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The paper reviews international literature on corporate governance and firm performance and investigates the relationship in the Indian context, taking into account the endogeneity in the relationship. Governance parameters include board size, directors’ shareholding, institutional and foreign shareholding, while the fragmentation in shareholding is captured by public shareholding. A simultaneous equation regression model for Tobin’s Q, as a measure of firm performance, is attempted using these variables, while controlling for industry effects and other non-governance variables. The data corresponds to a panel of 340 large, listed Indian firms for the period 1997–2001 spread across 24 industry groups. 相似文献
文章从公司治理的基本理论出发,分析了国有企业在国民经济中的地位与作用,然后重点探讨我国国有企业公司治理结构存在的问题和弊端,并对所有者缺位、公司股权高度集中、董事会主体不清、经理层缺乏独立性和监事会作用缺位等现象进行了重点评析,最后给出了国有企业公司治理的建议与时策. 相似文献
Kalin D. Kolev David B. Wangrow Vincent L. Barker Donald J. Schepker 《Journal of Management Studies》2019,56(6):1138-1193
The importance of board committees – specialized subgroups that exist to perform many of the board's most critical functions, such as setting executive compensation, identifying potential board members, and overseeing financial reporting – has grown over time due to increased legal requirements and greater complexity of the environment in which firms operate. This has resulted in a large body of work examining board committees across the accounting, finance, and management disciplines. However, this research has developed rather independently within each discipline, preventing scholars and practitioners from developing a comprehensive understanding of board committees. To address this issue, we conduct a comprehensive review of the literature that: 1) summarizes and synthesizes antecedents and outcomes associated with board committees in publicly‐traded firms in English common law countries; and 2) offers a critical analysis of existing research, providing recommendations for advancements and new directions in board committee research. 相似文献
董事会治理和行业竞争作为两种不同的治理机制对公司绩效产生重要的影响,本文以2010-2012年国有上市公司为研究样本进行实证分析,结论表明,行业竞争环境以及董事会治理都与公司绩效之间有显著相关关系。 相似文献
公司治理结构中的博弈分析 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
在现代公司中,处于各权力关系中心的是所有者和经营者,因而所有者行为人对经营者即公司支配和控制行为人的监督以及激励就成为公司治理的核心和关键。本文采用博弈论的分析方法,专门从所有者对经营者监督的角度,对所有者与经营者之间的博弈行为展开分行。文章分别在股权结构分散与股权结构集中两种情况下,对所有者与经营者之间的博弈行为进行分析,并最终得出了所有者与经营者在两种情况下混合策略的纳什均衡。 相似文献
上市公司监事会应向全体股东负责,对公司财务以及公司董事、经理和其他高级管理人员履行职责的合法合规性进行监督,维护公司及股东的合法权益。监事有了解公司经营情况的权利,并承担相应的保密义务。监事会可以独立聘请中介机构提供专业意见。上市公司应采取措施保障监事的知情权,为监事正常履行职责提供必要的协助,任何人不得干预、阻挠。 相似文献
上市公司董事会可以按照股东大会的有关决议,设立战略、审计、提名、薪酬与考核等专门委员会。专门委员会成员全部由董事组成,其中审计委员会、提名委员会、薪酬与考核委员会中独立董事应占多数并担任召集人,审计委员会中至少应有一名独立董事是会计专业人士。 相似文献
公司治理文化作为治理制度的一种补充治理方式,为公司治理的发展和调节起到了重要的作用。日本公司治理文化孕育了日本公司治理模式和特点,其治理文化的观念层、制度层和行为表现层在日本历史文化及体制环境中逐渐形成并影响着日本公司的发展。日本的地域环境、民族文化、经营环境和法律环境影响和制约着日本公司治理模式的运行,日本社会文化的变迁引导着日本公司治理模式和制度的变革。制度与文化的互动决定着日本公司在全球的竞争力。 相似文献
企业财务治理是财务管理的核心问题。本文运用财务分层治理理论,将财权分解为横向财权和纵向财权,并在分析利益相关者财务目标协同的基础上,提出财权的三维配置模式。 相似文献
曹桂杰 《北京市经济管理干部学院学报》2009,24(4):69-71
现阶段,规范和完善公司法人治理结构是国有企业改革的主要任务。本文根据首创集团建立法人治理结构的实践。从建立规范有效的董事会到外部董事制度的探索两方面做了深入的分析,提出了有针对性的建设性意见。 相似文献
公司治理框架下的内部审计研究 总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19
本文首先就公司治理和内部审计二者的关系加以论述,在此基础上指出公司治理框架下的我国内部审计存在的问题并就下一步如何构建我国新型的内部审计模式作一些初浅的探讨。 相似文献
本文从契约的角度分析预算管理在公司治理中的作用。首先分析预算管理的契约性,然后从企业预算目标、利润观预算和预算松弛三方面探讨公司治理中的预算问题。 相似文献
