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本文认为,马克思主义经济学与西方经济学的重要差别主要体现在它们不同的研究取向上。由于西方经济学有不同的发展阶段、不同的历史形态和不同的理论流派,因而具有各自不同的特点。这决定了马克思主义经济学与西方经济学在研究取向上既有重要差别,也非完全对立、毫无共同之处。因此,分析马克思主义经济学与西方经济学研究取向上的关系不能一概而论,应当而且必须进行具体分析,科学分析不同时期西方经济学的不同形态、不同流派在研究取向上同马克思主义经济学的关系。  相似文献   

行为经济人的三个基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕保军 《经济学家》2006,76(5):12-18
当代西方主流经济学的经济人假设越来越成为反主流学派批评的重点,固守经济人假设被认为是主流经济学在许多领域无能为力的原因。行为经济学运用认知心理学的研究成果和实验经济学的研究方法对经济人进行了全面验证,发现经济活动中的人事实上具有“有限利己”、“有限理性”、“有限意志力”的特征,我们把行为经济学的这一系列发现概括为行为经济人假设,并且认为行为经济人为经济学开拓新视野、研究新问题提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

吕艳霞 《经济师》2014,(9):44-45
心理学方法在经济学研究中的运用和发展,经历了重视、摒弃、真正发展三个阶段,该方法使经济学研究开始注重人类心理变化对经济行为和经济决策的影响,使经济学研究更加科学化,同时也为人类更好地、更加科学地认识自身、认识社会提供了新的角度和科学。  相似文献   

心理经济学是第二次世界大战以后,在西方发展起来的一门用心理学观点分析经济过程的经济学分支学科。它以消费者和企业经济行为的决策过程以及影响这些决策过程的心理因素为研究对象。它把经济过程看作是人的经济  相似文献   

《西方经济学》是经济管理学的基础性学科,其主体内容共分三大部分,即微观经济学、宏观经济学和当代西方经济学流派。微观经济学以单个经济单位(居民户、厂商)为研究对象,研究单个经济单位的经济活动和经济行为,以及相应的经济变量的单项数值如何确定。需掌握的核心理论包括均衡价格理论、消费者行为理论、生产理论、厂商均衡理论和分配理论。  相似文献   

为纪念马克思《资本论》出版140周年,弘扬《资本论》精神,坚持和发展马克思主义,深入研究和正确借鉴外国经济学说,中华外国经济学说研究会会同《当代经济研究》杂志社、长春税务学院马克思主义经济学研究中心、长春税务学院经济系,发起召开“马克思主义经济学与西方经济学”学术研讨会。会议由长春税务学院承办,预定于8月1~5日在长春举行。会议议题为:1.以马克思《资本论》为典范借鉴西方经济学;2.国外学者对《资本论》的研究综述与评析;3.西方经济学基本理论和政策研究;4.当代西方经济学流派和思潮研究;5.中国经济改革与社会主义市场经济…  相似文献   

行为经济学的理论贡献及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行为经济学作为从心理学角度研究决策行为和经济现象的新兴交叉性经济学分支学科,随着获得诺贝尔经济学奖而在国际经济学界迅速崛起。那么,行为经济学在哪些方面对传统经济学进行了修正,其理论贡献有哪些,其主要观点是什么,又有哪些应用和发展?本文对这些问题进行了归纳和分析。  相似文献   

行为经济学和实验经济学是20世纪中后期在美国等西方国家逐渐发展起来并成为目前经济学科中最有活力且相互融合的两个研究领域。作为这两个领域的开创者,美国乔治·梅森大学经济学教授弗农·史密斯和普林斯顿大学心理学教授丹尼尔·卡尼曼,分享2002年度的诺贝尔经济学奖就成为人们预  相似文献   

新制度经济学是西方经济学界主要流派之一,也是我国经济学家重点研究的方向。产学研合作与新制度经济学之间存在可以借鉴的理论关系。文章运用新制度经济学的理论方法分析产学研合作创新,探索影响产学研合作创新的影响因素,同时强调加强产学研合作创新制度建设的重要性。  相似文献   

行为经济学和行为决策分析:一个综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
行为经济学通过心理学与经济学的有机结合,对人的非理性行为进行研究,打破了传统经济学的界限及视域.本文以行为决策分析为主线,首先对行为经济学的新经济人假设作出解析,并比较了传统经济学与心理学在行为决策研究上的区别,在此基础上,着重对行为经济学的理论基石--预期理论的主要内容进行介绍,最后是简要的评述.  相似文献   

Scientific research in general and economics research in particular is a social act. More specifically, schools of economic thought as well as associations, research groups and conferences are expressions of social organizations within the realm of economics. Historically, studies investigating the methodologies used in economics have focused on the strengths of these social organizations. This study aims to analyze the key roles played by individuals within social organizations in building and reinforcing economics and, in turn, their influence on these individuals. To achieve this goal, we use an institutionalist approach in a broad sense. We show how economics as an academic environment can be presented as an institutional entanglement and how an institutionalist approach can enhance an understanding of why economists adopt a particular theoretical and methodological perspective. It is argued that habits, observations and cognitive abilities should be seriously considered to understand the logic and decision making of economic researchers. We discuss also the importance of forming groups in the process of institutionalizing elements relevant to an economic researcher’s logic and decision making and present an interpretation of mainstream economics in terms of the analytical approach of our study.  相似文献   

