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从单一到多元 从制造到服务——鲁尔转型之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为曾经的世界城市,通过几十年的努力,鲁尔区成功实现了产业结构从单一到多元,从制造到服务的转型,从煤炭及钢铁制造中心转变为以传统工业为基础,高新技术产业为龙头,产业协调发展的多元化综合经济区。在转型过程中鲁尔区先后采用了再工业化和新工业化的产业结构调整战略,结合自身基础,采取了合理选择新的主导产业、体制创新等一系列措施。虽然鲁尔区在政府和体制环境等方面与中国的城市存在着许多差异,但其转型经验对中国城市的发展特别是老工业基地的改造和升级具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

针对城市旧工业区更新发展中存在的物质环境更新与经济社会发展不平衡、局部地区更新与地区整体发展不平衡的问题,结合当前文化需求不断提高的国民经济发展阶段,探讨了文化规划的内涵及其对旧工业区再生的意义,提出以文化规划为主导进行旧工业区再开发的主张,并结合实例分析了文化规划主导下的以发展文化产业为特征的经济目标引导型、以引入文化事件塑造城市品牌为特征的社会发展引导型和以建设标志性文化设施为特征的物质环境目标引导型三种旧工业区的再生类型。  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖的背景下,在低碳经济逐渐成为一种新的经济发展模式的前提下,资源型城市如何实现产业低碳转型成为一个迫切需要解决的重大课题。文章以白银市为例,首先介绍了白银市的基本情况和产业转型中面临的主要问题,然后分析了不同经济条件下资源型城市产业转型的总体思路,最后提出了白银市低碳经济条件下产业转型的对策建议和战略框架。  相似文献   

警惕我国企业集群发展中潜在问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
企业集群是当今区域经济发展规划的新趋势 ,引起了多学科领域学者关注。我国已经出现了一些企业集群的雏形 ,但是这些企业集群都存在不同的问题。以东莞、温州及部分的高新区为例 ,从各自的形成过程、发展轨迹等角度 ,讨论了各具特色的区域集群存在的不同性质的问题  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, a total of 221 small- and medium-sized rural industrial estates have been established primarily to induce economic growth into the rural areas in Korea. Despite a growing interest in the performance of the rural industrial estates, it has not been closely examined. The purpose of this paper is to find the plausible factors that have a significant influence on the performance of the rural industrial estates, thereby providing a general understanding of the structural relationship between the estate performance and its determinants. An econometric modeling approach, called LISREL, is used to carry out this evaluation. Of several influential determinants distinguished, seven variables appear to be of substantial significance. They include the urbanization and industrialization of the estate host community, the accessibility of the individual estates to the major cities, the distances from the estates to the large industrial complexes, the local tax rates, and the government loans and incentives. The findings imply that more favorable are the estates constructed within the labor market boundaries of the major cities and adjacent to large industrial complexes. In addition to the location and environmental factors, financial funds and incentives will continue to remain as an influential factor for the success or failure of the estates.  相似文献   

The city of Bilbao has made use of a museum as one of the multiple means to restructure its former industrial base. However, the effectiveness of this costly formula is not always clear. Three major issues have arisen: the effects of Guggenheim Museum Bilbao on Bilbao’s image, the effects on overnight stays, and the effects on the local economy. There is little debate about the first issue, and room for more evidence on the second and third issues. The aim is to quantify the museum’s impact on tourism and employment and to calculate its yield (Return on Investment and Net Present Value). The approach adopted is the quantitative analysis of statistical data to try to isolate the economic contribution of the Guggenheim.  相似文献   

东北老工业基地资源型城市旅游发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着东北亚区域经济和地缘政治合作进程的推进,东北地区的战略地位日益突显,东北老工业基地进入了重要的战略机遇期。资源型城市转型和接续产业培育成为东北老工业基地振兴的关键环节,受到国内外的广泛关注;而旅游产业具有高度的产业关联性,是资源型城市转型的一个有效途径。文章以我国东北老工业基地的16个地级资源型城市为例,通过旅游产业区位熵、弹性系数和集中系数等相关指标,揭示旅游产业发展潜力和存在的问题,并提出了东北老工业基地资源型城市旅游产业发展对策。  相似文献   

High levels of occupational specialization, problems of cross-functional integration and distinct bureaucratic tendencies have traditionally been seen as problems endemic to British management practice. Over the last decade, these problems are expected to have disappeared - or at least diminished - as major developments in management and organizational theory, as well as changing economic circumstances, have redirected management thinking towards ‘new’ ideas of flatter, simpler organizational structures, increased flexibility and decentralization, improvements in the quality of inter-functional relations and the like. Yet, despite these developments, there is comparatively little research that has investigated actual patterns of change within management and, in particular, what is happening in what could be regarded as the mainstream of British industry - namely, ‘ordinary’, medium-sized firms operating in ‘traditional’ industrial sectors. Moreover, rarely does such research focus upon the implications of management change for the strategies of professionalization adopted by competing specialist occupational groups within management. This paper sets out to help fill these gaps, by reporting the findings from case studies of four such firms, taking into account the particular contexts and historical circumstances that have helped shape any such change and drawing out the key influences on changed management practice.  相似文献   

