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降低采购成本对企业的成本控制来说可以产生“蝴蝶效应”。价值链的思想应用到采购成本控制中,旨在确定采购成本控制的关键点。基于此,可以构造出企业的采购业务流程图。通过以下措施可以降低企业的采购成本:用线性规划法设计改进的最满意经济订货批量计划;采购员与供应商进行有效的价格博弈;企业和供应商建立稳定的战略联盟关系。  相似文献   

企业采购中供应源战略决策的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业在采购中,应针对不同的采购目标和市场情况来选择合适的供应源战略.单一供应源战略下,与一个供应商的紧密合作可以降低间接成本;多个供应源战略下,多个供应商之间的竞争可以降低直接成本,而平行采购战略综合了单一供应源与多个供应源的优点,可通过调整各供应商间采购比例来降低采购风险.  相似文献   

在供应链环境下如何对供应商进行管理,如何建立一种有效的战略合作关系,是有效提高物资采购效率和采购成本的重要途径之一,文章从企业与供应商之间的合作关系、企业互动和企业文化交流等几种途径,介绍了供应商管理机制的特点和应用。  相似文献   

企业采购成本控制初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采购成本控制在企业竞争中具有战略意义,加强采购成本控制是提高企业经济效益,减少生产成本的最佳途径之一.有效控制采购成本离不开制定并实施完善的采购制度,充分利用市场的外部环境,加强与优质供应商建立战略全作关系等配套措施.  相似文献   

郭宗征 《市场周刊》2005,(30):36-36
物资采购过程是一个复杂的系统过程,采购发展到今天,已不再是简单地围绕订单与供应商讨价还价,优秀的企业将供应商管理提高到战略的高度,重视供应商的成本分析,与供应商建立战略伙伴关系。加强供应商管理对物资采购效果事关重大,对保证企业生产基建需要起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

战略采购与军队采购能力建设研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国际采购理论领域不断深化发展,采购的战略重要性开始在全球范围内引起了学术界的广泛关注。通过战略采购降低采购的总成本、整合供应商能力正成为领先企业获得持续竞争优势的重要来源和新兴而有效的工具。主要从战略采购过程的角度进行分析,借鉴地方企业战略采购理论研究经验,发掘军队采购能力建设机理。  相似文献   

胡启明 《现代商业》2011,(11):17-18
控制采购成本对一个企业的经营业绩至关重要。了解采购成本结构的基本要素和进行价格及采购成本分析是降低产品成本的有效途径之一。供应商是影响企业运作的最直接因素,也是保证企业产品质量、价格、交货期的关键因素。供应商的选择是采购决策的一项重要内容,在采购流程中选择合理的供应商具有战略性意义。采购成本分析和供应商的选择是控制好采购成本并使之不断下降,是一个企业不断增加利润的重要和直接手段。  相似文献   

进行科学的采购管理首先要制定相应的采购策略,本文从采购物品战略定位、自制与外购决策、供应商发展战略、采购成本战略,对我国汽车制造企业的现状及发展提出合理建议。只有对企业的发展有清晰地认识、制定适合的采购策略,才能保证后续工作的顺利开展及评估。因此,我国汽车公司应向世界级的企业看齐,制定出切实可行的采购策略。  相似文献   

<正>面对轨道交通行业运营备件物资采购渠道繁多、供应周期长、采购成本高等问题,创新战略采购模式,注重采购资源和采购功能整合,形成采购规模优势和采购合力,可以极大地提高采购效率、降低采购成本,提高保障效力。本文通过对备件物资战略采购必要性进行分析,提出关键核心备件供应商战略采购模式构建策略。  相似文献   

蒋航程 《商场现代化》2007,(14):316-317
材料采购业务是企业成本控制的基础环节,材料采购成本控制的好坏很大程度上决定了企业成本控制的成败。本文调查研究长安福特汽车有限公司的材料采购业务后,总结了跨国公司在材料采购中通过供应商审计进行成本控制的经验,探讨了供应商审计的概念、目的、对象和流程等。  相似文献   

In the strategic procurement management literature two general forms of purchasing arrangement feature—‘partnership sourcing’ and ‘competition’. Usually partnership sourcing is said to be superior because it leads to long-term collaboration based on trust between buyer and supplier. One product is a reduction of the supplier base with firms perhaps relying on a single source of supply or a small number of preferred suppliers. The paper reconsiders procurement methods in terms of a continuum using the economics of transaction costs. The paper then illustrates the economic issues discussed by considering procurement in the defence sector. Defence is taken as an example of public procurement with experience and opportunities for competition, partnership sourcing and long-term buyer-supplier relationships. The paper concludes that the case for partnership sourcing over competition is not clear cut.  相似文献   

This research tested four hypotheses on the relationship of strategic purchasing to supply chain management. The hypotheses were tested with a survey of purchasing executives and the results were analyzed using a regression analysis. All of the hypothesized relationships were supported. The results indicate that strategic purchasing is positively related to supplier responsiveness, changes in the supplier market, supplier communication and the firm’s performance. Managerial and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

