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本文采用超额收益法,对我国A股市场2002—2006年上市公司信息披露违规公告市场反应差异进行了研究。首先对违规公司与非违规公司信息披露的市场反应差异进行检验,结果表明违规公司和非违规公司的市场反应存在显著差异,并且违规公司的累积超额收益率在违规公告前后较短的时窗内明显呈负值:其次对上市公司信息披露违规在不同年度上的市场反应差异进行检验,发现其市场反应呈逐年增强趋势;再次将事实披露违规和涉嫌披露违规的市场反应差异进行检验,结果表明涉嫌披露违规的市场反应明显强于事实披露违规;最后对ST公司和非ST公司信息披露违规的市场反应差异进行检验,结果发现非ST公司比ST公司的市场反应大。  相似文献   

证监会处罚公告释放的"坏消息"具有风险预警的作用,可能导致违规公司银行债务融资下降。分析师跟踪可能具有信息效应和声誉效应,影响证监会处罚公告与公司银行债务融资之间的关系。在中国资本市场强化监管的背景下,本文考察了证监会处罚对于违规公司非公开市场融资的经济后果。我们的研究发现,证监会处罚公告后,违规公司的银行贷款签约概率、银行贷款签约率和新增银行贷款规模均下降;并且,处罚等级越高,下降越显著。银行预期违规公司的信息成本与违约风险上升,而非公司真实的财务状况恶化是公司银行债务融资下降的主要原因。此外,分析师跟踪的信息效应而非声誉效应,缓解了证监会处罚公告与公司银行债务融资之间的负向关系。本文拓展了资本市场处罚和分析师跟踪对于公司非公开市场融资的经济后果研究,也为新兴市场国家的资本市场监管提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

刘丽华  徐艳萍  饶品贵  陈玥 《金融研究》2019,468(6):113-131
本文以企业集团为对象,研究违规事件的传染效应。利用2003-2015年我国上市公司违规样本,本文发现:(1)当公司发生违规行为而被证监会等监管机构进行处罚公告后,违规公司股价显著下跌的同时,同一集团内其他公司的股价也显著下跌,即违规事件在集团内存在传染效应,而这一传染效应主要存在于与信息披露相关的财务违规事件中;(2)进一步的路径检验发现“被传染公司”较低的盈余质量和集团内财务公司的存在能够解释传染效应的发生;(3)分组检验结果表明:集团内的传染效应在地区市场化程度较低、分析师跟踪人数较少、股权集中度较高的公司和国有企业中更为明显。借助违规事件的传染效应研究视角,本文的研究结果有助于进一步认识新兴市场中的企业集团。  相似文献   

作为促进资本市场健康发展的重要举措,监管处罚对连锁独立董事异议行为的影响值得关注。文章以2007-2019年中国A股上市公司为样本,实证检验监管处罚是否存在溢出效应。研究发现:独立董事被处罚以后,其所兼任公司异议行为的概率和频次会显著增加,即监管处罚对被处罚独立董事兼任公司的异议行为具有溢出效应。异质性分析表明,上述溢出效应在独立董事平均年龄越小、兼任公司数量越少的情况下越显著。进一步分析发现,监管处罚可以通过削弱独立董事兼任公司的内部控制质量或会计信息质量促使独立董事异议行为的产生。文章丰富了监管处罚溢出效应视角的研究文献,同时为独立董事履职行为的研究提供了新思路。  相似文献   

中国证监会的历年上市公司信息披露违规处罚统计资料表明,信息披露监管的力度在不断加大.主要表现在以下两个方面:第一,被处罚的公司数增加.  相似文献   

上市公司的会计信息披露是投资者评价公司经营状况决定投资方向的重要参考之一,也是资本市场运行的基础。但是我国资本市场近年来连续出现了一系列的会计造假事件,严重影响到了市场的有序健康运行。因此,人们对上市公司所披露的会计信息的真实性产生了一定的疑虑,进而引发了对上市公司会计信息披露的信任危机。本文揭示了影响公司会计信息披露真实性的关键因素.如巨大的利益诱惑、低廉的违规成本和各部门的监管不力等。并且就这些因素.力图找出能够解决问题的有效措施。  相似文献   

上市公司的会计信息披露是投资者评价公司经营状况决定投资方向的重要参考之一,也是资本市场运行的基础。但是我国资本市场近年来连续出现了一系列的会计造假事件,严重影响到了市场的有序健康运行。因此,人们对上市公司所披露的会计信息的真实性产生了一定的疑虑,进而引发了对上市公司会计信息披露的信任危机。本文揭示了影响公司会计信息披露真实性的关键因素,如巨大的利益诱惑、低廉的违规成本和各部门的监管不力等。并且就这些因素,力图找出能够解决问题的有效措施。  相似文献   

