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无线局域网(WLAN)是计算机网络与无线通信技术相结合的产物。通过部署足够的接入点(AP)可以实现广泛的覆盖。随着无线网络技术及相关设备的普及与教育手段的革新,基于WLAN的无线网络构建已成为组建无线校园网的主流技术。本文通过对本校新校区弱电工程实践,介绍基于802.11N标准及Fit AP架构的WLAN校园网设计思路。  相似文献   

3月1日,全球企业移动解决方案领域的领导者——美国讯宝科技公司(Symbol Technologies,Inc.),面向大型企业推出了用于实现Wi-Fi部署的全新高容量WS5100企业无线网络交换机,从而使客户可以摆脱网络的束缚,享受真正自由的企业无线移动体验。  相似文献   

UPS日前宣布,在中国范围内启用最新的第四代速递资料收集器DIAD IV。作为UPS包裹跟踪系统,第四代速递资料收集器是首台同时集成了可视化签名、蓝牙、Wi-Fi和广域无线网络功能的手持电脑装置。该电脑使用了最新的全球卫星定位技术,以进一步提升递送服务质量,并可上传客户的签收信息。  相似文献   

研究探讨综采工作面采煤机、刮板机、支架等设备在工作面中部配套时的相互连接关系,对其相互连接配套尺寸的选取原理进行详细的论述。这些配套经验对综采设备的选型配套设计及综采设备性能的开发研究有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

早在上世纪七十年代,人们就开始对无线网络的应用进行研究。在整个八十年代,随着以太局域网的迅猛发展,具有不用布线、灵活性强等优点的无线网,以己之长补有线网所短,也赢得了特定市场的认可。二十世纪后十年,移动通信特别是数字移动通信发展之快和应用之广,大大超出了人们的预料和专家的预测。移动通信是二十世纪经济、能源、交通运输与通信技术高速发展相结合的产物。本文简要阐述了宽带无线技术、3G通讯技术、超宽带无线技术、Wi-Fi与WiMax的优缺点及解决方案。  相似文献   

磁盘阵列(Disk Array)是由一个硬盘控制器来控制多个硬盘的相互连接,使多个硬盘的读写同步,减少错误,增加效率和可靠度的技术.  相似文献   

计算机网络技术课程是以培养学生动手实践技能为主的课程,实验涉及路由器、交换机、计算机等大量设备,设备价格高,且产品更新换代快,管理和运行成本较大,一直是高职院校计算机网络教学中的难点问题。笔者利用PacketTracer网络模拟器来搭建虚拟无线网络实验环境,实现了网络拓扑结构图的设计、虚拟无线网络环境的构建,相关网络设备的配置与管理,并对实验结果进行了验证。  相似文献   

文章介绍了广西吉宽太阳能设备有限公司研发远程实时智能控制太阳能高效光热工程的相关技术,依托公司高新技术企业实力,集成多项先进技术,研制互联网+Wi-Fi远程实时智能控制太阳能高效光热工程产品。  相似文献   

王斌 《活力》2009,(21)
所谓蓝牙技术,是一种低功率短距离的无线通信技术标准的代称,其实质是要建立通用的无线空中接口及其控制软件的公开标准,使通信和计算机进一步结合,使不同厂家生产的便携式设备可以在没有电线或电缆相互连接的情况下,能在近距离范围内具有互用、互操作的性能.  相似文献   

车联网是物联网与移动互联网融合下衍生的,车联网能让车与车“对话”,通过各种信息传感设备,利用卫星导航、移动通信和无线网络等接入技术和网络服务支撑技术,实现人、车、路、环境之间的智能协同,从而达到和谐统一,  相似文献   

This paper explores an approach to evaluating spatial service and layout efficiency of municipal Wi-Fi facilities for cyber infrastructure planning in the construction of a smart city. Based on the equilibrium principle that Wi-Fi services supply should meet the spatial demand for recreation, urgency, and security, two evaluation models were built. In the first model, the spatial service efficiency of Wi-Fi facilities is measured by a mean ratio of three types of demand spaces covered by Wi-Fi service. In the other model, spatial layout efficiency of each Wi-Fi facility is calculated by a demand load indicator - the sum of the three types of demand space's ratios of served quantity to the average quantity it should carry, and then assessed by relationship with its adjacent facilities. Corresponding statistical methods and analysis processes were also designed using the function modules found in ArcGIS software. The approach was applied to Wuhan city in 2016. After overlaying influence areas of 688 Wi-Fi facilities with demand spaces of 137 access points for recreation, 1200.99 km roads for urgency, 121.54 km2 regions for security, the results show that there exists a spatial disequilibrium between supply and demand of Wi-Fi service in Wuhan due to lack of comprehensive planning. Specifically, there are 67 points, 700.76 km roads, and 42.59 km2 regions of demand spaces covered by Wi-Fi service, with service efficiencies of 48.91%, 58.35%, and 35.04% respectively and an overall spatial service efficiency of 47.43%. Among all the Wi-Fi facilities, there are 481 carrying saturated demand, 3 straying from the centre of demand space, and 204 redundant. The overall spatial layout efficiency of Wi-Fi facilities is 43.01%. The conclusion is that the dense and massive redundant Wi-Fi facilities should be optimized, especially in the centre areas along the confluence of Yangtze and Han rivers and new Wi-Fi facilities supplemented in other ill-equipped areas. Since many metropolitan cities experience the same problem, this novel approach will find wide application in the future and offer improved evaluation strategies for researchers and policymakers.  相似文献   

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