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压裂液多为植物胶体系,容易腐化变质。在压裂液中加入一定比例的杀菌剂能防止压裂液腐化变质,粘度下降,从而保证压裂液的性能。通常采用甲醛作为杀菌剂,但甲醛对人体具有较强的刺激和伤害,所以开发了新型环保杀菌剂FS-2。本产品具有易溶于水,无色、无味、无毒。通过实验验证了FS-2杀菌剂与其他试剂配伍性良好,杀菌抑菌能力强,加入杀菌剂后压裂液体系的耐温耐剪切性能良好。通过对比甲醛和FS-2杀菌剂的各项性能,FS-2杀菌剂不但可以代替甲醛,而且较甲醛更为环保。  相似文献   

本文仅对近年来比较广泛应用三唑类杀菌剂和新一代杀菌剂——strobilurin类杀菌剂两种杀菌剂新品种的开发进展及市场的发展趋势作一些浅谈。  相似文献   

中国环氧水性涂料市场成为安格斯和陶氏杀菌剂关注重点中国已成为安格斯和陶氏杀菌剂关注重点。最近安格斯和陶氏杀菌剂全球市场经理Mark Saurin来华,作为世界著名特殊化学品公司的全球销售经理,他展示了安格斯、陶氏杀菌剂在中国市场的未来构想,重点表示中国涂料业将成为其需求源,特别是发展更为飞速的环氧等基材的水性涂料市场。  相似文献   

综述了有机铜杀菌剂的优点、开发现状及药效,有机铜杀菌剂如噻菌铜、壬菌铜和喹啉铜均具有铜元素含量较低,残留量低,环境污染少及杀菌彻底、高效等特点.  相似文献   

有机胍类化合物合成简单、杀菌高效,使用过程无泡、便捷,是一种新型杀菌剂。介绍了有机胍类化合物的杀菌机理,几种常见水处理用有机胍类杀菌剂的合成原理及合成方法,并对今后的研究提出一些见解。  相似文献   

禁绝菌液原则上茭白不宜接受杀菌剂药物.因此,在防治农作物病虫害喷洒杀菌剂时,应注意风向,即使让无风的条件下,也要确保在距茭白田2~3米外喷药。[第一段]  相似文献   

Kusumgar,Nerlfi&Growney咨询公司研究表明,直到2013年,印度和中国市场对涂料用生物杀菌剂的需求量将以每年9%的速度增长。2008年,亚洲市场消耗的涂料用生物杀菌剂为13607t,市值1.74亿美元。  相似文献   

欧盟杀菌剂使用新规正式生效欧盟关于杀菌剂使用及市场投放的法规(2012/528/EU)于7月17日正式生效,并将于2013年9月1日起在各成员国实施。根据新规,欧盟及各成员国将对杀菌剂进行审批管理,相关产品生产企业可通过统一电子信息平台提交申请,此举将有效简化审批程序。欧洲化学品管理局将成为欧盟层面的主管机构,对企业提交申请进行审理和批复,一旦通过严格的审核程序,产品可供在欧盟使用。日本解除对我国产大葱中氟虫腈含量的强化监视检查  相似文献   

<正> W112 一种作物病害防治农药 60元 本发明涉及一种作物病害防治农药,该农药主要含有5%~80%的402乙蒜素、1%~40%的杀菌剂萎锈灵或多菌灵或托布津或1%~30%的甲基托布津,配以农药高渗助剂。本发明能增强杀菌剂的防病能力,使作物在生长过程中避免染上病害,可提高作物的产量,  相似文献   

丰硕 《致富天地》2005,(8):31-31
漂白粉是渔业生产上的常用杀菌剂,可用于鱼池清塘、池水消毒和防治鱼病等,但在使用时还须掌握要领。  相似文献   

本文从电子市场的需求和供给两个方面提出一个中小企业商家对商家(B2B)电子市场采用影响因素的模型,并进行验证,结果表明,电子市场的网站因素、创新扩散因素、企业内部因素对企业电子市场采用有显著的正向影响,其中企业内部因素的影响最为显著;而电子市场的功能模式因素、企业外部因素对企业采用电子市场的影响并不显著.  相似文献   

从工艺角度对苯部分加氢制环己烯进行分析探讨,在此基础上设计中试装置.传质、传热和动力学是反应工程设计的理论基础.材质的选取决定于反应体系物理化学性质和反应条件.设计合理的反应器、沉降器结构是实现工艺流程的关键,采用微机连锁控制的中试装置能实现操作自动化,保证系统安全运行.实践证明,该反应器设计合理,工艺路线可靠,自动化程度高,在很好考察催化剂工业指标的同时,为工业反应器的设计奠定了基础.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of faultlines within teams on cohesion and conflicts. Faultlines concern the attributes of several team members simultaneously and mirror the structure of diversity within a team. The strength of a faultline indicates the level of similarity within potential subgroups and its width the extent of dissimilarity between them. The faultlines addressed in this study are based upon the demographic characteristics, abilities and personality traits of team members. We also address the interaction of team autonomy on the effects of faultlines. Data for this study were collected by means of questionnaires administered to 99 teams of undergraduate students. The results indicate that demographic faultlines directly impair the functioning of a team. Team autonomy conditioned both the relationship between the strength of the ability faultline and team cohesion and the relationship between the depth of the personality faultline and intra-team conflict. In other words, these faultlines are more detrimental to team functioning when team autonomy is high. Ability faultlines seem to emphasize similarities within subgroups, while personality faultlines accentuate dissimilarities between subgroups.  相似文献   

