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肉鸡产品价格形成、产业链成本构成及利润分配调查研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2007年以来,我国以肉禽制品等为代表的农产品价格大幅上涨,引起了社会各界的关注.为了准确掌握肉禽制品的价格形成、传导机制、涨价原因以及涨价过程中各环节的利益分配,本文采取全程跟踪的方法选择肉鸡产品对其生产、加工、流通、销售等各环节进行实地调查.分析表明,肉鸡产品价格上涨是多环节共同作用的结果,其根本原因是成本上升和产后各环节加价.在整个产业链中养殖户承担的成本最多,但利润却较少;而加工销售环节承担成本较少,利润却较高,成本利润分配不合理.要稳定价格、确保市场供给,必须控制农产品生产成本过快增长,加强流通领域各环节的价格监控,大力发展产销直供.  相似文献   

正河南是全国小麦生产第一大省,总产量约占全国的四分之一。为做好今年夏粮收购信贷工作,前期调研组赴河南省郑州市、南阳市、安阳市进行了小麦生产和收购形势调研。期间与当地粮食主管部门、农业农村主管部门、中储粮直属库、地方国有粮食企业、面粉加工企业、生猪养殖企业和种粮农户进行了座谈,并实地走访了粮食企业、种粮大户,察看了小麦长势。总体来看,今年河南小麦种植面积稳中有增,丰收基础较好,市场各方普遍看涨后市,入市收购积极性高,  相似文献   

本文以北京市为例,对猪肉产业链各环节相关主体进行了深入调查,剖析了猪肉价格的形成过程以及各环节经营主体的成本收益情况。研究发现,影响猪肉价格涨跌的主要因素来源于生猪养殖环节,与生猪和猪肉的流通环节关系不大。要稳定猪肉价格,重点应当放在生猪养殖上。1头生猪从养殖到屠宰最后进入销售环节,利润在不同经营主体之间的分配从绝对量上来看,由高到低依次为零售、批发、屠宰、收购和养殖。  相似文献   

随着全省农业结构调整步伐加快,优质小麦种植面积明显增多。但是优质小麦的生产从选种、收购到加工各环节都存在某些问题,亟待解决。  相似文献   

按照国家现行的农业特产税政策,对生产、销售原木的森工企业,征收生产环节的8%和收购环节的8%农业特产税,同时为缓解国有森工企业的经济危困,规定在“八五”期间,对内蒙古、黑龙江、吉林森工企业生产、销售的原木减按5%的优惠税率征收农业特产税。当前随着“八五”期间的结束,我们农业特产税现行政策,对黑龙江省森工企业存在三个方面的问题:一是收购环节问题;二是税率问题;三是税基问题。1.原木收购环节问题。我省森工企业原木销售根本不存在收购环节,也就不存在收购环节农业特产税问题。国家对森工企业原木农业特产税现行政…  相似文献   

吉林省集安县的人参生产,过去一直是农业局管生产,供销社管收购,药材公司管加工和销售。生产、收购和加工销售几个环节互不关联、严重脱节,而且中间环节得利多,农民得的实惠少。有关材料表明,按一斤水参实现效益计算,农民在七、八年时间仅得纯利5元左右,收购部门一转手就赚2.40元,加工销售环节经营几个月也获利6元左  相似文献   

随着市场上原粮小麦可流通量不断下降,面粉加工企业收购小麦的成本相应提高。与此同时,冬季是面粉传统销售旺季,再加上元旦、春节“双节”效应的拉动,近期北京市场面粉批发价格小幅走高。  相似文献   

目前,我国小麦主产区基本收割完毕,小麦价格一路攀升。以河南省开封市为例,由6月初新麦入市时的1.13元/斤涨至目前的1.22元/斤,短短半个月上涨了0.09元/斤。小麦价格上涨除了种植成本增加、劳动力价格上涨、收购主体多元化等客观因素外,今年还出现了几个新的推动因  相似文献   

针对我国农业产业链各环节经营主体之间关系松散、行为冲突、违约频发等现象,在理论分析和实际调研的前提下,归纳设计了基于不同环节不同经营主体之间的动态博弈模型,即产业链生产与加工环节基于收购价格高低动态博弈模型,以及产业链加工与销售环节基于销售成本隐瞒的动态博弈模型,并求解出相关经营主体达到最优化决策需要满足的条件。为了验证模型的可行性和有效性,选取黑龙江省水稻产业链进行案例分析和经验总结,最后给出了相应的政策建议,推动我国农业产业链健康稳定发展。  相似文献   

