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于跃  聂方超 《新理财》2014,(11):48-50
2014年6月11日下午,美国堪萨斯城一个私人机场候机厅内,43岁的智联招聘CFO郭健民和他的路演团队正在与远在万里之外的墨尔本大股东召开电话会议。这日,这家目前中国最大的网络招聘平台要在这个机场里完成首次公开募股(IPO)的股票定价和股票配售工作,以为第二天智联正式登陆纽交所作准备。  相似文献   

于跃  聂方超 《新理财》2013,(9):98-101
与大多CFO的成长路径不同,在16年的职业生涯中,薛素文一直都在北京大北农科技集团股份有限公司(以下简称“大北农”)担任财务总监一职。这对他来说,显然是一个绝好的机遇。一方面,他可以有更充足的时间和精力去规划自己的发展,同时也有更稳定的平台和空间去规划大北农的财务工作。事实上,在当下鲜有“从一而终”CFO的农业领域,身为70后的薛素文显然已经将大北农的财务工作融入了自己的事业之中。  相似文献   

一个在财务领域打拼20年的CFO,对职业生涯持续进化提炼了两个关键词——坚持和专业。郭志林:CFO做职业判断的时候需要冷静而深入的思考。与很多CFO毕业于名校、经历四大会计师事务所,再成功跳槽跨国名企的完美经历不一样,郭志林是土生土长从点钞开始一步一步走过来的。自1992年参加财务工作至今,郭志林已在财务领域浸染了20年。  相似文献   

依据中小板和创业板上市公司公开披露的信息,《首席财务官》以2012年6月1日收盘价为基础,选定了中小板和创业板总市值各排名前30家公司的共60位CFO作为基本研究对象,从这60家上市公司CFO的性别比例以及年龄构成、学历、薪酬、持股数、职务角色、职业背景等诸多维度,试图观察两板CFO在这场透过上市而萌发的"财务启蒙运动"中的群体特征与差异。  相似文献   

周红玉 《新理财》2012,(Z1):88-89
不知是不是因为在德国公司工作多年,钱自严守时、严谨、有礼貌,他会很快回复短信,按照约定时间准时接受采访,他像大多数CFO一样,说话时条理清晰,但又比很多同行都更加健谈。加上之前在西门子的经历,钱自严已  相似文献   

成为CEO,不少CFO可能都有这样的职业目标。但中间决不是一个英文字母的简单区别。首先要当一个优秀的CFO卫哲,从百安居(中国区)CFO荣升为CEO,现在又成为阿里巴巴公司的CEO。他说,从CFO到CEO,首先要当一个优秀的CFO。"我这里提出一个好的CFO、一个优秀的CFO,在正常的工作基础上,要注重以下六个方面,  相似文献   

朱平 《证券导刊》2009,(44):94-94
有一个故事,说东南亚某国有一个人享齐人之福,娶了两个老婆,一大一小。三人约定,一周一轮换。当这人与年轻的老婆在一起时,感到自己挺年轻有活力。而他年轻的妻女,也觉得应该让老公看起来更年轻,所以就拔他的白头发。当这人与年长的老婆在一起的时候,他觉得自己更加成熟更  相似文献   

吕丹 《首席财务官》2012,(12):30-32
由基础岗位一路擢升为CFO仍是国内财务人员最主流的路径,沿着职业方向一路"向前走"的确是一个最稳扎稳打的选择。从小就喜欢飞机的曾猛,也因此与航空结下了不解之缘。1983年中国民航大学财务专业毕业后,他进入国航财务处,至今已在中航系统工作30年。在讲述自己的经历时曾猛这样形容,"工作不是轰轰烈烈,也没有里程碑式的  相似文献   

