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为什么吃巧克力会让我们有一种快乐的感觉呢?这是因为斌,予巧克力独特魅力的成份来源于可可豆。可可豆香醇甜美的独特味道使人们在食用巧克力时口感香甜,滑润细腻。  相似文献   

<正>最早的滑雪地域:最早的滑雪地域是北欧的挪威,另有资料显示是在中、俄交界的阿勒泰地区。最古老的滑雪板:是在的豪町发现的,据考证是公元前2500 年左右制作的。最早的滑雪插图:是在挪威16世纪的书籍中出现的。最早的滑雪著作:是1733年挪威的卡皮特詹斯·埃姆豪森所著的《滑雪指南》。  相似文献   

做为健身法之一而为人熟知的瑜珈,多年来早已风靡全世界,在职业女性中尤为大受欢迎。  相似文献   

本文主要通过文献资料法和比较分析法对哈尔滨市滑雪市场的现状、存在的问题进行研究,为哈尔滨市滑雪市场的开发和管理提供参考依据,促进哈尔滨市滑雪产业的健康发展.  相似文献   

本文主要通过文献资料法和比较分析法对哈尔滨市滑雪市场的现状、存在的问题进行研究,为哈尔滨市滑雪市场的开发和管理提供参考依据,促进哈尔滨市滑雪产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

本文主要通过文献资料法和比较分析法对哈尔滨市滑雪市场的现状、存在的问题进行研究,为哈尔滨市滑雪市场的开发和管理提供参考依据,促进哈尔滨市滑雪产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

【达人教你搞定行头】 乐明第一次接触滑雪是在2003年。沈阳冬天的户外运动有限,于是他就和几个朋友开始去滑雪。乐明说,只有亲自感受置身于白雪的世界,才能感受到那份畅爽与愉悦。  相似文献   

李乐天 《新前程》2007,(8):60-62
王浩的职业生涯状态有着一道明显的分水岭,2006年之前.王浩的工作可以用”脚不沾地“来形容,时常感觉到自己的疲劳;但最近的一年多来.虽然工作量并没有随着工作的更换而减少,但王浩却异常地快乐。  相似文献   

姜继玲 《新前程》2007,(12):48-49
上两年班.辞职休假一阵子,玩够了再找工作;过一段时间.钱赚得差不多,又“炒”掉老板开始休假。如此由长期休假而形成的生活状态.被称为“飞特”。  相似文献   

如果一家企业注意到“快乐”会影响员工的生产,如果一个国家体认到国民快乐感会影响国力、财力,他们大概会花更多精力去营造一个舒适、和平、稳定、希望而快乐的环境。[编者按]  相似文献   

"2008年爆发的金融危机对全球各个行业都产生了一定影响.面对当前的经济形势,太原刚玉作为老牌物流装备企业,凭借不断地积累和发展,在寻找并把握新的市场机遇过程中表现出越来越强的竞争力."  相似文献   

Predictions of stock returns are greatly improved relative to low-dimensional forecasting regressions when the forecasts are based on the estimated factor of large data sets, also known as the diffusion index (DI) model. However, when applied to text data, DI models do not perform well. This paper shows that by simply using text data in a DI model does not improve equity-premium forecasts over the naive historical-average model, but substantial gains are obtained when one selects the most predictive words before computing the factors and allows the dictionary to be updated over time.  相似文献   

练过体操的人,即使不能成为冠军,也学会了一样东西,就是跌倒后微笑着重新站起来  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2006,13(3):291-315
Are jobless persons who want work but are not actively searching, unemployed or out of the labour force? Previous research on this issue has focused on North America and used as the test whether the probability of transition to employment is similar for searching and non-searching jobless persons. This paper develops three new tests as to whether those not searching but wanting work are distinct from the searching unemployed. It asks: are non-searching persons richer, happier, and do they have a lesser impact on local wages, than the searchers? These tests are implemented using data from South Africa, a country in which unemployment is very high and where the treatment of non-searchers really matters for the understanding of poverty and labour market issues. The results favour the ‘discouraged worker’ view of the non-searching unemployed and the use of the broad, inclusive, measure of unemployment.  相似文献   

刚刚还笑声不断的李金元,听到生产线试车失败的消息后,笑容刹那间僵在了脸上,手里准备点鞭炮的打火机,也“啪”的一声掉在地上。这个从来不流泪、以硬汉著称的沧州汉子,那一刻眼望苍天泪流不止  相似文献   

We provide sufficient conditions for the first-order approach in the principal-agent problem when the agent’s utility has the nonseparable form u(y−c(a))u(yc(a)) where yy is the contractual payoff and c(a)c(a) is the money cost of effort. We first consider a decision-maker facing prospects which cost c(a)c(a) and with distributions of returns yy that depend on aa. The decision problem is shown to be concave if the primitive of the cdf of returns is jointly convex in aa and yy, a condition we call Concavity of the Cumulative Quantile (CCQ) and which is satisfied by many common distributions. Next we apply CCQ to the distribution of outcomes (or their likelihood-ratio transforms) in the principal-agent problem and derive restrictions on the utility function that validate the first-order approach. We also discuss another condition, log-convexity of the distribution, and show that it allows binding limited liability constraints, which CCQ does not.  相似文献   

我本人有近20年在外资企业工作的经验。我将20年前的外企称为“老式外企”,因为当时大多数外企进入中国的时间还很短,都没能实现本土化。当时的外企基本上没有实现本土化的可能性。因为当时中国人和外国人之间的文化差异非常大,中国人长期受计划经济的熏陶,无法理解市场是怎么一回事。在企业经营管理方面,与外国人很难沟通。  相似文献   

采访郑立的过程像是在”挤牙膏”,每个问题,他都只用最简短的话语来回答,决不发挥,即使颇为敏感的问题,也刺激不了他。  相似文献   

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