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The overall goal of this study is to create a framework for assessing the trends of China's national and international investment in agricultural research and to measure its impact on total factor productivity. The main methodological contribution is to provide more convincing measures of crop–specific technologies from China's national research program and of those imported from the international agricultural research system. Our results find that from 1980 to 1995, China's total factor productivity for rice, wheat, and maize grew rapidly and new technology accounts for most of the productivity growth.  相似文献   

Based on a macro-model framed in terms of China's agricultural, industrial, government and household sectors, this paper aims to identify the effects of agricultural production fluctuations on the Chinese macroeconomy over the period 1949–89. Using annual national time-series data, Granger-causality tests indicate that fluctuations in China's agricultural production have been a statistically significant cause of changes in other types of Chinese macroeconomic activity. Impulse response analysis shows that shocks in China's agricultural production were followed by analogous responses in national consumption, industrial output, investment, exports and income which peaked with a two-year lag and vanished after 6 years. Variance decomposition analysis indicates that changes in China's agricultural production were the most important determinant of changes in the level of national consumption and the second most important determinant of changes in the level of industrial production, national investment, exports and national income.  相似文献   

明清以来江南地区形成了相当灵活的地权流转机制,租佃制尤其是一田两主呈现出土地利用的多层次性及权益分配的多样性。而建国初期的土地改革促使这一流转机制发生了重要转变,其关键是地权结构的简约化,尤其在商品经济发达的苏南,土改中的租田处理、地权再造与地权观念的变化,影响着农村的资源配置、财富分配和权力构成,奠定了新中国土地产权结构的基础,其经验对处理当前农地改革具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Primary production including subsistence production, accounts for about 60 per cent of the national income of Papua and New Guinea. The bulk of the indigenous people are subsistence farmers, or have contact with the cash economy through agriculture, and the agricultural industries provide virtually the sole source of export earnings. The position is nevertheless changing rapidly.  相似文献   

Intersectoral linkages are analysed using a CGE model based on a SAM constructed from Indian national accounts data for 1988–89. The model includes the rural non‐farm sector, public sector production and aspects of public policy. Evidence supports the arguments of Chakravarty (1987) and Ahluwalia (1986) regarding the importance of broad‐based agricultural development as opposed to increased production in the food sector alone aimed at achieving food self‐sufficiency.  相似文献   

目的 优化农业空间布局是构建发展新格局、推进农业高质量发展的重要内容,也是保障国家粮食及其他重要农产品供给安全的重要支撑。方法 文章以高质量发展理念为指导,运用数据分析与文献研究相结合的方法,系统分析我国农业空间格局的现状、历史演变和存在问题,阐明农业高质量发展的核心要义,构建农业高质量发展空间格局优化方案。结果 1978—2019年我国农业生产重心逐渐向北推进,土地密集型农产品北移和资金密集型农产品东移。未来我国农业发展在农产品供需、自然资源、生态环境、农产品生产、国际市场贸易等方面存在诸多不确定性和潜在风险。结论 基于高质量发展的“产品高品质、生产高效率、产业高安全和经济高价值”四大核心要义,综合考虑国家粮食安全、生态安全、配置效率和乡村振兴等因素,研究提出2035年全国“六区十一带”农业空间战略格局及其耕地保护利用格局方案与相关配套政策措施建议。  相似文献   

随着我国农业产业结构调整的深入进行,农业园在产业调整过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用,农业园区集社会公益性、企业盈利性和生态环保性三大功能于一体,在国家与地区发展建设的方针政策统一指导下,结合国民经济和社会发展长远部署要求,统筹区域规划及园区当地的自然、社会资源和农业发展条件,对农业园区进行统一布置,协调发展。由于发展迅速,目前对于农业园的研究多从建设管理方面出发,在农业园区规划设计角度的研究较少,在我国建设美丽乡村背景下,为整合新农村资源、文化、生态环境等条件,促进新农建设与经济发展,新型农业园的规划设计尤为重要,文章就目前我国新型农业园发展状况,对新型农业园的规划设计进行探究,为美丽乡村建设下新型农业园的规划建设提供支撑。  相似文献   