<正>2016年,习近平总书记在全国国有企业党的建设工作会议上提出两个“一以贯之”:坚持党对国有企业的领导是重大政治原则,必须一以贯之;建立现代企业制度是国有企业改革的方向,也必须一以贯之。2020年,中央全面深化改革委员会审议通过《国企改革三年行动方案(2020-2022年)》,强调坚定市场化改革方向,落实国有企业改革“1+N”政策体系和顶层设计的具体施工图,做强做优做大国有经济,增强国有企业活力、提高效率,加快构建新发展格局。2022年,《政府工作报告》指出,深入实施国企改革三年行动,完成国企改革三年行动任务,加快国有经济布局优化和结构调整,深化混合所有制改革,加强国有资产监管,促进国企聚焦主责主业、提升产业链供应链支撑和带动能力。国有企业改革是新时代、新形势、新思想下的改革。加强和完善国有企业公司治理,既是深化国有企业改革的重要目标,更是将中国宏观政治体制落实到微观企业治理的有效方式,是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要组成部分。2022年是《国企改革三年行动方案(2020-2022年)》的最后一年,在这一关键时期,思考、探寻中国国有企业公司治理的改革实践和理论创新具有特殊意义。 相似文献
内部控制与公司治理的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
一、关于内部控制和公司治理的概述1.什么是内部控制我国新的《企业内部控制基本规范》中所称的内部控制,是指由企业董事会(或者由企业章程规定的经理、厂长办公会等类似的决策、治理机构,以下简称董事会)、管理层和全体员工共同实施的,旨在合理保证实现以下基本目标的一系列控制活动:(1)企业战略;(2)经营的效率和效果;(3)财务报告及管理信息的真实、可靠和完整;(4)资产的安全完整;(5)遵循国家法律法规和有关监管要求。 相似文献
Xinlong Su 《现代会计与审计》2006,2(4):37-48
Based on corporate governance, this paper concludes that the core of corporate governance is the board of directors of the listed company. It also analyses the function of the board of directors on preparing, applying and appraising the strategic planning. It draws a conclusion that the new development of management accounting is the application of the board of directors and its several committees. 相似文献
Steven T. Petra 《Economics of Governance》2007,8(2):129-152
This study draws upon prior research on corporate governance and examines whether the informativeness of earnings, proxied
by the earnings response coefficient varies with the percentage of outside independent directors serving on the board, the
absence of CEO duality, and the presence of independent audit (AUDC), compensation (COMC), and nominating (NOMC) committees.
The results suggest a positive association between the proportion of outside independent directors serving on firm’s boards
and earnings informativeness. However, the results do not suggest an association between non-CEO duality, or independent AUDC,
COMC, and NOMC and earnings informativeness. 相似文献
信息不对称增加了交易成本,造成了不对称双方的"逆向选择"和"道德风险"问题,大大的降低了资源配置的效率。分析了信息不对称对上市公司治理的影响,结合欧美发达国家成熟的公司治理经验,对相关问题提出了对策。 相似文献
Wayne Grossman 《Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal》2010,22(1):45-64
This study examines the effects of corporate governance and diversification strategy on organizational employment stability. Calls for reform in the governance of public corporations have led to the adoption of practices that render senior executives more accountable to shareholders. However, the extant corporate governance literature suggests that mechanisms which make managers more accountable to shareholders might introduce a short-term bias to top managers’ decision-making. Arguing that employment stability reflects a long-term decision-making orientation, results of this study show that firms with boards comprised of a greater proportion of independent, or “outside,” directors have lower levels of aggregate employment stability. In contrast, findings indicate that more diversified firms tend to have higher levels of aggregate employment stability. 相似文献
《Journal of Transnational Management》2013,18(3):19-38
Abstract The paper explores evolution and current state of the Russian corporate governance in cultural context. Russia has a relatively short history of corporate governance, and securities market and stock capital play a less significant role, compared to the West. The evolution of culture and corporate governance is analyzed in a comparative setting. Under the Soviet framework, business and corporate developments were non-existent or severely restricted. The post-Soviet capitalism is characterized by dynamic and turbulent developments in corporate governance and business culture. The paper examines the Russian findings from the recent international studies of culture and explores cultural impact on corporate governance in the country. 相似文献