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The uncovered interest rate parity hypothesis and three variants of the monetary approach to exchange rate determination are assessed under a vector autoregression representation of the available information variables, using monthly data on six major US dollar exchange rates over the period 1978–90. A large information set is used, and the time series properties of the information variables are taken into account. The cross-equation restrictions imposed on the estimated parameters are tested statistically and the economic significance of the models is evaluated independently on the basis of appropriate volatility tests. A weak test for exchange rate bubbles, based on a decomposition of market noise, is proposed.  相似文献   

The article examines the effect of the feminization of labour on profit rates and capacity utilization by employing an indirect and two-stage least squares models for 21 OECD countries during the 1970–2008 period. Findings show that higher women’s labour force participation rates and gender wage gap lead to higher profit rates.  相似文献   

Models of the cost of inflation often conclude that inflation misallocates resources. For example, inflation may lead to an increase in the variability of relative prices and it is often claimed that this increase in variability leads to a misallocation of resources. This claim raises the following empirical question, does inflation alter the composition of real output; that is, does it change real output shares? We examine this question using dynamic panel data methods for nine sector panels each with seven OECD countries from 1970 to 2005. We find evidence that inflation changes the real shares of some sectors even when inflation is treated as endogenous.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of export-growth linkage in India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand on the basis of time series data from 1973 to 1993. The empirical results indicate that exports have a positive and significant impact on economic growth when a country has achieved some level of economic development. The result also signifies the importance of liberal market policies by pursuing export expansion strategies and by attracting foreign investments.  相似文献   

Wolfgang Polasek 《Empirica》1983,10(2):129-157
Zusammenfassung Fünf monatliche österreichische Zinszeitreihen, die Habenzinsen, die Sollzinsen sowie die Zinssätze für Dreimonatsgelder, der täglich fälligen Gelder und der Anleihen (i. w. S.) werden für den Zeitraum 1972 bis 1980 mit Hilfe multivariater (oder vektor-)autoregressiver (AR) Prozesse untersucht.Nachdem die Zeitreihen mittels der Methode vonKitagawa-Akaike (1982) auf Ausreißer geprüft und korrigiert wurden, zeigt sich, daß die korrigierte Zeitreihe der Sollzinsen bessere Prognoseeigenschaften erzielt. Obwohl die Stationaritätsvoraussetzungen für alle Zeitreihen etwas problematisch sind, bringen auch einfache Transformationen wie Differenzenbildung keine Hilfe bezüglich Stationarität. Die Schätzung eines simultanen fünfdimensionalen AR-Prozesses allerZinsreihen ergibt, daß ein Aufbrechen dieses Systems in zwei Blöcke das beste Resultat im Sinne des InformationskriteriumsAIC ergibt. Der erste Block wird durch die Habenzinsen und die (korrigierten) Sollzinsen gebildet, die eine wechselseitige Dynamik bis zum Lag 2 aufweisen. Der zweite Block wird durch die Zinssätze für Dreimonatsgelder, täglich fällige Gelder und Anleihen gebildet. Als Nebenprodukt dieser multivariaten Zeitreihenanalyse können temporale Kausalitäts- (oder Feedback-)maße berechnet werden. Es wird jedoch gezeigt, daß das Zusammenwirken von bestimmten Schätzprozeduren mit dem InformationskriteriumAIC die Schätzung dieser Kausalitätsmaße nicht immer ermöglicht. Allgemein läßt sich sagen, daß die instantane Kausalität in den Modellen dominiert, was teilweise durch nichtstationäre Einflüsse und Ausreißer erklärt werden kann.  相似文献   

This article examines convergence of per capita output for 16 OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries. Conventional tests on conditional and time series convergence have given mixed results for similar economies. Utilizing the concepts of deterministic and stochastic convergence, we develop techniques which incorporate endogenously determined break points to test the unit root hypothesis in relative per capita income. The tests provide evidence of deterministic convergence for 10, and stochastic convergence for 14, of the 16 OECD countries. Our findings reveal that World War II is the major cause of the structural shifts in relative output.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the time series properties of Australian residential mortgage interest rates, and in doing so, establish whether or not selected home loan rates (product-level monthly home loan interest rates for CBA) exhibit the expected cyclical and seasonal variations and whether seasonality, if present, is stochastic or deterministic. In particular, due to a well established presence of cyclicality in financial markets' interest rates and strong correlation between financial markets' interest rates and home loan interest rates, the paper presumes that cyclicality is also to be found in home loan interest rates. Furthermore, the paper tests the hypothesis that home loan interest rates, for selected products, exhibit the three identified ("Spring", "Autumn" and "The end of the Financial Year") season-related interest rate reductions. The paper uses a structural time series modelling approach and product-level home loan interest rates data from one of the biggest banks in Australia, Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA). As expected, the results overall confirm the existence of cyclicality in home loan interest rates. With respect to the seasonality of home loan interest rate, although most of the analysed variables show the presence of statistically significant seasonal factors, the majority of the statistically significant seasonal factors observed cannot be attributed to any of the three considered seasonal effects.  相似文献   

