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Human assistance, as well as automated service, is necessary for providing more convenient services to customers on the Internet-based commerce system. Call centers have been typically human-based service systems. However, the services of existing public switched telephone network-based call centers are not enough to meet the needs of customers on the Internet. Most of them have been designed without considering the interaction involved in shopping on the Internet. In our research, we design a call center named IMC (Internet-based multimedia call center) that can be integrated with an Internet shopping mall. It contains 2 parts: an Internet multimedia dialogue system and a human agent assisting system. The Internet multimedia dialogue system is an Internet and multimedia version of the interactive voice response service of computer telephony integration-based call centers because it provides access to the multimedia Web page along with the recorded voice explanation through the Internet. The human agent assisting system aims to select the most appropriate human agents in the call center and support them in providing high-quality individualized information for each customer. IMC is a real-time, human-embedded system that can provide high-quality services cost-effectively for Internet commerce.  相似文献   


This study examines the factors affecting a community bank's decision to develop Internet-based applications using survey data from representative community banks and secondary data regarding the financial institution's financial performance data (Call Reports). The results from a logistic regression show that there is a significant size effect in developing web and Internet commerce applications. Other factors determining Internet commerce activities include IT costs, use of PC-banking options, and the perceived competition in the local commercial loan markets.  相似文献   

When faced with competition and the ease with which customers can compare prices across sellers, Internet vendors often lower prices in a bid to increase sales. However, recent research reports that even price‐sensitive customers do not always purchase from Internet vendors offering the lowest prices. In contrast, value has been considered a key motivator of customer decision making in economics and marketing. However, little is known about the role and effect of value in Internet shopping. This study examines online customer purchase decision making from the value perspective based on mental accounting theory. This study also identifies monetary (perceived price) and non‐monetary (perceived risk, convenience, and pleasure) determinants of value. This study further explains how the individual determinants affect online purchase decision making directly and indirectly though value perception. The findings of this study offer Internet vendors practical suggestions for increasing online sales. This study, with its results, also helps advance knowledge of electronic commerce. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A model integrating rationally and socially oriented theories of computer‐mediated communication (CMC) is developed. It was proposed that technology characteristics, individual differences, job position and function, various situational determinants and organizational factors would positively influence employees' Internet use and attitudes. It was further hypothesized that the Internet would substitute for more traditional forms of media (telephone, printed matter) during individual's external search behavior. This model was tested quantitatively and qualitatively with the use of a quasi‐experimental, pretest–posttest design during the facilitated introduction of an Internet‐based CMC system into an organization. A particular focus of the study was an examination of the communication and information channel choices, use, satisfaction and adoption of the Internet‐based CMC system by the employees. Qualitative and/or quantitative support was found for all propositions, except Internet substitutability. Key contributions and recommendations for future research are discussed. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new procedure, to which we have given the name Aggregation of Individual Preference Structures (AIPS), whose objective is to deal with multiactor decision making when using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as the methodological support. This procedure incorporates ideas similar to Borda count methods and transfers to the case of preference structures the principle of aggregation employed in the two approaches traditionally followed in AHP-group decision making (aggregation of individual judgments and aggregation of individual priorities). The new aggregation method allows us to capture: (i) the richness of uncertainty inherent to human beings; (ii) the vision of each decision maker within the context of the problem; (iii) the interdependencies between the alternatives being compared and (iv) the intensities of the preferences that each decision maker gives to these interdependencies. From the preference structure distribution associated to each decision maker, this new approach (AIPS) provides the holistic importance of each alternative and ranking, as well as the most representative preference structure distribution for the group. The knowledge derived from these could be employed as an initial step in the search for consensus, which characterises the negotiation processes followed by the actors involved in the resolution of decisional problems. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the GDN2005 Conference held at Vienna. The work has been partially funded under Research Projects “Electronic Government. Internet-based Complex Decision Making: e-democracy and e-cognocracy” (Ref. PM2004-052) and “Internet-based Complex Decision Making. Decisional Tools for e-cognocracy” (Ref. TSI2005-02511).  相似文献   

It is very important that e‐commerce practitioners leverage the technological power (e.g., information control) of the Internet in order to provide consumers with the information they need to make purchasing decisions. In this study, it is hypothesized that, to improve decision‐making quality, the degree of information control should be matched to the degree of expertise of consumers. The experiment method was used to test the hypothesis, and 120 student subjects voluntarily participated in the experiment. The empirical results of the study show that experts perform better at decision making in high‐information conditions, whereas novices perform better in low‐control conditions. The results of this research strongly support the match hypothesis of information control. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper outlines an interactive aid that facilitates consensus in cooperative decision making or policy recommendation. The approach draws on a previous result which shows that a multiple ranking can be derived from a single relational preference system. In other words, the preferences expressed individually by each member of a group may lead to either unanimous or a majority consensus, with or without concession from individual members.  相似文献   