This review describes the conditions for teaching economics in the kindergarten through twelfth grade (K–12) curriculum in U.S. schools. The first section presents data on course-taking in economics in high schools and state mandates for economics instruction. It discusses the value of the infusion approach to teaching economics either in place of a separate course or as a complement to it. The second section describes the economic content that is taught to students as presented in content guides and standards. The final section presents research findings on (1) test instruments for measuring outcomes from economics instruction, (2) the effect of teacher coursework and training on the student economic understanding, and (3) how instructional materials complement or substitute for instructor selection and training.  相似文献   

The authors review three aspects of economic education in England. They examine trends in undergraduate economics in England, principally in terms of recruitment and outcomes and connections with economics in schools. They also review formal instruction in schools through so-called “advanced level” courses for 16–19-year-old students and the role of the academic community in recent research in England on economic education.  相似文献   

This article provides a rejoinder to Ross Gittins’ commentary on the potential contributions of psychology and behavioural economics to public policy formation. It includes three main arguments. First, that behavioural economics is not a new approach to doing economics, but instead is best seen as a way of enriching ‘conventional economics’ (using Gittins’ terminology). Second, that behavioural economics is not a panacea. Not all aspects of economic activity need psychology to be understood and behavioural economics has limitations. Third, that the failings of conventional economics are not as severe as Gittins suggests.  相似文献   

新政治经济学以使用经济学现代方法对政治与经济相互作用的研究为核心,成为政治经济学的一个新发展。宏观经济学中的政治经济学作为新政治经济学的一个重要分支,其研究对象是政治对宏观经济运行和政策的影响。宏观经济学中的政治经济学的出现对当代宏观经济理论的影响,则表现在研究形式和研究方法所做的创新。  相似文献   

新制度经济学的新发展与政治学新制度主义:比较与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新制度经济学和政治学新制度主义在发展中都因为缺乏现实性、历史性和社会性而受到批评.面对相似的问题,经济学领域兴起了以青木和格雷夫为代表的比较制度分析,政治学领域兴起了历史制度主义和社会学制度主义.本文从制度观、制度对行为的影响、制度的变迁、过去的制度对现在制度的影响、文化观念和意识形态在制度形成和发展中的作用等方面,对比较制度分析和历史制度主义、社会学制度主义进行了比较,就未来制度研究的发展趋势提出了看法.  相似文献   

So much has been done in terms of measuring the impact of economics courses on student knowledge and understanding of facts, concepts and principles, and so little research has dealt with the possible effects on student political attitudes, that this study by Scott and Rothman should be of great interest to economics instructors. The authors address themselves to George Stigler's assertion that “the education of an economist makes the person who receives it more conservative.” They report on the use of their own “Social Opinion Questionnaire” and how it was employed to investigate “the different effects, if any, introductory economics and introductory psychology have on opinions related to economic issues.”  相似文献   

In this Australian Treasury seminar, I discuss the contributions that psychology could make to public policy formation via a new field: public policy psychology. Behavioural economics provides a precedent for my new field of public policy psychology. Unlike economics, psychology provides a solid scientific model of how individuals make decisions. I discuss shortcomings of economics in policy formation: model blindness, the focus on evidence supporting theories, the focus on markets, plus the importance of elements left out of conventional economic models (for example, irrational decision‐makers). I end by discussing two Treasury case studies: the mining tax and government responses to the Global Financial Crisis.  相似文献   

基于经济学理论中的行为研究传统,本文重点述评信息经济学和博弈论领域内的消费行为理论和应用研究进展,包括消费者固定样本搜寻模型和连续搜寻模型。进而,引入心理学研究成果,综述了信念学习模型在消费者行为理论和实证研究中的应用,并指出今后的研究重点是如何测度消费者的搜寻效率、如何设计出恰当的变量考察信念学习过程中的学习效率和效果。  相似文献   

This essay explores the future potential for Social Economics. Since the beginning of modern economics, the mainstream has been steered by what might be called a material progress vision, whereby the generally unacknowledged pesumption is that economic growth will make the good life possible. Accordingly, such potential components of human welfare as more creative and fulfilling work, greater equality in the distribution of opportunity, wealth and income, and a greater degree of community can be more or less ignored for the present. Less guided by this vision, and unfettered by a pretense of value-neutrality, Social Economics does not view such components of welfare as subsidiary to economic growth. Instead, it is more focused upon the wholeness of social life, more concerned with the full requisites of the good and just society. By drawing upon recent work in psychology, sociology, and especially happiness research, Social Economics is found to offer a more promising orientation towards future economic concerns than does mainstream economics.  相似文献   

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