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Taking advantage of the liberalization process under NAFTA, this paper assesses the relative importance of the degree of trade openness and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in explaining inter-industry wage differentials for the case of Mexico. Using INEGI's National Survey of Urban Employment for the period 1994–2004, the empirical analysis is conducted on two stages. In the first stage, individual wages are regressed on worker characteristics, job and firm attributes, informality and a set of federal entity and industry indicators. In the second stage, inter-industry wage differentials (derived from the coefficient estimates of the industry indicators) are regressed on trade and FDI variables. The main findings show that trade openness does not have a statistically significant effect on inter-industry wage differentials, whereas for the case of FDI, a positive nonlinear relationship is found to exist.  相似文献   

The economic theory of cost functions is employed to derive geographic cost differentials for construction projects located across the United States. Assuming a Cobb-Douglas production technology, cost function estimates are obtained and used to calculate the regional cost differentials for major US cities relative to Washington, DC. Explanations are provided for adjusting these regional cost differentials according to additional information available on input prices or expected future inflation rates specific to particular locations.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes regional price differentials in Poland at the NUTS-2 and NUTS-3 levels. It applies unique raw-price data and calculates regional purchasing power parity (PPP) deflators for the 16 NUTS-2 regions. It then estimates PPP deflators for the 66 NUTS-3-level regions by applying the multiple imputation approach. Finally, it verifies whether these are intra- or interregional price inequalities that have a greater influence on the overall price inequality level. It is found that the price levels are significantly higher than the average in the better-developed regions and lower in the lagging ones. It is also found that it is the intra- rather than the interregion differentials that influence more the overall inequality level.  相似文献   

This study contains estimates of wage equations for white male union and nonunion employees. The authors find that nonunion wages are generally more responsive than union wages to individuals' education and experience and to regional price-level variation. Despite those differences, however, estimates of union-nonunion wage differentials based on these separate equations do not differ greatly from a differential obtained from a union dummy variable in an equation based on combined union and nonunion observations. Union-nonunion differentials vary widely across occupational groups and are generally larger in the lower skilled and more highly unionized occupations. The results for manufacturing, for which additional industry data are available, indicate a negative impact of high concentration ratios on the wages of all workers and a greater impact of establishment size on nonunion than on union wages. Data were drawn from the May 1973 Current Population Survey.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the private returns to human capital in Pakistani rural labour markets. The rich data used permit inclusion of several dimensions of human capital and control for endogeneity resulting from investment in human capital. The results suggest that, without data on determinants of human capital, it would not be possible to disentangle the separate effect of each dimension of human capital on wage differentials nor to distinguish human capital explanations for wage differentials from signalling and credentialist models. With control for endogeneity of human capital and selectivity into wage employment, cognitive achievement, but not schooling attainment separate from cognitive achievement nor long-run health status, affects wage differentials.  相似文献   

The paper considers the determination of earnings of private sector employees in Great Britain, focusing upon the importance of industry affiliation in this process. Whilst cross-sectional estimates, using waves 1 to 4 of the British Household Panel Survey, suggest industry status is of considerable importance, much of this variation is removed by estimating earnings equations by fixed effects methods. Estimated differentials are not inversely related to the steepness of age-earnings pro(r)les in an industry, do not appear to vary over time and are positively related to industry profitability.  相似文献   

Using monthly data from 1986 to 2009 for 11 major currencies against the U.S. dollar (USD), we find that interest rate differentials between nine of these currencies are generally positive (sample mean of 0.86%) but are strongly negative for Japan (mean of ?2.78%) and for Switzerland (mean of ?2.22%). Investigating empirical models of nominal exchange rate changes we find for all panels that about 2% of real exchange rate misalignments are corrected in the following month. We also find important differences across samples and for the two carry-trade currencies the key results are as follows. First, interest rate differentials have a negative impact on exchange rates: higher paying currencies should appreciate, contrary to the ex-ante uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) condition. We find that this result is very robust to money supply (M1) differentials serving as instrumental variables to inflation rates. In addition, these two currencies depreciate slightly when money supply (M1) differentials increase. Second, dummy variables for periods of market turmoil suggest a particularly strong appreciation of these currencies against the USD, consistent with the unwinding of carry-trade activities.  相似文献   