李艳 《价值工程》2012,31(26):146-147
随着2010年世博会以及2011年世园会的胜利召开,我国的会展旅游已经进入到飞速发展的时期,纵观中国会展都市发展情况,上海,北京,广州作为一线会展城市的优势已经凸显,而目前,中国整体会展旅游城市发展并不均衡,西北部明显落后于东部及沿海城市,而西安作为西部龙头城市,有着丰富的人文,历史资源优势,并拥有国家高新产业开发区,但是,其资源优势,经济地位并未能使西安成为中国的会展强市,本文通过分析西安会展旅游发展中存在的优势、不足以及原因解析,对打造未来西安会展旅游强市给出了相应对策建议。  相似文献   

Eco‐city projects are becoming increasingly prevalent throughout the globe and are often marketed as ‘new’ urban environments focused on achieving sustainable urban living while promoting environmental–economic transitions towards a low‐carbon technological and industrial base. The article argues for the need to consider the thermal aspects of urban metabolism, while at the same time focusing on the link between individual buildings and eco‐city master plans and wider economic development strategies at a state level. In so doing, the article encourages critical analysis of eco‐city design and planning, while keeping a focus on the role of specific building structures within eco‐cities as examples of the intermeshing of what can be termed a ‘political ecology of scale’ which stretches from specific buildings' climatic characteristics, to the metabolic master plan for eco‐cities, to provincial, regional and state‐level plans for the integration of eco‐cities within wider economic and political development trajectories. The article focuses on Masdar, in Abu Dhabi, an eco‐city under construction at the time of writing.  相似文献   

纵观我国整个经济工业的发展进程,自改革开放以来,特别是中国加入世界贸易组织以后,我国的工业经济一直都在快速的发展与进步,但是和发达国家还是存在一定的差距,所以我们应该对我国的工业经济所有制结构进行分析与讨论,从而解决我国目前存在的工业发展问题。  相似文献   

近些年,面对改革开放所带来的各方面的变化,以及沿海新兴工业迅猛发展所带来的巨大冲击,我省老工业基地的体制性、结构性矛盾日益突出,遇到了许多难以想象的困难,加之国有老企业承担了大量的改革和体制转换成本,严重影响了其在新形势下的顺利发展。如何在国家实施老工业基地改造振兴战略中实现我省老工业基地可持续发展与全面振兴,是我省经济和社会发展面临的重要问题。  相似文献   

发展都市旅游业的先决条件与战略模式   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
都市旅游业是城市发展的重要战略之一。发展都市旅游业当然要突破过去“就资源论开发”的传统思想误区 ,但还是要具备一定的基本的先决条件。因此应该因地制宜地采取相应的发展战略。在实际操作过程中 ,还应该注意可持续发展、投资负担合理安排以及市场营销等方面的问题。  相似文献   

The majority of empirical studies dealing with production processes, work organization and industrial relations practices have been conducted in advanced industrial nations. This article reports on a study of the changing nature of work organization and industrial relations policies in the developing economy of Malaysia. It explores the broad patterns of change in human resource management, technology and work organization among Malaysian manufacturing firms in the context of Best's ‘old’ and ‘new’ competition. The question that arises is: does the evidence reveal that Malaysia is embracing elements of the ‘new competition’, or is it still locked into a regime of mass production, or both? The article argues that the ‘old’ and the ‘new’ competition should not be treated as a simple, straightforward duality model of development. The distinction between the two approaches is sometimes blurred and not so clear-cut. The case study observes that both systems could be operating side by side at the same time within an organization. Since the Malaysian manufacturing sector is expected to shift from simple assembly and process-type operations using labour-intensive techniques to the more advanced and higher value-added industries, greater investment in HRD to upgrade the skills of the work-force and the adoption of appropriate industrial relations policies that emphasize decentralization, greater employee involvement and continuous innovation will become crucial. To be able to compete successfully in the global economy would require a change in focus in the adoption of industrial relations and human resource development policies. For Malaysia to realize its aspiration to become an industrialized and developed nation by the year 2020 would require radical changes in those policies within the context of an integrated approach to economic and industrial planning.  相似文献   

