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Underwriting and investment are two important and related business activities of insurance companies. However, studies on the interrelation between underwriting and investment risks of Property-Liability (P-L) insurance companies are sparse in the literature. Using a sample of US P-L insurers, this article conducts an empirical investigation of how these two risks are associated with each other in the 1994–2000 period (before the September 11th terrorist attack in 2001). Our results, robust to various estimations, suggest that there is no significant relationship between the underwriting and investment risks among our sample firms. Such results based on pre 9–11 event period provide some support for the conjecture of Achleitner et al. (Geneva Pap Risk Insur Issues Pract 27:275–282, 2002) that many insurance companies may have failed to take an integrated approach to risk management. This resulted in a heavy loss due to dual exposures in both underwriting and investment in the 9–11 event. In the aftermath of the recent global financial crisis, risk taking and risk management of financial institutions have received more attention and increasing scrutiny. We believe the current paper provides some useful insights in this vein.  相似文献   

This paper shows that revenues from a sample of publicly traded US asset management companies carry substantial market risks. Not only does this challenge the academic risk management literature about the predominance of operative risks in asset management, it is also at odds with current practice in asset management firms. Asset managers do not hedge market risks even though these risks are systematically built into the revenue generation process. This is surprising as shareholders would not optimally choose asset management companies as their source of market beta. They rather prefer to participate in alpha generation and fund gathering expertise of investment managers as financial intermediaries. At the very minimum, asset managers need to monitor their ‘fees at risk’ to understand what impact product design, benchmark choice and fee contract design have on revenue volatility. This calls for a much wider interpretation of the risk management function that too narrowly focuses on client risks.  相似文献   

We establish universal bounds for asset prices in heterogeneous complete market economies with scale invariant preferences. Namely, for each agent in the economy we consider an artificial homogeneous economy populated solely by this agent, and calculate the “homogeneous” price of an asset in each of these economies. Dumas (Rev. Financ. Stud. 2, 157–188, [1989]) conjectured that the risk free rate in a heterogeneous economy must lie in the interval determined by the minimal and maximal of the “homogeneous” risk free rates. We show that the answer depends on the risk aversions of the agents in the economy: the upper bound holds when all risk aversions are smaller than one, and the lower bound holds when all risk aversions are larger than one. The bounds almost never hold simultaneously. Furthermore, we prove these bounds for arbitrary assets.   相似文献   

This paper investigates if bankruptcy of Japanese listed companies can be predicted using data from 1992 to 2005. We find that the traditional measures, such as Altman’s (J Finance 23:589–609, 1968) Z-score, Ohlson’s (J Accounting Res 18:109–131, 1980) O-score and the option pricing theory-based distance-to-default, previously developed for the U.S. market, are also individually useful for the Japanese market. Moreover, the predictive power is substantially enhanced when these measures are combined. Based on the unique Japanese institutional features of main banks and business groups (known as Keiretsu), we construct a new measure that incorporates bank dependence and Keiretsu dependence. The new measure further improves the ability to predict bankruptcy of Japanese listed companies.  相似文献   

在强大的市场需求和金融科技支持下,消费金融公司自正式试点以来呈现良好的发展态势,其中资产证券化成为消费金融公司的重要融资方式。资产证券化在助力消费金融公司增资扩容、改善流动性和提高运营稳健性的同时,也促使消费金融行业风险高并导致诉讼案件的增加。本文基于捷赢个人消费贷款资产支持证券的经验证据,明确了消费金融创新、消费金融风险与金融市场系统性风险管理之间的内在联系,揭示可以通过大数据精准获客、规范催收行为和智能风险防控等措施为消费金融市场发展保驾护航。因此,针对消费金融资产证券化,政府应制定专门的政策法规以强化风险管理,不断完善消费金融资产的监管机制,借助系统性风险管理来规避套利和资金风险,进而促进消费金融资产证券化的稳健有序发展。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to provide direct evidence that product market structure affects stock returns. This is not only through industry concentration, as found in Hou and Robinson (J Finance 61:1927–1956, 2006), but also based on firms’ product substitutability and industry market size. Furthermore, the predictive power of product substitutability and market size for stock returns is not subsumed by industry concentration. Our results highlight the multi-dimensional structure of product market competition and its impact on asset prices.  相似文献   

This paper extends the analysis of optimal income taxation under uncertainty studied by Cremer and Pestieau (International Tax and Public Finance, 3, 281–295, 1996). We introduce asymmetric information in the insurance market whereby private insurance companies cannot identify the risk probability of the agents, and we examine its effect on public policy. We consider the separating equilibrium of Rothschild and Stiglitz (Quarterly Journal of Economics, 90, 629–649, 1976) and Riley (Econometrica, 47, 331–359, 1979) where the low risk agent is only partially insured. The presence of the distortion in the insurance market changes the affinity of labor, and in some cases, we show that the scope of redistribution and the resulting social welfare are higher under asymmetric information than under full information. We also show that the increase in social insurance affects the utility and labor incentive of the low risk type by relaxing the self-selection constraint in the insurance market. The policy implications of the redistributive taxation and social insurance are analytically and numerically examined.   相似文献   