Recent research has related characteristics of cities to differences in the distribution of wages across workers with different skill levels. We demonstrate that these differences in wage differentials arise naturally as a compensating variation in Rosen’s theoretical model of inter-city wages. For example, if the income elasticity of demand for housing services is less than unity, cities with higher house prices will have smaller money wage differentials between low and high skill workers. This result has no implications for differences in either absolute or relative real productivity or welfare of unskilled workers. Similarly, changes in the amenity of an urban area may result in changes in relative wages of skilled and unskilled workers with no implications for real productivity or welfare differentials.Empirical tests in which housing cost differentials are added as a determinant of inter-city differences in an intra-urban wage differential model provide empirical confirmation of the theoretical expectations. It appears that intra-urban money wage differentials, differences in the quality of life, and variation in the cost of living in each city are jointly determined variables just as Rosen’s model of inter-city wage differentials predicts.  相似文献   

We study the relation between individual preferences for job amenities (e.g., type of work, job security) and compensating wage differentials in cross‐section. To this end, we estimate a partial equilibrium job search model on panel data from eight European countries. There are five non‐wage job characteristics and two sources of job‐to‐job mobility: on‐the‐job search and reallocation shocks. We also allow for two types of unobserved heterogeneity. We find strong preferences for amenities, especially job security, yet, these preferences do not translate into significant wage differentials in cross‐section. Counterfactual experiments show that one would need extremely low levels of search frictions for compensating differentials to arise. Lastly, a similar exercise on the distribution of job change outcomes reveals the role of constrained job‐to‐job mobility in the absence of compensating wage differentials. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey (NMCUES), which has a complex survey design, was further complicated by combining two independently drawn national samples of households from the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) and the National Opinion Research Center (NORC). It is assumed that because the structures of both national area samples are similar, they are thereby compatible and allow for the derivation of unbiased national estimates of relevant health parameters. However, even though the two survey organizations operate under a common set of survey conditions with comparable samples, the actual data generated may differ across them, over and above differences due to pure sampling error. The NORC sample had a higher representation of individuals living in non-SMSA urban areas, of individuals with fair or poor health status, and of individuals incapable of performing usual activity. In addition, significantly higher mean estimates of the number of restricted activity days, of total charges for dental visits, for non-doctor visits and for hospital stays, and of overall total charges, characterized the NORC sample. The consistent directional difference in these health care estimates indicated a data collection organization effect was operational in the NMCUES. A comparison of item nonresponse rates, however, indicated the level of data quality on this dimension was generally equivalent across survey organizations. Further, the observed survey design differentials across organizations did not significantly differ in their impact on the precision in survey estimates. When a data collection organization effect is operational for a set of related survey statistics, as in the National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey, the use of more than one survey organization should be seriously considered.  相似文献   

We link information on graduates from many cohorts to their high-school and college records and demographics to infer the impact of college major on earnings. We develop an estimator to handle potential non-response bias and identify non-response using an affinity measure—the potential respondent’s link to the survey organization. This technique is generally applicable for adjusting for unit non-response. In the earnings model estimated using the identified (for non-response bias) selectivity adjustments, adjusted earnings differentials across college majors are below half as large as unadjusted differentials and ten percent smaller than those that do not account for selective non-response.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the PPP-hypothesis over the post-Bretton Woods period using a representation of the equilibrium exchange rate (EER) that is an alternative to the real exchange rate. The results provide evidence in support of the relative-PPP hypothesis over the current period of floating exchange rates (1974–2005); while stronger evidence is found for the post-Plaza Accord period (1986–2005). EERs based on export price indexes (EPI) and constructed traded goods price indexes (TPI) best demonstrate the mean reverting behavior of the spot exchange rate as opposed to those EERs based on CPI, PPI, or the GDP-deflator. This mean reverting behavior is slightly improved if one takes international interest rate differentials into account; however EERs extended by productivity differentials do not indicate any improvements over the base model. Over the post-Plaza Accord period average half-lives of less than 1 year are reported using TPI-based EERs, adjusted by interest rate differentials. For large misalignments, we find probabilities that the spot exchange rate will converge towards the constructed CPI-based equilibrium exchange rate of up to 80%. Lastly, over the post-Plaza Accord period, the TPI-based EERs are able to statistically significantly outperform the pure random walk at short-term forecast horizons of less than 1 year for some spot exchange rates.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(1):26-42
We present a meta-analysis of the determinants of foreign currency loans in Central and Eastern Europe. We base our inferences on the results of 21 studies that provide around 800 estimated coefficients for seven determinants of foreign currency loan demand. Our results indicate that, on average, supply factors (foreign currency deposits and the minimum variance portfolio ratio) appear to play a more significant role than demand factors (interest rate differentials) of foreign currency loans. Moreover, we show that the estimates reported in the literature tend to be influenced by selected study characteristics such as the econometric methodology and their regional focus.  相似文献   