The new economy, which is being formed by the Internet-based e-commerce and the now emerging mobile commerce, may become what Martin calls a cyber economy. This will combine traditional business with the new e- and mobile business, and will be driven by a new breed of online customers, who operate both wired and wireless networks, who will expect fast delivery, easier transactions and more fact-based information. The cyber economy requires that business is operated with virtual organisations and that decision making in this context – virtual organisations and the cyber economy – will require new and advanced forms of decision support. We have found that a useful decision platform can be built around hyperknowledge and the use of multiple software agents, if the core of these agents is built on fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning.  相似文献   

Establishing, maintaining, and enhancing relationships over the Internet have progressively gained global attention. Nevertheless, the dawn of this modernization draws many theoretical debates and practical concerns, some of which have received little research attention, especially within the Sub-Saharan region of Africa. On this premise, we explored the contemporary practice, challenges, and benefits of Internet-based relationship marketing (RM) within the Ghanaian telecommunication industry. Expert interviews with 12 employees from four telecommunication firms elicited a wealth of experiential data analyzed thematically to understand the practice, challenges, and emerging benefits of Internet-based RM. Our findings suggest that issues of privacy concerns, erosion of face-to-face communication, and the tendency of unsolicited communication do not necessarily militate Internet-based RM within the Ghanaian telecommunication industry. We also identified emerging benefits, including online “virality,” a discovery environment, and improved firm reputation. We suggest enhancing online personalization through empathy, creating value with analytic information and managerial openness, and supporting enhanced knowledge development within the area. Directions for future studies include the possibility of comparative studies across service industries and examining the role of content marketing in Internet-based relationships. The challenge of exploring Internet-based RM was similar to hitting a moving target, as the use of the Internet for relationship marketing activities is constantly evolving. Additionally, our findings and conclusion are confined to the knowledge contribution of the experts interviewed. As one of the few studies within the Sub-Saharan region, we expand contributions from the Sub-Saharan domain. The findings of this study also bring to light new insights for establishing, maintaining, and enhancing Internet-based relationships.  相似文献   

Due to its potential for interactive communication, the Internet is considered a promising tool for relationship marketing. However, the effects of interactive communication on marketing effectiveness may depend on several factors related to each individual consumer, such as Internet experience. In this study, two of the most common applications for interactive communication—personalized Web sites and customer communities—were compared for their ability to develop consumer-brand relationships as measured by the Brand Relationship Quality (BRQ) framework of Fournier (1998). No main effects of the applications were observed. However, significant effects of Internet applications were found when Internet experience was included as a moderating variable. Specifically, it was found that personalized Web sites developed stronger consumer-brand relationships for respondents with extensive Internet experience than for respondents with limited Internet experience. Conversely, it was found that customer communities developed stronger relationships among respondents with limited Internet experience than among respondents with extensive Internet experience. Implications for marketing management and future research in this area are discussed.  相似文献   

The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the analytic network process are important multiple criteria decision making methods for supporting complex, discrete strategic management decision problems. In order to exploit a broader information basis as well as to achieve a sufficient degree of objectivity strategic decision settings are mostly embedded into a multi-personal decision context to which different individuals with expert status contribute. Owing to the fact that there is a vast number of different methods and further internal possibilities (derivation of means) to aggregate the individual expert preferences to a group consensus, the first aim of this paper is to present a comprehensive literature review on various aggregation possibilities. The second aim is the conduction of a transparent comparative analysis of selected approaches and methods (geometric/arithmetic aggregation of individual judgments, geometric/arithmetic aggregation of individual priorities, geometric/arithmetic loss function approach and Group AHP model). Therefore, we use four different evaluation scenarios and point out under which assumptions which solution is suitable. Starting from these results, the aggregation techniques adequate to a specific decision context are provided.  相似文献   