“政策市”仍将是国内小麦市场的明显特征,并且维持价格稳定上升的政策主基调不会改变。一方面.粮食价格的回升既是市场的需求也是涉农政策的调控目的,所以长期来看政策利多。其中小麦最低收购价的连年提高为价格上涨提供了有力的支撑。目前,最低收购价已成为小麦收购市场的指导价,而国家对最低收购价小麦竞价销售的成交均价也对小麦市场价格起到了标杆作用。另一方面,粮价的上涨以稳定为前提。  相似文献   

[目的]近年来,随着中国经济和农业的不断发展,我国已经成为世界上最大的小麦生产、消费国。小麦市场的变动会对我国粮食产业产生巨大影响,因此,对小麦生产成本收益的变化进行探究,可以从整体上把握小麦产业的生产情况,便于国家、厂商以及农户做出适当的调整措施,促进我国小麦产业的可持续性发展。[方法]文章通过对全国农产品成本资料收益汇编数据及农业农村部2018年主产区小麦调研数据进行分析,探讨2012—2017年我国小麦成本收益变化趋势。[结果]我国小麦生产总成本快速增长,总成本从2012年的830.44元/hm~2上涨至2017年的1 007.64元/hm~2,化肥费、机械作业费、人工成本、土地成本在总成本中所占比重较大。小麦的产值与现金收益虽然保持增长,但净利润与成本利润率呈下降趋势,总成本的增长速度快于总收益的增长速度。[结论]小麦生产成本收益变化的原因为小麦产量减少、生产成本上升以及市场价格降低,并且提出了依靠科技提高小麦产量、维护农资市场价格稳定等一系列针对性的建议与措施。  相似文献   

We examine the effect of wheat stocks on the relationship between port and inland wheat prices in western Canada after the dissolution of the Canadian Wheat Board in 2012. Standard statistical tests find no evidence that the port price is cointegrated with inland prices. We argue that large harvests in 2013–2014 and 2014–2015 are responsible for this lack of cointegration. A simple theoretical model demonstrates how wheat stocks drive a wedge between inland and port prices. After including wheat stocks in the cointegrating vector, we find the expected cointegrating relationships between the port and inland prices. Using an error correction model, we show that a 10% increase in the wheat stocks reduces producer prices in Alberta and Manitoba by 6% and 4%, respectively. We conclude by discussing policy options for reducing the size of wheat stocks on the prairies.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine the financing impact of total expenditure on the use of agriculture inputs (fertilizers, labor, and pesticides), and the output of cotton, rice, beans, corn, soybean, and wheat in Brazil. We study the period 1976–2005. The analysis is based on duality applied to the production theory. The output supplies and conditioned input demands are estimated from a translog multi‐output, multi‐input restricted profit function, where the total production credit is used as proxy of the total expenditure. Farmer expectations with respect to crop prices are incorporated to the estimation based on the quasi‐rational expectation model. The output and input responses to the total expenditure are positive and statistically significant except for cotton, wheat, fertilizer, and pesticides. The short‐run output supply response to own prices is inelastic, except for wheat, which presents elastic response to its price. Acreage has a positive impact on the output supply and it is influenced by land productivity. The main conclusion is that farmers face budget restrictions to purchase inputs, and a government credit program might increase the agricultural supply.  相似文献   

Alternative specifications of models of the supply response of Australian wheat growers and their economic implications are considered in terms of the existence and nature of production lags, and the choice between expected prices and expected gross returns as the preferred explanator of producers' response to changing economic conditions. The analysis indicates that there are lags which are due primarily to the difficulties and costs of rapid adjustment rather than to the time required to revise expectations. The statistical results were similar for the alternative specifications of gross margins and prices as the economic decision variables. However, the price elasticities derived using the gross margins specification were about a third of those using the prices specification. The gross margins specification yielded additional information in the form of yield and input cost elasticities.  相似文献   

新疆小麦生产效率及地区差异研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新疆是我国西北重要的小麦优势产区和消费区,小麦消费总量和人均消费量都高于全国平均水平,小麦的有效生产与供给对保证全疆粮食供需平衡和区域粮食安全起着至关重要的作用。小麦作为新疆的第一大粮食作物,成本收益决定了其在农业生产中的比较优势。为提高新疆小麦的生产效益和效率,促进小麦的可持续发展,提高农民种植小麦的积极性和新疆粮食安全,文章利用2004~2013年新疆小麦生产成本收益数据,分析了新疆小麦成本收益变化趋势,对新疆小麦生产的单要素生产率进行分析,运用DEA模型对新疆小麦生产效率进行分析,并对新疆小麦全要素生产率增长进行了收敛检验。结果表明:新疆小麦的生产成本总体上呈上升趋势,成本收益率呈波动下降趋势;小麦生产的全要素生产率总体较高,技术进步是小麦生产效率增长的源泉,技术效率不高阻碍了小麦生产效率的提高;各地区间的小麦生产效率存在差异,但存在显著的绝对收敛和条件收敛,存在地区间的追赶效应。综上所述,提出了提高新疆小麦生产效率的建议,依靠科技进步和人才培养推动农业科技创新,加大良种繁育体系建设,在小麦新品种的研发和栽培技术上创新和突破。结合新疆不同地区土地资源生态特点、环境条件和气候特点,科学地指导生产,提高小麦产量。  相似文献   