We analyse expenditure patterns for rural China, focusing on differences between families with boys and girls. The sample includes more than 5000 nuclear families from 19 Chinese provinces. Following the existing literature, we estimate Engel curves for food and for alcohol, a typical adult good. We use a flexible, partially linear specification and allow for endogeneity of total expenditures. The results are similar to those of other studies, not providing much evidence of gender differentials. We then focus on the decision to send a child to school and on the budget share spent on educational goods. Using both parametric and semiparametric estimates, we find evidence that boys are more often sent to school and that expenditures on a boy that goes to school are larger than for a school‐going girl of the same age. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of establishment- and industry-level labor market turnover on employees' well-being. The linked employer-employee panel data contain both survey information on employees' subjective well-being and comprehensive register-based information on job and worker flows. We test for the existence of compensating wage differentials by explaining wages and job satisfaction with average uncertainties, measured by an indicator for a high excessive turnover (churning) rate. The results are consistent with the theory of compensating wage differentials, since high uncertainty increases real wages, but high uncertainty has no effect on job satisfaction while not controlling for wages.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines the change in union wage differentials in Britain between 1984 and 1990, a period of considerable legislative change and marked decline in unionization. Small falls in union differentials are found for manual workers, together with a sharp decline in the premium associated with, and incidence of, the pre-entry closed shop. The decline in the average differentials is found to be largely due to the inability of unions to establish differentials in new establishments. No link is found between the differential and the probability of closure and no evidence of decline in raw differentials in a matched panel.  相似文献   

With regression formulas replaced by equilibrium conditions, a spatial CGE (Computable General Equilibrium) model can substantially reduce data requirements. Detailed regional analyses are thus possible in countries where only limited regional statistics are available. Alhough regional price differentials play important roles in multiregional settings, transport does not receive much attention in existing models. This paper formulates a spatial CGE model that explicitly considers the transport sector and FOB/CIF prices. After describing the model, the performance of our model is evaluated by comparing the benchmark equilibrium for China with a survey-based interregional I-O table for 1987. The structure of Chinese economies is summarized using information obtained from the benchmark equilibrium computation. This includes regional and sectoral production distributions and price differentials. The equilibrium for 1997 facilitates discussion of changes in regional economic structures that China has experienced in the decade.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of spatial efficiency wage premiums as a partial explanation for both inter-industry and geographic wage differentials. The empirical approach is based on an analysis of panel data for six select manufacturing industries operating within specific (U.S.) states. Besides testing for the existence of a regional "wage curve," this research adds to the evidence on traditional determinants of spatial wage differentials. An explicit treatment of regional cost-of-living conditions is unique to the analysis; also, industry wage structures are accounted for in explaining regional wage differences. The findings here contribute to an initial body of evidence on regional efficiency wages. The empirical evidence indicates that the relationship between regional wages (nominal or real) and the local unemployment rate is much more complex than implied by the wage curve.  相似文献   

Due to continued interest in geographic living-cost differentials, some researchers have used data from the ACCRA Cost of Living Index. This paper explores further the potential for using ACCRA data for cost-of-living research. In particular, it investigates the possibility of self-selection bias affecting OLS estimates using ACCRA data. The findings indicate that self-selection bias is a concern that researchers using ACCRA data should be aware of. Results using Heckman’s two-step procedure to estimate a cost-of-living model indicate promise for using ACCRA data to update and expand upon previous cost-of-living research. The author wishes to acknowledge Keith Ihlanfeldt and Cynthia Rogers for constructive comments on an earlier version of this paper presented at the 35th Meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association and also wishes to thank the two anonymous referees for their suggestions on improving the paper.  相似文献   

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