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In this paper, we provide an intensive review of the recent developments for semiparametric and fully nonparametric panel data models that are linearly separable in the innovation and the individual-specific term. We analyze these developments under two alternative model specifications: fixed and random effects panel data models. More precisely, in the random effects setting, we focus our attention in the analysis of some efficiency issues that have to do with the so-called working independence condition. This assumption is introduced when estimating the asymptotic variance–covariance matrix of nonparametric estimators. In the fixed effects setting, to cope with the so-called incidental parameters problem, we consider two different estimation approaches: profiling techniques and differencing methods. Furthermore, we are also interested in the endogeneity problem and how instrumental variables are used in this context. In addition, for practitioners, we also show different ways of avoiding the so-called curse of dimensionality problem in pure nonparametric models. In this way, semiparametric and additive models appear as a solution when the number of explanatory variables is large.  相似文献   

This paper reviews research issues in modeling panels of time series. Examples of this type of data are annually observed macroeconomic indicators for all countries in the world, daily returns on the individual stocks listed in the S&P500, and the sales records of all items in a retail store. A panel of time series concerns the case where the cross‐sectional dimension and the time dimension are large. Often, there is no a priori reason to select a few series or to aggregate the series over the cross‐sectional dimension. The use of, for example, a vector autoregression or other types of multivariate models then becomes cumbersome. Panel models and associated estimation techniques are more useful. Due to the large time dimension, one should however incorporate the time‐series features. And, the models should not have too many parameters to facilitate interpretation. This paper discusses representation, estimation and inference of relevant models and discusses recently proposed modeling approaches that explicitly aim to meet these requirements. The paper concludes with some reflections on the usefulness of large data sets. These concern sample selection issues and the notion that more detail also requires more complex models.  相似文献   

Most economic applications rely on a large number of time series, which typically have a remarkable clustering structure and they are available over different spans. To handle these databases, we combined the expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm outlined by Stock and Watson (JBES, 2002) and the estimation algorithm for large factor models with an unknown number of group structures and unknown membership described by Ando and Bai (JAE, 2016; JASA, 2017) . Several Monte Carlo experiments demonstrated the good performance of the proposed method at determining the correct number of clusters, providing the appropriate number of group-specific factors, identifying error-free group membership, and obtaining accurate estimates of unobserved missing data. In addition, we found that our proposed method performed substantially better than the standard EM algorithm when the data had a grouped factor structure. Using the Federal Reserve Economic Data FRED-QD, our method detected two distinct groups of macroeconomic indicators comprising the real activity indicators and nominal indicators. Thus, we demonstrated the usefulness of our group-specific factor model for studies of business cycle chronology and for forecasting purposes.  相似文献   

In the empirical analysis of unemployment durations or job durations, it is generally assumed that the stochastic processes underlying labour market behaviour and the behaviour concerning participation in a panel survey are independent. As a consequence, spells that are incomplete due to attrition can be treated as spells that are subjected to independent right censoring. However, if the assumption of independence is violated, i.e. if for example the probability of dropping out of the panel is related to the rate at which a job is found, then attrition may have to be modelled and estimated jointly with the unemployment duration distribution to avoid biased estimates of the rate at which individuals become employed. A way to model the joint dependence is by means of stochastically related unobserved determinants. We discuss some properties of these kinds of models and state conditions needed to estimate such models in the case of stock sampled duration data.  相似文献   

在数据挖掘过程中需要挑选出与目标维度相关的维度,可以通过相关行业的经验挑选,也可采用相关性方法挑选。文章通过对比2种方法在直投市场客户目标选取中的运用,得出比较结论,并对使用这2种方法同的结果作了对比。  相似文献   

ISs and ITs play a critical role in large complex gas corporations. Many factors such as human, organisational and environmental factors affect IS in an organisation. Therefore, investigating ISs success is considered to be a complex problem. Also, because of the competitive business environment and the high amount of information flow in organisations, new issues like resilient ISs and successful customer relationship management (CRM) have emerged. A resilient IS will provide sustainable delivery of information to internal and external customers. This paper presents an integrated approach to enhance and optimise the performance of each component of a large IS based on CRM and resilience engineering (RE) in a gas company. The enhancement of the performance can help ISs to perform business tasks efficiently. The data are collected from standard questionnaires. It is then analysed by data envelopment analysis by selecting the optimal mathematical programming approach. The selected model is validated and verified by principle component analysis method. Finally, CRM and RE factors are identified as influential factors through sensitivity analysis for this particular case study. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study for performance assessment and optimisation of large IS by combined RE and CRM.  相似文献   

