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This paper illustrates how to measure per-period wealth and compares per-period wealth to more traditional measures, such as current net worth (current assets minus current liabilities). Per-period wealth differs from net worth in two major ways. First, per-period wealth adds future entitlements that are contingent upon survival, such as the present value of defined benefit pension and Social Security entitlements. Second, the wealth measure used here is measured as a flow instead of a stock. It is the amount of income that the present value of assets, liabilities, and contingent claims would earn each year in order to draw this present value down to exactly zero at the end of an individual's life. Three alternative strategies for calculating per-period wealth are illustrated in detail. Using the 1992 Survey of Consumer Finances, the U.S. distribution of per-period wealth is estimated using all three models and is contrasted against the distribution of conventional net worth. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the estimates with respect to the parameters of the model is discussed. The results suggest that the distribution of per-period wealth is less evenly distributed than the distribution of net worth.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a theoretical framework for understanding women leaders in working life. Our starting point is in statistics and earlier women-in-management literature, which show that women leaders represent a minority of the managerial population. We assume such underlying mechanisms causing discriminatory practices towards women leaders to exist which have become naturalized and invisible. Our concern is that everyone irrespective of gender should have a fair chance in career progression. This is both a moral and also an economic challenge. The framework we develop in this paper is an alternative approach to studying women leaders compared to traditional women-in-management literature. It aims at revealing the "natural and taken-for-granted" cultural mechanisms behind discriminatory practices. Our framework is based on a critical discursive approach, which draws on ideas of how women's leadership becomes symbolically represented and constructed in discursive practices. These symbolic constructions, which are mediated through language, often have an ideological loading which positions women leaders and builds their identities in ways that can help to legitimize unequal relations between the genders. However, our framework emphasizes the possibility of multiple discourses and a dynamic view of culture. The cultural constructions of women leaders are, thus, open to change.  相似文献   

Whether or not an advertisement is said to be deceptive depends on the understanding and definition of deception being used. The position advocated here is that the focus of any definition must be the receiver of the message. Based on an analysis of veridical perception, a definition of deception in advertising is offered. An approach to measuring deception is also offered. The techniques are all seen as screening techniques, although by their regular use, advertisers should improve the ability of their advertisements to reach their stated objectives as well as reduce the amount of deception.  相似文献   

邓今朝 《商业研究》2007,(10):39-43
核心员工的流失,带来的是组织核心能力的削弱甚至丧失,其风险是毁灭性的。在激烈竞争环境中,核心员工的流失呈高发态势,其风险具有可观测性和可逆性、关联引发性、集合放大性等特点,因而不能不引起重视。员工工作撤出模型为核心员工流失风险预警机制的建立提供了分析框架。  相似文献   

从理论上讲,伴随着股市房市价格上涨,资产性收益的增加,拥有这些资产的居民效应财富增加,购买力增强,消费增速加快,财富效应作为"可爱的泡沫"可以成为经济增长的新的推动力.中国的财富效应确实存在但影响力还很有限,建议采取科学扩大股市规模、加快多层次资本市场健康发展、加大宏观调控力度、提高金融体系稳健性、培育良好投资文化以减少投机性等措施,以使财富效应所带来的效应财富稳定上升和积累,成为推动中国经济可持续增长的真正动力.  相似文献   

Sponsorship of sporting teams and events has become an increasingly popular form of corporate and brand communication. Despite the continued growth of sponsorship spending, the corresponding literature base is highly fragmented and little agreement exists related to the psychological mechanisms underlying response. This paper integrates several prominent sponsorship research streams in promoting a “resource‐matching” perspective of cognitive elaboration and attitude change. This research holds that in the absence of clear functional fit between sponsor and event, identifying a basis for sponsor–event fit is likely to require some degree of cognitive effort. The results indicate stronger social identification with the sponsored event influences the favorability they attribute to sponsor motives and promotes stronger perceptions of fit between the sponsor and the sponsored activity. Further, the results indicate fit perceptions mediate the relationship between attribution and sponsorship response. Consistent with ELM theory, when cognitive resources are insufficient for the complexity of the fit‐matching task, social identification may still act as a peripheral cue in driving a positive affective response to sponsorship information.  相似文献   

