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靳更新 《活力》2014,(6):118-118
一篇新闻报道最先映入读者眼帘的是标题。看新闻标题,可以知道发生了什么新闻。所谓“石蕴玉而山辉,水含珠而川媚”,新闻的标题就是石中之玉,水面之珠,是“新闻的眼睛”。好的标题,它可以鲜明地表现闻的主题,增强新闻的可读性,强化新闻的表达效果,从而让人产生“急欲一读”的强烈愿望。  相似文献   

在新的时期,新的形势下,作为企业的党组织,做好一人一事的思想政治工作是党群工作的关键和基础,应从群众出发,丰富载体、多措并举,共性化问题集中教育,个性化问题个别教育,在解决思想问题的同时解决实际问题,在说服教育的同时也要严格管理,想群众之所想,急群众之所急,帮助群众排忧解难.本文以大港油田采油工艺研究院的探索和实践为例,探索如何发挥好基层党支部的作用,做好一人一事的思想政治工作.  相似文献   

正近年来,为了让更多的群众利用住房公积金实现安居梦,张家口市住房公积金管理中心坚持"为民、务实、清廉",想群众之所想,急群众之所急,始终将群众利益放在第一位,强力推进归集扩面,拓展思路稳妥放贷,提升服务惠民便民,让更多的人享受到了住房公积金制度的福利成果。在探讨"公开规范住房公积金制度"讨论中,我们走到了张家口市住房公积金管理中心,与大家进行面对面的交谈,使我们感受颇深。  相似文献   

薛鑫 《价值工程》2010,29(20):253-253
作为广播媒体,要想在众多媒体特别是同类媒体的竞争中脱颖而出,除了媒体记者自身过硬的素质和敏锐的新闻洞察力,还需要靠什么抓住瞬间出现的新闻机遇?如何面对相同新闻素材做出与众不同的新闻报道?笔者认为,建立一套行之有效应急机制是非常必要的。本文结合实践,探讨了建立和完善重大事件、突发事件新闻报道应急机制的几点思路。  相似文献   

<正>6月18日,记者走进位于北京东四环的大成国际中心,搬了新家的中国导医网就坐落在这里。把握政策,快速发展"当前解决看病难,最简单快捷的方法就是推行预约诊疗服务,依靠高新技术。"中国导医网董事长、医学专家李世东博士如是说,这在国外的实践经验中已得到证明,卫生部2009年8月出台的文件,正体现了"急群众之所急,想群众之所想"的政府服务理念。  相似文献   

刘小红 《价值工程》2011,30(5):315-316
新闻报道的严肃性是新闻真实性、及时性的集中体现。本文阐述了"严肃性"在新闻报道中的重要作用,探讨了"严肃性"在新闻标题、新闻内容、新闻评论等方面的主要表现及其在新闻报道中的渗透途径。  相似文献   

汕头市劳动局按照江总书记“三个代表”的要求,不断强化宗旨意识,想群众之所想,急群众之所急,谋群众之所求,扎扎实实为企业和广大劳动者解决实际问题,有力地促进了全市劳动事业的发展。今年一月,该局被省人事厅、劳动和社会保障厅评为先进单位,党委书记、局长刘远珍被劳动和社会保障部记一等功。  相似文献   

许清 《秘书工作》2014,(4):15-16
正就业、教育、住房、食品安全、社会保障、收入分配、医疗卫生、征地拆迁、社会治安,等等,这些问题既是目前人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题,也是人民群众最盼、最急、最忧、最怨的问题。我们的调查研究自然不能游离于这些问题之外,这也是具有"问题意识"的调查研究题中应有之义。  相似文献   

新闻无时无刻不在发生。一个新闻事件,记者站在什么立场、什么角度去寻找和选择新闻报道的侧重点影响着新闻事实的表现,其新闻价值也会相距甚远。好的新闻角度不仅能使受众产生耳目一新的感觉,易于接受新闻,更能大大提升新闻信息的传播速度,达到最佳的宣传效果;反之,新闻报道简单化等现象则极有可能发生。  相似文献   

新形势下的经济报道怎样创新和突破一直是业界高度关注并不断实践的课题。视角选择是实现以事说理、以小见大、以微观反映宏观的非常重要的手段和途径。文章从三个方面选择报道角度:从群众的角度落笔,采写老百姓喜闻乐见的作品;从市场的角度出发,采写出紧扣时代脉搏的作品;从大局角度出发,增强宏观经济新闻的有效性和影响力,彰显新闻报道的独特性。  相似文献   

卢秀丽 《价值工程》2010,29(26):25-25
企业工会是党委领导下的职工自愿结合的职工群众组织,是职工之家,担负着团结、凝聚职工,维护、服务大局的艰巨任务,其特殊的性质和特殊的身份自然成为党联系职工群众的"桥梁"和"纽带",对于密切党同职工群众的血肉联系,推动企业和谐健康有序发展关系重大。本文将从以人为本、科学发展、自我创新三个方面论述工会组织将如何在构建和谐企业中发挥作用。  相似文献   