在数据挖掘过程中需要挑选出与目标维度相关的维度,可以通过相关行业的经验挑选,也可采用相关性方法挑选。文章通过对比2种方法在直投市场客户目标选取中的运用,得出比较结论,并对使用这2种方法同的结果作了对比。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the importance of managing data quality in academic research in its relation to satisfying the customer. This focus is on the data completeness objectivedimension of data quality in relation to recent advancements which have been made in the development of methods for analysing incomplete multivariate data. An overview and comparison of the traditional techniques with the recent advancements are provided. Multiple imputation is also discussed as a method of analysing incomplete multivariate data, which can potentially reduce some of the biases which can occur from using some of the traditional techniques. Despite these recent advancements in the analysis of incomplete multivariate data, evidence is presented which shows that researchers are not using these techniques to manage the data quality of their current research across a variety of academic disciplines. An analysis is then provided as to why these techniques have not been adopted along with suggestions to improve the frequency of their use in the future. Source-Reference. The ideas for this paper originated from research work on David J. Fogarty's Ph.D. dissertation. The subject area is the use of advanced techniques for the imputation of incomplete multivariate data on corporate data warehouses.  相似文献   

We introduce the papers appearing in the special issue of this journal associated with the WEHIA 2015. The papers in issue deal with two growing fields in the in the literature inspired by the complexity-based approach to economic analysis. The first group of contributions develops network models of financial systems and show how these models can shed light on relevant issues that emerged in the aftermath of the last financial crisis. The second group of contributions deals with the issue of validation of agent-based model. Agent-based models have proven extremely useful to account for key features economic dynamics that are usually neglected by more standard models. At the same time, agent-based models have been criticized for the lack of an adequate validation against empirical data. The works in this issue propose useful techniques to validate agent-based models, thus contributing to the wider diffusion of these models in the economic discipline.  相似文献   

朱小虎  倪志伟  王超 《价值工程》2007,26(12):114-116
伴随着企业日常运作和客户交流,企业逐渐积累了大量的、复杂的销售数据和客户数据。如何够有效利用这些数据,是当前许多企业所最为关注的焦点。我们将数据挖掘技术引入到客户关系管理中,利用数据挖掘技术对企业销售数据和客户数据进行深入挖掘,找出客户的潜在需求模式和消费模式,并以此指导企业生产运作,提高企业的市场竞争力和客户满意度。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the monotone missing data patterns produced by dropouts and presents a review of the statistical literature on approaches for handling dropouts in longitudinal clinical trials. A variety of ad hoc procedures for handling dropouts are widely used. The rationale for many of these procedures is not well-founded and they can result in biased estimates of treatment comparisons. A fundamentally difficult problem arises when the probability of dropout is thought to be related to the specific value that in principle should have been obtained; this is often referred to as informative or non-ignorable dropout. Joint models for the longitudinal outcomes and the dropout times have been proposed in order to make corrections for non-ignorable dropouts. Two broad classes of joint models are reviewed: selection models and pattern-mixture models. Finally, when there are dropouts in a longitudinal clinical trial the goals of the analysis need to be clearly specified. In this paper we review the main distinctions between a 'pragmatic' and an 'explanatory' analysis. We note that many of the procedures for handling dropouts that are widely used in practice come closest to producing an explanatory rather than a pragmatic analysis.  相似文献   

Data are central to scientific research and practices. The advance of experiment methods and information retrieval technologies leads to explosive growth of scientific data and databases. However, due to the heterogeneous problems in data formats, structures and semantics, it is hard to integrate the diversified data that grow explosively and analyse them comprehensively. As more and more public databases are accessible through standard protocols like programmable interfaces and Web portals, Web-based data integration becomes a major trend to manage and synthesise data that are stored in distributed locations. Mashup, a Web 2.0 technique, presents a new way to compose content and software from multiple resources. The paper proposes a layered framework for integrating pharmacogenomics data in a service-oriented approach using the mashup technology. The framework separates the integration concerns from three perspectives including data, process and Web-based user interface. Each layer encapsulates the heterogeneous issues of one aspect. To facilitate the mapping and convergence of data, the ontology mechanism is introduced to provide consistent conceptual models across different databases and experiment platforms. To support user-interactive and iterative service orchestration, a context model is defined to capture information of users, tasks and services, which can be used for service selection and recommendation during a dynamic service composition process. A prototype system is implemented and cases studies are presented to illustrate the promising capabilities of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

As a result of the proliferation of Human Resource Information Systems among organizations, employee data are being used in nontraditional ways. Although these uses increase efficiency, they can conflict with the rights and interests of employees, external stakeholders, and society at large. Yet the ethical concerns associated with automated data bases larely have been ignored. This paper examines these issues within the context of three ethical theories. Implications and suggestions for managers are discussed.  相似文献   