Recent literature (Boyd and De Nicoló, J Finance 60:1329–1343, 2005) has argued that competition in the loan market lowers bank risk by reducing the risk-taking incentives of borrowers. Using a model where competition arises from falling switching costs for entrepreneurs, we show that the impact of loan market competition on banks is reversed if banks can adjust their loan portfolios. The reason is that when borrowers become safer, banks want to offset the effect on their balance sheet and switch to higher-risk lending. They even overcompensate the effect of safer borrowers because loan market competition erodes their franchise values and thus increases their risk-taking incentives.  相似文献   

以我国2006—2008年金融、保险板块上市公司为研究样本,对我国上市公司使用金融衍生品的避险动机,运用Logstic归进行了研究。结果发现,只有公司规模与金融衍生品需求正相关。表明了我国金融衍生产品市场还处于发展初期,使用金融衍生品的公司参与避险的数量不多,资产规模小的金融机构风险管理经验尤为缺乏。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to modify the Jarrow and van Deventer model by using Das and Sundaram (Manag Sci 46:46–62, 2000) model to extend the Heath–Jarrow–Morton (J Finan Quant Anal 25:419–440, 1990) term-structure model to facilitate the consideration of default risks for pricing credit card loans. Furthermore, we derive closed-form solutions within a continuous-time framework. In addition, we also provide a numerical method for the evaluation of credit card loans within a discrete-time framework. Using the market segmentation argument to describe the characteristics of the credit card industry, our simulation results show that the shapes of the forward rate and forward spread (default risk premium) term structures play extremely important roles in determining the value of credit card loans.  相似文献   

The Pearson distribution system is researched and applied to financial engineering (Nagahara, Financ Eng Jpn Mark 2(2):139–154 in 1995, Financ Eng Jpn Mark 3(2):121–149 in 1996, Stat Prob Lett 43:251–264 in 1999, J Time Ser Anal 24(6):721–738 in 2003, A method of fitting multivariate nonnormal distributions to financial data. Discussion paper of Institute of Social Sciences, F-2006-2, Meiji University in 2006, Asia Pac Financial Markets 15(3–4):175–184 in 2008a). And a method of fitting multivariate nonnormal distributions by using random numbers from the Pearson distribution system was developed (Nagahara, Comput Stat Data Anal 47(1):1–29 in 2004). This method uses the grid search of the parameters for the maximum likelihood. In this paper, we adopt Grid-Computing and its middleware for the parameter sweep in order to reduce the computational time and the workload of this method. In the area of the financial risk management, it is very important to analyze the relationship between stock returns in Japan and the US. We analyze the data based on the same date and the following date because Japanese stock market opens before the US stock market opens in a day. We compare these returns by means of the multivariate nonnormal distributions by using this method. And we test the international transmission of stock markets movement. Furthermore, we obtain the optimal job schedule for our computer system using the middleware in order to reduce the computational time.  相似文献   

Under the assumption that the asset value follows a phase-type jump-diffusion, we show that the expected discounted penalty satisfies an ODE and obtain a general form for the expected discounted penalty. In particular, if only downward jumps are allowed, we get an explicit formula in terms of the penalty function and jump distribution. On the other hand, if the downward jump distribution is a mixture of exponential distributions (and upward jumps are determined by a general Lévy measure), we obtain closed-form solutions for the expected discounted penalty. As an application, we work out an example in Leland’s structural model with jumps. For earlier and related results, see Gerber and Landry [Insur. Math. Econ. 22:263–276, 1998], Hilberink and Rogers [Finance Stoch. 6:237–263, 2002], Asmussen et al. [Stoch. Proc. Appl. 109:79–111, 2004], and Kyprianou and Surya [Finance Stoch. 11:131–152, 2007].   相似文献   

Easley et al. (J Finance 57:2185–2221, 2002), building upon the asset pricing model of Fama and French (J Finance 47:427–465, 1992), show that the probability of informed trading (PIN) is a determinant of asset returns for NYSE-listed securities. We extend this work by examining whether the PIN is a predictive factor for NASDAQ stocks, as many studies document significant differences between NYSE and NASDAQ listed securities. In the process we examine whether the use of PIN is appropriate for NASDAQ-listed securities. We find that PIN and certain stock characteristics correlate differently for our sample of NASDAQ stocks than that of Easley et al. sample of NYSE stocks. We also determine that the risk of informed trading is only weakly priced for NASDAQ stocks. Contrary to Easley et al. we do not find evidence that excess returns increases as PIN increases.  相似文献   