While donation-based crowdfunding for health-related purposes raises hundreds of millions of dollars yearly, most campaigns fail to meet their fundraising goals. Crowdfunding campaigners are advised to seek traditional news media coverage of their campaigns to increase donor interest and fundraising success. In this study, we seek to better understand what happens to donor behavior via donation-based crowdfunding campaigns after they receive news media coverage. While research has focused on the impact of social media sharing on donation-based crowdfunding, academic analyses of the impact of news media coverage is largely speculative. We searched the Newsstream and Factiva databases for Canadian news coverage of domestic donation-based health-related crowdfunding campaigns. This news coverage was paired with the crowdfunding campaign reported on in the story. Campaign text and daily fundraising totals and donor amounts were recorded for the 7 days before and after publication of the news article. The authors identified emergent patterns in this data around the amplification of personal information from the crowdfunding campaign to a wider audience and inclusion of new personal details. This process identified 17 relevant pairs of news stories and crowdfunding campaigns over a review period of just under 5 months in 2021–22. These campaigns raised a total of CAD$443,134 (median CAD$20,030) out of a total goal of CAD$772,500 (median CAD$40,000) or 57.4% of the requested funds. Median campaign donations and donor numbers increased for the 3 days following publication of the news article. Our exploratory analysis shows a relationship between crowdfunding campaigns that receive news media coverage and the numbers of donations and total amount donated shortly after this coverage. Campaigners may feel pressure to participate in news media coverage in order to reach their fundraising goals. Media coverage has implications for campaign recipient privacy and the equitable distribution of health-related funding. This exploratory analysis establishes the need for additional research on this topic.  相似文献   

张滨楠 《价值工程》2011,30(3):159-159
新闻编辑工作的特定任务就是如何把新闻素材中蕴藏着的能量充分地发挥出来,把好的内容,运用好的形式,组织好的画面奉献给观众。作为一名新闻编辑,应加强对自身各方面素养的提高,全面提升所编辑新闻作品的质量,更好地服务中心、服务大局、服务群众。  相似文献   

Unlike most online social networks where explicit links among individual users are defined, the relations among commercial entities (e.g. firms) may not be explicitly declared in commercial Web sites. One main contribution of this article is the development of a novel computational model for the discovery of the latent relations among commercial entities from online financial news. More specifically, a CRF model which can exploit both structural and contextual features is applied to commercial entity recognition. In addition, a point-wise mutual information (PMI)-based unsupervised learning method is developed for commercial relation identification. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed computational methods, a prototype system called CoNet has been developed. Based on the financial news articles crawled from Google finance, the CoNet system achieves average F-scores of 0.681 and 0.754 in commercial entity recognition and commercial relation identification, respectively. Our experimental results confirm that the proposed shallow natural language processing methods are effective for the discovery of latent commercial networks from online financial news.  相似文献   

“云计算”的出现宣告了低成本提供超级计算时代的到来。然而在“云计算”时代即将来临的时候又有几个人真正了解“云计算”,“云计算”到底能给我们带来什么?文章从“云计算”产生的背景、定义、特点、面临的挑战及前景展望作陈述。  相似文献   

We assess the role of monetary policy news shocks in the context of a medium scale DSGE model estimated on US data. We estimate several versions of the model and find decisive evidence in favour of the inclusion of monetary policy news shocks over a two-quarter horizon. According to our results, monetary policy news shocks account for a non-negligible fraction of the variance of real variables, especially at shorter forecast horizons. Further, we document that the importance of monetary policy news shocks goes beyond what was observed in recent years. The historical importance of monetary policy news shocks dates back to the 1999–2006 period when the official FOMC statements provided information about both the current policy setting and the expected future policy path. We also show that adding monetary policy news shocks to the model does not lead to identification problems.  相似文献   

This article outlines original empirical research using a quantitative computer-assisted big data approach to survey and evaluate the representation of Australia in popular South Korean online news media sources. This is an exploratory content analysis of news reporting (in Korean and English) on Australia in key Korean digital news media providers and distributors over a six-month-period during which certain key events occurred that drew Korean news media attention to Australia. The research aims to address the fundamental question: what forms and patterns of representation of Australia are present in South Korean online news media? It is designed in large part to understand how Australia is present as a theme in Korean online news, and how this theme is contextualized by associated topics, such as trade, security, or tourism. The quantitative analysis is augmented using a qualitative method: a series of key informant interviews conducted with editors and journalists responsible for the production and prioritization of news. Further, it is interpreted by locating the research in the context of the Australia-South Korea relationship. We summarize the complexities that arise when analyzing large amounts of textual content, especially from two very different languages, discuss the opportunities that arise from mixed methods—by combining big data (breadth) with contextual analysis (depth) and offer suggestions for aspiring researchers.  相似文献   

实施"金保工程"是提高社保经办能力的有力保障。目前,南宁市社保经办机构正在全力推行实施"金保工程",对此社保经办机构具体业务的实施者要高度重视"金保工程"实施的意义,深刻认识效率信息工程在工作中的重要性,用科学发展观对待"金保工程",使之为南宁社保事业保驾护航。  相似文献   

This paper points out a conceptual difficulty in using a variance decomposition to assess the quantitative importance of news shocks. A variance decomposition will attribute to news shocks movements in endogenous variables driven both by news about future exogenous fundamentals that has yet to materialize (what I call “pure news”) as well as movements driven by realized changes in fundamentals that were anticipated in the past (what I call “realized news”). I present a stylized model in which news about yet unrealized changes in fundamentals is irrelevant for output dynamics, but in which a variance decomposition may nevertheless attribute a large share of the variance of output to news shocks. I then revisit the quantitative importance of news in the model of Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe (2012). In their model news shocks account for 40 percent of the variance of output growth, but this is mostly driven by realized news.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which fiscal policy actions affect the stock market's behavior for the US during 1968–2005. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that past budget deficits negatively affect current stock returns thus suggesting that the market is inefficient with respect to information about future fiscal policy actions. One interpretation of this ‘disturbing’ result is that market participants do not place much faith on news about the budget deficits as they do not believe that deficits could adversely impact the stock market. Instead, what the market considers most important is news about monetary policy.  相似文献   

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