Since the normalization of the diplomatic ties between China and ) Japan, the bilateral economic relations have deepened continually. According to the statistic of Japan, China passed U.S. to become Japan's top trade partner as well as is the second largest export market for Japan and is the largest import resource for Japan. Japan companies such as Mitsui, Sumitomo, Sony and Panasonic, have set the subsidiaries in China and explored their scales. This year 2008 marks the 30th anniversary of the signing of the ChinaJapan Treaty of Peace and Friendship.  相似文献   

The article critically examines the marketing strategy employed by Israeli sperm banks as sites for biopolitical governmentality of sperm consumers. The dataset comprise multiple sources which converge to provide evidence for the transfusion of militaristic Zionist ideology into sperm. The biopolitics of sperm marketing involves the naturalization of militaristic Zionism as a dogmatic basis for a “dividing practice” for the inclusion and exclusion of particular types of personified gametes in the symbolically constructed collective gene pool. The image of the military man is the idealized type of hegemonic masculinity in the Israeli nation-in-arms. The warrior-donor is both the supplier of the product and the core product itself, and his semen constitutes the materialistic carrier of his spiritual essence. Using Foucault's notion of biopolitical governmentality suggests why militaristic Zionism discourse has such potency in sperm marketing, and raises questions about contemporary “technologies of the self” as consumerist practices.  相似文献   

This article examines the effect of unionization on welfare and trade policy using a model of duopolists competing in a third market. The traditional result that the presence of a union necessitates a stronger strategic trade policy to reach the optimal level of welfare hinges on the mode of competition. With Bertrand duopolists, a union can be welfare-improving; it can also lead to a weaker trade policy, or even reverse the direction of the optimal policy. Our results highlight the importance for trade policy of understanding the nature of firm behavior and the institutional features of the labor market.  相似文献   

In many countries, changes in the pattern of working lives and ageing of the population increases the need for professional cleaning in private domestic homes. The objective of this study was to obtain basic knowledge concerning professional home cleaning. The study consisted of two parts. First, cleanability of surfaces contaminated with microbiological and organic soils was examined in the laboratory using cleaning cloths, detergents and rapid detection methods with potential for use in conjunction with professional cleaning in private homes. Second, hygienic conditions in three households were screened using the same rapid detection methods as in the laboratory experiments. According to the laboratory study, the cleaning efficiency of the non‐woven cloth was clearly poorer than that of the cleaning cloths containing microfibers. There were differences between the efficacy of the cleaning agents in removal of protein and microbiological soils. Despite the differences between surface topography observed with scanning electron microscopy, differences between the cleanability of the three examined surface materials (steel and two plastic surfaces) were small. In hygiene monitoring, the highest levels of total aerobic bacterial counts were detected in the plughole of the sink, on the eating table in kitchens and along the edge of the toilet washbowl and the cover of toilet seats. Low amounts of Enterobacteriaceae indicating faecal contamination were detected in the toilet and bathroom after cleaning. Moulds were not detected in any of the three households, and the amounts of yeasts were low. Detection methods, microbiological dipslides and the protein test, were well suited to the laboratory study. Furthermore, they complemented each other in the hygiene monitoring. The information obtained will be used for development of better practices in professional home cleaning. Good quality management in professional home cleaning and the cleanliness of surfaces in homes are important factors affecting comfort and safety.  相似文献   

The research investigates the relationship of the Big-Five of personality with mentoring receipt with the use of two independent studies. The findings of the studies show substantial consistency. Equations of quadratic form describe half of the tested relationships better than linear equations. The association of openness to experience and agreeableness with mentoring receipt is of inverted U-shape. The benefits of being open and agreeable for mentoring receipt cease to exist at high values of these traits. On the other hand, emotional stability and conscientiousness demonstrate exclusively positive linear relationships with mentoring receipt. The form of the relationship of extraversion differs between the two studies, but the overall trend is positive. The substantial quadratic component in the association of personality with receipt of mentoring means that research hitherto may be grossly underestimating the effects of personality on developmental relationships because earlier studies assume strictly linear associations. Parts of the results also imply that the associations of certain personality traits with mentoring receipt may depend upon the occupational context.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(7):1152-1177
Economic theories of commercial nonprofits and mutuals usually emphasise the advantages of such organisational forms in reducing agency and monitoring costs in markets that suffer from information asymmetries in exchanges between firms and their customers. This article examines the ability of such transaction cost theories to account for historical variations in the ownership and governance of firms in the US personal finance industry between the early nineteenth century and the Great Depression. It focuses, in particular, on mutual savings banks and their role in the development of the intermediated market for savings accounts. While I find some evidence in support of transaction cost theories of organisational form, I also find that entrepreneurial and socio-political factors played crucial roles in the choice of ownership and governance structures; mutual savings banks predominated in the early years of the industry because the form offered entrepreneurial advantages over investor-owned corporations and because in some states they benefitted from regulatory and political advantages that joint-stock companies lacked. Their relative decline by the early twentieth century was the result of increasing competition in the market for savings deposits, the loosening of regulatory barriers to entry, and changes in public policy that reduced the transaction, innovation and regulatory advantages that the mutual savings bank form had once held. The article draws out the theoretical implications for our understanding of the historical role of nonprofit and mutual firms.  相似文献   


The paper focuses on the internationalization activities of Japanese MNCs in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) analyzing data on national level considering Japan's modes of market entry in the CEE region and some of the countries in it. Major trends and the development of Japanese internationalization in CEE are presented. Individual mini case studies contribute to the analysis using the experience of several major Japanese MNCs that have invested in the region. The goal of the paper is to uncover the specifics of the internationalization process of Japanese corporations in the CEE region. Main characteristics of the penetration of Japanese MNCs in CEE are unveiled and discussed in the concluding part of the paper. The management implications and conclusions from the study are discussed further in the final part of the paper.  相似文献   

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