我国快递业处于快速发展期,但是发展过程中存在一系列问题,需要进行产业升级,因此针对快递业的升级要求和快递业的发展特点,构建了快递业升级能力评价指标体系,并运用无需确定指标权重的突变级数法对快递业升级能力进行评价。本文选取我国快递业务总收入排名前16位的省市作为研究对象,结合相关数据对16个省市的快递业升级能力进行定量研究。根据升级能力得分情况,将16个省市划分为甲、乙、丙三类集团,并对其进行了综合分析,指出了快递业升级中存在的问题,有针对性地提出了快递业升级对策。  相似文献   

Recent urban scholarship shows how zoning and real estate dynamics shape ongoing processes of gentrification and deindustrialization. While studies demonstrate the impact of planning and property market pressures on the arts, less research has examined their effect on urban manufacturers in gentrifying industrial districts. Given the differential impact of zoning and real estate pressures, our research focuses specifically on how ‘cultural manufacturers’ negotiate changing land use patterns in gentrifying urban industrial areas in San Francisco and Melbourne. Our findings show how cultural manufacturers develop flexible workspace arrangements, business models and professional networks to negotiate urban restructuring and avoid displacement. Though innovative, these survival strategies provide limited ability to navigate structural barriers. Here, the presence of intermediary organizations can help coordinate a strategic response to industrial gentrification and indifferent planning policy. In our research we highlight the everyday practices of adaptation and collective action in an under-researched cultural sector to provide a counterweight to macro-scale transitional narratives. While cities have deindustrialized owing to technological and competitive pressures, to focus exclusively on this misses a range of resilience practices that have sustained manufacturers in restructuring cities.  相似文献   

中心城市产业结构优化与升级理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业结构调整作为有效配置资源的实现途径,正不断地上升为国家、区域和城市的经济发展战略。处于国家城镇体系顶端的中心城市,其产业结构的优化与升级遵循一般产业结构演变规律,又有着自身的特点。在以中心城市为核心的城市群逐渐成为地区和国家经济发展的主要动力时,产业结构的优化与升级应以区域分工为基础,在时间上注重主导产业的更迭,在空间上强调产业的对接,而原有经济发展状态及潜力则是中心城市产业结构优化与升级过程中不可忽视的因素。  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which business improvement districts are being introduced into UK cities. In advancing this analysis, the focus here is on the means through which one or two Manhattan business improvement districts have been constructed as ‘models’ of urban management, taken out of their particular local/regional and national contexts and introduced into a diverse set of local political economic contexts in UK cities and towns. Examining the way business improvement districts have become a policy in motion, the article sketches out the emergence of entrepreneurial urban governance arrangements in the UK as part of the state's changing spatiality in the industrialized economies of Western Europe and North America. I argue that these changes make UK cities and towns increasingly receptive to the business improvement district model of downtown management. Seeking to move beyond the sometimes rather one‐sided representations of policies that find themselves on the move, the article seeks to connect the ‘exporting’ and ‘importing’ zones of policy transfer, arguing for an open and permeable conceptualization of these places. It draws on work in Manhattan, New York to unpack the nature of the political–economic relations that business improvement districts were part of, before moving on to examine the dynamics of policy transfer and the early days of the introduction of this downtown ‘model’ into UK cities.  相似文献   

The compatibility between an agenda for sustainable urban development and the neoliberal economic restructuring of urban space has been observed within cities in developed countries across the globe. From providing economic support to local ‘green’ industries to creating bike lanes, municipalities develop sustainability strategies that are designed to boost their competitive advantage. Moreover, municipalities are responding to demands from popular social movements and national governments that seek to reconfigure societal relationships with the natural environment in cities. Cities are increasingly understood not as part of the ecological crisis but as part of the solution, or as places where alternative patterns of sustainable consumption and new socially and ecologically responsible industries can be developed. Over the last decade in Austin, environmental sustainability has become an uncontested paradigm that has progressively shaped the city's urban space and policy. Two competing conceptualizations of the environment, so‐called ‘environmental’ and ‘just’ sustainability groups, are explored in this article. I demonstrate how the notion of environmental sustainability has been selectively incorporated into the hegemonic vision of Austin's strategic growth plan. I argue that the dominance of this conceptualization is best understood by asking what counts as the ‘environment’ for environmentalists, and understanding the unstated assumptions about the environment shared by the business community and environmentalists.  相似文献   

刘长军 《物流科技》2007,30(5):33-35
随着长株潭一体化进程的加速,物流业已成为实现区域产业增长的重要推速器,其投入的数量、质量和方式,直接影响三市工业化的速度和水平。物流业与生产制造业的融合,延伸了相关产业链,是产业集群形成的动力和依托。本文通过对三市物流的现状和问题进行分析,探讨了发展长株潭区域物流的策略。  相似文献   

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