This paper investigates empirically the presence ofunemployment hysteresis in 16 OECD countries, applying aggregate quarterly unemployment rates covering the past 25 years. Alternative test procedures are discussed and employed, posing both stationarity and hysteresis as null hypotheses. The results suggest that hysteresis effects are highly significant in Australia and Canada, and to a lesser extent also significant in most European countries and in Japan. Only in the USA, the presence of unemployment hysteresis is strongly and consistently rejected.Without attributing to them opinions or errors in the paper, I wish to thank Steinar Strøm, Ragnar Nymoen, Arvid Raknerud, Anders Rygh Swensen, Jeremy Smith and two referees for helpful comments.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate the dynamic inconsistency argument put forth by Kydland and Prescott (1977) and Barro and Gordon (1983) as an explanation for differences in the average inflation experience across OECD countries. The focus is on the empirical evidence relating the overall degree of competition among firms, as measured by the markup of price over marginal cost, and inflation over the 1973–88 period. The prediction is that higher markups raise the monetary authority's incentive to increase output, leading to higher equilibrium rates of inflation. We find that the markup does well in explaining cross-country differences in average inflation. JEL Classification: E31, E58, D43
L'écart du prix par rapport au coût marginal et l'inflation: résultats pour les pays de l'OCDE. Ce mémoire examine l'argument mis de l'avant par Kydland et Prescott (1977) et Barro et Gordon (1983) pour expliquer les différences dans le taux moyen d'inflation entre les pays de l'OCDE. On porte une attention spéciale aux résultats empiriques qui relient le degré général de concurrence entre les entreprises, mesuré par l'écart du prix par rapport au coût marginal, et le niveau d'inflation entre 1973 et 1988. La prédiction est que des écarts prix/coût marginal plus élevés augmentent l'incitation des autorités monétaires à accroître le niveau de production, ce qui entraîne des taux d'inflation d'équilibre plus élevés. Il s'avère que l'écart du prix par rapport au coût marginal tend à expliquer bien les différences dans le niveau moyen d'inflation entre pays.  相似文献   

Time series evidence is used to examine the relationship between the level of inflation and its variability in Latin American countries.  相似文献   

Causality between the ratio of domestic private credit to GDP and growth in real GDP per capita is investigated in a country-by-country time-series framework for 24 OECD economies over the period 1980–2013. The proposed threefold methodology to test for causal linkages integrates (1) lag-augmented VAR Granger causality tests, (2) Breitung–Candelon causality tests in the frequency domain, and (3) testing for causal inference based on a fully modified OLS (FMOLS) approach. For 12 of 24 countries in the sample, the three tests yield uniform results in terms of causality presence (absence) and direction. Causality running from credit depth to economic growth is found for the UK, Australia, Switzerland, and Greece. The findings lend no support to the view that financial development shifts from a supply-leading to demand-following pattern as economic development proceeds. The aggregate results mesh well with the current discussion on “too much finance” and disintermediation effects. However, idiosyncratic country determinants also appear significant.  相似文献   

Christian Schoder 《Empirica》2014,41(2):247-271
We study the sustainability of sovereign debt accumulation in 15 OECD countries using quarterly data from 1980 to 2010 with a focus on how and in what countries debt sustainability changed after the commencement of the Euro Convergence Criteria in 1997 as well as after the financial meltdown in 2007. We define sustainability as the validity of the inter-temporal budget constraint of the government and test a sufficient condition motivated by Bohn (Q J Econ, 113(3):949–963, 1998) using single-country and pooled regressions. We find evidence that the Euro Convergence Criteria contributed to the sustainability of debt accumulation. Further, while the yield spreads suggest the debt crisis is a problem of the southern Euro countries, we find a lack of debt sustainability for Greece, Portugal and France but not for Italy and Spain. In terms of debt sustainability, the crisis adversely affected primarily stand-alone countries rather than members of the European Monetary Union. Nevertheless, yield spreads increased more in the southern countries of the monetary union than in stand-alone countries. Our results support the view that countries within a monetary union are more prone to investors’ sentiments than stand-alone countries.  相似文献   

A renewed interest in the link between business cycle and tax revenues has recently emerged, especially during economic crises. In this paper, we provide an empirical analysis on 35 OECD countries over the period 1995–2016 to estimate both short-run and long-run tax buoyancies, taking into account the macroeconomic framework, changes in governments’ tax policies, budgetary and political variables possibly affecting how taxes react to GDP fluctuations. By adopting the dynamic common correlated effects estimator, we find that both short- and long-run tax responses are lower than those reported in previous cross-country studies. We suggest that this slightly lower than expected reaction of tax revenue can be interpreted as a reduced power of both automatic stabilization in the short-run and fiscal sustainability in the long-run. Results are robust to possible endogeneity issues between tax revenues and business cycles.  相似文献   

This article uses data from 41 OECD and nonOECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries to examine the predictions of nonscale endogenous growth theories that an increase in the share of researchers in labour force leads to an increase in innovation and innovation raises per capita output. The results show that an increase in the share of researchers in labour force increases innovation only in the large market OECD countries. Moreover, an increase in innovation raises per labour GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in all nonOECD countries except for low income countries, while raising it only in the high-income OECD countries. These findings suggest that though the large market OECD countries are the world leader in innovation, nonOECD countries benefit more from it in promoting their growth.  相似文献   

This article outlines a panel data approach to modelling the term structure of interest rates in the short and in the long run. We find robust evidence supporting the expectations hypothesis of the term structure (EHTS) for a small sample of Asian emerging markets. Furthermore, we detect some relevant differences in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, and the existence of a McCallum (2005) rule (no exogeneity of monetary policy to the yield curve) in some countries. Finally, we document the influence of an international global factor (i.e. a time-varying global risk premium) on the yield curve, while local country-specific factors are not statistically significant.  相似文献   

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