The increase in natural and human catastrophes is well documented. For risk averse private customers this increase in risks implies an increase in the willingness to pay for insurance which in turn increases the business possibilities for insurers. However, this argumentation can not be transferred to firm insurance, as, following the work by Modigliani and Miller, companies are in general not to be regarded as being risk averse. In this article we discuss with the example of the demand for reinsurance why firms might want to shift risk to other firms. An empirical study for the German market for reinsurance is presented. The results are then used to discuss whether an increase in risk might lead to an increase in risk transfers between firms and insurers.  相似文献   

An asset is liquid if it can be traded at the prevailing market price quickly and at low cost. We show that in addition to risk, liquidity affects asset prices and returns. Theories of asset pricing suggest that the expected return of an asset is increasing in its risk, because risk-averse investors require compensation for bearing more risk. Because investors are also averse to the costs of illiquidity and want to be compensated for bearing them, asset returns are increasing in illiquidity. Thus, asset prices should depend on two asset characteristics: risk and liquidity. This paper surveys research on the effects of liquidity on asset prices and returns, showing that liquidity is an important factor in capital asset pricing.  相似文献   

良好的资产负债管理是保险业可持续发展的基石,也是支持保险业在日益复杂的风险环境中保持稳健发展、防范系统性风险的重要保障。近年来,随着我国金融市场发展,业务产品创新加快,保险业在资产端与负债端的业务结构和风险特征出现了新情况、新变化。特别是部分保险公司缺乏有效的治理结构,采取激进经营、激进投资的策略,导致业务快进快出、风险敞口过大以及流动性问题,对保险公司资产负债匹配管理、风险控制提出了挑战。本文介绍了财产保险公司资产负债多维度量化评估规则设计原理、主要评估模型和评估方法,针对财产保险公司的负债特性提出的沉淀资金匹配,在成本收益匹配中有机地将资产投资收益与承保业务综合成本进行匹配,在现金流匹配模式中打破了僵化的匹配模式,解决了长期困扰财产保险公司的资产负债期限不匹配的问题,对财产保险公司资产负债管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

经济高涨期的金融风险容易为宏观调控部门和微观市场主体所忽视,这是因为资产价格对实体经济的影响具有非对称性,资产价格上升对市场主体的投机行为具有刺激性,并对货币供给具有吸纳效果。风险管理的关口前移比风险的事后处置更为有效,因此在经济高涨期要揭示风险,并采取切实有效措施化解风险。本研究试就经济高位运行期间风险特征,风险隐藏的原因,以及治理对策作一探讨。  相似文献   

This article discusses the corporate challenge of providing retirement income to employees while limiting the costs and risks of pension plans to the companies themselves by addressing five main questions:
  • ? What are the major issues and challenges surrounding pensions? Although the pension shortfalls have been the focus of attention, the author argues that the more serious concern is the risk stemming from the mismatch between pension assets and pension liabilities— that is, the funding of debt‐like liabilities with equity‐heavy asset portfolios.
  • ? To what extent do the equity market and equity prices reflect the shortfall in value and the mismatch in risk? While the author describes some evidence of the market's ability to capture pension risk, analysts' P/E multiples and management's assessments of cost of capital may still be distorted by failure to take full account of the risks associated with pension assets.
  • ? How should management analyze and formulate strategic solutions? Without offering specific solutions, the author presents a framework for analyzing the problem from a strategic perspective that can be used in formulating a company's pension policy. In particular, the article recommends that companies take an integrated perspective that views pension assets and liabilities as parts of the corporate balance sheet, and the pension asset allocation decision as a critical aspect of a corporate‐wide enterprise risk management program.
  • ? If a company chooses to make a major change in its pension policy, such as a partial or complete immunization accomplished by substituting bonds for stocks, how would you communicate the new policy to the rating agencies and investors?
  • ? What are the major issues to be thinking about when contemplating a change from a DB plan to a defined contribution, or DC, plan? The author argues that DC plans without some corporate oversight or responsibility for results are not a long‐term solution.

This paper provides an alternative credit risk model based on information reduction where the market only observes the firm’s asset value when it crosses certain levels, interpreted as changes significant enough for the firm’s management to make a public announcement. For a class of diffusion processes we are able to provide explicit expressions for the firm’s default intensity process and its zero-coupon bond prices.   相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to investigate elderly choices and behaviors in financial services markets. A systematic review of a five-decade period (1970–2019) of academic research in the marketing field was carried out in order to identify elderly consumers’ decisions regarding financial asset management and legacy, highlighting the main findings of extant research and practical implications for marketers. Results shed light on financial asset management in terms of welfare, retirement planning, and investments for old age, as well as legacy practices in terms of special possessions, charities, and rites of passage. The study underlines the need to consider the heterogeneous nature of elderly consumers’ values and lifestyles in designing strategies for financial services and products, emphasizing that demographic differences alone are not adequate to effectively define market segments. Furthermore, the role of mixed marketing approaches considering elderly choices are discussed, together with implications for companies that want to target such consumer target.


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