本文从中国外部财富的现状出发,利用中国1982~2012年外部财富的数据,测算出中国外部财富变动中的估值效应,运用脉冲响应函数和方差分解量化各因素对估值效应的影响。实证分析得出:中国外部财富变动中存在负估值效应,但估值效应的变动呈现波动性。美元兑人民币汇率对估值效应的影响最大且为正向;净外部资产变动率的影响呈现波动性;美国一年期国债利率对估值效应的影响为正向;外商来华投资回报率对估值效应的影响较小。  相似文献   

This study uses the concept of probability discounting to understand the impact of online customer reviews on consumer choice. Probability discounting describes how the subjective value of an outcome alters when its delivery shifts from certain to uncertain. An experimental study with 29 participants was conducted. Participants were run through an online shopping scenario where they had to choose whether to buy a product from a Web shop with customer reviews on reliability or from a Web shop without reviews but with a lower product price. A titration procedure over sales price for the Web shop without reviews was run over seven probability conditions. The mean switching points where participants chose where to buy the product were extracted from the experimental data, and probability discounting factors were calculated. The results supported the assumption that online reviews indicate the probability of a successful transaction online and function as a guide to choices. Implications for marketers as well as suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

江波 《国际市场》2002,(3):57-57
一、量入为出永远是积累财富的第一高招.尤其是对刚起步而收入有限的上班族,步入社会之后就会发现所有以前没想到的置装费、应酬交际费蜂拥而来.不过,自己若能制定各项花费的比例,可以省掉不少记帐时间.  相似文献   

本文以49起外资并购中国上市公司的事件和52起国内并购事件为样本,运用事件研究法对外资并购和国内并购的财富效应进行了比较研究。研究结果表明:从总体上看,外资并购公司股东获得的累积超额收益要大于国内并购公司股东获得的累积超额收益,尤其在并购公告前后的几个短期累积区间内,外资并购的累积超额收益(CAR)要显著高于国内并购。  相似文献   

目前国内对国债效应的研究,集中于国债对投资的影响,较少论及国债对居民消费的影响。然而,国债对消费的影响同样重要。居民可能将国债作为金融财富,也可能认为国债对应着未来的税收。国债对消费的影响,取决于国债在居民的预算约束中是作为财富还是作为预期的未来税收而存在。若居民更多地将国债作为一种金融财富而不是未来税收,则国债促进消费增长并带动经济增长;反之,则形成“李嘉图等价效应”所描述的金融挤出效应。通过对1985~2002年的数据进行回归,作者发现我国国债呈现出较强的财富效应。但是,这一财富效应却是与国债存量相关的。若公众的信心发生变化,消费需求将迅速下降。这就要求国债政策的淡出只能是渐进的,以避免对居民消费造成较大的冲击。  相似文献   

股权分置改革财富再分配效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
股权分置改革是流通股东与非流通股东利益重新分配的过程.本文具体讨论股权分置改革的财富创造效应,以及财富在不同主体间的再分配效应.46家试点上市公司的实证结果表明:从总体上看,股权分置改革过程能够创造财富,非流通股东的收益明显高于流通股东的收益,且流通股的超常收益与第一大股东的持股比例负相关,说明在股权分置改革过程中非流通股东,尤其是绝对优势的大股东处于有利地位.  相似文献   

This study offers an alternative perspective to understand students as consumers. This proposition is evaluated by analyzing the relationship between students’ emotional experience at a university and their perception of loyalty to this institution. Students from a Latin-American business school responded to a survey that included the Consumption Emotion Set and a loyalty assessment (n = 1,393). Data was analyzed using Rasch models. The findings show that positive emotions motivate student loyalty, whereas negative emotions harm student loyalty. The students’ experiences should be conceptualized at the institution as a brand and addressed through services and (nonacademic) activities in students’ lives.  相似文献   

