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The impact of sovereign wealth funds on global financial markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
If sovereign wealth funds act similarly to private investors and thus allocate foreign assets according to market capitalisation rather than liquidity considerations, official portfolios reduce their “bias” towards the major reserve currencies — the US dollar and the euro. As a result, more capital flows “downhill“ from rich to less wealthy economies. In this scenario, the euro area and the United States would be subject to net capital outflows while Japan and the emerging markets would attract net capital inflows. The potential implications of a rebalancing of international capital flows for stock prices, interest rates and exchange rates remain uncertain, however. The authors wish to thank Marcel Fratzscher for excellents comments. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Central Bank.  相似文献   

“Natural rate theory” — the application of the efficient market hypothesis to labour markets — has guided economic policy since the 1970s and laid the foundations for the design of major European institutions in the 1990s. Unfettered markets were declared to be stable, and consequently public policies and regulations were regarded as distortions. This led to a division of labour in which central banks were responsible only for price stability, governments for labour market reforms and unions for low wages. The European discussion focused almost exclusively on labour market reforms to reduce unemployment. Against the background of the recent dramatic drop in economic activity, this paper confronts natural rate theory with actual economic trends and argues that the predictions of the theory hardly fit the facts.  相似文献   

Electronics is a branch of industry in which the competitive position of European firms is relatively weak, compared to the chemical, motor vehicle and mechanical engineering industries. This fact appears to some observers—in view of the electronic industry’s high rates of growth and its technologically “strategic” importance—to represent a threat to Europe’s future industrial development. This has led to intensive political discussions in recent years and to a multitude of initiatives for the revitalisation of the European electronics industry. This paper analyses the extent to which the discussions and initiatives have in fact dealt with the problems in hand.  相似文献   



The European single market — How far from completion?  相似文献   

EU enlargement and labour markets in the CEECs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The implications for labour markets are central to any political and economic evaluation of EU Eastern enlargement. The resulting new levels of unemployment and of wages will have direct effects on social welfare in the acceding countries as well as in the present member states of the EU. Furthermore, employment and wages are substantial factors of political stability in the central and eastern European countries (CEECs). The following paper analyses the present situation on the labour markets in the CEECs and discusses the effects of their reintegration into the Western European system and the resulting implications for labour market and wage policy institutions. Helpful comments by participants of the 2nd convention of the CEEISA “Globalisation of International Relations—Implications for Central and Eastern European Countries”, Warsaw, 15–17 June 2000, and of the 4th International IMAD Conference “Institutions in Transition”, Portoroz (Slovenia), 23–24 June 2000, are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyses whether full ownership separation strengthens rail in comparison with other transport modes — a major goal of European and national transport policies. Data from nine European countries in the period 1994–2009 are evaluated, with the end result that the positive effects of full separation cannot be confirmed. On the contrary, full separation significantly reduces the share of rail in passenger transport, while in the freight segment, the regressions yield ambiguous results.  相似文献   

Over the last ten years the European unification project seemed to rely overwhelmingly on progress in economic terms. The most prominent achievements — the Single Market, the harmonisation of market regulation, the euro — were all driven by an economic rationale. However, attempts to rescue Europe from the ongoing financial crisis call for mutual support and solidarity, concepts that can hardly be derived from pure economic reasoning. This leads to an important question that has been too long neglected: what is the political and civic motivation for a united Europe? Besides a great desire to stabilise peace in Europe, the origins of the unification activities also included mutual interest in language, culture, habits and people in neighbouring countries. Has this been abandoned in favour of a purely economic vision? Or are the economic arguments merely the easiest to promote to the European population? What message does this send in times of mistrust in markets and dim economic prospects for the eurozone? Can a political, cultural and civic European spirit still be reinvigorated, and if so, how?  相似文献   

Disappointing growth rates and high unemployment in Europe have given rise to a debate on whether the European socio-economic model—or which of its variations—has a future in the face of increasing international competition. The following two articles discuss the current challenges facing Europe in this field and the options for meeting these challenges.   相似文献   

The creation of a single currency is deemed to produce further heterogeneity in regional trade, as regions differ in their exposure to trade with other European countries. It is possible to disentangle two separate effects on bilateral trade, namely the “exchange rate volatility effect” (from exchange rate fixing in 1999) and the pure “common currency effect” (resulting from the issuing of a new currency in 2002). This paper presents an empirical analysis that shows evidence of a regional concentration of currency union effects in a few Spanish regions.  相似文献   

Accounting in Hungary has undergone significant reforms in recent years. Modeled after European Accounting rules and International Accounting standards, the Hungarian Rules of Law in Force have brought accounting practices in line with west European standards. This article compares the Hungarian Law of accounting to US accounting standards. Those differences that may affect the decisions of an executive working within the international arena are highlighted. Although minor differences exist, mainly in disclosure requirements, US investors, creditors, and managers may be assured comparable information is available for analyses. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Economists are currently divided over the question of what represents a more immediate threat to the global economy — deflation or excessive inflation. Using stochastic simulations, this article extrapolates the likely inflation rates in individual European countries and the euro area as a whole. The results indicate that as the financial crisis continues to subside, policymakers should be vigilant about expeditiously rolling back the unconventional monetary policy measures implemented during the crisis.  相似文献   