后疫情时代粮食发展与粮食安全   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
后疫情时代,世界粮食发展与安全格局发生新变化。稳定发展粮食生产,继续解决好吃饭问题,是治国理政的头等大事。改革开放以来,特别是党的十八大以来,我国粮食发展与安全取得重大成就,堪称伟大奇迹。中国特色的“三农”理念、农村改革、制度政策、农业经营主体、农业科技创新,为国家粮食发展与安全奇迹的创造提供了有力支撑。面对当前全球粮食生产及供给面临的新形势新挑战,必须深入贯彻习近平总书记关于粮食安全的重要论述,认真学习贯彻十九届五中全会精神,进一步强化对粮食地位、功能及内涵的认识,从维护国家安全、应对国际地缘政治新挑战和新冠肺炎疫情影响、支撑国家经济社会稳定发展、加快形成双循环发展新格局和全面建设社会主义现代化国家的战略高度,坚持把“三农”工作摆在全党工作的重中之重地位,坚定不移地走中国特色粮食发展与安全之路。  相似文献   

林业是国民经济的基础,这不是空泛的理论之争,而是如何进行经济建设及农业建设的实践之争。我国国土天然形成的大格局,决定了惟有实施林农牧共同发展的大农业战略,使山区、牧区、农区成三足鼎立之势,相互依持,共生共存,我国农业才有出路。这个大农业战略简称为"林草兴邦"。林草结合,也是国有林场建设的新思路。  相似文献   

农业是我国国民经济的基础,农业可持续发展直接关系到作为国家战略核心的粮食与食品安全问题。在经济社会发展步入新常态形势下,河南省作为我国农业大省在产业发展与结构调整方面坚持以增量带动结构优化、以创新促进产业升级,增量调整与存量优化并举。文章从新常态下生态农业问题入手,分析了人口压力、农业人口素质、劳动力转移风险及科技水平等方面所面临的挑战;并结合河南省当前农业发展的整体态势与发展生态农业的前景,指出在经济发展放缓与农业改革转型压力增强情况下河南省应通过发展生态农业来进一步加快农业现代化步伐,将发展生态农业作为农业工作的重要指标来全盘考虑;提出培育资源节约与环境友好型农业、培育高素质的职业农民、培育贯穿农业生产全过程的社会化服务体系、推进产业融合及发展特色农产品等建议。  相似文献   

新疆农牧民专业合作经济组织的发展可以提高农牧民组织化程度,增强新疆农产品的市场竞争力,加快农业产业化进程,促进新疆农村经济社会全面协调发展,对于建设社会主义新农村具有重要意义。它是建设现代农业、改善农村金融服务、落实支农惠农政策、维护农民合法权益、增强农业竞争力、加强民族团结,稳定与发展边疆的需要。  相似文献   

In recent decades the intensification of agricultural production in many European countries has been one of the key components of land-use change. The impact of agricultural intensification varies according to national and local contexts and a greater understanding of the drivers of intensification will help to mitigate against its negative impacts and harness potential benefits. This paper analyses changes in land use intensity in six case studies in Europe. A total of 437 landowners were interviewed and their responses were analysed in relation to changes in land use intensity and agricultural production between 2001 and 2011. In the case studies in Western and Eastern Europe we observed stabilisation during the last decade, and no clear tendency of increase or decrease of land use intensity. The use of fertilizers and pesticides seems to have decreased in our cases in Western Europe, which is contrary to trends in Eastern Europe. Agricultural production remained stable in almost all cases, except for an increase in Austria and Romania which may indicate that the farming efficiency has increased. A statistical analysis showed a division between study areas in Romania and Austria (increasing land use intensity) versus those in the Netherlands, Denmark and Greece (decreasing). In the Mediterranean cases we observe a process where agriculture is becoming increasingly marginalised, at the same time as changes in function with regard to urbanisation and recreational land uses have taken place. Logistic regression highlighted the importance of farm size and farmer type in understanding changes in land use intensity. The dominant pattern of stabilisation which has occurred over the past 10 years may also partly be a result of effective EU and national environmental and agricultural policies, which are increasingly concerned with improving environmental conditions in rural areas.  相似文献   