A major concern about biofuels is that increasing biofuel feedstock demand reduces availability of crops for food and feed leading to higher food prices. This paper investigates relations between biofuel policies and prices of rapeseed, the major feedstock used for biodiesel production in Europe, and the impact of rapeseed prices on crop acreages in Germany and France. Biodiesel is an important biofuel in Europe, and Germany and France are the largest biodiesel producers in Europe. First, the various biofuel policies in Germany and France are discussed, followed by an analysis of their effects on rapeseed prices. Although theory indicates that such effects exist, we could not find empirical evidence for them. Second, using regional land use panel data from Germany and France we investigate empirically whether crop shares have been affected by rapeseed prices in the period 2000–2015 and whether these price effects changed because of biofuel policy changes. Results show that wheat shares in Germany and France did respond to rapeseed prices, but barley shares did not. Moreover, mandatory blending introduced in Germany in 2007 and production quotas introduced in France in 2005 led to a stronger effect of rapeseed prices on wheat shares, but again did not affect barley shares.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the situation of irrigated sorghum and wheat with respect to their financial and economic profitability and international competitiveness in use of domestic resources, in light of declared government policy which emphasizes shifting from traditional rainfed sector to irrigated sector for production of staple foodgrain. Domestic resource cost analysis has been employed using official and shadow exchange rates. Measures of domestic resource cost ratio, international value added, international competitiveness, nominal and effective protection coefficients were also estimated. Results indicate that the economic profitability has been significantly higher than the financial one due mainly to variability in international prices, yields and overvalued exchange rates; but devaluation of the currency is not a sufficient condition for paying higher prices to farmers.  相似文献   

河北省小麦生产成本收益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用成本分析与文献分析相结合的研究方法,对2010~2014年河北省小麦生产中的生产成本、人工费用及土地成本等主要收益指标进行了细致分析,揭示了成本收益的变化规律。研究结果表明:导致河北省小麦生产成本过高的主要原因是物质与服务费中的化肥、机械费、燃油费及人工费用的不断攀升。同时在全国小麦市场价格的下行压力下,河北省又常常遭遇干旱、病虫害胁迫,致使全省单位面积小麦的纯收益跳跃幅度较大,小麦总体收益偏低。其中,2011年与2013年纯收益甚至出现负值。该文通过实际调研,提出了加强技术创新、提高种植小麦补贴标准、提高农业机械化水平、转变经营方式,积极推进小麦产业化、发展多种形式的深加工产业等对策。此外,在稳定产量的基础上,又提出降低成本,提高小麦单价,增加农民收益的建议,进而为河北省小麦生产的可持续发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

In this article, we assess the impact of farm size on production cost and evaluate the marginal costs and margins by considering that input prices may change with the scale of production. By using French hog farm data, we estimate a system of equations including a feed price function, input demand functions, and an output supply function based on a technology approximated by a combined generalized Leontief‐Quadratic form. Our results suggest that the marginal costs are over‐estimated when the adjustment of the feed unit prices to a change in farm size is not controlled for. More specifically, the cost economies for large farms (enjoying the highest profits) arise primarily from lower feed prices, with technological scale economies having little impact. In contrast, farms with no hired labor exhibit technological scale economies and reach higher price‐cost margins compared to larger farms.  相似文献   

小麦是世界各国重要粮食作物之一,也是我国整个农业生产的基础,处重要战略地位,关系民生和国家粮食安全。但在粮油大宗作物当中效益一直垫底,在迫切需要加快农业转型升级的同时,提高小麦种植效益非常重要。文章采用2000年以来有关数据,按高、中、低等3种不同产量水平计算产值,扣除当年种子、化肥、农药等直接成本和人工费用等间接成本,对小麦种植效益横向、纵向分析比较,得出近十几年来小麦种植效益大致经历了低迷期、增长期和稳定期等3个阶段,纯收入在45~400元/667m~2之间,效益增加主要得益于粮价的提高和政策性补贴。纵观国际市场、国内政策等宏观外因条件,结合人工、地力、劳动力素质等内因影响,解析了小麦种植效益制约因素。联系实际并辅以实例,提出了小麦当前种植效益在不能依靠小麦涨价的背景下,只能依靠科技手段,进一步挖掘增产潜力,走节本增效的路子。  相似文献   

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