当父亲征服一座高山,再次登顶的挑战对于子辈变得索然无味。年轻人们开始琢磨,要如何去创造和迎接更为激动人心的时刻  相似文献   

Although money-back guarantees (MBGs) have a long tradition in marketing and retailing practice, a deeper understanding of how consumers value this instrument is still lacking. The results of two experimental studies show that in addition to cognitive effects, MBGs evoke a positive emotional response, thereby increasing consumers’ purchase intentions and willingness to pay a price premium. Moreover, MBGs positively affect consumers’ responses for search and experience goods, although for experience goods, MBGs should be designed with stricter return conditions as compared to MBGs for search goods. The results should help retail managers understand the consumer impact of MBGs, as well as assist them in pricing guaranteed items and designing effective MBGs according to the type of product.  相似文献   

This paper re‐examines the relationship between inflation and economic growth in developing countries. Both the theoretical and the empirical literature are extremely divided on this issue. We apply a relatively new empirical technique – the continuous wavelet transform – to Bangladesh. Bangladesh is of interest because of its remarkable economic growth and poverty reduction during the last 30 years in combination with, for a developing country, a controlled inflation. The wavelet analysis is a contribution because it displays how the correlation and the lead–lag structure between variables change over timescales, taking into account that growth and inflation can follow several different cycles. Comovements between variables are generally studied in the time domain. Results from studies in the time‐domain study can be sensitive to the frequency of observations. On the other hand, studies in the frequency domain are not easily translated into time domains that can be associated with economic policies. The wavelet methodology finds a balance between time and frequency domains. Our study finds that growth Granger causes inflation at all frequency scales, starting from the short run to the very long run. Inflation, on the other hand, Granger causes growth in the long run but not in the short run. This result has implications for Bangladesh, and as such for similar developing countries, where some policymakers believe that inflation must be kept at very low levels for sustained economic growth.  相似文献   

We examine the transition to, and survival in, self-employment among a sample of British workers. We find evidence of capital constrains, with wealthier individuals being more likely to transit ceteris paribus. Windfall gains raise the probability of transition at a decreasing rate – gains or more than £20000–£22000 reduce the probability of transition – and larger gains reduce the probability of transition amongst relatively wealthier respondents. We also find peculiarities in the effects of particular types of windfall; redundancy payments and inheritances raise the probability of transition, whilst lottery wins reduce the probability of (especially male) transitions. In contrast, inheritances (lottery wins) hinder (augment) self-employment survival.  相似文献   

What makes small‐ and medium‐sized family firms (family SMEs) innovative? Some family firm dynamics promote, yet others hinder innovation. It remains unclear whether combinations of family firm dynamics increase innovativeness. Our configurational perspective of socioemotional wealth (SEW) unravels determinants of family SMEs' innovativeness. We conduct a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis with 452 Swiss family SMEs. We categorize SEW dimensions into configurations of necessary and sufficient conditions. We contribute to theory on family SMEs' innovativeness because we reveal that the interplay of SEW dimensions leads to innovativeness. This offers practitioners a better framework to choose between SEW configurations.  相似文献   

伴随着我国创业板市场的建立,一个有趣的现象频频发生,许多高管在上市不到一年的时间里选择了离职.为此,本文以公司所有高管为研究对象,在区分主动和非主动离职的基础上,考察了公司高管主动离职的影响因素及其财富效应.我们研究发现,高管持股市值对其主动离职有显著影响,随着持股市值的提高,高管主动离职的可能性增加,而且,当公司业绩较差时,持股市值对高管主动离职的影响更为明显.基于离职事件累积超额报酬的分析显示,市场对高管主动离职反应负面,而对非主动离职无显著反应.  相似文献   

信息是事物确定性的表征。信息是事物的存在形式之一,是一切事物的基本属性。没有没有信息的事物,也没有没有事物的信息。信息具有共享性、准确性、可传输性和时间性等重要特征。  相似文献   

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