After more than a decade of cooperation between the European Union and the formerly socialist Balkan countries, the latter—in stark contrast to a number of other ex-socialist countries—are characterised by severe transition problems, poor economic conditions, political instability and proneness to military conflict. Against this background, our author evaluates the EU's past and present Balkan development policies, concluding with some suggestions towards a new strategy of cooperation.  相似文献   

The Greek government budget situation plays a central role in the debt crisis in the euro area. Strong consolidation measures need to be implemented, with potential adverse effects on the Greek economy and further credit requirements. Debt conversion might therefore become a reasonable alternative. The following paper provides some simulation-based calculations of the expected fiscal costs for the governments in the large European countries, Germany, France, Spain and Italy, arising from different policy options — among them a second Greek rescue package.  相似文献   

The eastward enlargement of the eurozone will follow hot on the heels of the eastward enlargement of the EU. The membership of the accession countries in the eurozone, however, may cause additional risks both for these countries and for the EMU itself. The following paper gives an overview of how policies and markets will be affected and discusses, in the light of the risks involved, whether the Maastricht criteria should be revised to cater for the special needs of the accession countries. Professor Bolle and his team coordinate the research programme “EZONEPLUS—The Eastward Enlargement of the Eurozone”, supported by the European Union. The project includes research institutions from Estonia, Finland, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia.  相似文献   

There is a growing awareness in many EU member states that business taxation solely on the basis of “taxable profits” enables, in particular, multinational companies to avoid paying taxes, with negative consequences both for tax revenue and—in the longer run—also for the stability of the economy. The following article proposes the taxation of all compensation of capital—not only profit for equity, but also interest for outside capital and licence fees for outside rights—at the site of production.  相似文献   

Exchange rates, interest rates and share prices are subject—at least occasionally—to great fluctuations. Diverse economists regard the volatility of international financial markets as a threat to the goods and labour markets. They blame the price turbulences on the speculative behaviour of a large section of market participants, and claim that the deregulation and liberalization of the international financial markets in the eighties has therefore already gone too far. Under discussion today are approaches to a re-regulation of the money, capital and foreign exchange markets. These proposals are evaluated in the following paper.  相似文献   

Wirtschaftsdienst - Vier Parteien — Die Linke, SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen und FDP — haben bis Ende April 2021 den Entwurf ihres Programms zur Bundestagswahl am 26. September...  相似文献   

The present study describes the zone of tolerance for customers’ service expectations and determines their satisfaction level for retail stores. It attempts to diagnose the service quality level of customers’ in retail store setting. A conceptual model RETZOT is presented in this study, and the results demonstrate that evaluation of services can be scaled according to different types of expectations—‘desired’ and ‘adequate’—and that customers use these two types of expectations as a comparison standard in evaluating retail store services. The findings reveal that customers have a narrow zone of tolerance with regards to the services provided by retail stores.  相似文献   

The astute manger should be aware that, in organizations, the deck is frequently ‘stacked’ against higher levels of ethical behavior. This deck stacking occurs because of socialization processes, environmental influences, and the organization hierarchy. As a result of bosses using hierarchical leverage to take the ethical dimension of decision-making away from subordinates, the stage is set for a they-made-me-do-it defense of their moral integrity by these subordinates if and when violations of ethical norms come to light. There is also at work, however, an I-made-them-do-it situation in which professionals who prefer to ‘nest’ in the more technical aspects of their work ‘delegate’ — upward — to their bosses ethical decision-making. Understanding these dynamics is crucial in an age which is especially sensitized to the ethical facet of organizational behavior. He has taught at the University of Georgia since World War II, with the exception of a Rockefeller Foundation Year at the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, and two years with the Ford Foudation in Cairo, Egypt. He is the author of four books on management and public policy — the co-author of a recent Principles of Management text — and he has written many articles on economics and management in a wide variety of journals. His most important publications are:Business and Society: Managing Corporate Social Performance (Little, Brown, Boston, 1981), ‘A Three-Dimensional Conceptual Model of Corporate Social Performance’,Academy of Management Review (Oct., 1979), pp. 497–506, and ‘Business Ethics and the Management Hierarchy’,National Forum: The Phi Kappa Phi Journal (Summer, 1978), pp. 37–40.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the medical concept of “necessaries of life”—i.e., food, heat, clothing, and shelter—became controversial in Britain. The new domain of political economy, in both its Smithian and its Malthusian modes, challenged the view that necessity was either a measurable concept or a deliverable right. For the political economists, “necessity” was relative, a standard erected by class and culture. Many doctors and surgeons resisted that relativism, insisting that the fever epidemics they were responding to could be directly or indirectly attributed to the absence of such “necessaries.” The first half of the article reviews the distinct debates between doctors and economists on these issues in England, Scotland, and Ireland during the first half of the nineteenth century. By mid-century these so-called “necessaries” had largely been de-medicalized and transformed into the status of consumer commodities. The second half of the paper describes the quite different list of necessities that replaced them in public health campaigning and administration during the second half of the century.  相似文献   

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