The Food Security Act of 1985 sets the United States (U.S.) policy course for the five years, 1986–1990, in the areas of farm product prices and farmer incomes, agricultural production, food aid, and trade in agricultural products. It is clearly an evolution of past policy, deeply rooted in the institutional processes of participatory policymaking. The Act will have important implications for not only domestic producers, consumers, agribusinesses, and taxpayers, but alto product agricultural exporters and importers around the world. Just as it was substantially, affected by the current loss of export markets and the economic crisis in the U.S. agricultural sector, its implementation and impacts will be affected in the future by the unpredictable weather, macroeconomic conditions around the world, and international trading policies. This article examines the development of the policy embodied in the Act and analyzes its primary economic implications. Although most provisions of the U.S. agricultural price and income policy that had evolved over the past half century were continued, important changes were made. The resulting policy closely mirrored the preferences revealed from research concerning farmers and leaders of national agricultural and food interest groups. Primary changes from the previous 1981 Act were: lengthening the duration to five years; substantial lowering of the minimum price support levels; permitting a gradual decline in the minimum target prices; providing for a whole dairy herd buyout program; establishing export enhancement initiatives through credit, promotion, and export payment-in-kind (PIK); and initiating major efforts to increase farmland conservation and withdrawal of fragile lands from production. Likely implications of the new Act include: (1) lower product prices for agricultural producers around the world, and also farmer incomes if there is no income protection from national policies; (2) a similar but a less proportionate impact on consumers; (3) a substantial burden on the U.S. Treasury, and possibly those of the other nations as well, depending upon the type of policies followed; and (4) likely intensification in the immediate future of the economic conflicts and negotiations between major agricultural trading nations of the world. Research played a vital role in the development of the U.S. 1985 Act. Given the turbulent, uncertain, and important nature of the agricultural and food sector in the world, research is challenged to provide more and better knowledge for future policymaking.  相似文献   

This paper explores the links between development assistance, agricultural output growth and imports in 56 developing economies over the period 1974–1990. The empirical model treats agricultural growth and imports, savings and aid as endogenous. The analysis also accounts for differences in macroeconomic policies. The results show that aid had a positive impact on agricultural growth. A robust relationship exits between aid and agricultural imports consistent with the argument that aid helps industrialized countries through market expansion and strengthened trade ties.  相似文献   

This study evaluates spatial variation in the relationship between agricultural output and input use across Turkey. The potential impact of the national agricultural policy reform introduced in 2001 on the spatial variation in agricultural output elasticities across the country was explored. By applying a spatial production function to the province‐level data in 2000 and 2007, spatial heterogeneity in the variance of provincial total factor productivity and the input factor‐output elasticities was identified across the country. Results show that the disparities in agricultural activities and geographic conditions affected return from input factors. Empirical findings from a spatial spillover model also suggest that changes in the input factor‐output elasticities varied significantly across Turkey between 2000 and 2007, after the policy reform. Results suggest that future policy reform that recognizes regional comparative advantage through understanding the geographic heterogeneity of the agricultural sector is important for enhancing Turkey's agricultural output.  相似文献   