Scientific collaboration is a complex phenomenon that improves the sharing of competences and the production of new scientific knowledge. Social Network Analysis is often used to describe the scientific collaboration patterns defined by co-authorship relationships. Different phases of the analysis of collaboration are related to: data collection, network boundary setting, relational data matrix definition, data analysis and interpretation of results. The aim of this paper is to point out some issues that arise in these different phases, highlighting: (i) the use of local archives versus international bibliographic databases; (ii) the use of different approaches for setting boundaries in a whole-network; (iii) the definition of a co-authorship data matrix (binary and weighted ties) and (iv) the analysis and the interpretation of network measures for co-authorship data. We discuss the different choices that can be made in these phases within an illustrative example on real data which is referred to scientific collaboration among researchers affiliated to an academic institution. In particular, we compare global and actor-level network measures computed from binary and weighted co-authorship networks in different disciplines.  相似文献   

Ordinal measurements as ratings, preference and evaluation data are very common in applied disciplines, and their analysis requires a proper modelling approach for interpretation, classification and prediction of response patterns. This work proposes a comparative discussion between two statistical frameworks that serve these goals: the established class of cumulative models and a class of mixtures of discrete random variables, denoted as CUB models, whose peculiar feature is the specification of an uncertainty component to deal with indecision and heterogeneity. After surveying their definition and main features, we compare the performances of the selected paradigms by means of simulation experiments and selected case studies. The paper is tailored to enrich the understanding of the two approaches by running an extensive and comparative analysis of results, relative advantages and limitations, also at graphical level. In conclusion, a summarising review of the key issues of the alternative strategies and some final remarks are given, aimed to support a unifying setting.  相似文献   

Risk‐utility formulations for problems of statistical disclosure limitation are now common. We argue that these approaches are powerful guides to official statistics agencies in regard to how to think about disclosure limitation problems, but that they fall short in essential ways from providing a sound basis for acting upon the problems. We illustrate this position in three specific contexts—transparency, tabular data and survey weights, with shorter consideration of two key emerging issues—longitudinal data and the use of administrative data to augment surveys.  相似文献   

Assessing regional population compositions is an important task in many research fields. Small area estimation with generalized linear mixed models marks a powerful tool for this purpose. However, the method has limitations in practice. When the data are subject to measurement errors, small area models produce inefficient or biased results since they cannot account for data uncertainty. This is particularly problematic for composition prediction, since generalized linear mixed models often rely on approximate likelihood inference. Obtained predictions are not reliable. We propose a robust multivariate Fay–Herriot model to solve these issues. It combines compositional data analysis with robust optimization theory. The nonlinear estimation of compositions is restated as a linear problem through isometric logratio transformations. Robust model parameter estimation is performed via penalized maximum likelihood. A robust best predictor is derived. Simulations are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. An application to alcohol consumption in Germany is provided.  相似文献   

This paper provides a selective summary of recent work that has documented the usefulness of high-frequency, intraday return series in exploring issues related to the more commonly studied daily or lower-frequency returns. We show that careful modeling of intraday data helps resolve puzzles and shed light on controversies in the extant volatility literature that are difficult to address with daily data. Among other things, we provide evidence on the interaction between market microstructure features in the data and the prevalence of strong volatility persistence, the source of significant day-of-the-week effect in daily returns, the apparent poor forecast performance of daily volatility models, and the origin of long-memory characteristics in daily return volatility series.  相似文献   

Before the development of the true dome, many ancient cultures used the technique of corbelling to roof spaces. Recently, a series of related statistical models have been proposed in the literature for explaining how corbelled domes might have been constructed. The most sophisticated of these models is based on a piecewise linear structure, with an unknown number of changepoints, to guide the building process. This model is analyzed by the reversible jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique. All models considered to date have been two-dimensional, that is, they have taken a single cross section through the dome; even when more extensive data, in the form of measurements on multiple slices through the dome, have been available, these have been averaged together for the purposes of analysis. In this paper, we extend the two-dimensional analysis to a three-dimensional analysis, that takes full advantage of the data collected by the archaeologists and of the rotational symmetries inherent in the structure.We also explore ways of graphically presenting the results from a complex, reversible jump MCMC implementation, in order to check convergence, good mixing, and appropriate exploration of the (high dimensional and varying dimension) parameter space. The model and the graphical techniques are demonstrated on the Treasury of Atreus in Mycenae, Greece, one of the finest extant examples of the corbelling method.  相似文献   

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