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设备设施是企业安全平稳生产经营的前提,也是创造利润和价值的重要载体。设备资产完整性管理数字化平台借助统一、规范的数据管理,依托信息化手段,科学有效、经济合理地管理设备设施,推动形成设备设施全生命周期闭环管理,有效降低设备设施风险,提高设备设施完整性水平,保障设备设施健康平稳运行。通过设备资产完整性管理数字化平台的应用,生产经营单位固化先进设备管理理念,转变维修模式,提高设备设施完整性水平,保障设备设施健康平稳运行,助推企业提质降本增效。  相似文献   

目前,很多地方的村级污水处理设施存在重视建设,疏于经营的问题,各项实施处于低效率的运行状态。所以,需要探讨乡镇污水处理设施的运行管理模式。文章基于对佛山市三水区农村污水处理工程的调查研究,对该地区的污水处理设施运行管理现状和存在的问题进行科学分析。采用科学管理方式对当前农村污水处理设施管理,保证其有效运行。  相似文献   

通风是瓦斯治理的基础,通风设施的完好是通风系统稳定的前提。本文阐述了煤矿通风设施管理的重要性,分析了当前煤矿井下通风设施管理存在的问题,提出煤矿通风设施管理新方法及措施,形成了通风设施每班检查技术及管理标准,可以为通风设施管理工作提供参考及借鉴。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国工业企业污染治理设施运营市场化的发展,针对当前火电厂污染治理设施管理的现状,提出了市场经济下火电厂污染治理设施管理的发展方向是市场化。  相似文献   

分析解读GB/T 40829—2021《组织资产管理体系成熟度评价》,结合石油石化行业设备设施资产特点及设备设施资产完整性管理成熟度评价需求,细化建立适用于石油石化行业的设备设施资产完整性管理成熟度评价体系。选择某海洋石油企业进行成熟度评价分析,查找薄弱环节,给出管理提升建议,为持续提升设备设施资产密集型企业管理水平提供参考。  相似文献   

针对南京轨道交通设施设备管理实际需求,设计和开发设施设备运维管理平台,该系统不仅能够满足机电、供电、工务、通号等专业的共性需求,还针对车辆等专业进行了个性化功能设计。经实践验证,系统能够满足南京轨道交通设施设备运维管理需求,提升设施设备维修维护效率,规范以设施设备为核心的生产管理全过程,提高了设施设备管理水平和优化相关资源配置。  相似文献   

设备设施资产是保证安全生产、为企业创造价值的重要载体,在企业运营与发展过程中发挥着重要作用。设备设施完整性管理是一套先进的管理模式和方法,近年来得到了蓬勃发展和广泛应用。总结国内外设备设施完整性管理发展现状,系统阐述了中国海油设备设施完整性管理模式及应用实践,并对面临的问题与挑战进行分析,以期为设备设施完整性管理的深入应用提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,化工企业发生的化工装置爆炸、火灾、中毒等安全事故,多数是由生产过程中的有毒有害物质泄漏、扩散,或因管理不当、设备故障等原因引发。这些事故的发生,严重威胁到企业员工生命财产安全,影响社会和谐稳定。文章从化工企业重点环保设施安全管理现状出发,提出了加强重点环保设施安全管理的措施。  相似文献   

所有事故(除去自然灾害等人类不可抗拒的因素外)都是人的不安全行为和设备不安全状态造成的。生产设备设施是物,设备设施管理就是人的事情,安全就是人与物的关系,俗话说:工欲善其事,必先利其器。设备设施管理就相当于砍柴之前磨刀,安全生产就相当于砍柴的时候不会因为刀是钝的而震痛了自己的手。  相似文献   

井下通风管理是确保煤矿安全生产的重要内容,煤矿通风管理的质量直接影响煤矿安全生产质量。因此,必须加强对煤矿通风管理工作的重视。要想确保煤矿井下通风管理工作的有效开展,必须保证通风设施的运作效率,为矿井安全生产提供保障。本文对煤矿井下通风管理与通风设施的运用进行分析和探究。  相似文献   

Drawing on data from a survey of 342 employees from three BPO organizations in Mumbai (India), this study examined whether cultural variables of individual cultural orientation and organizational culture, and their interaction were predictive of employees’ attitudes toward union membership in BPO organizations in India where unionization has hitherto not taken place. Using regression analysis, the researcher found that over and above the effects of demographic and job-related variable, and work stress and job satisfaction, horizontal individualism could predict union attitudes significantly and negatively whereas vertical individualism and collectivism could predict the attitudes significantly and positively. Similarly, organizational collectivism could predict employees’ attitudes toward union membership significantly and negatively. Using the univariate analysis of variance, the researcher found that the contrast between personal value and organizational culture of an individualist working in a collectivistic organizational culture or collectivist working in an individualistic culture are found to have stronger influence on union attitudes compared to the congruence of an individualist working in an individualistic culture or collectivist working in a collectivistic culture. The results and implications of findings are discussed in the paper with reference to the literature on role of cultural and attitudinal variables in relation to organizational outcomes like union membership.
Santanu SarkarEmail:

Santanu Sarkar   PhD (DAV University, India), is an Assistant Professor at the XLRI-Jamshedpur, School of Business and Human Resources, India. Before joining XLRI, he was teaching in the School of Management and Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. His research interests include cross-cultural issues in HR and employee relations, trade union behaviour and independent labour movement. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Department of Management Sciences and Decision Making, Tamkang University, Taipei.  相似文献   

建筑供应链管理模式(CSCM)应用研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
供应链管理倡导合作、共赢、集成,全面提高供应链整体竞争力,广受关注,并在制造业取得很大绩效。章通过对制造业供应链与建筑业供应链的比较,分析了建筑供应链管理模式应用的可行性及实施步骤,研究了建筑供应链管理模式的发展趋势,并对供应链建筑管理模式与传统建筑管理模式进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

市场竞争已成为供应链与供应链之间的角逐,如何加强企业供应链成本的控制和管理,是现代企业不得不面对的重要问题。本文选取了两种较新的成本管理方法——供应链平衡计分法和作业成本法加以分析,并对实施过程中应注意的关键问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

A knowledge-enabled procedure for customer relationship management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The value of knowledge management and customer relationship management is well recognized by many leading companies. This study presents a proposed model of Knowledge-enabled Customer Relationship Management and demonstrates the way in which the presented model can facilitate the identification of important factors that have key impacts on business performance in particular settings. The results show that employees in the steel industry indicate that to provide product and service information for customers and to share internally the best practice information can have benefits for hard measures such as market share, repeat purchases, and customer retention and for soft measures such as customer satisfaction, market leadership and customer loyalty. Employees in the textile industry report that to provide customer complaint information of customers and to share internally the best practice information can have benefits for hard measures such as customer retention, cost savings, and market share and for soft measures such as customer satisfaction, market leadership, customer loyalty, and customer and employee productivity.  相似文献   

R&D Management has consistently been considered one of the top technology and innovation management journals since its inaugural issue in 1970. The purpose of this paper is to use bibliometric techniques to examine R&D Management in four time periods, 1986–1990, 1991–1995, 1996–2000, and 2001–2005 in order to reveal changes in its intellectual base. Bibliometric research has illuminated the knowledge domains of several technology and innovation management journals including R&D Management Linton and Thongpapanl, but there has not previously been a comprehensive detailed analysis focused only on R&D Management . Using co-citation analysis, this paper identifies the invisible colleges (research networks) associated with publications in R&D Management . The results indicate that Cohen and Levinthal's absorptive capacity model dominates the final two periods. The conclusions suggest how the absorptive capacity model might be more effectively utilized in future R&D Management research.  相似文献   

管理信息系统是企业实现现代化管理的平台,P、D、C、A循环是质量管理的方法,如何将两者结合在一起,是优化企业财务管理的有效手段,本文在这里做了一些尝试.  相似文献   

由于我国电力立法滞后于电力体制改革,电力行政执法主体事实上的缺位现象直接导致了电力行政执法难。其根本原因在于行使电力行政执法权的电力管理部门不具备相应的人力、物力资源及经验。本文通过对电力行政执法几种模式的分析,认为现行体制下通过地方立法授权地方电力设施(和电能)保护领导小组或该小组下设的办公室行使电力行政执法权,并将该办公室设置在地方电网经营企业,有望达到电力行政执法效能的最大化。  相似文献   

目前项目管理软件系统如雨后春笋般涌现出来,一方面使软件有更大的选择空间,另一方面也给软件的选择带来了困难。基于这一原因,章分析了目前项目管理软件的系统的功能、分类及其发展趋势,以利于需求选择项目管理软件系统。  相似文献   

R & D Managers use computers extensively in solving technical problems. This paper examines the use they make of computers in solving Management problems. Applications of computers to various aspects of R & D programme formulation, project planning, technical information storage and retrieval, management information systems, and computer-aided training have been investigated by many companies and, in some cases, have been implemented. Some of the techniques have become well established but others are still at a development stage. No attempt has been made to evaluate the techniques described. This topic was the subject of a study by a Working Group of the European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA), and a report ‘Computers as Aids to R & D Management’ was distributed to members of the Association. EIRMA has now agreed to release information contained in that report and this paper is based on that information updated by the author, who was Chairman of the EIRMA Working Group.  相似文献   

It is well-known that some cognitive factors such as opportunity perception and risk perception influence entrepreneurial risk-based decision-making (RBDM). This paper proposes some rules of entrepreneur's risk decision-learning to address this RBDM taking cognitive factors into consideration. The learning mechanisms of entrepreneurial team's RBDM is derived based on entrepreneur's perception evolution. The paper employs a system dynamics model to analyze the entrepreneurial team's risk decision-learning. A case study is conducted to demonstrate the entrepreneurial RBDM process with cognitive factors.  相似文献   

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