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人体干细胞(Stemcell)是指存在于胚胎一直到成年的人体内一些具有特殊潜能的细胞。这些细胞可分化成熟为有特定功能的体细胞,如肌肉细胞等。随着个体的发育和成熟,这些细胞在人体内会逐渐减少。所有的干细胞都具备两个显著的特性,一是能自我更新复制,但不分化,这样可以终生保持所谓“干细胞”的潜能;二是这些细胞在适宜的环境和诱导下,可以分化并产生出人体某个系统,甚至多个系统的各种细胞,并且在体内发育为有功能的器官和组织。正是后者,使得干细胞在医疗上具有极其重要的应用价值,如脊髓损伤治疗、人体器官的复制、帕金森…  相似文献   

干细胞研究及美国政府相关政策走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20年前,科学家首次从小鼠胚泡中分离获得胚胎干细胞,并于 1998年首次分离获得人胚胎干细胞,从此干细胞研究成为生物学的热门领域,并不时有相关论文发表在一流刊物。 2000年 10月《自然神经学》杂志报道神经干细胞可被诱导分化为骨髂肌细胞,再次掀起有关成体干细胞多能性的研究热潮。   尽管干细胞研究取得重大进展,但有关干细胞发育和分化的机制仍然面临许多问题和重大挑战,如成体干细胞是否和胚胎干细胞一样具有相同的潜能 ?人胚胎干细胞能否像受精卵一样在体外发育成胚胎 ?是否存在最基本的成体干细胞或是有许多不同类型 ?等等。…  相似文献   

干细胞研究和用干细胞技术修复坏死组织在短短的几年中已经成为一个非常热门的研究领域。特别是进入新世纪后,干细胞研究取得了很大的进展。其广阔的医疗前景、巨大的商机以及在伦理道德方面引起的争议使其成为医学界、企业界、宗教界、政府等有关部门非常关注的议题。由于干细胞具有再生为各种组织器官的潜能,医学专家希望将干细胞分离并使它们向特定的方向分化,用其代替病变组织。尽管这是一件非常困难的事,但医学研究人员对这项研究寄予很大的期望,期待着通过干细胞来医治像心肌梗塞、糖尿病、帕金森症以及老年痴呆症等多种疑难疾病…  相似文献   

《欧洲研究人员宪章》是由一整套总则和规定所组成,它确定了研究人员、雇主以及研究人员的资助者的作用、责任及其应得的权利。制定宪章的目的是要保证研究人员、雇主或资助者之间的关系的性质是有助于知识的产生、转移、分享、传播和技术开发以及研究人员事业发展的成功。  相似文献   

在美联邦政府对干细胞研究有保留态度的情况下,为促进加州干细胞研究,2004年11月,加州民众全民投票通过加州第71号提案,授权州政府在未来10年,通过发行公债筹集资金30亿美元,开展干细胞研究.2005年初,州政府为此设立了一个新机构,即加州再生医学研究所,来掌管此项经费,负责组织和管理研究项目的实施.加州是美国第一个通过民众公决而支持干细胞研究的州.州长施瓦辛格带头积极推动民众投票,并呼吁支持71号提案.  相似文献   

版式是刊物各种内容编排布局的整体表现形式,是一本杂志潜在的艺术灵魂。版式设计又叫版面设计或正文设计,是正文全部格式的安排方式,包括标题的占行和装饰,正文的排式、表格、图名、图注、注释等各项文字的字体、字号和行空规格,版心的大小和边空尺寸,排版要求以及所有上述各方面的相互配合等等。因此,版式设计是期刊排字前的一项主要工作,它的具体作用一是帮助读者对期刊内容做出评价分类;二是便于读者选择性阅读;三是帮助读者识别期刊个性;四是可以看出一个国家或地区的文化科技水平。版式设计按工作性质来分,应属于技术设计…  相似文献   

The Economic and Political Studies (EPS) is a peer-reviewed biannual journal. The EPS seeks to promote the studies of economics and politics by addressing issues concerning China and its interaction with the world, encouraging an interdisciplinary approach, while exploring critiques from various perspectives. The journal also provides an international forum for innovative theoretical and empirical work where the fields of economics and politics intersect. Both qualitative and quantitative articles are eligible for possible publication in the journal. The journal also considers related areas such as international economics, development economics, comparative political economy, international relations, and political philosophy, making the EPS an essential reference for in-depth knowledge and up-to-date coverage of economics and politics.  相似文献   