郝淑君  赵宴萍 《时代金融》2014,(6X):188-189
我国证券市场自建立以来,上市公司因发生财务舞弊行为被监督部门通报批评和处罚的事件层出不穷,上市公司会计信息质量问题一直备受关注,但未得到有效的根治。这就要求上市公司严格按照法律法规披露相关信息,使公司在投资者面前披露的全部信息真实、可靠。本文以会计信息质量的涵义为切入点,首次提出了会计信息质量的评价标准与评价主体的观点,在此基础上分析了导致会计信息质量虚假的内、外部因素,最后总结了会计信息质量产生的经济后果。  相似文献   

我国证券市场自建立以来,上市公司因发生财务舞弊行为被监督部门通报批评和处罚的事件层出不穷,上市公司会计信息质量问题一直备受关注,但未得到有效的根治。这就要求上市公司严格按照法律法规披露相关信息,使公司在投资者面前披露的全部信息真实、可靠。本文以会计信息质量的涵义为切入点,首次提出了会计信息质量的评价标准与评价主体的观点,在此基础上分析了导致会计信息质量虚假的内、外部因素,最后总结了会计信息质量产生的经济后果。  相似文献   

李娟博  王纪华 《上海会计》2010,(7):14-16,29
本文结合股票市场风险特征,对其会计信息质量问题进行研究。通过对证监会2006年至2008年处罚案例的统计分析,阐释上市公司会计信息质量问题的严重性和带来的经济后果。会计信息披露违规问题涉及金额较大、带来的经济成本较高;舞弊等是造成会计信息质量较低的根源。本文建议,通过完善激励机制、加强信用建设、完善监管法规、加大处罚力度提高会计信息披露质量。  相似文献   

This study investigates how investor trading behavior affects audit pricing by examining mutual fund herding in specific. When mutual fund managers herd due to information cascade, mimicking incentive, or agency problem, it causes information friction and weakens their monitoring effectiveness. Heightened governance risk is associated with higher audit risk and thus higher audit pricing. In our empirical tests, we find that herding weakens mutual funds’ information advantage and monitoring effectiveness, ultimately resulting in higher audit fees. To mitigate the endogeneity concern, we employ the natural experiment of the 2004 SEC regulation change on mutual fund disclosure frequency to capture exogenous change in herding intensity. Our findings are robust using propensity score matching method and alternative measures. Consistent with our conjecture, we document that firms facing stronger mutual fund herding are associated with deteriorated corporate disclosure quality.  相似文献   

建立商业银行信息披露制度是我国金融改革中较重要的一环,一般的认识是信息制度的建立将使金融机构运作更审慎,有利于提高整个金融系统的稳定性;但本文通过博弈模型证明:赋予我国商业银行国家信用与进行信息披露制度之间存在着一定的冲突,目前我国对金融体系的过度保护反而会降低商业银行信息披露的对银行体系稳定性的改进,合适的改革次序应是国家信用在金融机构中的先行退出也即建立一个合适的存款保险制度,其次才是规范的信息披露制度的建立.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of regulation pertaining to information disclosure on the Vietnam stock market. Using the event study methodology, we examine sectoral reactions, in terms of risk and return, following the announcements on information disclosure regulation in Vietnam. To validate the results, we also conduct several robustness tests such as the removal of firm-specific information and the use of a wide variety of ARCH models such as GARCH (1,1). We find evidence indicating that when the market anticipates a piece of regulation on information disclosure, most sectors experience negative reactions two and five days before the first announcement. Positive reactions are observed on the event date, as well as two and five days afterwards. Furthermore, we document a difference between the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HOSE) and the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) in terms of market reaction. The results also show that the sectors experience changes in short-term systematic risk. Our contributions to the literature are threefold. First, we focus on a complete and more updated set of the Vietnam stock market’s information disclosure regulation. Second, our study examines the effects of a series of events on a single regulation at sectoral and firm levels in an emerging market. Third, in addition to sectoral analysis, we analyse the Vietnam stock market reaction at the firm level.  相似文献   

Corporate disclosure regulations are important mechanisms for investor protection. This study examines the inter‐temporal changes in analysts’ forecast properties over the period 1988–2001 as Australia’s continuous disclosure regulation and enforcement intensity changed. The effectiveness of the continuous disclosure regime has been a question of interest since its inception, but research in this area is limited. Our results suggest that analysts’ forecast accuracy and dispersion improved for sample firms in response to the proposal and introduction of continuous disclosure regulations. However, following increased enforcement from 1998, analysts’ forecast dispersion deteriorated for small firms, possibly due to a decrease in private information received by financial analysts as regulators became more proactive in enforcing the ban on selective disclosure.  相似文献   

