进行研究,希望以对基坑工程合理设计与安全施工有所启示与帮助。  相似文献   

张忠义 《价值工程》2014,(12):133-134
本文以大独山隧道平导溶蚀破碎岩体塌方冒顶处理为例,介绍了塌方原因及处理方案,为今后同类型的隧道塌方冒顶处理的施工技术提供指导依据。  相似文献   

The author recounts from first-handknowledge and experience the attempts by Mariculture to form the green sea-turile, and the opposition encountered from environmentolists and other.  相似文献   

夏鹏 《价值工程》2021,40(12):135-136
目前西北地区正大力发展经济建设,道路交通网亦在日益完善,各种公路建设应运而生,桥梁、隧道和路基作为高速公路的一部分,在西北地区告诉公路建设中占有较为重大的地位.而在高等级软弱围岩中修建大断面公路隧道较为突出的问题为洞室自稳性差、收敛变形大等,尤其浅埋地段隧道塌方现象时有发生.本文以兰海高速渭武项目大草滩隧道浅埋段YK203+862塌方处治施工要点进行总结.  相似文献   

文杰  谢晓杰 《价值工程》2014,(6):136-137
随着我国建筑事业的迅猛发展,大型工程项目越来越多,高大模板工程应用日益增多,由于各种原因,模板经常出现塌坍事故。本文通过对常用的钢管扣件搭设的模板支撑系统坍塌事故的分析,结合生产实际管理过程对模板坍塌事故的原因及采取措施,进行简要介绍。  相似文献   

几个月前,李彦宏和他的百度公司还被视为是中国改革开放30年以来一个商业成功的样本。然而让一直以来顺风顺水的李彦宏措手不及的是,在卷入震惊全国的“三鹿问题奶粉”事件之后.百度接二连三地陷入了道德危机以及法律诉讼的漩涡。  相似文献   

通永光 《价值工程》2014,(12):43-44
我国建筑行业建设管理随着不断的深化了解,在改革上取得很大的进步。其中,建筑行业企业的生产方式和组织结构都发生了较为深刻的变化。因此建筑行业的安全问题也已经成为各方广泛关注的焦点,无论是在理论研究还是实践应用等方面的研究都相对深刻。龙门架是目前工地上常用的垂直运输机械之一,本文通过龙门架的坍塌事故,分析了如何防止龙门架坍塌事故的发生。  相似文献   

刘凯 《价值工程》2022,(14):105-107
本文结合南扎隧道岩溶空腔或坍空区处理实例,通过对岩溶空腔或坍空区处理技术的实践和总结,形成处理技术:封闭掌子面形成闭合空间,拱顶预留泵送管道、注浆管、排气管,通过输送泵分批泵入混凝土,形成支护硬壁,共同受力,最后注浆管回填注浆至拱顶密实.下循环开挖严格控制短进尺、弱爆破,强支护,勤测量,指导施工,顺利的通过坍空区.该技...  相似文献   

Communities of practice are a possible mechanism for improving knowledge sharing among project managers, both within and between organizations. Based on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, we theorize a model of participation intensity in communities of practice by project managers and explore the use of Web 2.0 technologies to increase this participation. Using structural equation modeling, we test the research model and find that the factors of reputation, enjoyment, and management support impact the participation intensity of project managers in communities of practice. However, we do not find support for the impact of Web 2.0 technologies on participation intensity. This study provides evidence that participation in communities of practice can result in individual benefits for the project manager, as well as in more far‐reaching organizational benefits.  相似文献   

李科兴  申小飞  宁波 《价值工程》2012,31(19):109-110
以某高速公路隧道右洞K123+328~290段已完成的初期支护部分突然发生坍塌为例,介绍工程所处地质情况,初步分析塌方原因,给出塌方处理方案。工程实践证明综合处理方法可行有效,对类似工程问题具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

文章介绍了凤虎岭2号隧道工程采用注浆处理隧道冒顶坍塌的实例,对坍方原因进行了详细分析,确定了处理方案,并探讨了软岩浅埋隧道预防坍塌措施,对同类隧道的施工有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

文章首先分析供电线路跨越架倒塌的原因,提出规范跨越架搭设标准,并设计加装跨越架报警装置,对今后线路跨越施工有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

郭耀 《价值工程》2013,(33):104-106
在隧道施工中,塌方以及泥石流问题是一类常见的、具有极大危害的安全问题,如何能够对其进行有效的防护以及对突发情况的处理,是本文主要探讨的。随着我国经济社会发展步伐的加快,对道路建筑也提出了更高要求,隧道施工中塌方、泥石流问题的发生是复杂的,因而做好相关情况的具体分析也是十分必要的,从实战中总结经验能够进一步提升处理能力。  相似文献   

塌落振动是建筑物在拆除爆破中存在的主要形式,开挖减震沟是降低塌落振动地震效应的有效措施。利用混凝土块的倾倒来模拟建筑物爆破拆除的倾倒塌落过程,并采集由此产生的塌落振动信号[1]。分析研究了不同深度减震沟的减震效果。试验结果表明:减震效果随着减震沟深度的增加而增加;当深度达到一定数值后,减震效果减弱。  相似文献   

文章以打召小学附近W1、W2、W3和W4崩塌危岩体为研究对象,对崩塌危岩体的形成条件和地质特征进行了研究。通过现场地质勘探、实验室测试等方法手段确定地质参数,利用数值计算分析打召小学附近4个崩塌危岩体的稳定性,分别对天然条件和暴雨条件2种工况进行分析。研究结果表明:打召小学附近4个崩塌危岩体在天然条件下处于基本稳定状态,但在暴雨作用时将会处于欠稳定状态。  相似文献   

林舟  齐文姗  李椋京 《价值工程》2011,30(16):67-68
针对一起边坡工程施工结束后发生的滑塌事故,从工程地质、水文地质、施工方法、土的结构性等方面,进行事故原因综合分析,得出滑塌事故的发生机理,并在此基础上,提出事故的预防措施及对策,供同类工程的设计、施工及进一步研究参考。  相似文献   

对法规要求的符合性需要策划、理解和承诺.美国食品与药品管理局(FDA)针对医疗设备行业制定了很多法律法规.而其他国家或采用了ISO9001标准,或自行制定了相似的医疗设备行业法规.  相似文献   

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