周红玉 《新理财》2012,(9):89-91,88,10
和吴海兵的采访地点,他希望能约在地铁口附近的咖啡馆。比约定的时间迟到了一会,他一个劲地道歉:"没想到北京的地铁换乘要走这么远。"他背着双肩包,一个人来北京出差,你很难把这个风尘仆仆,出行时喜欢坐地铁的男人,和纽交所上市公司CFO的身份联系起来。吴海兵2007年加盟7天连锁酒店集团(以下简称7天),是7天的CFO,之前他在普华永道工作了7年,离开时已经做到了高级经理,再下一步就是合伙人了,可他说自己很清楚未来的方向在哪,企业才是他想一展身手的舞台。7天  相似文献   

基于高层梯队理论和社会网络理论,以2008-2015年我国A股上市公司为样本,实证考察CFO背景特征对公司内部控制质量的影响。研究发现:CFO的年龄越大、任期越长,内部控制质量越低;CFO的学历越高,内部控制质量越高;女性CFO较男性CFO在内部控制建设方面存在相对劣势;CFO外部兼职有助于提升内部控制质量。进一步研究发现:在国有企业和非国有企业中,CFO背景特征对内部控制质量的影响存在显著的差异。  相似文献   

We discuss the discrete choice demand estimation methods applied by Guo et al. (2017) in the audit setting. We then review insights into audit market competition that demand estimation has already provided. We conclude that the audit market is far from perfectly competitive.  相似文献   

加快京西矿区经济转型,发展替代产业,再造产业发展新优势,也是资源开采为主的地区经济发展到一定阶段的必然选择。京西地区是历史上首都北京重要的能源基地,曾经为首都的现代化建设做出过巨大贡献,以煤炭、砂石和石灰为代表的资源开采业曾经一度成为该地区的主导产业。长期的资源开采,矿产资源呈现加速衰减的趋势,开采成本也越来越高。同时由于对资  相似文献   

This report summarizes some of our recent work (Guo and Tomecek, SIAM J Control Optim 47(1):421–443, 2008; A class of singular control problems and smooth fit principle, 2008) on a new theoretical connection between singular control of finite variation and optimal switching problems. This correspondence not only provides a novel method for analyzing multi-dimensional singular control problems, but also builds links among singular controls, Dynkin games, and sequential optimal stopping problems.  相似文献   

2014年4月,国务院下发了《关于金融服务“三农”发展的若干意见》(国办发[2014]17号),鼓励发展农村土地承包经营权抵押贷款业务。近年来,延边州内各涉农类金融机构积极开展农村土地承包经营权抵押贷款创新实践,并取得了一定成效,但全面推进农村土地承包经营权抵押贷款业务,还受制于现行农村土地流转法制及机制不完善、产权不清等问题。有必要从完善农村土地承包经营权流转法律制度,明晰农村土地承包经营权,健全流转市场及农村社会保障体系等入手,为盘活农村土地资产,全面推广土地承包经营权抵押贷款扫清障碍。  相似文献   

This paper examines determinants of stochastic relative risk aversion in conditional asset pricing models. Novel time-series specification tests are proposed as direct extensions of Guo, Wang, and Yang (2013, JMCB)'s model using nonlinear state-space models with heteroskedasticity. I then establish the following facts. First, the surplus consumption ratio implied by the external habit formation model is the most important determinant of relative risk aversion. Second, the CAY of Lettau and Ludvigson (2001a) without a look-ahead bias and the short term interest rate explain part of relative risk aversion. Third, the estimated risk aversion from 1957Q2 to 2010Q3 is countercyclical and positive. Finally, the selected models explain part of the momentum and the financial distress premiums.  相似文献   

2018年9月18日,国务院印发了《关于推动创新创业高质量发展打造"双创"升级版的意见》(国发〔2018〕32号),意见指出要大力促进创新创业平台服务升级,打造创新创业重点展示品牌,继续扎实开展各类创新创业赛事活动.本文通过选取当前国内组织规模相对较大的"互联网+"大学生创新创业大赛、中国创新创业大赛、"创客中国"创新创业大赛、"中国创翼"创业创新大赛、"创青春"中国青年创新创业大赛等5个赛事进行分析,根据2018年或者2019年赛事通知文件,归纳总结五类赛事的特点和功能,深入分析了当前我国创新创业赛事存在的问题,最后提出科技型中小企业选择创新创业赛事的有效对策。  相似文献   

The Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA) of 1981 substantially altered the taxation of commodity tax straddles. Prior to 1981, commodity tax straddles were actively promoted and used to defer income, to convert ordinary income into capital gains, or to convert short-term into long-term capital gains. ERTA imposed a mark-tomarket rule of account settlement for the taxation of futures transactions. This study examines the impact of ERTA on the futures industry by utilizing futures exchange seat prices for all domestic futures exchanges. Futures exchange seats represent specialized capital assets whose value reflects the discounted present value of expected future economic rents derived from trading activity. The results indicate that ERTA produced a large decrease in the market valuation of futures exchange capital which was not recaptured in the ten months following the announcement.The financial support of the Columbia Futures Center was essential to the research reported here. The authors thank two anonymous reviewers for helpful suggestions, and Matthew Deno, Darrell Petter, and Shan Guo for valuable research assistance.  相似文献   

Model risk causes significant losses in financial derivative pricing and hedging. Investors may undertake relatively risky investments due to insufficient hedging or overpaying implied by flawed models. The GARCH model with normal innovations (GARCH-normal) has been adopted to depict the dynamics of the returns in many applications. The implied GARCH-normal model is the one minimizing the mean square error between the market option values and the GARCH-normal option prices. In this study, we investigate the model risk of the implied GARCH-normal model fitted to conditional leptokurtic returns, an important feature of financial data. The risk-neutral GARCH model with conditional leptokurtic innovations is derived by the extended Girsanov principle. The option prices and hedging positions of the conditional leptokurtic GARCH models are obtained by extending the dynamic semiparametric approach of Huang and Guo [Statist. Sin., 2009, 19, 1037–1054]. In the simulation study we find significant model risk of the implied GARCH-normal model in pricing and hedging barrier and lookback options when the underlying dynamics follow a GARCH-t model.  相似文献   

Tian, Wan and Guo (2002) explored the predictability and profitability of technical trading rules in markets with different efficiency levels; namely, the U.S. and China. In the case of the U.S. they found rules to have no predictability after 1975, whereas their results give support to technical trading rules having both predictability and profitability for the Chinese markets across the 1990's. The purpose of this paper is to extend the analysis of Tian et al. in two ways. First, to see if the conclusions extend to other markets – namely, the U.K., Hong Kong and Japan. Second, in the case of China, to examine whether the predictability and profitability of technical trading rules changed across the 1990's. On the basis of daily data Tian et al's results for the U.S. market are supported by the results for a number of the main developed markets where the technical trading rules had predictive ability during the 1970's that disappeared by the 1990's. Furthermore, the results suggest that while technical trading rules had short term predictive ability and profitability in the Chinese stock markets during the 1990's, this lessened as the decade progressed. JEL Classification: G14, G15  相似文献   

An important issue in derivative pricing that hasn't been explored much until very recently is the impact of short selling to the price of an option. This paper extends a recent publication in this area to the case in which a ban of short selling of the underlying alone is somewhat less ‘effective’ than the extreme case discussed by Guo and Zhu [Equal risk pricing under convex trading constraints. J. Econ. Dyn. Control, 2017, 76, 136–151]. The case presented here is closer to reality, in which the effect of a ban on the underlying of an option alone may quite often be ‘diluted’ due to market interactions of the underlying asset with other correlated assets. Under a new assumption that there exists at least a correlated asset in the market, which is allowed to be short sold and thus can be used by traders for hedging purposes even though short selling of the underlying itself is banned, a new closed-form equal-risk pricing formula for European options is successfully derived. The new formula contains two distinguishable advantages; (a) it does not induce any significantly extra burden in terms of numerically computing option values, compared with the effort involved in using the Black–Scholes formula, which is still popularly used in finance industry today; (b) it remains simple and elegant as only one additional parameter beyond the Black–Scholes formula is introduced, to reflect the dilution effect to the ban as a result of market interactions.  相似文献   

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