Compatibility analysis is an efficient and important tool used to measure the consensus of opinions within a given group of individuals. In this paper, we give a compatibility measure between intuitionistic preference values and a compatibility measure between intuitionistic preference relations, respectively, and study their properties. It is shown that each individual intuitionistic preference relation and the collective intuitionistic preference relation is perfectly compatible if and only if all the individual intuitionistic preference relations are perfectly compatible. Based on the compatibility measures, a consensus reaching procedure in group decision making with intuitionistic preference relations is developed, and a method for comparing intuitionistic fuzzy values is pointed out, by which the considered objects are ranked and selected. In addition, we extend the developed measures, procedure and method to accommodate group decision making situations with interval-valued intuitionistic preference relations. Numerical analysis on our results through an illustrative example is also carried out.  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of Decision and Negotiation Support Systems has been built mainly on decision-theoretic approaches. This has resulted in the decision maker being viewed through the lens of the problem. In this article, the focus is on the decision maker's view of the problem. Three levels of problem articulation are described. Special emphasis is placed on the needs level and the implications it carries for the cognitive and instrumental levels. The three levels of articulation, the organizational model of making decision in social settings, and the three basic approaches to decision making form the basis for computer support focused on understanding and change rather than preferences and outcomes. We argue that in the dynamic, interactive context characteristic of negotiations, a cognitive support system based on restructurable modeling provides a richer basis for support.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to study the relation between organizational form (OF) and organizational memory (OM). It examines what kind of roles OM plays in different OFs--that is, how OM is used in organizational action--and whether changes in a firm's organizational form relate to changes in the role of OM. These relationships are examined in the context of how information technology (IT) is used to support organizational remembering. The study outlines different manifestations of OM in 1 company as it underwent major organizational transformations during a 3-year period. The manifestations are grouped into "bins," expanding the storage structure concept by Walsh and Ungson to include OM contents and processes of use. The bins are supplemented with an additional bin, the organizational information space, to address the collaborative aspect of OM. Another new construct, the organizational memory profile, is introduced to summarize the combination of OM manifestations in a particular organization at a particular time. The OM profiles are outlined for the case company and they show marked differences between OFs. This upholds the claim that different OFs present different kinds of arenas for OM. IT support for various bins is analyzed and a variety of IT support is recognized. This upholds the view that several OM support systems are needed and that IT can play a significant role in making past events more accessible.  相似文献   

E‐commerce practitioners have long tried to leverage the technological characteristics of the Internet to facilitate better information seeking and decision making by consumers online. One impressive characteristic of the Internet is that it offers users various degrees of information control on the same medium. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of this characteristic on consumers’ decision‐making online. It is hypothesized that, to improve quality of consumers’ decisions, the degree of information control should match the degree of motivation. The rationale is that highly motivated consumers have a strong will to search for relevant information; therefore, a high degree of information control allows them to search as much as they want and thereby improve their decision making. Low‐motivation consumers, on the other hand, are unwilling to search; hence a low degree of information control, which might push high‐quality information, would benefit them. The study employed the methodology of experiment, and involved 171 voluntary participants. The empirical results show that high‐motivation consumers make better decisions when they are given a high degree of information control, compared to when they are in a low information control condition. On the other hand, low‐motivation consumers in a low information control condition perform better than similar consumers in a high‐control condition. The results strongly support the match hypothesis of information control.  相似文献   

What factors in the organizational culture of an ethically exemplary corporation are responsible for encouraging ethical decision making? This question was analyzed through an exploratory case study of a top pharmaceutical company that is a global leader in ethics. The participating organization is renowned in public opinion polls of ethics, credibility, and trust. This research explored organizational culture, communication in issues management and public relations, management theory, and deontological or utilitarian moral philosophy as factors that might encourage ethical analysis. Our understanding of organiza tional ethics is enhanced by elucidating factors the case revealed as encouraging ethical analysisan organizational culture that emphasizes the importance of ethics, Theory Y management, a symmetrical worldview valuing innovation and dialogue, a counseling role for issues management or public relations in the dominant coalition, rewarding ethical behavior, ethical analysis using moral philosophy, consistency between individual values and organizational philosophy, and ethics training. These factors, and perhaps others as yet unidentified, worked together to create an environment that encouraged ethical decision making at the exemplar organization.  相似文献   

Vascular medicine is a newly developing discipline heavily based on geographically distributed consulting, and there is thus a strong need for computerized decision support in doctor‐to‐doctor collaboration for the management of vascular patients. The latest achievements in collaborative and multimedia computing for group decision support are incorporated into cardiovascular consulting. Feasibility analysis of the two basic components is addressed: (a) the communication system of collaborative computing as identified subject to the specifics of data flow and networking in geographically distributed cardiovascular consulting; and (b) the structure and representations for intelligent software agents that enable transfer of individual expert cardiovascular knowledge, support group brainstorming, and maintain the ongoing learning of group experience and analysis of patients cases.  相似文献   

Group Decision and Negotiation - In group decision making, it is sensible to achive minimum consensus cost (MCC) because the consensus reaching process resources are often limited. In this...  相似文献   

A Review of Empirical Studies Assessing Ethical Decision Making in Business   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This article summarizes the multitude of empirical studies that test ethical decision making in business and suggests additional research necessary to further theory in this area. The studies are categorized and related to current theoretical ethical decision making models. The studies are related to awareness, individual and organizational factors, intent, and the role of moral intensity in ethical decision making. Summary tables provide a quick reference for the sample, findings, and publication outlet. This review provides insights for understanding organizational ethical decision constructs, where ethical decision making theory currently stands, and provides insights for future empirical work on organizational ethical decision making.  相似文献   

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