Government regulation of financial reporting by publicly listed firms, coupled with a punitive regime for violation of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), has been in place in the United States for seven decades. Whether this regime is effective or useful is an open question, especially in the absence of data on the behavior of unregulated economies. Privacy disclosure in e‐commerce is essentially an unregulated environment with some parallels to financial disclosure. A study of privacy standards, disclosures practices, and demand for audits can help accountants and security regulators project the consequences of a competitive regime sans regulation for accounting standards, disclosure and audit practices. In this article we set up a framework for such a study, gather data from the field, and analyze privacy standards, privacy disclosure practices, and the effectiveness of opt‐out practices of 100 high‐traffic e‐commerce Web sites. We observe four diverse sets of privacy standards (TRUSTe, BBB Online, WebTrust, and PWC Privacy) competing in this market, attracting clienteles of their own as reflected in privacy policies and the disclosure of such policies. With a few exceptions, actual disclosure and opt‐out practices correspond reasonably well to stated policies in e‐commerce. There is little evidence that the prevailing competitive regime induces a race to the bottom with respect to privacy standards and disclosures. We explore the implications of these results for the consequences of a competitive regime for regulation of financial reporting.  相似文献   

在以市场风险披露为基础的衍生交易监管政策下,SEC的“305规则”体制由定量、定性信息披露要求与前瞻性信息披露的安全港规则有机构成。我国应当借鉴先进的风险监管规则,构建创新的衍生工具市场风险披露法律框架,并解决好创新规则实施过程中的成本-收益权衡问题、收益波动性问题。  相似文献   

We study the impacts of the recently proposed risk retention regulation for asset securitization, i.e. the issuer has to retain a certain proportion of securitized assets. We also consider the frequently discussed measure to require the issuer disclose certain information of the securitized assets. In a dynamic model with asymmetric information between a risk-averse originating bank and a continuum of risk-averse investors, we find that it is impossible for a flat-rate retention requirement to be optimal for all asset types. Although both risk retention and information disclosure regulations are effective in reducing investors’ informational loss, neither can unconditionally enhance social welfare upon the unregulated case. For both measures, there are associated regulatory cost: risk retention regulation aggravates adverse selection problem because it undermines the channel of informational revelation by the choice of securitization intensity, and information disclosure requirement incurs a signalling cost by distorting banks’ securitization intensity in sending signals. Under an appropriate set of conditions we find that information disclosure requirement complements risk retention regulation when investors are sufficiently risk averse.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between disclosure and the cost of capital. Prior studies empirically testing this relationship provided mixed findings, and also raised several concerns, such as the endogeneity of disclosure, the information disclosure environment, and the sample size. This study investigated this relationship based on data from the Chinese capital market where a unique institutional arrangement makes the disclosure exogenous. This unique characteristic, in conjunction with a less stringent information environment and a big sample size, helped address these concerns. Our findings confirmed the negative relationship between disclosure and cost of capital.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of disclosure regulation on earnings management using Taiwanese companies conducting transactions with China as the institutional setting. Measuring earnings management by the amount of discretionary accruals (DACCs), the study shows that disclosure regulation mitigates DACCs of Taiwanese firms engaging in related-party transactions with Chinese entities. Following enactment of the disclosure regulation in November 2000, DACCs among Taiwanese enterprises conducting transactions via offshore affiliates dropped. While the disclosure regulation helps to reduce earnings management, this study reports that such effect is asymmetric between high-tech firms and non–high-tech firms. Specifically, the disclosure regulation is effective in reducing earnings management among firms in non–high-tech sectors. However, such effect is not significant among firms in high-tech sectors. This study discusses the implications of empirical findings for corporate management, regulatory agencies, and firm stakeholders.  相似文献   

We investigate whether an environmental social governance (ESG) disclosure moderates the relation between ESG controversies and analyst forecast accuracy. The previous literature has shown that ESG controversies increase uncertainty about a firm's future prospects, while ESG disclosure decreases this uncertainty. We therefore take the next step and integrate ESG controversies, ESG disclosure and uncertainty into one model. Our study is based on 8,369 firm-year observations across 51 countries from 2008 to 2017, containing data from RepRisk, Bloomberg and the Institutional Brokers' Estimate System. We find that analyst forecast errors are generally higher for firms with higher exposure to ESG controversies. More importantly, we establish ESG disclosure as a moderator that mitigates the strength of the relation between ESG controversies and analyst forecast errors. Additionally, we identify that the most important pillar for the relation derives from social controversies and disclosure.  相似文献   

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