As the cornerstone of the Conservative Government between 1979 and 1996, privatisation has undoubtedly had an enormous impact on the UK economy. On the whole, privatised companies have improved their performance in an ever increasing competitive environment by focusing on, among other things, a drive to reduce costs through bought-out goods and services. Research into Japanese companies, meanwhile, has highlighted the key role that supplier relationships play in their success. It has stressed the advantages of co-operative over adversarial relationships with suppliers, and evidence shows that an increasing number of Western companies are adopting this practice. This has raised the profile of purchasing in these companies with a change towards `better practice’ and improved management of the supplier base. From this new research a model of Feature and Construct Evaluation and Aggregation (FCEA) has been developed, in the search for a link to support the proposition that privatisation has an influence on purchasing strategies concerning supplier relationships. The research has shown that only a very limited link exists. Whilst Purchasing as an activity has increased in its importance and control, it has not become strategic. Purchasing strategies have not evolved or supported the business strategy as a result of privatisation, nor does privatisation encourage the development of purchasing strategies towards closer relationships with suppliers. This is compounded by the EC Directives that reflect an `open tender’ model of procurement, particularly evident in the emphasis on formal competitive tendering procedures and maintaining an `arms-length’ relationship with suppliers.  相似文献   

Initial purchasing decisions such as make-or-buy decisions and supplier selection are decisions of strategic importance to companies. The nature of these decisions usually is complex and unstructured. Management Science techniques might be helpful tools for this kind of decision making problems. So far, however, the application of outranking methods in purchasing decisions has not been suggested in purchasing or operations research literature. In this paper we show by means of a supplier selection example, that an outranking approach may be very well suited as a decision-making tool for initial purchasing decisions.  相似文献   

While the vast majority of the supplier selection and development literature has focused on relationships between mature, established firms, significantly less attention has been paid to relationships between established firms and new, entrepreneurial ventures. This study addresses this important topic and, using an interdisciplinary lens, investigates the question of how established buying firms can work with new ventures to achieve desired relationship outcomes. Drawing on the literature from the disciplines of entrepreneurship and supply chain management, we propose a theoretical model that links buying firms' strategic orientation in supplier selection (innovation and cost in strategic supplier selection) and operational approach in supplier development (direct and indirect development of new venture suppliers) with new venture‐specific relationship outcomes (purchasing volume and realized innovations). The model's predictions are tested on cross‐sectional survey data from 136 buying firms. Our results contribute to the emerging research stream at the supply chain management–entrepreneurship interface and enhance the understanding of relationships between established firms and new ventures.  相似文献   

While most acknowledge the cost savings associated with more efficient buying, lower purchase costs alone are not an adequate measure of world-class procurement management. To focus solely on cost savings, we believe, falls short of excellence in sourcing and supplier management. Firms that buy “smarter” achieve lower costs and leverage supply market opportunities to accomplish corporate goals. While the importance of cost savings is acknowledged, this paper argues that other “above the line” metrics deserve attention. This paper accomplishes two related goals. First, 10 principles that lead to effective sourcing and supplier management are presented and discussed. Second, a set of parallel data is used to add credibility to our normative presentation. The findings suggest that high performing supply chains do, in fact, support the tenets of more effective sourcing and supplier management. Implications for managers are presented as well.  相似文献   

This article explains what a strategic procurement management approach to effective business strategy is. This proactive approach is contrasted with current reactive and simplistic approaches to purchasing and supply management. A proactive approach to business management requires firms to recognise that their boundaries need to constantly change in response to consumer preferences; and, that the most effective operational tool for deciding on the “effective boundaries” of the firm will be based on analysing types of relational competences. This approach links competences, relationships and asset specificity in order to procure a supply and value chain which reduces the costs of transactions and improves profitability.  相似文献   

美国政府技术采购促进战略性新兴产业发展分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政府技术采购政策在20世纪50年代美国半导体等战略性新兴产业发展中起到了不可替代的作用,使得半导体产业在美国得到了迅猛发展。本文采用轮式模型,分析了政府技术采购的拉动作用,总结了美国在政府技术采购行为中可供借鉴的做法。  相似文献   

商业绿色采购是以对人和环境的负面影响最小化为前提,以适当的价格从外部获取适销对路商品的经营活动.我国在推进商业绿色采购方面目前仍处于摸索和爬坡阶段.第一,要明确商业绿色采购的战略地位;第二,要明确商业绿色采购的目标,即安全健康、节约资源、降低污染、减少浪费;第三,要明确商业绿色采购的标准,从解决标准化、标识制度等方面入手,完善和推广现有体系,明确标准评价管理机构,加大宣传力度,加强绿色采购监督制度和机构建设.  相似文献   

JIT采购作为一种科学的库存控制采购模式,能极大地降低物资库存成本和采购费用,精简物资采购业务流程,提高企业的管理水平和核心竞争力,对企业具有十分重要的意义。新形势下,祁南煤矿实行的传统采购模式已不适应现在市场的变化,仍存在煤矿生产效率低、库存占用资金量大、采购费用惊人等问题。为消除生产中的库存和不必要的浪费,祁南煤矿可采用JIT采购方法来进一步降低库存成本,节约物资采购费用,从而有效提高其经济效益和核心竞争力。  相似文献   

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