Productivity in Chinese Provincial Agriculture   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Technical change, technical efficiency and multifactor productivity indices are reported for a multiple-output, multiple-input production technology using Chinese provincial data for the 1979-95 period. Results show significant variation in productivity change from year to year and province to province. Using panel methods, we regress the three production indices on several factors important in explaining productivity changes. Decollectivisation in the early 1980s accounts for a significant expansion of the frontier, while rural industrialisation decreased agricultural productivity. Productivity is also sensitive to relative grain prices, to natural disasters such as flood and drought, and proximity of the provinces to coastal areas.  相似文献   

[目的]粮食问题关系国家安全、政治稳定和社会安定,是实施乡村振兴战略的首要任务。深入剖析新时期下农户粮食生产的影响因素,是保证国家粮食安全的现实要求。[方法]文章基于农户实地调研数据,运用工具变量法和样本选择修正模型分析农业机械化水平对农户主粮生产的影响。[结果](1)农业机械化水平对农户主粮生产有显著的正向影响,农业机械化水平每提高1%,农户主粮单产就提高1.219%,其中,水稻单产增加1.220 7%,小麦单产增加0.807 6%,玉米单产增加1.106 4%,马铃薯单产增加1.3798%。(2)从控制变量来看,户主受教育年限、户主务农经验、粮食补贴、农药化肥投入和平原地形都对不同主粮作物生产有积极作用,家庭外出务工占比、土地流转和气候极端变化都对不同主粮作物生产有消极作用。[结论]在农户不大幅调整当前主粮种植结构的前提下,适当增加马铃薯种植面积,提高种粮农户农业机械补贴力度,推广农机社会化作业服务模式,从而提高粮食产量,保障国家粮食安全。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of changes in the external trade environment and domestic economic policies on the agricultural development of Malaysia. The scope of this research also includes providing further insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the computable general equilibrium (CGE) methodology for agricultural policy analysis. The first analysis focuses on the export agriculture sector which encompasses Malaysia's two primary agricultural commodities, rubber and palm oil. Heavily dependent on exports of rubber in the 1950s and 1960s, Malaysia has since built a more diversified economy with strong emphasis on manufacturing. Export agriculture, however, is still an important component of the national economy. The second objective examines the influence of domestic policy on agricultural development. The simulation results demonstrate the growing resiliency of the Malaysian economy to external shocks. Also, they point to the domestic economy's ability to buffer internal Policy-induced distortions.  相似文献   

The Countryside Stewardship Scheme was launched by the Countryside Commission in 1991 and before its transfer to the Ministry of Agriculture in April 1996, underwent a socioeconomic evaluation. This study looked at the impact on income and employment both on the farm and in the wider local and national context, using a stratified sample survey in conjunction with national and regional input-output models. Case study areas were chosen in Norfolk, Devon and Derbyshire, and by interviewing local businesses, and analysing farm accounts, a clearer picture of the spatial distribution of income and employment effects was obtained. In overview, the quantitative effect of the scheme on income and employment appears negligible or mildly positive: however, there are marked distributional effects. The negative impact is most likely to be dissipated in larger urban centres and among capital-intensive agricultural supply and food industries, while the positive effects tend to be concentrated in rural areas.  相似文献   

International trade patterns are often explained by comparative advantage which is frequently thought to depend on variations in national factor endowments. Government intervention in agricultural markets may also have an impact on trade patterns. This study explores the relation between factor endowments and agricultural trade patterns and examines the impact of agricultural and environmental policies on trade flows. Measures of national endowments of capital, labour, land and energy reserves are computed for a sample of 40 countries and used to estimate Heckscher‐Ohlin‐Vanek equations with net trade in several agricultural commodities as the dependant variable. Variables measuring agricultural policy and environmental regulations are added to the equations and tested for significance. The variables representing government intervention do not contribute to the explanation of trade patterns while national factor endowments do account for much of the variation in trade patterns of grains, oilseeds, cotton, and, to a lesser extent, meat products and an aggregate of all agricultural goods. Commodities such as sugar, tropical products and fruits and vegetables do not appear to be well explained by factor endowments.  相似文献   

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