党的十八大提出了全面建成小康社会的宏伟目标,并将解决好贫困地区贫困人口的脱贫工作作为全面建成小康社会关键,提出了"精准扶贫"的一系列思想理念和措施。对于社会主义国家开展扶贫工作,我们一般从社会主义的本质论上来认识,特别是将其作为实现共同富裕的社会主义目标上来进行论述;其实,开展扶贫工作也是评价国家制度价值的一项标准,有着伦理学的理论依据。文章拟从国家制度价值标准的角度来分析国家开展制度性扶贫的政治伦理、经济伦理和生态伦理等,揭示中国作为社会主义国家开展扶贫的制度选择的必要性和社会发展紧迫性。  相似文献   

经济研究选题问题略议丹秋同其他社会科学研究一样,经济研究的选题非常重要。毫不夸张地说,选题的成功与否,在一定程度上关系到经济研究的成败。现在有不少经济问题研究爱好者,常常苦于无题可选,好象有价值的研究课题。别人都已做过了。其实事情远不是这样。与其他任...  相似文献   

张丽丽 《经济论坛》2010,(11):136-139
在全球化趋势的大背景下,农产品贸易日趋增加。不过中国农产品出口一般属于低质低价型,且在出口过程中遭遇一系列技术壁垒,要想顺利出口,实现优质优价,农产品升级迫在眉睫。本文通过具体的案例研究,探讨如何在全球化趋势下顺利实现农产品升级。农产品公司出口的主要动机在于追求利润,在升级过程中会受到进口方很多质量方面的标准限制,但并未接受到相关帮助。升级的实现一般是通过农产品公司自发实现的。最后就如何帮助我国农产品升级提供相关政策性建议。  相似文献   

随着全球化的纵深发展,全球公域开始成为学界新的研究热点。美国是新一轮全球公域研究的源地,而我国的全球公域研究仍处于起步阶段,但已经在环境和法律维度及战略和安全维度取得不少有益的成果。本文着重对国内学术界在全球公域问题的研究进行回顾和梳理,在此基础上总结已有研究的特点,提出简要评价和展望,以期推动该领域研究的深化和不断发展。  相似文献   

WANG Shi-fei, FAN Wang-bang In recent years China's housing price keeps going up and Chinese government has adopted some measures to control it, but the result is not satisfying. The current situation is that the housing price goes up among goverment's effort to control it. Based on view of demand and housing price, the paper has a deep analysis on relation between demand and housing price. The analysis shows that overdemand and low financial threshold lead to high price of housing. After having a test on bubble in housing market, the paper puts forward some measures to promote sound development of housing industry in China.  相似文献   

On Cost of Technology Transfer and Reform of China's Science and Technology System
WANG Tian-jiao The paper explains the definition and theory of technology transfer cost and makes an analysis on the reform of science and technology system in China. Technology transfer consists of three links of knowledge and technology development, technology transfer and technological industrialization. The total cost of the three links is the technology transfer cost. Lowering it must optimize the input of knowledge and technology development and technological industrialization. Whether enterprises choose the integration of research and industrialization or mixed model depends on technology transfer border, not on non-technology transfer border.  相似文献   

Evolution of China's Land System since Founding of CPC and its Meaning;Empirical Study on Relation between Economic Growth and Employment Growth in China;On Industrial Cluster of Aerospace Equipment Manufacturing in Shanxi Province.  相似文献   

Dream of Science and Technology Supports Chinese Dream
WU Pei-fen
Chinese dream is to make Chinese nation more powerful and dream of science and technology is to speed up development of China's science and technology. Chinese dream can not be realized without independent innovation or dream of science and technology. Dream of science and technology can be helpful for China to advance its economic transformation, supply a protection for its ecological environment and promote its further opening to outside world.  相似文献   

Cultivating Industrial Ecological Circle of Whole Region in View of Internet Thinking  相似文献   

Occupation, Income and Social Satisfaction Degree: Analysis on Relation between Income of Different Social Groups and Happiness Degree
ZHOU Yi, CHEN Hui-xiong
Based on investigation data, this paper makes an analysis on happiness index of different income social groups and finds out that happiniss has a close connection with income. The relation curve keeps on a rising tendency. Occupation, income and social satisfaction degree are main factors lowing happiness degree of residents. In particular, development opportunity of occupation, income level of family members and social justice and fairness are paid high importance, which shows governments at different levels should further expand employment, increase income and better social conditions, which can increase happiness degree of residents.  相似文献   

International Comparative Analysis on Income Redistribution of China --Compared with America, Japan and Mexico  相似文献   

On Influence of Marketization of Interest Rate ZHANG Hai-xia, PU Yan China started the reform of marketization of interest rate in 1996. The reform can increase efficiency of monetary policy and promote economic growth and financial innovation, while it brings about some problems and challenges. Marketization of interest rate makes it more difficult for monetary policies to adjust economy and it increases operating risk of business banks. So it is necessary for us to gradually push forward the marketization of interest rate and to decrease the risk.  相似文献   

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